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Is HAARP feeding SANDY? (The Conspiracy Side)

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posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by SpittinTruth

Great thread and great debates within! I believe that HAARP is definitely influencing weather. When the governments of the world choose to be completely and utterly transparent in all their decision making - including where all tax revenue is spent - then I will be open to the arguments of some of the more vocal members on this site.

HAARP according to my research is tinkering with scientific applications that are untested and are allowing scientists to tread in uncharted territory. I recall a scientist who had worked for the HAARP organisation stating he left because he had serious concerns with the management of the project. He stated that HAARP applications were potentially harmful on a large scale and that the current management and scientists were not paying attention to safety.

Is Sandy being influenced by HAARP - without a doubt yes. This is my opinion, based on reading and watching video research. When a person takes the research of our current society seriously - HAARP is a definite piece of the larger picture. As long as there are liars willing to tell lies - in positions of authority - the rest of us will have to read as much as possible and exercise our intellect and be discerning.

Over the past couple of years, in my opinion, information and disinformation has become so tightly woven together it takes a very discerning mind to work through it all. I believe you have put together an excellent opening post. As for the detractors - no one person on this planet knows everything - that is the beauty of people coming together to discuss and stimulate each others intellect.

When one person always seems to have an answer and always seems to need to prove others wrong - I pay heed to my instincts and listen to my own intellect. As for the people who have been affected by Sandy - I know that they will not tolerate arrogant attitudes towards what caused the storm - they will just want to recover their lives - and to this end we all owe them our heartfelt prayers and thoughts.

Much all the victims of this tragic storm...

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by SpittinTruth

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
an october surprise is an even that favors the incumbent candidate, gives the incumbent a victory that makes them look good. getting UBL 2 weeks before an election would fit the bill

how does this help obama ?

On a conspiracy note? Well...Hurricane Sandy destroys NY causing complete chaos; in which the POTUS has to declare martial law; thereby cancelling the elections?
What? I did say (The Conspiracy Side).

I was just getting ready to throw that one out there (on the conspiracy side, of course), but you beat me to it. Also, I've heard numerous times that there may be millions without power and up to a week which would bring this right up to the election. Several states without power and unable to hold the election along with the chaos that would be erupting in a Katrina-like event in New York City (remember, New Orleans lost all law and order in just three days) would be more than enough reason for Obama to declare a number of things, one of them being a suspended election until further notice!

On a more serious note - The Weather Channel just said that this type of track, going northeast and then a sharp left going west into the coast, has never been seen before. I was just wondering if one of the experts on here might know what could cause such a strange shift in direction. Maybe it isn't strange, I just thought it was because before the weather channel even said this, I was already wondering how it could go that way because the jet stream that far north is usually going west to east, just as it shows the two other patterns to be doing right now - west to east. Also, Irene last year came straight up the coast, it didn't take the "never before seen" left turn.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Rezlooper

Originally posted by SpittinTruth

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
an october surprise is an even that favors the incumbent candidate, gives the incumbent a victory that makes them look good. getting UBL 2 weeks before an election would fit the bill

how does this help obama ?

On a conspiracy note? Well...Hurricane Sandy destroys NY causing complete chaos; in which the POTUS has to declare martial law; thereby cancelling the elections?
What? I did say (The Conspiracy Side).

I was just getting ready to throw that one out there (on the conspiracy side, of course), but you beat me to it. Also, I've heard numerous times that there may be millions without power and up to a week which would bring this right up to the election. Several states without power and unable to hold the election along with the chaos that would be erupting in a Katrina-like event in New York City (remember, New Orleans lost all law and order in just three days) would be more than enough reason for Obama to declare a number of things, one of them being a suspended election until further notice!

On a more serious note - The Weather Channel just said that this type of track, going northeast and then a sharp left going west into the coast, has never been seen before. I was just wondering if one of the experts on here might know what could cause such a strange shift in direction. Maybe it isn't strange, I just thought it was because before the weather channel even said this, I was already wondering how it could go that way because the jet stream that far north is usually going west to east, just as it shows the two other patterns to be doing right now - west to east. Also, Irene last year came straight up the coast, it didn't take the "never before seen" left turn.

When I listened to TWC today they said the Jet Stream would be running in REVERSE for the entire extent of the storm. About 3 days!

And yes, they did say they had not seen one veer on that track when half of it supposedly sheared off to the NE Atlantic, slow down to a TS then speed up to a hurricane then slow down again and speed up before landfall.

They tried to explain that away by saying the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. But, it gets progressively cooler as it goes North so what would account for the warm energizing at landfall to make it into a hurrican again?

No explanation of why the Jet Stream would flow backwards was attempted by TWC.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by SpittinTruth


slow day on the chemtrail thread

by the way ... has anybody here heard of a much more powerful 'haarp two'?
edit on Sat Oct 27 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by PaperbackWriter

Thanks for the info. That's also curious too, why the strengthening when its that far north? I also saw that again on NBC news weather as well, the first time any tracking has had a storm turn left into the coast like this, but no explanation why. Should be interesting to see how this all plays out. Hopefully for those living in the northeast, it's just another Irene.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by tinhattribunal

.......Google is your friend on Satellite imagery.

...Also, the very reason we cannot see the Gakona facility is the same reason the others CANNOT be obscured in the same way. One can search google images with utilities looking specifically for that horizon of effect between clear and high resolution imagery and deliberate obscuring of features. What that means is....while other locations aren't on the 11 o'clock news or ATS main pages with coordinates, it's counter-productive to cover them. May as well put a sign up for what is intended to hide in the plain sight of billions of square miles one has to look over...and over...and over...and you get the idea.

I don't want to see what I've found covered over and hidden because it's common knowledge all the sudden. So...I wrote this at all to say, I believe your question has an answer in real world imagery..and in more than one nation. One just has to have the eyes and time to look..and PLEASE...PLEASE...don't post coordinates if you do take the time and find what you seek. If you do, likely, the next person out hunting will find what Google's image of HAARP looks like above. (a couple other spots already do)

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by SpittinTruth

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
an october surprise is an even that favors the incumbent candidate, gives the incumbent a victory that makes them look good. getting UBL 2 weeks before an election would fit the bill

how does this help obama ?

On a conspiracy note? Well...Hurricane Sandy destroys NY causing complete chaos; in which the POTUS has to declare martial law; thereby cancelling the elections?
What? I did say (The Conspiracy Side).

I honestly wasn't paying too much attention to the Sandy thing, but then I saw something on the news - can't remember if it was local or national, or what channel - about the possible effect of this storm on the elections. The report said NY and the surrounding areas were "scrambling" to figure out what to do in the event people were not able to vote. The little conspiracy light bulb went off in my mind.

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole HAARP for weather control theory yet - not enough evidence either way - but it's certainly, ahem, convenient for this "once in a lifetime" storm event to arrive just in time to block voters.
Specifically, the voters Sandy would be conveniently blocking would be Democratic voters, hence setting Romney up for a win even though he seems a bit behind at this point. I guess this lends credence to the theory that elections are all BS and the decisions are always already made "behind the curtain."

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:20 PM

Meteorologists downgraded Sandy from hurricane status this morning but upgraded it back to a hurricane a few hours later, after hurricane-force winds kicked up again. "Air Force hurricane hunters have been out flying in and around the storm and they found that it's re-intensified and it's gotten back to a hurricane with peek winds of about 75 miles per hour," said Chris Lancey, a meteorologist with the National Hurricane Center. Today, the storm is pounding Florida beaches with 5- to 10-foot waves and is easily visible from space, stretching hundreds of miles across. But soon, Sandy will meet up with a cold front in the northwest and a high pressure system from Greenland, fueling it with enough energy to make it more powerful than the "Perfect Storm" from 1991, Hurricane Grace, some meteorologists say. Yahoo News

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by klhbrown

Originally posted by SpittinTruth

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
an october surprise is an even that favors the incumbent candidate, gives the incumbent a victory that makes them look good. getting UBL 2 weeks before an election would fit the bill

how does this help obama ?

On a conspiracy note? Well...Hurricane Sandy destroys NY causing complete chaos; in which the POTUS has to declare martial law; thereby cancelling the elections?
What? I did say (The Conspiracy Side).

I honestly wasn't paying too much attention to the Sandy thing, but then I saw something on the news - can't remember if it was local or national, or what channel - about the possible effect of this storm on the elections. The report said NY and the surrounding areas were "scrambling" to figure out what to do in the event people were not able to vote. The little conspiracy light bulb went off in my mind.

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole HAARP for weather control theory yet - not enough evidence either way - but it's certainly, ahem, convenient for this "once in a lifetime" storm event to arrive just in time to block voters.
Specifically, the voters Sandy would be conveniently blocking would be Democratic voters, hence setting Romney up for a win even though he seems a bit behind at this point. I guess this lends credence to the theory that elections are all BS and the decisions are always already made "behind the curtain."

Very interesting. What I was noticing was this push to have people vote early. I think it was a local news segment also. The theory was that the amendments and questions on the ballot alone in Florida were 3 pages.
But, in my mind it seemed it was to cover over the fact of low voter turnout on election day.
If there were only one day to vote, then people would know if the precincts were bare.
This way no one will no the turnout.
Now throw your post into the mix, there is even more room for juggling the numbers to make whatever vote count they come up with be bought by the public.

The storm might also be to delay the count taking place.

I could see a 2000 scenario again where they don't have to actually NAME the president or who won until later in the year.

Either way it goes, 2/3 of the people are going to be unhappy with the results.
But, in some large cities, if the vote doesn't go their way, I could see there being near riots in the street either way it goes.

It could be timed to avoid this until the Jolly Christmas season. Unless, it is enough damage to be "cover" for something else. The weak projections for holiday shopping and a lower stock market.

If this could be conveniently explained as the result of the storm and not "pushing on a string" with more and more money thrown into the hands of bank execs to "fix" i, being revealed as an abject failure for the foreseeable future no matter who wins.

Yes, a very conveniently timed storm indeed.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:29 PM
Just saw this on SteveQuayle:


Just coming in on this thread, but have been thinking this as I read other threads here earlier today that have said the same thing. Weird members posts on ATS rarely get the acknowledgements they deserve as they are often times early and spot on.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by SpittinTruth

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
an october surprise is an even that favors the incumbent candidate, gives the incumbent a victory that makes them look good. getting UBL 2 weeks before an election would fit the bill

how does this help obama ?

On a conspiracy note? Well...Hurricane Sandy destroys NY causing complete chaos; in which the POTUS has to declare martial law; thereby cancelling the elections?
What? I did say (The Conspiracy Side).

I get the conspiracy angle, but there is no logic to it, none at all. seeing conspiracy in everything isn't being awake, just a different flavor of being asleep

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by PaperbackWriter

Originally posted by klhbrown

Originally posted by SpittinTruth

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
an october surprise is an even that favors the incumbent candidate, gives the incumbent a victory that makes them look good. getting UBL 2 weeks before an election would fit the bill

how does this help obama ?

On a conspiracy note? Well...Hurricane Sandy destroys NY causing complete chaos; in which the POTUS has to declare martial law; thereby cancelling the elections?
What? I did say (The Conspiracy Side).

I honestly wasn't paying too much attention to the Sandy thing, but then I saw something on the news - can't remember if it was local or national, or what channel - about the possible effect of this storm on the elections. The report said NY and the surrounding areas were "scrambling" to figure out what to do in the event people were not able to vote. The little conspiracy light bulb went off in my mind.

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole HAARP for weather control theory yet - not enough evidence either way - but it's certainly, ahem, convenient for this "once in a lifetime" storm event to arrive just in time to block voters.
Specifically, the voters Sandy would be conveniently blocking would be Democratic voters, hence setting Romney up for a win even though he seems a bit behind at this point. I guess this lends credence to the theory that elections are all BS and the decisions are always already made "behind the curtain."

Very interesting. What I was noticing was this push to have people vote early. I think it was a local news segment also. The theory was that the amendments and questions on the ballot alone in Florida were 3 pages.
But, in my mind it seemed it was to cover over the fact of low voter turnout on election day.
If there were only one day to vote, then people would know if the precincts were bare.
This way no one will no the turnout.
Now throw your post into the mix, there is even more room for juggling the numbers to make whatever vote count they come up with be bought by the public.

The storm might also be to delay the count taking place.

I could see a 2000 scenario again where they don't have to actually NAME the president or who won until later in the year.

Either way it goes, 2/3 of the people are going to be unhappy with the results.
But, in some large cities, if the vote doesn't go their way, I could see there being near riots in the street either way it goes.

It could be timed to avoid this until the Jolly Christmas season. Unless, it is enough damage to be "cover" for something else. The weak projections for holiday shopping and a lower stock market.

If this could be conveniently explained as the result of the storm and not "pushing on a string" with more and more money thrown into the hands of bank execs to "fix" i, being revealed as an abject failure for the foreseeable future no matter who wins.

Yes, a very conveniently timed storm indeed.

Interesting that you would say that. Look what i found:

They are the lawyers who have been tapped by the Obama and Romney teams to navigate any legal challenges to voting procedures or results in a tight contest that could dredge up memories of the disputed 2000 election that was settled by the U.S. Supreme Court. Leading Romney's team is Benjamin Ginsberg, chief legal counsel for George W. Bush's presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004. Obama has turned to Robert Bauer, a past White House counsel who has spoken out against Republican-led efforts to alter voting laws in states including Ohio, a politically divided state that could determine who wins the November 6 election.Yahoo News

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:39 PM
Here's a Sandy update with the most current info. It even mentions the effect on the elections.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest

Originally posted by SpittinTruth

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
an october surprise is an even that favors the incumbent candidate, gives the incumbent a victory that makes them look good. getting UBL 2 weeks before an election would fit the bill

how does this help obama ?

On a conspiracy note? Well...Hurricane Sandy destroys NY causing complete chaos; in which the POTUS has to declare martial law; thereby cancelling the elections?
What? I did say (The Conspiracy Side).

I get the conspiracy angle, but there is no logic to it, none at all. seeing conspiracy in everything isn't being awake, just a different flavor of being asleep

What was the angle on 9/11? What logic was there to flatten 3 buildings...just to go to war with Iraq?

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by SpittinTruth

Originally posted by PaperbackWriter

Originally posted by klhbrown

Originally posted by SpittinTruth

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
an october surprise is an even that favors the incumbent candidate, gives the incumbent a victory that makes them look good. getting UBL 2 weeks before an election would fit the bill

how does this help obama ?

On a conspiracy note? Well...Hurricane Sandy destroys NY causing complete chaos; in which the POTUS has to declare martial law; thereby cancelling the elections?
What? I did say (The Conspiracy Side).

I honestly wasn't paying too much attention to the Sandy thing, but then I saw something on the news - can't remember if it was local or national, or what channel - about the possible effect of this storm on the elections. The report said NY and the surrounding areas were "scrambling" to figure out what to do in the event people were not able to vote. The little conspiracy light bulb went off in my mind.

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole HAARP for weather control theory yet - not enough evidence either way - but it's certainly, ahem, convenient for this "once in a lifetime" storm event to arrive just in time to block voters.
Specifically, the voters Sandy would be conveniently blocking would be Democratic voters, hence setting Romney up for a win even though he seems a bit behind at this point. I guess this lends credence to the theory that elections are all BS and the decisions are always already made "behind the curtain."

Very interesting. What I was noticing was this push to have people vote early. I think it was a local news segment also. The theory was that the amendments and questions on the ballot alone in Florida were 3 pages.
But, in my mind it seemed it was to cover over the fact of low voter turnout on election day.
If there were only one day to vote, then people would know if the precincts were bare.
This way no one will no the turnout.
Now throw your post into the mix, there is even more room for juggling the numbers to make whatever vote count they come up with be bought by the public.

The storm might also be to delay the count taking place.

I could see a 2000 scenario again where they don't have to actually NAME the president or who won until later in the year.

Either way it goes, 2/3 of the people are going to be unhappy with the results.
But, in some large cities, if the vote doesn't go their way, I could see there being near riots in the street either way it goes.

It could be timed to avoid this until the Jolly Christmas season. Unless, it is enough damage to be "cover" for something else. The weak projections for holiday shopping and a lower stock market.

If this could be conveniently explained as the result of the storm and not "pushing on a string" with more and more money thrown into the hands of bank execs to "fix" i, being revealed as an abject failure for the foreseeable future no matter who wins.

Yes, a very conveniently timed storm indeed.

Interesting that you would say that. Look what i found:

They are the lawyers who have been tapped by the Obama and Romney teams to navigate any legal challenges to voting procedures or results in a tight contest that could dredge up memories of the disputed 2000 election that was settled by the U.S. Supreme Court. Leading Romney's team is Benjamin Ginsberg, chief legal counsel for George W. Bush's presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004. Obama has turned to Robert Bauer, a past White House counsel who has spoken out against Republican-led efforts to alter voting laws in states including Ohio, a politically divided state that could determine who wins the November 6 election.Yahoo News

Hey thanks. Yep. That seems about right. They've been planning the window dressing for some time.
This storm will give them a perfect excuse not to be "able" to name the new POTUS until later in the year.

It dulls the reaction to have it come anticlimatically during the Holiday season during the lame duck time when, I can just imagine what will go down geopolitically to fall between the cracks of not knowing WHO the POTUS is.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 09:21 PM
The Weather Channel website has a good video of the elcetion impact of the storm. Not sure how to link it directly, but if you follow the link below to the main video page you can find the video on the horizontal scroll bar under the player.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by SpittinTruth

Electricity and magnetism are the exact same force. One does not exist without the other. A frequency describes the period and amplitude of an electromagnetic signal.

Bottom line is: You can't have a frequency as described above without electricity.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by SpittinTruth

So...let me state AGAIN....that HAARP transmits FREQUENCIES and FREQUENCIES can MOVE OBJECTS! Do you understand me NOW???

Frequencies are not things. A frequency is a property of something. Electromagnetic energy has a frequency. Sound waves have a frequency. A pogo stick has a frequency.

Sound waves can move thing. A pogo stick can move things. Electromagnetic radiation, not so much, not without a minimum of an antenna and rectifier.

Acoustic levitation, yes, I know about that. It's interesting but HAARP does not transmit acoustic waves.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Also, the very reason we cannot see the Gakona facility is the same reason the others CANNOT be obscured in the same way. One can search google images with utilities looking specifically for that horizon of effect between clear and high resolution imagery and deliberate obscuring of features.
Just what is it you expect to see?

Here's what the antennas look like up close:

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by SpittinTruth

So...let me state AGAIN....that HAARP transmits FREQUENCIES and FREQUENCIES can MOVE OBJECTS! Do you understand me NOW???

Frequencies are not things. A frequency is a property of something. Electromagnetic energy has a frequency. Sound waves have a frequency. A pogo stick has a frequency.

Sound waves can move thing. A pogo stick can move things. Electromagnetic radiation, not so much, not without a minimum of an antenna and rectifier.

Acoustic levitation, yes, I know about that. It's interesting but HAARP does not transmit acoustic waves.

But it does transmit frequencies....and those frequencies can vibrate and cause things to move. How's that, you ask? Would you like an illustration? Think of the classic opera singer and a glass shattering scenario What causes the glass to shatter? The frequency of the GLASS is being plucked by the frequency from the chords. In this case, the vocal chords. Now, if a FREQUENCY.....that is audible can do that to a glass. What can a frequency that's NOT AUDIBLE do to a hurricane?

And tell me Phage....why such INTEREST in this topic? A guy of your "stature" should be shootin' down big fish...not little guppies; like me.
Did i strike a CHORD...causing someone's frequency to vibrate???

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