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The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear

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posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by earthtone
By the way the program last night was excellent. It showed the history of how both Al queida and the Neo-conservatives got their ideoligies from people like Strauss. It then talked about how a false threat from Russia was trumpted up by people like Rumsfeld in the 70's. Very interesting stuff. Can't wait fro the next instalement.

I have been trying to convice fools here about the hype of the soviet threat, by pointing at the US' own estimation of soviet power peaking in the late 50's.
But no they want to believe the soviets nearly took west-germany right up untill the wall came down.

[edit on 21/10/2004 by Corinthas]

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by sandge

I suggest everyone in the US who would like to see this program visit and request that BBC America add it to their programming.

Nice link. The whole of America needs to see the program, learn that what is happening now has happened before, by some of the same people! Pester the BBC about how important it is to show it. Though even if it did get on it would probably be like two in the morning or something.

Many people just cannot see how much power can be/is being gained through the use of fear, the fear of death!

Originally posted by Paul

It's quite frightening when you consider how many 'Straussians' currently hold high powered positions in the Bush administration, especially when you look around and see what's going on in the world and in America, at their hands.

It's more than frightening. It's hard to think what these people could be capable of. YOu just have to read PNAC stuff to get worried.

I thought this article was interesting.

Even as the Bush administration takes refuge in Straussian ideas, it remains the Bush administration who is responsible for implementing any action based on those ideas. It seems more likely the case that the Bush administration is simply "using" Straussian ideas to promote it's own agenda, as it likewise "uses" Old Testament JudeoRoman attitudes and ideas for nothing but it's own ends.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by sandge

Originally posted by ANOK

Wow I wish I could see that show but I doubt it will ever air here in the great united states, bastion of freedom....

I suggest everyone in the US who would like to see this program visit and request that BBC America add it to their programming.

Thank you for that suggestion Sandge, it is done!

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 01:58 PM
any chance someone could TiVo it and put it on the net for us americans to watch?

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 02:00 PM
The problem with using terror as a political tool is that you end up with a "Cry Wolf" scenario. Keep yelling "Imminent Terrorist Attack Somewhere Soon" with subsequent proof that it was based on improving poll numbers or a false alarm, and people will become numbed to it. It's a foolish thing to abuse, as it costs allegedly threatened areas a fortune in monies they can ill afford to waste and engenders cynicism that may prove disastrious in the event of a serious warning based on hard evidence.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Hecate100
The problem with using terror as a political tool is that you end up with a "Cry Wolf" scenario.

Indeed this would be true, but as was shown by 'Farenheight' , people are genuinly scared of this terrorist threat. People out in the mid west living in a town with a population of 1000 are scared! This is how successfull this administrations climate of fear has been. However this can also be attributed to 9/11.

And this is why I believe that at least at some level 9/11 was allowed to happen. Maybe Bush doesn't know about, maybe he actually believes in this war on terror crap, but as can be seen by the FBI's treatment of suspects priot to the horrible events, (orders from the top to cease investigation) there were some people who knew exactely what was coming and exactely how it would benefit the neo-cons policy, foreign and domestic.

Originally posted by QuietSoul
any chance someone could TiVo it and put it on the net for us americans to watch?

Yeah sombody should get this flying round the web......I don't know how to do it!

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 02:29 PM
I would also like to recommend the programme to everyone in the UK. The first episode was a real eye opener and hopefully the next two will be equally informative. People in the US also need to see this as well. After all, it is the US government that has been doing the most scaremongering and hyping the terrorist threat.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 04:08 PM
The funny part is that those advising Bush are the ones profitting off of war. But then, isn't this how all the major wars were really started? Again, same pricks who pulled the whole commie threat. Remeber how that tore the country apart? We ruined a lot of people because of the wicth hunts. And the whole "we'll fight them there instead of here" argument that is such BS. As if they can't be here AND there. Al Qaeda is in over 60 countries. 9/11 happened, it was a bad thing, but sh*t happens, and no matter how many countries Bush invades, it will eventually happen again.

Just cause the Bush Admin's campagne of fear is working and boosting his ratings doesn't make it right. His complete lack of understanding our enemy is going to hurt us more than help. And the fact that the people his "Intelligence" comes from keep screwing up? now THAT should instill fear. The screwed up with 9/11, they screwed up with WMD in Iraq, they screwed up with the post war effort in Iraq. Has anyone been held accountable? NO! Yet we trust them like sheep. I think if I got that many people killed at my job, I might be fired at the least. But you just say "Kill kill kill" and you are a hero.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by snoopy
The screwed up with 9/11, they screwed up with WMD in Iraq, they screwed up with the post war effort in Iraq. Has anyone been held accountable? NO!.

Could you imagine if you had lost a loved one one in either the war or on 9/11, how would you feel? There is no justification for the w ar your son has died in and the terrorist attack your daughter died in was clearly preventable. They must be held accountable ..

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 11:50 AM
I will be watching this. I try to stay away from politics on ats as i got some strong views and am still divided on certain issues but what spooked me in this first programme was that its the same guys fuelling the agro as it was in Vietnam, Rumsfold and Wolfawitz. I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 last night and i thought it was very relevant to this programme.

It�s all very sad really isn�t it.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 03:30 AM
anyone in the UK see "the white house for sale" on channel 4 last night? It was another program that any americans out there should also see, maybe we shouldve tivo'ed both those shows and sent them to our american friends

posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 01:48 PM
Reply from the BBC to my request to air the show in the U.S.

Thank you for your interest in BBC America. At this time there are no
plans to air "The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of
However, please be assured that we will forward your program request to
appropriate department. Please visit our website at
more information on our exciting upcoming program schedule.

Thanks for your inquiry.

Viewer Relations
BBC America

I am not surprised.

posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 02:19 PM
I really doubt that the show will ever get on US screens. It's a real shame. The mainstream sheeples need to get an clue of what their leaders are up to already!

Nice one for trying friend.

The next instalment is on tonight. For those in England, enjoy.

posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 03:43 PM
Great post Earthtone.

Many british documentaries are rebroadcast on Canadian TV. I will keep a look out for this series.

Originally posted by earthtone
Could you imagine if you had lost a loved one one in either the war or on 9/11, how would you feel? There is no justification for the w ar your son has died in and the terrorist attack your daughter died in was clearly preventable. They must be held accountable ..

I totally and completely agree with this! I lost a buddy of mine in the twin towers. If you could have read the angry letters I sent off to newspapers and internet sites blaiming the US administration at the time! Yikes! I'm surprised no "men in black" showed up at my door.

Am I the only one who sees the logical fallacy in the most powerful country ever to exist on earth fearing for its safety?

Says a lot about the state of mind of the US population and the mind control able to be perpetrated by the US gov't.

[edit on 10/27/2004 by Gools]

posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 04:17 PM
Thanks Gools.

Sorry to hear about your friend. For the sake of his memory it is important that the truth is revealed. I think there is alot of evidence that people in the government allowed these attacks to take place. The failure of intelligence is hard to beilieve in a country as advanced as the US. At least those who were incompitent should be held accountable.

The war has been faught in the name of something which isn't true. How people can see that this war has helped terror i dont know.

Good to see someone not buying the crap


posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 04:38 PM
I've just watched the second in the series - a brilliant analysis especially in revealing that the impeachment process against Clinton was a total knowing fraud, as revealed by one participant on the ex-neocons side
However my ill-feeling about the central thesis of the series is the posit that there developed complementary opposites between the neocons on the one side and the jihadists on the other,rather than that
the progress of both sides was entirely manipulated from above
With one step beyond, one can clearly see that the both sides come under the same funding, control and command structure
I'm going to have to get some TV grab facility - this would be the easiest thing in the world to demonstrate from this rich history
I sincerely hope Alex Jones or the like has got this material for analysis
The last in the series begins with 911

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 04:30 AM
I've been trying to spread word of this excellent programme at other UK web forums because I believe when you add its analysis to the much unreported and unhighlighted evidence about 9/11 the veil suddenly drops.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by uknumpty
the veil suddenly drops.

Yes. It shows a clear motive and plan. Of course those to of us who have held these views for a while it comes as no suprise. But you are right, people who see will A) see what they are capable of and how they manipulate the piblic B) Show how 9/11 is the key to their plans.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 04:49 AM
I also got the impression that an earth shattering event was required early in GWBs term of office to try and secure his presidency to see out the Neo-con's agenda.

It was intersting to see the reason why Clinton got into power was partly due to many Republicans voting Democrat because of the Neo-con policies. Once they had got the Democrats out of office it conveniently seems that the 9/11 event was horrific enough to cement support for their policies from even their most ardent critics.

[edit on 28-10-2004 by uknumpty]

[edit on 28-10-2004 by uknumpty]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 05:25 AM
for all you americans out there who are interested in a well argued account of 'the truth'(?) about fear. theres a well seeded torrent at

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