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My 2nd nephew, after warning my cousin about vaccines, now has autism

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posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by GR1ill3d

"There's more mercury in a can of tuna then there is in all the vaccines you will ever get in your lifetime."

This isnt injected directly into the blood stream past the primary immune system like it is with vaccines. Work on your critical thinking skills, this should be one of those "duh" situations. Whever sold you on that thought process is not helping.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 02:37 PM
Well, consider this:

Every vaccine causes Encephalitis. In some it is just a tiny bit and goes away, and in others it can much more.

In that link they go through some of the VAERS compensation cases and other links like in the Lancet, dealing with this offshoot of the Autism discussion.

Me personally, I think Autism and vaccines are directly related. This how I observed it on a personal level with a family member.

Another interesting case is this one I watched on Youtube. I no longer remember the name but feel free to look around a bit. This young girl was on video on youtube weekly, sometimes daily. A toddler, I think she just turned 2, constantly on a sort of a video blog of her life just as she grew up. She was adorable so I think it was pretty popular. Anyway, as part of the blog the mom put her up in video shortly after her round of vaccines for the age. It was 100% apparent to all that she became Autistic in a very, very short period of time. Coincidence?

If it was coincidence, there would be no payout by VAERS.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 03:36 PM
My nephew has autism and my sister attributes it to vaccines. She seems to cope ok but for me it would be a living hell.

As for vaccinations, the whole idea of injecting someone with a virus to prevent a virus is bizarre to say the least.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 04:08 PM
Hey its like injecting money into a system that is failing because people are injecting money into it.


posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 05:31 PM
so did the OP return ?

I'd like to know the age of the father

recent research has identified that as a risk factor

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

I just watched a few VERY informative vids and thought I'd update some of what you've been saying.
You mentioned that you think the MMR jabs are the main culprit. While it now seems that ALL vaccines may do more harm than good you are absolutely correct about the MMR. Its immediately after the MMR that most parents notice their child is seriously ill. There are THOUSANDS of parents confirming this.

You mentioned that Big Pharma is immune from prosecution, and that seems to be true however!!
Some parents have succesfully sued the government for the damage caused by the vaccines. In all cases it seems that the parents had to sign a document stating they would remain silent. However the money awarded was not made available to the parents and could only be used to pay for care of the child if the child was put into a care unit.
This essentialy meant the money went straight to another big company and left the parents with nothing, not even their child.
A couple of parents got pee'd off with this situation (who can blame them) and went public. The vid I watched last night stated that more than 80 (and still rising) parents had now gone public about the government paying out for autism.
We all know they would not be paying a single bean if they didnt have to, so this ought to open a few peoples eyes.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 07:54 PM
I'm always interested in this topic... do vaccines cause a detriment to a child's health, specifically autism?

There seem to be very heated opinions on both sides. Each side also has good reason to believe what they do, but I just can't understand how anyone, from either side of the debate, can claim their understanding and belief is the truth when faced with information from the opposite theory.

The first I heard of the idea that vaccines cause autism was back in 2000-2001, when a co-worker handed me a card from one of her clients. The card had a ridiculously long list of ingredients included in vaccines. It was unbelievable and I thought it was a sort of fear mongering/agenda based assertion.

I didn't really believe it until I heard a new report about someone claiming the same thing about vaccines. That when I began to take it a bit more seriously.

I was still on the fence and couldn't be certain, based on what I've learned - there was no 100% irrefutable, iron-clad information to confirm the truth of either argument.

That changed a few years ago, when I learned my sister was pregnant. (I will not mention their names or community, to preserve their privacy and block any unwanted attention my comments may bring to them).

It was a very exciting time and became even more exciting when we learned the possibility of her pregnancy producing multiples. The excitement of our family sky-rocketed when we got the news that she was pregnant, not only with twins, but with quads!!

It was kinda funny when she first broke the news to us.... I overheard her talking with my mom and dad when she said, "I'm ruined!". Quickly followed by her husband mumbling in a whisper, "In more ways than one..."

We all joined in doing the things families do when a member is expecting. My mom tried to tell her what to expect and help with things to get ready. Being the youngest, I never experienced anything like this, so I thought my best way to contribute would be to help her learn the best ways to ensure healthy children.

As we talked, our conversation turned into getting shots for school, which was several years down the road at this point. I mentioned to her what I had been reading about the vaccines, the claims that they can impact a child's health in more ways than advertised, and the possibility of autism being one of the largest concerns related to vaccination.

Time went by and she gave birth to 4 healthy little girls. Everyone became used to the new routine of helping raise the kids and keeping my sister and brother-in-law as sane as possible.

From baby to child, the girls grew quick and healthy and it wasn't long before it was time to send the girls off to their first year of school. This led my sister to seek motherly advice on what to expect and what needs to be done. My mom had recently become aware of the claims that vaccines could be bad for children and the possible consequences of child vaccination. She told my sister, but didn't push the issue.

All 4 of those little girls can be quite a handful and that is why my parents would only keep 1-2 of them at a time. It so happened that on the day the girls were scheduled to receive their vaccinations my parents were looking after one of them. Wanting to go ahead and get it over with, my sister took the other 3 girls for their vaccinations - planning to take the 4th several days later.

That never happened, because, as some people do, the 3 vaccinated girls became sick from the vaccine and this scared my sister a bit. She decided to wait on the 4th vaccine, at least until the others were over the illness...

Nearly 4 years later... she is still waiting.

The 3 vaccinated girls have developed autism, 2 more severe than one other and with the 4th (unvaccinated) girl being in perfect health from birth until now. As far as anyone of us can tell, the only thing that seperates the girls are the vaccines that were given them several years ago.

All the girls were perfectly healthy from birth until the vaccinations. There is literally nothing that sets these girls apart from one and other, aside from the vaccinations.

I am sure it seems like I am totally convinced that the vaccines are responsible and that's probably true in my gut, but not in my mind. Even thought it points directly to vaccination as the culprit, without damning evidence I can't be 100% sure.

What are the chances that 3 of 4 girls in a set of quads, who received vaccinations at the same place and time, would develop autism, while the fourth sibling would not be vaccinated

What are the chances that vaccination would be given to 3/4 of a quadtuplet and all 3 of the girls develop autism, while the 4th sibling would not be vaccinated and remain perfectly healthy?

edit on 16-10-2012 by esteay812 because: I'm trying to find tyops...

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:33 PM
Did your first nephew get theirs at the same age?

I do believe that you should wait longer than recommended times to get shots, but I am probably gonna get most of the shots done, much to my father-in-laws dismay.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:51 PM
I wonder if it is a combination of products to cause autism .

Like the original batman movie with the joker and product X.

mixing vaccines and baby formula and bpa products .

Or maybe old stagnant sperm
edit on 16/10/12 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:57 PM
I've never met a person with Measles, because we wash our clothing and ourselves.

I've never met a person with Tetanus, because we do not treat our swords with feces any longer.

I've never met a person with Polio, even though people are still swimming -- but the vaccine was made after the disease was receding on its own... wow, imagine that, leave the virus alone and it leaves you alone. Sigh.

I've never met a person with Hepatitis B, but I guess that's because my family doesn't share needles.
Your family, I hope they don't share needles -- too late, the gov't invitation brooks no delay.

I've never met a person with Syphilis, because there are tests for things like that before they get severe.

I've never met a person with Autism who has not been Vaccinated.


Polyomaviruses are DNA-based (double-stranded DNA, ~5000 base pairs, circular genome), small (40-50 nanometers in diameter), and icosahedral in shape, and do not have a lipoprotein envelope. Moreover, the genome possess early and late genes, contributing to its complex transcription program. They are potentially oncogenic (tumor-causing); they often persist as latent infections in a host without causing disease, but may produce tumors in a host of a different species, or a host with an ineffective immune system. The name polyoma refers to the viruses' ability to produce multiple (poly-) tumors (-oma).


J Neurovirol. 2010 Mar;16(2):141-9.
Association of autism with polyomavirus infection in postmortem brains.

Lintas C, Altieri L, Lombardi F, Sacco R, Persico AM.
Laboratory of Molecular Psychiatry and Neurogenetics, University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy.

Autism is a highly heritable behavioral disorder. Yet, two decades of genetic investigation have unveiled extremely few cases that can be solely explained on the basis of de novo mutations or cytogenetic abnormalities. Vertical viral transmission represents a nongenetic mechanism of disease compatible with high parent-to-offspring transmission and with low rates of disease-specific genetic abnormalities. Vertically transmitted viruses should be found more frequently in the affected tissues of autistic individuals compared to controls.

Our initial step was thus to assess by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequence analysis the presence of cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1), herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2), human herpes virus 6 (HHV6), BK virus (BKV), JC virus (JCV), and simian virus 40 (SV40) in genomic DNA extracted from postmortem temporocortical tissue (Brodmann areas 41/42) belonging to 15 autistic patients and 13 controls.

BKV, JCV, and SV40 combined are significantly more frequent among autistic patients compared to controls (67% versus 23%, respectively; P < .05). The majority of positives yielded archetypal sequences, whereas six patients and two controls unveiled single-base pair changes in two or more sequenced clones. No association is present with the remaining viruses, which are found in relatively few individuals (N

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 12:37 AM
It sounds like the "cocktail" of vaccinations is the problem. Not getting any periodically, then just getting them all at once???

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Neopan100
reply to post by Annee

I totally agree...I mean look at how many people have received the vaccines to those with autism..very rare..luck of the draw at most..I was born in 75' and everyone I know got the cocktail of vaccines..i didn't get the small pox vac. but all the others I did..and I got boosters in HS and in College. I got a booster of Hep when I worked at a dermatology office about 10 years ago.

I don't know a single person with autism..not one..ever.

One reason there is an increase in Autism is the range of what falls under the umbrella has increased.

Children are being screened as early as 18 months old. Today the kid who sat daydreaming in school would fall under the Autism umbrella.

They actually changed the name (which I can't remember now) - - - because Autism is misleading.

It involves chemical processing in the brain. There is one form that strikes about age 5. The child can be perfectly normal then become severely Autistic. Which could make you think something was done to your child to cause it.

Its also found to be hereditary.

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by GR1ill3d

It must have something to do with the vaccines. A guy I work with quietly got a pretty big settlement from the government or hospital because his daughter became autistic after she received a double dose of shots by accident. I'm not sure which shots they were but I know it was just 2 shots that she got twice. The vaccines turned her into an autistic child. That is enough proof for me to know that vaccines are causing autism.

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 08:06 AM
Barring what causes it or not, there is a bigger factor here that most are not looking at, and that is with the rates being so high as they are, what will happen to these kids as they get older?

How will they cope? As parents how will we cope? How will we be able to get them integrated into "our" world (I use that term very loosely) Find jobs, get married, have kids etc?

I struggle to get sleep at night and have had sleeping problems (2-6 hours a night) because of this. I have had to turn down multiple job offers because of the needs for my son leaving my wife to bear the burden of paying the bills which leaves a nice gap in making ends meet monthly. I can not get any assistance from the government (not that i really want to) but i have to make sure my family eats. She makes enough to pay the bills monthly and that's it.

She makes just enough to qualify for food assistance for a whopping 0$ a month (Yea explain that too me).

In order to get my son the help he really needs it would cost (out of pocket) around 4 grand a month for ABA therapy. In between taking my son to his school and other various Dr appts and OT sessions i hardly have time to myself, let alone time/money to do things with my wife.

So bar not having money to do anything and not getting sleep because im worried about paying this months bills on time then, I have to worry about getting food into the house for him mostly, her being overly tired from working so much at a cruddy job she hates, which leads to marital problems and fighting, then having to deal with my son not being able to tell me what he needs, or why he all of a sudden is up @ 4 am crying for no reason, all of that leads to a very mentally drained me.

I'll tell you one thing if it is ever found out that the cause for all of this is from vaccines, (which I doubt, but I'm open for peer-reviewed studies on the matter and not a youtube video or someone saying "My cousin was fine one day then caught autism the next") I'll eat my hat, and also be first in line suing the makers of w/e it is that took my son away from me for every last penny they have.

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 10:43 AM
Completely wrong.

Utterly and complete bollocks.

Kids staring out into space and kids having a panic attack when a balloon pops, or having difficulty looking someone in the eye, or someone who covers their ears when they think they will hear a noise they can't deal with, or someone that has severe bowel disorder problems (directly associated with Autism) are all VERY different things.

Having been around and cared for an Autistic family member, I feel qualified to say you are wrong.

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Neopan100
reply to post by Annee

I totally agree...I mean look at how many people have received the vaccines to those with autism..very rare..luck of the draw at most..I was born in 75' and everyone I know got the cocktail of vaccines..i didn't get the small pox vac. but all the others I did..and I got boosters in HS and in College. I got a booster of Hep when I worked at a dermatology office about 10 years ago.

I don't know a single person with autism..not one..ever.

One reason there is an increase in Autism is the range of what falls under the umbrella has increased.

Children are being screened as early as 18 months old. Today the kid who sat daydreaming in school would fall under the Autism umbrella.

They actually changed the name (which I can't remember now) - - - because Autism is misleading.

It involves chemical processing in the brain. There is one form that strikes about age 5. The child can be perfectly normal then become severely Autistic. Which could make you think something was done to your child to cause it.

Its also found to be hereditary.

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
so did the OP return ?

I'd like to know the age of the father

recent research has identified that as a risk factor

When my nephew was born, the father was 24.

2nd line

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 02:14 PM
The fact is that there just isnt any conclusive evidence linking the vaccines to autism. There have been studies that show potential issues that absolutely warrant further investigation, and I am all for that investigation and further research being done. But drawing a line and saying that they absolutely cause it is not the proper way to go about it.

I've worked with autistic clients in ICF/MRs, only one of which did not get vaccines (and neither did her sibling, who did not have autism). I'm no research professional by any means, but I do have experience working with autistic clients and their families, and I was required to be very familiar with their medical backgrounds.

I've been vaccinated. My wife has been vaccinated. My 3 month old son has been vaccinated. Do I have concerns that he will be autistic? As a father, I obviously have concerns about my child's health, but concerns specifically about the vaccines causing my child to have serious issues? No.

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 05:10 PM
I haven't read every post, so I don't know if this hasd already been said - but - THINK ABOUT IT!! A cocktail of chemicals, toxins, bacteria and animal bits are injected DIRECTLY in to the bloodstream of a child, over and over again. Why would anyone think this is a good idea? It just blows my mind that anyone would roll up their sleeves for this. I have three kids - none of them have had a shot, and never will on my watch.

posted on Oct, 18 2012 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Scouser640
I haven't read every post, so I don't know if this hasd already been said - but - THINK ABOUT IT!! A cocktail of chemicals, toxins, bacteria and animal bits are injected DIRECTLY in to the bloodstream of a child, over and over again. Why would anyone think this is a good idea? It just blows my mind that anyone would roll up their sleeves for this. I have three kids - none of them have had a shot, and never will on my watch.

Your world might be pretty easy and simple to understand. But in reality, you didn't understand anything.

I am sorry, but your posting was missing so many crucial parts and ways how vaccines work, that I am nearly lost for words. Really, have you even any idea HOW MANY "chemicals, toxins, bacteria and animal bits" ARE ALL OVER THE BODIES OF YOUR CHILDREN?
It is inevitable to have those substances in direct physical contact, and every child will pick them up in huge masses by simply playing on the lawn..


Is it even possible for you to understand that if you TRAIN the body to cope with that "crap" by giving him DEAD "crap" which could not(!) run amok inside the bodies of your children, your children will be kind of immune against that "crap"?

I can't even understand how someone ignores this simple bit of logic. Your body detects dead bad stuff in his venes and learns how to remove it to be prepared if some LIVE bad stuff enters the body via orifices, wounds or such.

posted on Oct, 19 2012 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375
Nearly every child is vaccinated these days....
So drawing a causal relationship isn't smart....
There are countless studies that analyze the data with statistical analysis, and do not find a significant relationship between vaccines and autism.

Wouldn't everyone be getting autism if vaccines truly caused autism, seeing as 90%+ of children are vaccinated?

Now there is an increase of autism rates, don't get me wrong. But it is most likely caused by something else in the environment.
The vast majority of studies show that the increase isn't due to vaccines.
I've taken a look at some of the studies that show the increase is due to vaccines, and they are FLAWED studies, not to mention they are in the minority. The vast majority of studies show no increased risk of autism due to vaccination.

Using anecdotes is VERY poor science, fyi.

Hold on now, you are saying that since 90% of children are vaccinated, and since there are much less than 90% of children with Autism, that means that vaccines cannot be the cause of Autism?

Sorry, bud, that is poor science.

It would be a fallacy to assume 100% of kids who get vaccines will respond with Autism.

Do you believe that smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer?

Why don't 100% of people who smoke get lung cancer?

Obviously, if less than 100% of people who smoke get lung cancer, then cigarettes CANNOT be the cause of lung cancer.

By your reasoning, second-hand cigarette smoke must be safe as well.

I need to go call CNN right now, this is a breakthrough!

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