From :
Astral spiders experiences are common. If you have a vision, a dream,
or some insight into these so called etheric spiders you are not going
crazy. Far from it. You are seeing something real.
In fact you most likely have intuitive perception higher than most. Your
third eye and heart chakras are well on the way to being developed
otherwise these creepy entities, that exist in the fourth dimension, are
impossible to see without it.
Etheric spider facts: These creatures only exist in the astral
dimension. This also happens to be where the human aura can be seen in
its brilliant colors and various rainbow like hues.
Upon the first experience of discovering we humans are not alone but
share the earth with these astral vermin can be a big shock. I got sick
to my stomach on first contact with the esoteric spiders. It is very
These etheric spider entities use humans as food. Not a pleasant
thought, I know, but true. Many other esoteric researchers have said the
same thing. The food source is the aura and some call the aura the
human energy field.
My research shows these entities have much to do with the energy leaks
people experience in day to day living. It is common for these astral
creatures to attach to one's back, like a surfer rides a wave, because
the spinal area contains the kundalini life force and they can tap
directly into the energy reserve of people.
The chakra system situated along the spine is an energy center of much
power. These beings show no mercy and even attach themselves to babies. A
baby has a very pure energy not being contaminated by others or by
their conditioning or stress factors.
The astral spiders are more mechanical in nature than the spiders we are
used to here in the third dimension. Their purpose is to suck energy.
The human aura is food to them. If this resonates with you perhaps print
off this article to read again and think seriously about talking with
your higher self for signs and more information on how to raise your own
energy levels.
On a personal note , as before mentioned at the beginning, you need some
kind of psychic, intuitive development to see the spiders. Yet I am
happy most people's third eye is closed rather than open since many
would go crazy if they knew. The mind as it is today cannot handle it.
It took me three days to recover from my energy sickness after my first
encounter with them. I encountered a bunch of them, around five of these
beings. It is hard to get used to.
I have worked out some methods to slow down the mind, body, and spirit
damage, that is the energy siphoning, caused from the etheric spiders. I
have yet to work out how to stop them completely.
Third Eye Open
When you gain 3rd eye ability you can see the human aura and it is
wonderful, beautiful in color. It is not one color but many. You can see
gold, green and some purple , you name it , its hard to describe, like
trying to describe an apple to someone who has not seen one. The aura is
pure energy.
Now the reality of the situation can be a bit frightening. Most likely
you will, well I did with mine, see one large hole or many smaller holes
in your aura. Its a gap basically where your aura used to be but is no
longer there.
Holes In Aura
Alongside or near this hole you will find these fractal dimensional
spiders. They really do look like spiders and are as industrious as
ants. Their sole function and purpose of existence is to munch away at
the aura, or energetic field as some call it, using the aura as food.
When I first saw it I got sick to my stomach for days and of course I
was in shock. The terror of the situation when you first see it is
awful. You see the more they eat the less of the aura remains.
Energy Transfer
We believe that this act of the fractal spiders hurts us energetically.
They are doing a job and it is one of energy transmutation. That is just
like the protein and vitamins in food goes to build your body they use
our energy to build something that is useful to them. The energy they
take goes to building something non human in nature. Yet a thief,
someone or something that steals, is a thief.
If you are being attacked by these etheric nasties you may wish to get
in touch at some stage. In a nutshell the biggest damage I see is the
dramatic slow down they cause the spiritual progress of a person by
draining them of energy.