Your Radiation This Week No 17 | Veterans Today
By Bob Nichols on August 15, 2015
August 8 to Aug 15, 2015

(San Francisco) August 15, 2015
Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.”
These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood.
Let’s get right to it.
*Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument.
Partial Counts are noted. Uncounted radiation makes the actual Count higher and more dangerous.
Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [6]
610 CPM, 122 Times Normal, Concord, NH. Gamma and Beta Radiation only.
359 CPM, 71.8 Times Normal, Boston, MA. Gamma only.
323 CPM, 64.6 Times Normal, New York City, NY. Gamma only.
774 CPM, 154.8 Times Normal, Pittsburgh, PA. Gamma and Beta only.
594 CPM, 118.8 Times Normal, Raleigh, NC. Gamma only.
351 CPM, 71 Times Normal, Atlanta, GA. Gamma only.
501 CPM, 100.2 Times Normal, Miami, FL. Gamma only.
269 CPM, 53.8 Times Normal, Chicago, IL. Gamma only.
407 CPM, 81.4 Times Normal, Ft Wayne, IN. Gamma and Beta only. Last known reading.
258 CPM, 51.6 Times Normal, Indianapolis, IN. Gamma only.
443 CPM, 88.6 Times Normal, St Paul, MN. Gamma and Beta only. Last known reading.
583 CPM, 116.6 Times Normal, Lincoln, NE. Gamma and Beta only.
273 CPM, 54.6 Times Normal, Des Moines, IA. Gamma only.
415 CPM, 83 Times Normal, Aberdeen, SD. Gamma only.
311 CPM, 62.2 Times Normal, Rapid City, SD. Gamma only.
Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [6]
443 CPM, 88.6 Times Normal, Kansas City, KA. Gamma only.
375 CPM, 75 Times Normal, Tulsa, OK. Gamma only.
607 CPM, 121.4 Times Normal, Little Rock, AR. Gamma and Beta only.
494 CPM, 98.8 Times Normal, Dallas, TX. Gamma and Beta only.
606 CPM, 121.2 Times Normal, San Angelo, TX. Gamma and Beta only.
229 CPM, 45.8 Times Normal, Lubbock, TX. Gamma only.
433 CPM, 86.6 Times Normal, South Valley, NM. Gamma only.
530 CPM, 106 Times Normal, Albuquerque, NM. Gamma and Beta only. Last known report.
365 CPM, 73 Times Normal, Grand Junction, CO. Gamma only.
961 CPM, 192.2 Times Normal, Billings, MT. Gamma only.
459 CPM, 91.8 Times Normal, Phoenix, AZ. Gamma and Beta only.
669 CPM, 133.8 Times Normal, Tucson, AZ. Gamma and Beta only.
245 CPM, 49 Times Normal, Las Vegas, NV. Gamma only.
550 CPM, 110 Times Normal, San Diego, CA. Gamma only.
855 CPM, 171 Times Normal, Bakersfield, CA. Gamma and Beta only. Last known reading.
310 CPM, 62 Times Normal, Los Angeles, CA. Gamma only.
206 CPM, 41.2 Times Normal, San Francisco, CA. Gamma only.
538 CPM, 107.6 Times Normal, Spokane, WA. Gamma only.
Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [6]
Highest Recorded Radioactive City in America this week
A new and familiar Leader this week in the race for the Most Radioactive Weather in America is Billings, Montana with
Congratulations to
Billings, Montana as the Most Radioactive City in America.
Can 1,000 CPM be far behind?
We’ll see.
Stick with Bob Nichols on VT, I’ll keep you advised.
Last place in the radiation race among reporting cities is none other than San Fransisco, California with 206 CPM. Even at that, San Fransisco is
still 41.2 Times Normal.
The word “only” is a permanent add to all partial Rad report lines. Right now, all the city lines are partial reports and are therefore reporting
Isotope Count reporting
These CPM numbers do not represent the actual radiation counts in your radiation weather this week. It is higher [or worse] than these government
certified partial reports say. Use these report numbers as your Starting Point in adding up your daily, monthly and annual exposure from your Rad
Most radiation monitors report on the radioactive presence of Cesium 137 at the detector. YRTW will report on “the secrets the Pros use” in
estimating the actual Total radiation counts. It is not a pretty picture. Squeamish readers may want to turn to other Veterans Today articles
reporting on usual things like wars and people getting blown up by an actual named enemy you can see in pictures.
The Lethality goes up for 35 years; then declines slightly and hangs steady for millions of years, for that release.
New releases start a new clock all over again.
Regrettably for all Normal Humans, that is a bunch of generations.
The end result is extinction, of course.
Everybody is included; no one is left out.
Truthfully, it is a Bummer and I know of no variety of radiation-exempt Human Species.
Notes and Sources
1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at
2. The EPA based reporting of, an LLC.3. * This station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations have
reporting Beta Radiation Monitors. Gamma Radiation Monitors are functioning at all these locations.
4. “…If you pollute when you DO KNOW there is NO safe dose with respect to causing extra cases of deadly cancers or heritable effects, you are
committing premeditated random murder.” – John W. Gofman, Ph.D., M.D. (1918-2007), associate director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1963-1969) — Comments on a Petition for Rulemaking to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 21, 1994.
5. CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation
which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One
Radioactive Decay.” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation, This Week.’” Apr 3, 2015.
6. Digilert 100 Promotional Flyer pdf, “Normal background is 5-20 CPM.” Copyright @ 2015 Keison International Ltd – All Rights
With great respect,
Peace Light Love