posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:13 PM
watching it now on youtube
Romney comes across to smug.. to arrogant and... mafia type you know? he looks into the camera and smiles at an answer when he's clearly side
stepping the question. His Credibility goes out the window when he speaks.
Obama talks softer, slower and almost directly to the people.
I thought Obama won the first debate personally, but I don't have any sort of day to day life with US politics (im in Australia) so that's my
non-political infected opinion being ive ONLY seen the debates.
A few points I think Obama NEEDS to bring up..
1. The banker bailout is the REASON the economy is in the toilet.
2. The republicans attempting to stop all the reasonable pieces of change in congress.
Also, the QUESTIONS.. can we have some decent, pointed and REALLY important ones?