posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 10:41 PM
I just want to take a quick second to say that SOME americans are aware of whats going on.
I have been wise to the tactics of this administration for a while, and have done everything in my power to let others know.
This includes, but is not limited to, letters to senators/congressmen, talking to all the people I can get to listen, and making sure all the people
who listen vote.
In the end there wasn't much that COULD be done though.
Fear and a primitive form of blind patriotism mobolised a good portion of the ignorant into voting GW back into office.
Notice I said IGNORANT and not STUPID. These are 2 very different things, and I've seen very smart people that are ignorant of the situation and
vote Bush.
And the letters to the congressmen/senators?
All I ever got was some resigned acceptance.
"Yes, we understand your concerns and your resolve to make an impact. We are sorry to say that with the current balance of congressional power there
is little we can do in this regard besides making our greviences known"
(This isn't the exact text but I remember it being along those lines.)
I was watching the Daily Show yesterday and they had a segment in which John Kerry was questioning Dr. Rice.
In Kerry's questioning of Rice he stated that "We all know that you are going to be confirmed"
At that John Stewart jabbed at Kerry by sayin the new democratic party slogan was "A moment of resistence, a lifetime of resigned acceptence"
Thats how I feel, like theres simply nothing left to do but live and hope for the best.
Then theres the question of whether or not anything would have changed with a different election outcome.
Surely if its possible that Al Queda and the Neo-cons share a link, then 2 members of the same secret society(skull/bones) would be on the same team
as well.
Fear doesn't just benefit Bush, it benefits leaders around the world.
Whether that fear is based on terrorists, or an overzealous america, it is still being weilded against you.
I don't mean this negatively, but how is your country that much better?
Sure, they aren't doing the same bad things we are, but throughout history all governments have used fear to keep their citizens in line.
Theres always a fall guy who can be blamed, whether its infidels or terrorists or America.
Your country is just waiting to play it's role, and you will have to watch as your citizenship falls blindly into line as well, eventually.
It is my view that all the governments in the world are ruled by Satan, and that is just part of the test.
Some pass, and some fail, and you will find that the ones who pass become complacent with the world around them and question whether any earthly
decision can be right.
As the following bible quote suggests, the kingdoms of the world are truely satan's to give, as they are ruled by man, who is easily controlled by
8Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them;
4:9–Devil: I will give you all these if you will fall down and worship me.
9and he said to him, "All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me."
A Side note: I had a little trouble keeping everything in this post flowing in a logical order. Please excuse me for the mistakes as I'm fairly
tired right now and had limited time to write this. Hope someone reads it and enjoys it....