Whoever you think you voted for...You were conned.
Whatever promises you think are going to be kept...You were conned.
The new America just around the corner...You were conned.
Left vs Right vs Republican vs Democrat...Yup, conned again.
One is better than the other...Conned
One will make it all better...you guessed it...CONNED.
The Parties are so different in values, morals and idealism. The Biggest Con ever.
What the hell is going on?
I am getting the message that more ATS'ers are actually buying into the con game than I previously expected. I can see that many Pro Obama and Pro
Mitt members are very new and I get that many of these new members are either shills or just deaf, dumb and blind to the fact that they are being
conned and have a forum to push their whichever side to others but...
C'mon, most of us know that it's all just grand standing and a show and tell exhibition that has already been decided years ago as to which puppet
will rule the roost this term.
And by all accounts, America is buying into the illusion that they are actually in the process of CHOOSING their next leader...Conned.
Some days I look at these boards and it's just full of BS towards this election. Either you believe you are supporting your candidate and are trying
to convince others (Conned) or you are already working for that candidate in some back room with 500 others raping, pillaging, trolling the net to put
forward your personal puppet for a few bucks per hour.
Give it up. Your real candidates have been left behind by you, the conned. Remember the ones that you ignored either because they weren't popular or
they didn't have the millions of dollars to buy the Office? Did they sell out? No, you did.
Let's get back to something we can control...Our minds and thirst for knowledge because they are coming for that next. How do I know this?
Because you were so easily conned in this election and it was all out in the open to deny ignorance but chose not to. So let's get back to something
under your control because the next criminal in the White House won't be chosen by anyone but his fellow criminal. Take back your dignity and at least
acknowledge the fact that it's time to accept these facts.
You have no say and the sooner more people start to accept this fact, the sooner more people will see that it's truly time for a change. Just not the
change the criminals think it is.
So let's get back to denying ignorance instead of embracing it. And the first step is to accept that you have no choice in this election. It only
looks like it.
The entire World knows it, why don't you?
edit on 20-10-2012 by jude11 because: (no reason given)