reply to post by beyondsense
I am a computer Nerd. I'm going to tell you some stuff that i've noticed over the years!
From the first Windows ever made, right up untill now, there is ALLWAYS a problem over the system slowing down and degrading over time. This has
nothing to do with the hardware on the PC. It's entirely to do with the software.
As a dedicated gamer during my teens and growing up - living in a middle class family - my parents simply diddnt have the money to buy me everything
i wanted, which at the time would have been a fast PC. So learning to optimise what i did have resulted in a distinct pattern.
Every 3 to 6 Months, i would Reformat my PC. Then Re-Install Windows. Why? Over time the pc would slow down for seemingly no reason - wiping it
and starting from scratch would reset this.
Over time this issue is becoming less and less aparent (as the OS's evolve, you will notice it alot more on Windows XP than you will on Windows 7)
Why is this the case?
As you install and remove software from your PC, it creates, removes and modifies entries. Think of your PC like a book with no pages. When you
install windows your book now has 500 pages, all arranged in a specific order.
As you install a program (say... Adobe Flash Player, or Windows Messenger) your PC "book" gains another 50 pages, for the mostpart they are all
placed into the book together, but some are placed randomly throughout the book.
The same happens when you uninstall a program, only it doesnt remove all the pages that it put in when you installed it. Some are left behind.
Not only are pages created and removed when you install programs, this also occurs when you run programs. Say you open a video file, a word document,
internet explorer to view this webpage! Everything you do is moving and shuffling stuff around, adding and removing.
Now, fast forward a year of this - How big is this book? How long is it going to take you when you open the first page to get to the origonal first
page that "Windows" was when you installed it?
Natrually beuase it's such a mess in there, things are going to start going wrong, as well as slow. It's going to look for one page, it wont find
it, or it goes to a page and it cant read the text because over several occaisons of the computer not being shut down properly (it crashes, power
outage, or your simply frustrated and pull the plug) the pages get damaged. So you're looking at an incredibly big book, thats all out of order
(but you can still get around and find what you want it just takes ages) that now has torn pages, runny ink, and perhaps pages that were once in
english are suddenly now showing as some sort of mutant language that's a cross between Arabic and Japanese.
Windows does try to moderate this stuff - but it can only do so much (hense the as windows is evolving this issue has been decreasing - but its
still there, it just takes longer before it is noticable)
The best solution to the problem i have found so far:
Have two hard drives. One for Windows + your Games/Main Applcations. Another harddrive for everything else.
Since your saving everything to the 2nd hard drive, when the time comes that its getting lethargic and needs a kick up the bum - its incredibly easy
to do. Wipe the drive, install windows, install applcations, everything else is still there.
Hope this helps explain things in non techy terms
edit on 28-10-2012 by TigaHawk because: (no reason given)