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Shadow spiders or insects.

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posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 05:18 PM
I see a lot of shadow people stuff said on ATS. Anyone ever seen shadow spiders or insects or animals?

First, I'll tell a story, this happened to me a few years ago...actually, as I think of was a good 7 or 8 years ago, I only just realised where it happened and how long ago I actually moved out of that time flies.

Anyway, I'd come home from work that night and settled in my room at the computer. I'd a wooden floor and thought I saw a bit of black string dangling from the base of my bed, resting lightly on the floor below, so I leant over, still in my chair and tried to pick this long thin strand of black what I believed to be string between my thumb and forefinger.

I'd pinched it and pulled, expecting some resistance before snapping this piece of string free, but there was no resistance, it came away quite freely, As I pulled this thing from under the bed I soon realised to my horror that I'd lifted a huge spider up by one of it's legs, it immediately clung to me and I jumped up in hysterics, it ran up my arm and I knocked it to the floor and stamped on it. Freaky.

Thing is that I kinda developed this quirk where I always kinda scan around the edges of objects which anything can crawl under...desks, beds, chairs, etc. Now and then I'll think I see something and have a peek under and there's nothing. As a hater of crawlies I'm quite neurotic about it and can't rest knowing there's some critter in my room, if I know it's there I have to find it and get rid of it or I can't rest.

But as I got older I started to see more of this, often large black-ish blobs. You never see the whole thing, just part of it kinda disappear under or behind something, then look and there's nothing. It's more a peripheral vision thing. The "out the corner of the eye" thing always *bugged* me to be honest. You catch movement out the corner of your eye more easily than detail...when people describe things they caught out the corner of their eye in great detail I become suspicious. I mostly get this out the corner of my eye, whatever I'm seeing or think I'm seeing seem quite big, bigger than the average spider here in UK. They appear to be quite sluggish, move slowly, but of course when you turn to focus there's nothing there.

What's odd about it is it always happens near something it can disappear under or behind...that's probably the only odd aspect I've noted over the years. There are no details or discernable features, the only other characteristic is they don't appear to move in straight lines, more a sort of meandering or bumbling if you like. I always used to immediately look round or down at whatever I thought I was, sometimes, I just sit and kinda see it fumble about in my peripheral vision...but as soon as I turn and no matter how fast, it's gone. They're also almost always conveniently near or in a shadow.

I never really thought it was paranormal, always kinda thought it's paranoia...I'm seeing it because it's always been kinda there in the back of my head after that incident with the 8-legged monster all those years ago. Seems to happen more often as I get older and now only disappearing under things, but behind if I leave my door ajar and am sitting reading for example, I'll catch a glimpse of some little black round thing just sort of stumble about and disappear behind the door, got and look and there's nothing.

I think it might be floaters...but only just really considered the notion it could possibly be something more after reading some shadow people threads on here. So I'm not making any claims, if anything I think my eyesight's crap and I'm seeing something I kinda have in the back of my mind following a kinda disturbing incident with a spider. But has anyone ever heard of shadow insects or spiders? Or even pets, cats, dogs?

I'd be more inclined to look into this matter if it turned out that I weren't alone in this one. Wasn't really sure where to put this thread as there are no real claims of anything outlandish, at least I don't think. but it's an interesting idea and I'd like to hear from others, got any similar stories to share?

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 05:23 PM
YES!!! over the last two years I've seen what looks like a Tarantula type shadow creature. Same size but moves very fast and climbs walls. TO be fair I have only seen these right around bedtime or when I wake up in the middle of the night. I've written them off before as hallucinations (hypnocognic...sp?) But a lot of people are having the same hallucination. It's possible that we are wired through evolution to hate spiders and so as a fear they appear in hallucinations. But for some reason I don't think thats the case, since I've noticed this trend in seeing small crawling spider or bug like shadow creatures is relatively new.

To add further their behavior is the same as what you've described. They are usually scurrying out of site when I notice them. ANd, when yo look twice or check there is just nothing there. One time I woke up in the middle of the nght to see a shadow tarantula running for my head/pillow along side the wall about two feet from my bed. I jumped up, turned on the lights. Looked twice...nothing. I even tore my pillows off the bed and looked under it...nothing.
edit on 25-10-2012 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by samerulesapply

I don't see why Shadow Bugs couldn't exist. It would seem that they could be Shadow bugs, or Shadow devices (I make a referance to this idea that some Shadow People might be testing devices on us in my thread ATS:Shadow People: What do they do?.)

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 05:36 PM
Thinking about it, what I see never really looks like a could well be, but it's a clumsy looking and slow one.

I just kinda associate it with that spider incident because it never happened before that. I developed super vigilance and started to think I could see something poking from under the bed all the time and always had to check and would find nothing...I always thought it was some paranoia induced hallucination that stemmed from that incident, perhaps it is. It happens more frequently now and not just under my bed, I'll catch the tail end of some small black blob disappear under a shoe, a table, a chair...but as I've become more accustomed to it, I don't always immediately turn to see what I think I can see, I've developed some control over my initial reaction and can sit still and see it in my peripheral, it's a small round-ish black thing sort of wandering about, stumbling, often stopping and going back over itself, it's really odd.

Whatever it is seems to move slow and change direction constantly, like it's confused or lost, but it has no problems disappearing when I turn for a better look.

The fact that it seemed to happen more as I got older led me to assume it was some kind of visual problem, floaters or something. I should probably get my glazzies checked by someone. Still, interesting that others have reported similar things...think I'll start rummaging through google to see what I can find.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Guyfriday

You have a good point. Whenever I saw one in my apt. They sure seemed to be interested in me personally and not there to look for food or shelter. THey were always traveling towards me or in near proximity of my head. Almost as if their interest is in getting inside of you. I know this sounds crazy but thats sorta the notion that comes to mind when I spot one.

Could be shadow entities using tools or shadow bots to do their bidding in our reality. COuld be an advanced type of ET that travels astral to visit distant locations other than physically and the just appear like shadow people. Interesting none the less.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 05:39 PM
I've seen mostly spiders and what once looked sorta like a large beetle. Both types were moving very fast. Always see them singular never in pairs.

The spider was aggressive in its movements. Making a B-Line right for my head and pillow. The beetle like thing has always behaved almost like a giant cock roach or ant in it's meandering type of movement. Wandering about along side my wall. But it's usually trying to make it's way over to my side of the room.
edit on 25-10-2012 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 05:52 PM
I've never seen a shadow person and don't really want to if I'm honest, sounds terrifying. Most of the stuff I've read was harrowing...and I kinda hope it's mostly fiction, man I hope it's fiction.

Lol, kinda sorry I started this now, I'm seeing this stuff and have been for quite a while! I want a second opinion! I really need an eye examination...

I don't know how I could close my eyes at night if I saw half the stuff people say they've seen, but I've read too many crazy stories that were so bizarre I reasoned that if they were fictional, they were created by great story tellers, and most people simply aren't great story tellers. Some of the most fantastic accounts I've read I believed could possibly be true simply because they were so fantastic, and I thought - this guy ain't capable of making this up...what a nutty planet we inhabit.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
You have a good point. Whenever I saw one in my apt. They sure seemed to be interested in me personally and not there to look for food or shelter. THey were always traveling towards me or in near proximity of my head. Almost as if their interest is in getting inside of you. I know this sounds crazy but thats sorta the notion that comes to mind when I spot one.

Could be shadow entities using tools or shadow bots to do their bidding in our reality. COuld be an advanced type of ET that travels astral to visit distant locations other than physically and the just appear like shadow people. Interesting none the less.

Thats kind of what I was thinking. Maybe these Shadow Bugs (and blobs that have been discussed before) are drones.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 06:00 PM
Makes sense to me. I've also seen a shadow person once about 15 years ago. ALthough I was completely lucid at the time and was standing in my back yard. This was at my childhood home and not where I live now. So this type of phenomena has followed me to where I currently live now. WHich if this isn't one giant type of mass hallucination is interesting, because it means they have a way to track you. How they d this I don't know. Maybe the shadow bugs are like probes that can enter you look around and leave extra dimensional tracers inside of you making you easy to track or follow.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
Makes sense to me. I've also seen a shadow person once about 15 years ago. ALthough I was completely lucid at the time and was standing in my back yard. This was at my childhood home and not where I live now. So this type of phenomena has followed me to where I currently live now. WHich if this isn't one giant type of mass hallucination is interesting, because it means they have a way to track you. How they d this I don't know. Maybe the shadow bugs are like probes that can enter you look around and leave extra dimensional tracers inside of you making you easy to track or follow.

Shadow People don't seem to be "Locked" into a location like ghosts are. They can travel anywhere they want (think creepy stalker) the one you saw 15 years ago may not be the same one sending bugs at you now. These Shadow Bugs could be a way of tracking, or they could be monitoring your behavior for some reason.

The next time you get a glimps of a Shadow Bug try and place a glass over it. I'm curious to see if that will trap it or not.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 06:14 PM
I had a discussion with one of the few people I can actually talk to about this stuff actually not that long ago, he's quite open minded but more technical and thinks there's a rational explanation, and he makes interesting points from time to time. Often he'll simply stop you with a no comment or I have no opinion on that.

On the subject of ghosts and shadow beings he thinks it's all to do with quantum physics or mechanics, and reckons that two points in space can sort of cross or overlap somehow, or have some affect on each other or interact with each other, and what we're really seeing is someone else from another part of the world, not another dimension, but another human from this dimension and they can see you.

He reckons this is why some are said to react in fear when you see them, and some react with intrigue, and some react violently, and some don't even seem to notice you. I can't say word for word exactly what he did because my memory ain't so good and it was mostly over my head, but one of the many occasions where he was quite insightful and gave me something to think about. Any thoughts on that?

I don't know enough about such things, I'd like to but it's a vast and complex area and I've not the time nor the mental abilities to get it down enough to understand.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 06:29 PM
THat fits right in with the other theories too. I've always felt quantum mechanics was an ingredient in the phenomena of Shadow people. The shadow man I saw looked perplexed when it saw me and turned around and calmly walked back the way it had come.

You friend could be on to something. I doubt that the bug would be captured by a glass. It seems to be able to be here n out reality but not at the same time. It can interact with our surfaces and dimensions like walking on the ground or the walls, but at the same time are somehow etheral and can walk through things too. The one shadow man i saw crawled out of a cinderblock wall in my backyard stood up too a few steps on the concrete patio and then noticed me, paused for a second turned around and walked back to the wall and proceded to crouch down and crawl back into the wall again. The interesting part is that the entities properties appeared different when it was "manifested" and walking along the concrete patio. It was jet black almost like it absorbed all light and it had no reflection of light from it's body. Interestingly it also had no shadow on the ground and it was standing completely underneath a flood light illuminated. However, it changed when it crawled back into the wall. It turned into a oily looking blob that was glossy and did reflect the flood light. SO they appear to be able to change their physical sates to some degree.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by samerulesapply
I had a discussion with one of the few people I can actually talk to about this stuff actually not that long ago, he's quite open minded but more technical and thinks there's a rational explanation, and he makes interesting points from time to time. Often he'll simply stop you with a no comment or I have no opinion on that.

On the subject of ghosts and shadow beings he thinks it's all to do with quantum physics or mechanics, and reckons that two points in space can sort of cross or overlap somehow, or have some affect on each other or interact with each other, and what we're really seeing is someone else from another part of the world, not another dimension, but another human from this dimension and they can see you.

He reckons this is why some are said to react in fear when you see them, and some react with intrigue, and some react violently, and some don't even seem to notice you. I can't say word for word exactly what he did because my memory ain't so good and it was mostly over my head, but one of the many occasions where he was quite insightful and gave me something to think about. Any thoughts on that?

I don't know enough about such things, I'd like to but it's a vast and complex area and I've not the time nor the mental abilities to get it down enough to understand.

I think it's simpler that that. I'm beginning to get enough evidence togther to show that these Shadow People have been here longer then we have. Their ability to cloak themselves from us, and their shadowy appearance might be an evolutionary defensive skill. Some Octopus have a simular trait (albeit not as advanced in ability)

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by samerulesapply

In my post about frightened shadow people, I mentioned a really old Art Bell show. In their shadow people discussion, they didn't mention shadow insects or spiders, but they did discuss shadow animals. Art said a friend of his in the military was living\working at a military base out in the desert. The guy frequently saw some shadow creature(s) which were fairly small (about the size of a small dog) run along a culvert or big drain pipe that was near the road. He said he saw the thing straight on...not just with his peripheral vision. He'd usually see them for just a very short time, but did see one for a surprisingly long time, like a slow count of five seconds.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 11:19 PM
Seek spiders, and ye shall find spiders.

I think the OP's initial incident with the spider created a thought form or a mental mold that shapes the attention he pours into it. That mold was made especially strong with the emotional impact of picking up that nasty spider (I shuddered reading about it). Since he's always looking for creepy crawlies, that attention is shaped by that particular mold and makes spiders.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
YES!!! over the last two years I've seen what looks like a Tarantula type shadow creature. Same size but moves very fast and climbs walls. TO be fair I have only seen these right around bedtime or when I wake up in the middle of the night. I've written them off before as hallucinations (hypnocognic...sp?) But a lot of people are having the same hallucination. It's possible that we are wired through evolution to hate spiders and so as a fear they appear in hallucinations. But for some reason I don't think thats the case, since I've noticed this trend in seeing small crawling spider or bug like shadow creatures is relatively new.

To add further their behavior is the same as what you've described. They are usually scurrying out of site when I notice them. ANd, when yo look twice or check there is just nothing there. One time I woke up in the middle of the nght to see a shadow tarantula running for my head/pillow along side the wall about two feet from my bed. I jumped up, turned on the lights. Looked twice...nothing. I even tore my pillows off the bed and looked under it...nothing.
edit on 25-10-2012 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)
I wake up and sometimes see a large shadow spider, sometimes with a blue tinge to it in broad daylight (if I'm napping during the day) crawling on walls. The difference for me is I can look directly at it, it persists well into waking, and usually moves at a leisurely pace and does not usually move along with where I'm looking. It will be in a place and if I want to see it I have to look back at it. Only once or twice did it ever seem to be trying to run at me. It is nothing like the shadow beings I am otherwise used to, so I always assumed it was some sort of sleep related hallucination.

But getting back to the original post, while I have seen cat sized shadow beings along with other witnesses, I'm thinking in this case it is a sort of hallucination induced by nerves. The experience seemed to make quite an impression and I think the stress of possibly repeating it causes the mind to project an image of what the person fears.

I experienced something similar as a kid in my days of keeping ant colonies, not out of fear but fascination. I'd spent all day collecting and looking at ants, and to my shocked amusement found that when I was in my nice quiet bedroom at the end of the day, I'd see, literally see right before me as if they were real, ants crawling on my walls, slightly larger than life size. At first I thought my ants had escaped their container and I tried to scoop them up. But they were not there, it was just my mind projecting an image for my visual system, of the creatures I'd spent all day studying. There is something about the way insects and spiders move that really leave an imprint on our minds. It's quite uncanny, really.
edit on 25-10-2012 by SheeplFlavoredAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 04:23 PM
This is a fascinating thread; I wish I'd looked here earlier. Funny how I haven't been on this forum in ages and suddenly I have a whim to look in here.

Shadow insects. I've been seeing them since I was three. First terror I ever had was from waking to find a shadow spider right over my face. Yep, age three. I think my spider phobia came from this one incident. Seen them many times over the last 50 years.

Most of the time, I see them in that space between dreaming and waking, and when I wake up fully, they fade as I'm watching them. Most of the time. I've seen massive tarantulas three feet across crawling up an unseen thread to retreat behind a curtain, and two-feet across centipedes crawling up a wall to disappear into a corner of the room. I've seen tiny spiders crawling across my bed. And once, I jumped up out of a nightmare, feeling like someone was in the house, clearing the house, then coming back to my bed, wide awake, to see a black blob about 3 inches across crawl to the edge of my bed and disappear over the side.

And always, ALWAYS, the things are trying their best to get away from me.

This is very different behavior from the dreams I have of the things. Usually they're spiders in the dreams, and always they are attacking me. And it's not uncommon at all to snap suddenly awake from the nightmare to see one of the ugly bugs trying to get away from me.

And much of the time, I wake tingling from the, what I have come to call, shadow dreams.

It's bothered me enough that I did a lot of study on the things. And I actually have a theory based on physics for the things, involving extra dimensions. When I say based on physics, allow me to add that I work with hard physics every day, in high-strength magnetic fields and high-frequency radio waves. So I am fairly particular about my science.

I've gone looking into all manner of science, hard and soft, from electromagnetic field theory to jungian psychology. I've dabbled in the occult, studying to find whether rules of magic applied.

And what I've come up with seems to cover dreams, shadows, physics, psychology, and even magic. I realize it sounds a little much, but I'll give you the basics and you be the judge.

Basically, everything boils down to dimensions. Even dreamspace is real space, although it is at right angles to what we commonly call space, so different rules apply. We as creatures are partly the 7 or 8 spatial dimensions, plus the (probably) 2 time dimensions, plus the 2 + 1 dreamspace dimensions. Our psychological events, thought and dreams, occur within dreamspace. And time seems to pass within dreamspace because it is at right angles to 7(8) space. Magic also seems to derive in part from dreamspace, as some of magic's rules also apply to dreams and psychology.

I call this my "box corner" theory, as it all seems to work together like the corner of a box, with one side holding 7(8)space, one side holding the 2(?) time dimensions, and one side holding 2 + 1 dreamspace.

Shadows come into our normal reality from dreamspace. They can cross into our 7(8)space, but they reside more in dreamspace. Which is another way of saying they are more dreamlike than spacelike. This is why they affect us in both areas, and disappear into "nothing" pretty quickly.

That's the raw basics. Take it as you like.

Really great thread. Thanks to everyone for the discussion.


posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 04:59 PM
Interesting Box Corner theory. Could be a great way of describing the dimensional space around us! I like how it incorporates things we currently consider paranormal or occult. I think quantum mechanics will eventually figure out the rules and theories behind the paranormal and it will be just considered science and nature.

I too can look directly at the shadow insects and then look away, look back and still see the creature doing it's thing. It's interesting how some people see them running away from them and others like myself see them running towards me in general. Although I have seen them running away plenty of times and that they do seem to intend to hide if seen. But man that one spider I see is aggressive. He could be a different type of probe for different type of test, experiments or what have you. It seems intend on getting to me. The other ones not so much. They look more like they are just trying to observe me. The spider, without seeming crazy, seems like it wants to get inside of me somehow. It probably does too when I'm asleep and haven't been awoken by it.

I'm still open to it being a hallucination. But I am not a believer in shared mass hallucinations. And the spider phobia is not common to everybody in the world. So some people like me are seeing these things and don't have any particular distain for spiders. Not cool with picking one up. But I can sit there and stare at one for a while examining their various parts without getting the willies. Never heard of shadow giant spiders before. Sounds pretty scary. ALthough the beetle like thing was pretty damned big even for a scarab beetle. It was about the size of a softball or grapefruit. The tarantula the same size as a ordinary tarantula. One thing. ALthough I couldn't see it's legs too clearly it seemed to have more than 8. ANd although the spider was moving at a pace of maybe 2 feet a second along my wall. The legs looked like they were going so rapidly they were almost a blur. But still slow enough to notice the tips of the legs as it scurried towards me. THe legs also moved in small strides while moving almost like they were tons of sewing needles in a sewing machine going up and down

Would like to hear more about any experiences with other shadow animals that people have to talk about. I've seen shadow people (wraith) and I've seen things that were moving shadows that looked vaguely humanoid but only 3 or 4 feet tall. THey always moved fast and wanted to not be seen. You can see them for just a second before the dar off. But the wraith shadow man was the guy I mentioned from earlier in this thread and his behavior was very different from the rest of the shadow men I've seen.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by samerulesapply

Hey there samerulesapply ... I can't believe I've just stumbled upon this thread ... I was actually considering starting one of my own on this very subject.

I only started seeing these 'shadow spiders' when I moved into this house back in March of this year ... never saw them before.

I don't like creepy crawlies of any kind but I can cope and I will eject a spider via the glass and paper method ... as you said in your OP I could not sleep in a room knowing there was a spider or any other crawly thing in the room with me either (too many urban myths about them getting in your mouth / up your nose / in your ears etc whilst you sleep).

But these 'shadow spiders' that I see are any time ... usually in the day when I'm wide awake in my peripheral vision but very clear ... I see them climbing the walls or running across the floor ... quite comforting to see it's quite common ... I shall be following this thread and thanks for making it S&F for you


posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 01:43 AM
Do any of you feel that the shadow spiders are drawing energy from you? I do. The spider form is more of a recent phenomena for me, probably not happening before the last ten years or thereabouts. Before that, and mainly just in the house I grew up in, it was amorphous blobs I'd wake up to. They would have like one filament attached to me. I even made a diary entry about it when I was about 19 and that would have been 27 years ago. Man it's painful to realize that's how many years ago I was 19.
anyway, once the connection to a particularly large blob severed so fast it made a snap noise and left a red mark on my stomach.

Due to weird things happening in that house I slept with lights on much of my life there. I often would wake up suddenly and see these things almost frolicking around me and attached to me like jellyfish with a tentacle on me. I thought I was the only person to experience such weirdness. But lo and behold the Internet came into existence and people started discussing these things openly. I still do not have a clue what they are but they don't seem to hurt me but I know they do seem to be drawing something from me.

I can't say for sure I never experienced them anywhere else. But if I did it was rare enough I forgot. But the spider thingy is a new twist on basically the same kind of experience. But with the spider it's not attached to me via a tentacle. But I feel I am projecting it somehow or it's using a spot somewhere on my forehead to project itself. I lean toward it being a hypnogogic hallucination because I just don't see this thing when I've been awake and active a long time. However the idea physics may eventually explain this thing rather than biology also appeals to me.

There is one thing I wonder about. Neither blobs nor shadow beings ever put in an appearance in my life prior to the 1980's even though I saw plenty of other paranormal things prior to that.

In my many talks with people about shadow beings I can't recall anyone recounting an experience that precedes the 1980's. It makes me wonder are these things something created or brought here by some sort of research project that happened in that decade?
edit on 27-10-2012 by SheeplFlavoredAgain because: Typing on iPad before bedtime leads to typos and awful writing!

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