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Is HAARP feeding SANDY? (The Conspiracy Side)

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posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by elysiumfire

Now did I spell that out well enough for the deniers?

I'm sorry, Jacob, but I really must protest your display of glaring ignorance. I take it that for you the world is split into two groups - truthers and deniers? No doubt you align yourself to the 'truther' group, because you think you perceive hidden information that the deniers can't see? Yet, how is it oh perceptive one that you can't see the most glaring fact, so-called 'truthers' are absent of the one thing to which they seek alignment, i.e., truth!

To be honest, what you place faith into is not something I should really care about, but as Truzzi once said, "An extraordinary claim requires an extraordinary proof." Carl Sagan then popularized this statement into "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Both are quite right!

Instead of just jumping into a thread that is 23 pages long (now 24), and which is filled with both nonsensical claims and a modicum of genuine scientific understanding, you ought to read every post, and you will see that the nonsensical claims of the so-called 'truthers' (with whom you align), have been adequately rebutted and destroyed by the so-called (non-perceptive) deniers. Of course, one should not flog a dead horse continuously in the hope that it will come back alive and stand up. I think it is quite sufficient for a 'blinkered' denier to make a post containing genuine fact and leave it at that, because you cannot lead an ignorant troglodyte to the fountain of knowledge and force them to drink, as their delusion is such that they will believe it to be poisoned.

Time is the great teller, but it doesn't deliver the vindicated coup de grace at the most propitious moment. You know, that moment when the realisation sinks in, that one was wrong all along, that one misinterpreted, miscomprehended the information upon which one fed. Truthers actually epitomise what it means to be sheeple. A reasonable mind will accept when it finds itself in error, and make the adaption, the adjustment to fact and reality. A reasonable mind will educate itself, yet always remain open to things outside of its experience until proven invalid. The content of your extraordinary post has already been proven throughout the 23 pages of this thread to be extraordinarily invalid, and thus makes your post extraordinarily redundant.

Seriously, I am not out to cheat you, but your claims are out to cheat me of the truth that I know to be factual. It has been stated over and over again that HAARP cannot generate the power required to cause large natural events, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, really cannot. This addiction to conspiratorial delusion which truthers obssessively cling to, is as bad and damaging as that of the delusions of the religious fundamentalist. You need to raise yourself out of the dark ages and enter into the light of your own renaissance, and you will see that the shadows on the wall are truly...just shadows. In other words, stop being a troglodyte.
edit on 30/10/12 by elysiumfire because: Typo error

no, i am not a truther, truthers listen to the lies provided them by evil men doing the bidding of their evil masters. stalin said the best way to control your opposition, is to lead it yourself, straight into a brick wall. alex jones, david icke, benjamin fulford, and so many more, are liars. there is some sense of truth to what they say, but it is heavilly sculpted and redacted, it is not true, it is lies about subjects that seem true.

i did not jump into the thread, i have read all the crap pages, skimming about 10%. you obviously havent cause i have made 3-5 posts in the teen pages, and several more posts in the 19-now pages. you say that the claims of haarp involvement have been smashed, really, both sides of the argument on this thread have been argued by idiots that dont actually know, not one has impressed me with their knowledge, only one or two have impressed me with their open-ness to the idea something might be possible.

lastly, you attack me, and you havent even taken 30 seconds to see the dam video. the video is fu#%ing proof, but you care not to see it.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008

Originally posted by Jacob1080David
and heres the evidence we've all been waiting for 'drumroll please'

go to 2:30 and watch what is shown, and repeated for emphasis and repeated viewing confirmation. the first time isnt quite as zoomed in, but the next 4-5 times, just after the eye comes into the frame, you can see about 5 big splotches of white all simultaneously and suddenly appear, thats not mother nature you tards, thats geo-engineering, on large scale, the 5 or so big white splotches all appear just behind the eye, again, all at the same time, on the same horizontal latitude, thats not natural, thats human caused. i do not know for certain, but my guess is that these dumps could have included ionized metal particles, which were then blastef with haarp like weaponry, this would cause these particles to vibrate HARD and cause a lot of excess heat to form right behind the eye, fuqqin pushin the eye the other direction, and thats exactly what you can see. its not too dramatic, and the video cuts out too soon, but you can see the storm accelerate a little bit right after the white plumes appear and then disappear, as these high altitude chemical dumps would do.

First your you tube link didn't work
it may now
It's on you tube it must be true more dumb logic you are really excelling at this

I could download that edit the film and change colour / pattern would that make it true!

i never assume everything on you tube is true, your assumption that it must be wrong is even more retarded, there is truth and lies and everything in between on u tube, but what i have brought for evidence is video of the storm, and undeniable imagery of chemical dumps right south of the eye. its not water vapor, it appears and disappears very quickly, and the left most dumps are in an area very completely void of water vapor, it is not possible that the south west white plumes could be water pvapor, the whole path of the storm, the southw est cor

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by SpittinTruth

Bicker away. Please...continue

Don't try to take the moral high ground mate, you started this whole ordeal.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by Jacob1080David

Some might call what you are going on about as disinformation.

I mean come on.

Sea based HAARP system?

Do you see any HAARP like arrays on it? How can you call something HAARP when it doesn't look or operate in any way at all like HAARP?

a radar dome doesnt have to be that big, that is bigger to broadcast incredibly high amplitude energy waves. see, radar only needs enough amplitude to be able to create a reflection off an object, to make something that big means you wish to fry it, not see it.
I see a big radome to house the radar, X band radar to be exact, built to detect objects.

This specific vessel is designed for the early warning of incoming ballistic missiles.

Please, try and get your facts straight.

there is a huge difference between radar and scalar weaponry. have you #in seen how huge that ship is, there is no need for even long range radar to occupy its own ship, radar installations are built on carriers and destroyers and cruisers. the difference is creating a big enough amplitude not to just see an object, but to blast it with high amplitude waves, this is scalar weaponry. but the military keeps it secret from the public how capable their scalar weaponry is.
edit on 31-10-2012 by Jacob1080David because: edited because glitchy phone did not complete the typing before i clicked reply.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by Tecumte

I like what you said, and yes, ionospheric heaters are dispersed all over the world.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by Tecumte

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Tecumte

'Dr. Eastlund says the invention could move the jet stream..."

No. He didn't.

Prove it.

The article says he did.

Ahh, I love this sort of back and forth...

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by drbatstein
As usual a Rothschild Guinness advert predicted the HAARP Hurricane just a few weeks earlier

Rothschild Guinness Advert Predicts HAARP Hurricane Sandy

Yes that's a massive hurricane in that advert!!!

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by Jacob1080David

NO because some MORON on you tube claims a chemical dump doesn't mean it is, its a time lapse video also are you really that daft to think if someone could do this they would allow a video to be taken and shown on tv the logic you people employ beggers belief!!!

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by wmd_2008
reply to post by Jacob1080David

NO because some MORON on you tube claims a chemical dump doesn't mean it is, its a time lapse video also are you really that daft to think if someone could do this they would allow a video to be taken and shown on tv the logic you people employ beggers belief!!!

Ok i have the link working now, i think, sorry my computers broke, might get it fixed monday. dPKy31EWdPRxJYvWL4-X9xr8Vze4R5CjCR-OcPPhj8D0_T2_eMImMkB4H0izskoYV9KuQHig&s=1

ok, you say nay to the chem dumps, look at the roughly 30 seconds beginning 2:32 and tell me what you think.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Jacob1080David
reply to post by Tecumte

I like what you said, and yes, ionospheric heaters are dispersed all over the world.

Sure, many that are known and likely many weapons systems unknown by the public. What is the capability of these syetms in total and what are their effects when used in unison? But the biggest question why have criminal elements inside the power centers turned these weapons and others on their own people and how do you get peons to set on boards and defend the death and destruction of their own nation? Money, bribery, blackmail, the 'noble' lie??? Anyway the more these things are discussed, the more people become interested, and the more homework they do and then even more people become interested and so on.

All the gatekeepers in the world are failing misrably as far as I can tell, people are waking up and pushing back., I see it echoed everywhere nowdays. It kind of reminds me of what has happened to the disinfo site Quackwatch, where Barret and cronies apparently received huge saleries to set in their moms basements and type crap while millions were sickened and died while the snakeoil salesmen made billions. People are tired of it and joining forces to push these hired corporate gov. prostititutes and thugs back into the slime they crawled out of. It's really refreshiong to watch and I think humanity is just getting warmed up.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by Tecumte

Originally posted by Jacob1080David
reply to post by Tecumte

I like what you said, and yes, ionospheric heaters are dispersed all over the world.

Sure, many that are known and likely many weapons systems unknown by the public. What is the capability of these syetms in total and what are their effects when used in unison? But the biggest question why have criminal elements inside the power centers turned these weapons and others on their own people and how do you get peons to set on boards and defend the death and destruction of their own nation? Money, bribery, blackmail, the 'noble' lie??? Anyway the more these things are discussed, the more people become interested, and the more homework they do and then even more people become interested and so on.

All the gatekeepers in the world are failing misrably as far as I can tell, people are waking up and pushing back., I see it echoed everywhere nowdays. It kind of reminds me of what has happened to the disinfo site Quackwatch, where Barret and cronies apparently received huge saleries to set in their moms basements and type crap while millions were sickened and died while the snakeoil salesmen made billions. People are tired of it and joining forces to push these hired corporate gov. prostititutes and thugs back into the slime they crawled out of. It's really refreshiong to watch and I think humanity is just getting warmed up.

yeah theyre turning these weather warfare weapons not just on other countries but in the US as well. katrina, the flooding in missippi river valleys in 2011, isaac, irene, sandy. it seems not a war on the foreign, but a war on all humans but 'them'. we are their enemy, they wage their war confused by lies, disguised in many ways, censored and redacted to keep it secret, so we have no idea what hit us when they come for you. they are more evil than you can imagine.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 11:06 AM
ok so i was on cnn and i came across this video. i think its pretty interesting so i thought i would share. i got to get my posts up hah

curios as to why the picture keeps changing.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 01:04 PM

lastly, you attack me, and you havent even taken 30 seconds to see the dam video. the video is fu#%ing proof, but you care not to see it.

Oh, hello Jacob
How are you? You seem somewhat upset, and not a little disturbed, was it something I wrote?
I did watch that turgid video and dismissed it as useless conspiracy propaganda. Tell me, how do you know that the white blobs that appear in that satellite film of hurricane Sandy are actually 'chem-dumps'? How do you know that what the woman is claiming in the video is true, afterall, she offers no supporting evidence?

You claim that video to be 'fu#%ing proof', what of? it's just a video full of hearsay and conjecture. I appeal to you, stop being a troglodyte!

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by drbatstein

As usual a Rothschild Guinness advert predicted the HAARP Hurricane just a few weeks earlier

Again no it did not it is just a commercial.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Tecumte

No not implying that at all (regarding you) just sayin.... guilty conscience? 'Dr. Eastlund says the invention could move the jet stream..."

Funny but where in your link does it state that,because I just can't seem to find that quote anywhere?

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Jacob1080David

this is scalar weaponry. but the military keeps it secret from the public how capable their scalar weaponry is.

So if this is such a secret how do you know so much about it?

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 02:14 PM
correct link*

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by SpittinTruth

Bicker away. Please...continue

Don't try to take the moral high ground mate, you started this whole ordeal.

I'm not taking a "moral high ground"...i've offered what i've had to offer. I've had my battle with one of ATS's best...and be the judge, by reading the 1st 15 pages of my thread.

Y'all takin' it places, i never intended for it to go. I see more..."no, that's not true (with nothing to back up that claim), than i do anything else. Very few links, illustrations..actual information...just a whole bunch of jibber jabber. I'm not going back to what i've already discussed. Go read my view point!

Do i think something was feeding Sandy......uuuuuhhhhhm....YEAH! Did you see the SIZE of that thing???

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
reply to post by Jacob1080David

this is scalar weaponry. but the military keeps it secret from the public how capable their scalar weaponry is.

So if this is such a secret how do you know so much about it?

Fingerprints at the crime scene. Here's a BIG THUMBPRINT.

Does that LOOK LIKE a "collapse"?

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by SpittinTruth

Does that LOOK LIKE a "collapse"?

Well since your asking...

Yes it does, and again what does 9/11 have to do with HAARP and hurricane Sandy?

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