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Did Norad shoot down flight 93?

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posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 08:27 PM

The "rumor" that an engine was found several miles away, is just that...a rumor. A large part of one of the engines was found around 1,000 feet from the crash site, in line with the direction of travel of Flight 93 when it impacted the ground. In other words, it separated from the jet on impact and tumbled to its resting spot.

Kind of like the "rumor" of a 757 crashing into a field nose first and "vapourizing", you heard that one ? it cracks me up

There is absolutely no evidence of ANY kind that Flight 93 was shot down. None. Nada. Zilch In fact, the available evidence indicates that Flight 93 was intact, up until it hit the ground.

For serious ?
what evidence would that be ?

For those of you who think it "vaporized", I hate to break it to you but there was pieces of airliner all over that crash site in addition to pieces of the passengers, crew and hijackers.

I`m sorry , i was under the impression it had supposedly disappeared into the ground at high speed like a bad cartoon , infact so was most of the "debunker" party , where is the evidence of bodies ?

I dont understand these new debunkers , they dont even attempt to make sense .
edit on 29-10-2012 by JeZeus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by maxella1

More often than not. Think about how often the media screws up stories.

Especially when it comes to 9/11 because they had to correct almost everything they were saying and showing.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by maxella1

No, they didnt have to correct EVERYTHING. But yes, they were making quite a few mistakes.

The one thing that most people do not realize is that even in the middle of a crisis, there are still a couple of people who sit and monitor the other networks to make sure they are scooping the competition. And when that happens, the fact checking flies out the window

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by maxella1

No, they didnt have to correct EVERYTHING. But yes, they were making quite a few mistakes.

The one thing that most people do not realize is that even in the middle of a crisis, there are still a couple of people who sit and monitor the other networks to make sure they are scooping the competition. And when that happens, the fact checking flies out the window

Not EVERYTHING but almost. What network did BBC get the scoop about WTC 7 collapsing?

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by maxella1

FDNY had been saying they thought WTC7 was going to come down throughout the afternoon.....BBC got their wires crossed.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35
What hi-jackers are you refering to? The one's the Government made up?

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by maxella1

It doesn't talk about when the pics were taken, but there's quite a bit of information about the crashes. I followed both of them extensively at the time they happened, because of the possibility of a design flaw in the 737. That is the most extensively used commercial plane ever built, and the possibility that there was a design flaw was huge.

Here are some links to the crash reports.

United 585

USAir 427

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 10:32 PM
As I mentioned somewhere before I was watching CNN all day on 9/11, I watch CNN all the time, have for years.

Anyway, there was a shot of flight 93 all in PIECES in someone's driveway with some trees around and in front of this guy's white garage. I was thinking whoa that guy had plane bits all over his driveway and yard etc.

Little bit of time passes... next thing you know Old Jed's a millionaire and the plane is reported to have crashed out in a field somewhere with NO BUILDINGS or DRIVEWAY or White Garage anywhere around.

I thought hmm, that's strange, what happened to the white garage and driveway scene with all the little bits and pieces clearly shown from the helicopter scattered across the driveway and ground?

I will try and find this clip on youtube.


posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by JeZeus

For serious ?
what evidence would that be ?

The fact that all the debris, except for light pieces, was all found in a very close area to the impact site. If it had been shot down, or if it had broken up in flight, then there would have been pieces much farther away from the impact site.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 11:09 PM
I'm sorry but I must dismiss myself from this thread.

Before I do, I want to just touch on a couple things.

There are some people in this thread that understand. They know how to take all evidence and make a really good educated guess. Actually it's not even a guess it's an answer to such an easy problem..

When making conclusions you shouldn't allow your personal opinion to get in the way. It seems some people are to argue regardless of what is put in front of them.

Almost like they can't accept the truth.

Well I want to tell you this. The Government doesn't care about you. The Government lies, And you need to stop watching the show and pay attention to what happens behind the scenes.

It makes absolutely no sense for a plane to be able to fall to the ground and tumble off pieces to the point where bodies and other plane parts are completely missing.

You think that a hole swallowed a plane? You think the plane broke off into pieces through the air?

This isn't rocket science and you shouldn't make it to be. Because if planes were that unsafe. Well you would be signing death waivers before you got on the plane.

Planes have standards and need to be safe. They wouldn't put a plane into the air knowing that there is a risk if the plane goes down everything just....Vanishes.


So now that I have said that. I know people still are going to try and find some type of "Well the moon was in the right orbit, And the sky was dark" Blah blah blah. No one is buying it. And if they are, It seriously is the Nazi fluoride mind poisoning techniques that have you believing what they want you to believe.

Lastly, I leave you with this amazing footage. Footage that I know people are going to try and debunk. But you can't debunk cold hard truth.

By the way the guy is deceased and the family is afraid to speak out.

"The Old Man Describes The Huge Explosion Shook His House At Least 15 Miles Away! He thought the whole town may have been wiped out from his description..."

Don't believe everything you see on TV. But they do slip up every once and awhile. It's your job to read between the lines.

Also, It's not hard to think a missle was shot down at the location in shanks-ville.

Just like it's not hard to read about the thermite under the towers. The molten lava.. The fire fighters that said they heard explosions in the basement. They felt the explosions. And when entering the basement they thought they were in a foundry.

It's not hard to realize that the pentagon had no wingspan marks. That it's nearly impossible to nose dive and ram into the pentagon from such heights......WITHOUT TOUCHING THE GRASS?

Then the Government takes the footage?

Then again like I said, Making this rocket science makes it a conspiracy.

Use your common sense.

Good luck and I hope you all notice one day.

To the people that understand, much respect to you.
edit on 29-10-2012 by JrDavis because: Additional information.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by JrDavis

Planes have standards and need to be safe. They wouldn't put a plane into the air knowing that there is a risk if the plane goes down everything just....Vanishes.

Yes, planes have standards, but show me anything that's not going to break up, or break into very small pieces when it hits the ground at high speeds. When you slam something into a much harder object (ie plane into ground), it tends to break into very small pieces. When you slam it at very high speeds, into said harder object, it breaks into even smaller pieces.

The problem is that the plane didn't "vanish". Quite a bit of debris was found in the hole, along with body parts. You don't find bodies at crash sites, you find very small pieces of bodies. When they talk about finding bodies at a crash site, that's what they're talking about. Finding parts of bodies thrown around from the crash. People are even more fragile than planes when it comes to impacts.

But if you look at the pics of the United flight, and the USAir flight that crashed, they were in very very tiny pieces as well. There were a few larger pieces, just as at flight 93's crash site, but not very many. Nothing that was recognizable as coming from an airplane. The only reason that they weren't buried in the ground is where they crashed was much harder ground than Shanksville.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by JeZeus

And the problem is, you are still believing that the plane disappeared. A large portion did end up in the hole, but a lot of it also ended up as metallic confetti. BTW, you might want to compare our stats, before you sound off about "new" debunkers.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by NWOwned

Umm, there are plenty of pics that show his house and garage's proximity to the crash site. Not hard to find at all.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 01:17 AM
There were no real plane crashes on 9/11 and very few if any real victims.
All the conspiracy junk was deliberately added to distract and confuse while
they got on 'peacably' with real business for 10 years now, and counting.

The Shanksville fake story was designed to distract away fromthe real goings-on
at the WTC, which miraculously collapsed into a pile of rubble 2 hours after
the games began.

9/11 was a media fakery extravaganza, pushing a fantastical narrative to cover
what was otherwise the safely executed controlled demolition of the world
trade centre complex.
You were privy, on the day, to a movie, computer generated images for the
most part, deliberately incorporating contradictory/impossible imagery to
provide fodder for the more sceptical/critical amoung us for years to come.

11 years later and most as still embroiled in the fantasy, patting themselves on the
back for not swallowing the official line and uncovering and adhering to what is the
(intentionally placed) bleeding obvious.

How predictable you all were to them!

A sheep seperated from the rest of the sheep is still a sheep, I guess.

edit on 30-10-2012 by OutonaLimb because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58

Originally posted by JeZeus

For serious ?
what evidence would that be ?

The fact that all the debris, except for light pieces, was all found in a very close area to the impact site. If it had been shot down, or if it had broken up in flight, then there would have been pieces much farther away from the impact site.

No no , i would like to see some evidence that proves flight 93 was anywhere near that place.

I myself , am not under the impression that the jet exploded or vapourized , i dont even believe flight 93 was there.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 02:38 AM

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by NWOwned

Anyway, there was a shot of flight 93 all in PIECES in someone's driveway with some trees around and in front of this guy's white garage. I was thinking whoa that guy had plane bits all over his driveway and yard etc.

I think I know what you are talking about. I vaguely remember that, or a similar interview. I'm positive one of the various 911 videos has it, maybe one of the loose change ones, i don't recall.

But it was someone miles away from the crater who indeed had a bunch of damage done to his property from debris. The report I remember was also mixing in people who reported seeing the plane on fire or smoking in the air before it crashed.

Honestly, I'm dumbfounded that none of the planes were shot down, so it does make sense to me that this one could have been. I really don't know, it's next to impossible to find the reports now, but I myself watched them on CNN, and I'm sure clips are in some 911 truth video somewhere.

It makes sense, it's policy to do that if needed, and also makes sense to say no, we didn't have to, those heros on the plane did it themselves.

There's a lot of stuff that needs explaining, how were these passengers "in the know" of what was taking place while in the air? How did they KNOW the planes were going to be used as missiles? Cell phone calls, as always.... And most of us know all too well the problem with cell phone calls from high altitude at a good cruising speed. That problem doesn't exist today in all jets, but none of the 911 jets were equipped with that technology.

IMO that plane was brought down, and the hero story was a cover to make it more palatable.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 11:55 AM
I've always wondered something...

Flight 93 and the Pentagon plane would make a great cover for people needing to enter witness protection or some similar program.

Perhaps the plan was to fill the manifest with people the US Government wants to "disappear".

Just a thought...

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 12:04 PM


posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by NWOwned

Anyway, there was a shot of flight 93 all in PIECES in someone's driveway with some trees around and in front of this guy's white garage. I was thinking whoa that guy had plane bits all over his driveway and yard etc.

I think I know what you are talking about. I vaguely remember that, or a similar interview. I'm positive one of the various 911 videos has it, maybe one of the loose change ones, i don't recall.

But it was someone miles away from the crater who indeed had a bunch of damage done to his property from debris. The report I remember was also mixing in people who reported seeing the plane on fire or smoking in the air before it crashed.

Honestly, I'm dumbfounded that none of the planes were shot down, so it does make sense to me that this one could have been. I really don't know, it's next to impossible to find the reports now, but I myself watched them on CNN, and I'm sure clips are in some 911 truth video somewhere.

It makes sense, it's policy to do that if needed, and also makes sense to say no, we didn't have to, those heros on the plane did it themselves.

IMO that plane was brought down, and the hero story was a cover to make it more palatable.

Please note my original post. I understand a lot of people come on here and claim to know something they should not. All I can say is look through all my posts and check to see if I am a conspiracy nut. I don't post in 911 forums and have not for years. I do know something I should not have been told. It has been many many years of holding in what I was told happened. The reason for holding it in? I did not want to get a good friend in trouble. That friend is no longer alive so I will go ahead and post what I was told.

In closing, I have ZERO doubts that Flight 93 was shot down. Does that make all of the other 911 rumors and accusations true? Nope! It is a matter of policy to shoot down a plane that is threatening people on the ground. It is also a matter of policy to deny shooting it down.

As I sad earlier, a very good friend was a test pilot out of Edwards (and flew stuff developed in Area 42) Not prone to wild stories or telling B.S. secrets either. In fact I never heard squat about anything flown out of there until it was disclosed. When I asked about Aurora I was told the following "Aurora was dis-info, but have you ever known the military to shelve an aircraft like the SR-71 without something to replace it?" Oh and they are doing cool things with plasma that will change the shape of aircraft in about 20-30 years.

I have ZERO doubts about 93 being shot down. And I flat out laugh at the controlled demolition folks.......

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