posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 08:36 PM
I've had several experiences with hearing voices out of nowhere. The first thing I do is try to debunk it but so far I haven't been able to.
I had one occasion where my name was yelled in the middle of the night. I was sleeping over at a friend, who shared the house with a few other people,
mainly German students. I was 19 at the time. We both woke up around 3:30 AM because we heard someone yell my name. My friend asked me who's name it
was, and rather puzzled, I said it was mine. When I was 12 I decided to change my official name, as I didn't feel comfortable with it. I felt like it
didn't suit me. I haven't used the name since that day. I met this friend when I was 18 so that is 6 years after the name change. I explained to him
about the name change and he said he wasn't aware of my birth name. All we could think of was that it sounded as if it came from within the room.
The next morning we decided to ask around the house to see if anyone else had that name (as my official name was German, it could have been a
possibility); no result. None of them claimed to have been awake at the hour. I also asked if they knew me by any name even though that was unlikely;
I only met them the night before and I just said 'Hi' while I passed them and went straight to my friend's room. No names were given. So nothing to
left to debunk...
The second and third did freak me out. A year or so after the name event, I was going out with 2 friends, who I thought were waiting and talking on
the third floor where my bedroom was. I was on the second floor talking to my mother. I clearly heard a man and a woman talking upstairs so I went
upstairs to announce I was ready to leave. When I entered the room however, nobody was in it. The atmosphere was weird. The air seemed thick. As if I
interrupted an important conversation as it stopped the second I opened the door. I rushed downstairs, to find my mother alone without male company.
My friends were on the ground floor waiting for me. The conversation they were having wasn't loud compared to what I heard coming from upstairs. My
mother also said she heard it coming from upstairs. There was no open window in my bedroom for sound to come from outside, nor where the neighbors at
home. Both the cars weren't in front of the house or in the parking lot around the corner.
The third was quite recent, I think about 2 months ago. I was walking the dog around 1 AM, and while heading towards the park I heard a voice in my
right ear. It was a male voice. It scared the hell out of me because for someone to speak so loud into my right ear he had to be standing next to me.
There was no one around. The streets were deserted. I left my headphone at home so there was no music unintentionally, or sounds that could have
played by accident. It had to be near me. I didn't understand the word itself, I could only recognize it was male. I still don't know where it came
from, as the streets were deserted and nobody passed me. My dog and I would have noticed if someone was standing next to us, or passed us that
It doesn't scare me in general, but the moments are so sudden they do leave me startled for a bit. It's so unpredictable, that I haven't found a
way yet to record it, as I don't want to walk around with a voice recorder 24/7... But yes, it is very interesting.