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Ok then 7% is way lower than 100% ... so lets recalibrate and just focus on the plutonium in the mox fuel.
So whats 7% of 35.25 quadrillion??? = 2469078015000000 atoms ... That's still about 2.5 [rnded up] QUADRILLION atoms of plutonium... per person!
Ok now... lets use your data on 50micrograms per kilo of body weight and average body weight of 80kg.
That means 4milligrams [of plutonium] is enuff to definately kill a single person.
Now 244grams of plutonium was 1 MOLE of plutonium and was
= Avogadro's No# in atoms ie 6.0221415 × 10^23 atoms
/ 244 = 2468090778688524590164 [rnded up] atoms of plutonium per 1gram
/ 1000 = 2468090778688524590 [rnded down] atoms of plutonium per 1milligram
x 4 = 9872363114754098360 [as is] atoms is required to kill a single person GARANTEED!
Now ....
7kg / 0.004g = 1750000 [rnded down] 100% lethal doses in 7kg of plutonium [7% of the MOX fuel remember]
7billion people / 1750000 100% fully lethal doses = 1 in 4000 chance of dying.
Thats an increase in chance of dying of 50000 times compared with the 31 chernobyl deaths. [ie 1 in 200 million]
Thats 5million % increase in chance of DEATH [per person] at the maximum for just the plutonium in the mox fuel.
2211474285432690280000000000 cubic metres of atmosphere AND ocean [(8.5km x earth entire surface area) + (3.79km x earths entire oceanic surface area.) note: both sourced from WIKI and everything converted to cubic meters [a billion fold increase]]
= 0.008 [rnded up] atoms of plutonium [spread evenly throughout the WHOLE atmosphere]
PER 1 cubic metre [ie 1m^3] of atmosphere ... Thats 1 atom of plutonium per ever 5mtrs^3 [ie. 125 cubic metres].
So I reduced that maximum extreme ballpark figure from 35.25 quadrillion fold increase per person down to a far more reasonable [? ] 50000 increase in chance of death from plutonium worldwide.
I also showed that if it was ubiquitously spread everywhere it would be inescapable!!!
Originally posted by OmegaLogos
reply to post by thorfourwinds
Explanation: St*rred!
(San Francisco) – Physics Professor Paolo Scampa announced March 23, 2011 that the four destroyed reactors at Fukushima, Japan was about 70 Billion Lethal Doses, finely divided. Professor Scampa used only official IAEA data (International Atomic Energy Agency).
According to the US Census Bureau, there are approximately 6 Billion, 907 Million people on Earth today.
The wrecked General Electric nuclear reactors contained enough radioactive, highly poisonous fuel to kill every person on Earth about 10 times.
The poison is in the atmosphere and spreading all over the world from Japan in 9 to 10 days.
Now ....
7kg / 0.004g = 1750000 [rnded down] 100% lethal doses in 7kg of plutonium [7% of the MOX fuel remember]
7billion people / 1750000 100% fully lethal doses = 1 in 4000 chance of dying.
Thats an increase in chance of dying of 50000 times compared with the 31 chernobyl deaths. [ie 1 in 200 million]
Thats the difference between 100kg [7kg of plutonium] and the entire power plants entire nuclear fuel load plus all the extra stored nuclear waste material etc.
Its a 40000 times difference between my worst case scenerio and the absolute maximum worse case scenerio.
Thanks for providing linked information that my maths estimate was well within the ball park of whats possible!
Personal Disclosure: And thanks also for providing weather simulations etc.
Dose and effect
But on the question of whether there is a safe threshold for exposure to radioactivity, Burns agrees with Ruff.
"There is no level below which we believe radiation effects can't occur," says Burns.
He says the oft-cited effect 'threshold' of 100 millisieverts comes from the most statistically-significant results from studies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bomb survivors.
i get so tired of attempting to educate people on the many facets of radiation exposure.
Read that link again. The decay path of the particle of PU is only on the order of 55 microns. That is to short for a "geiger counter" to pick up. That is one reason why it is so insidious. Geiger counters detect decay paths of more energetic particles like gamma rays that travel long distances. Alpha and Beta rays are much shorter and are onlt really harmful when they get inside of the human body. You would need to get one of those full body scans that detect "whole body dose" to detect wether you had any hot particles in your tissue. Those are expensive by the way and don't remove any radioactive elements or stop you from ingesting new ones.
Originally posted by LittleBlackEagle
reply to post by intrptr
thanks for taking the time to write that out, i get so tired of attempting to educate people on the many facets of radiation exposure.
zomg!!!! blah blah blah you guys are fear mongering that dose of radiation wont hurt anyone.
if they only knew.....
every bit of the longer half life isotopes we take in, are cumulative and although they may seem harmless on a day to day basis they can and do affect our lives down the road. it is estimated that the cesium 137 released from Fuku will be raining on us all for 60 years or more and that's if the leakage stopped today.
anyway i'm done with this thread because frankly i have said all i can on the subject and those with a genuine interest in finding the truth of Fukushima, have the tools to do that now.
Link to PDF
The half-life of plutonium-239 is 24,065 years. This half-life is short enough that 1 microgram of material will undergo more than 2000 decay events per second, but it is long enough to allow that microgram to decay at an approximately constant rate for thousands of years. If plutonium had uranium’s half-life of 4 billion years, there would be so few decays over the span of a human’s lifetime that the radiological toxicity of plutonium would be much less severe.3 However, that is not the case. No humans have ever died from acute toxicity due to plutonium uptake.4 Nevertheless, lethal doses5 have been estimated from research on dogs, rats, and mice. Animal studies indicate that a few milligrams of plutonium per kilogram of tissue is a lethal dose. For example, the LD50(30) for dogs after intravenous injection of plutonium is about 0.32 milligram per kilogram of tissue. Assuming this animal dose also applies to humans, an LD50(30) by intravenous injection for an average human of 70 kilograms would be about 22 milligrams. By inhalation, the uptake would have to be about 4 times higher.
Currently the total arable land is 13.31% of the land surface, with only 4.71% supporting permanent crops.
Necessity, who is the mother of invention -- Plato
Human-caused background radiation
Per capita thyroid doses in the continental United States resulting from all exposure routes from all atmospheric nuclear tests conducted at the Nevada Test Site from 1951-1962.Frequent above-ground nuclear explosions between the 1940s and 1960s scattered a substantial amount of radioactive contamination. Some of this contamination is local, rendering the immediate surroundings highly radioactive, while some of it is carried longer distances as nuclear fallout; some of this material is dispersed worldwide. The increase in background radiation due to these tests peaked in 1963 at about 0.15 mSv per year worldwide, or about 7% of average background dose from all sources. The Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963 prohibited above-ground tests, thus by the year 2000 the worldwide dose from these tests has decreased to only 0.005 mSv per year.[10]
Older coal-fired power plants without effective fly ash capture are a large source of human-caused background radiation exposure. When coal is burned, uranium, thorium and all the uranium daughters accumulated by disintegration — radium, radon, polonium — are released.[26] According to a 1978 article in Science magazine, "coal-fired power plants throughout the world are the major sources of radioactive materials released to the environment".[27] Radioactive materials previously buried underground in coal deposits are released as fly ash or, if fly ash is captured, may be incorporated into concrete manufactured with fly ash. Radioactive materials are also released in gaseous emissions. The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation estimates that per gigawatt-year (GWea) of electrical energy produced by coal, using the current mix of technology throughout the world, the population impact is approximately 0.8 lethal cancers per plant-year distributed over the affected population. With 400 GW of coal-fired power plants in the world, this amounts to some 320 deaths per year.[28]
Under normal circumstances, a modern nuclear reactor releases minuscule amounts of radioactive contamination. While the radiation released in minor accidents varies, major accidents like Windscale fire (Sellafield accident), the Chernobyl accident, and the Fukushima I nuclear accidents release massive radioactive contamination into the environment.[citation needed]
Three of the reactors at Fukushima I overheated, causing meltdowns that eventually led to explosions (caused by a release of hydrogen from inside the reactor), which released large amounts of radioactive material into the air.[29]Radiation levels at the stricken Fukushima I power plant have varied spiking up to 1,000 mSv/h (millisievert per hour),[30] which is a level that can cause radiation sickness to occur at a later time following a one hour exposure.[31] Significant release in emissions of radioactive particles took place following hydrogen explosions at three reactors, as technicians tried to pump in seawater to keep the uranium fuel rods cool, and bled radioactive gas from the reactors in order to make room for the seawater.[32] Concerns about the possibility of a large scale radiation leak resulted in 20 km exclusion zone being set up around the power plant and people within the 20–30 km zone being advised to stay indoors. Later, the UK, France and some other countries told their nationals to consider leaving Tokyo, in response to fears of spreading nuclear contamination.[33] New Scientist has reported that emissions of radioactive iodine and cesium from the crippled Fukushima I nuclear plant have approached levels evident after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.[34] On March 24, 2011, Japanese officials announced that "radioactive iodine-131 exceeding safety limits for infants had been detected at 18 water-purification plants in Tokyo and five other prefectures".[35] See Radiation effects from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
Originally posted by WoodSpirit
reply to post by intrptr
So you are saying that his claim that 6-8 times the level of background radiation is dangerous, is correct?
Originally posted by OmegaLogos
reply to post by undo
Explanation: I wouldn't have any clue as to that as I didn't base any of my equations on any such data sets.
I approached the situation in an idealized and global manner as much as I could.
I used the acute deaths from radiation sickness data from Chernobyl as a known case of deaths from an event such as Fukushima is.
That gave me a very basic baseline of garanteed deaths world wide from the Chernobyl event.
Everything after that is PURE speculation on my part. I might have speculated accurately or not?
Someone needs to check my maths to confirm or deny the accuracy possesed in my post.
We also need to confirm whether any material was ejected at all and in what amounts.
Personal Disclosure: I am NOT an expert .. in anything! Take my post with a pinch of iodized salt ok!
Originally posted by OmegaLogos
reply to post by moniesisfun
Explanation: They have no need to as I have done that already ...
Prestigious doctor: US nuclear 'Baby valley of death,' Millions to die (note only OmegaLogos posts) [ATS]
And I shall quote myself ...
Ok then 7% is way lower than 100% ... so lets recalibrate and just focus on the plutonium in the mox fuel.
So whats 7% of 35.25 quadrillion??? = 2469078015000000 atoms ... That's still about 2.5 [rnded up] QUADRILLION atoms of plutonium... per person!
Ok now... lets use your data on 50micrograms per kilo of body weight and average body weight of 80kg.
That means 4milligrams [of plutonium] is enuff to definately kill a single person.
Now 244grams of plutonium was 1 MOLE of plutonium and was
= Avogadro's No# in atoms ie 6.0221415 × 10^23 atoms
/ 244 = 2468090778688524590164 [rnded up] atoms of plutonium per 1gram
/ 1000 = 2468090778688524590 [rnded down] atoms of plutonium per 1milligram
x 4 = 9872363114754098360 [as is] atoms is required to kill a single person GARANTEED!
Now ....
7kg / 0.004g = 1750000 [rnded down] 100% lethal doses in 7kg of plutonium [7% of the MOX fuel remember]
7billion people / 1750000 100% fully lethal doses = 1 in 4000 chance of dying.
Thats an increase in chance of dying of 50000 times compared with the 31 chernobyl deaths. [ie 1 in 200 million]
Thats 5million % increase in chance of DEATH [per person] at the maximum for just the plutonium in the mox fuel.
2211474285432690280000000000 cubic metres of atmosphere AND ocean [(8.5km x earth entire surface area) + (3.79km x earths entire oceanic surface area.) note: both sourced from WIKI and everything converted to cubic meters [a billion fold increase]]
= 0.008 [rnded up] atoms of plutonium [spread evenly throughout the WHOLE atmosphere]
PER 1 cubic metre [ie 1m^3] of atmosphere ... Thats 1 atom of plutonium per ever 5mtrs^3 [ie. 125 cubic metres].
So I reduced that maximum extreme ballpark figure from 35.25 quadrillion fold increase per person down to a far more reasonable [? ] 50000 increase in chance of death from plutonium worldwide.
I also showed that if it was ubiquitously spread everywhere it would be inescapable!!!
And ...
Originally posted by OmegaLogos
reply to post by thorfourwinds
Explanation: St*rred!
(San Francisco) – Physics Professor Paolo Scampa announced March 23, 2011 that the four destroyed reactors at Fukushima, Japan was about 70 Billion Lethal Doses, finely divided. Professor Scampa used only official IAEA data (International Atomic Energy Agency).
According to the US Census Bureau, there are approximately 6 Billion, 907 Million people on Earth today.
The wrecked General Electric nuclear reactors contained enough radioactive, highly poisonous fuel to kill every person on Earth about 10 times.
The poison is in the atmosphere and spreading all over the world from Japan in 9 to 10 days.
Now ....
7kg / 0.004g = 1750000 [rnded down] 100% lethal doses in 7kg of plutonium [7% of the MOX fuel remember]
7billion people / 1750000 100% fully lethal doses = 1 in 4000 chance of dying.
Thats an increase in chance of dying of 50000 times compared with the 31 chernobyl deaths. [ie 1 in 200 million]
Thats the difference between 100kg [7kg of plutonium] and the entire power plants entire nuclear fuel load plus all the extra stored nuclear waste material etc.
Its a 40000 times difference between my worst case scenerio and the absolute maximum worse case scenerio.
Thanks for providing linked information that my maths estimate was well within the ball park of whats possible!
Personal Disclosure: And thanks also for providing weather simulations etc.
So you are saying the air is actually full of deadly Pu particles, but we just can't detect them.
That doesn't prove they are there.
So what do you base your claims on, if you can't even detect them?
Prestigious doctor: US nuclear 'Baby valley of death,' Millions to die (note only OmegaLogos posts) [ATS]
Its a 40000 times difference between my worst case scenerio and the absolute maximum worse case scenerio.
Thanks for providing linked information that my maths estimate was well within the ball park of whats possible!