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My 2nd nephew, after warning my cousin about vaccines, now has autism

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posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

This is what I believe. Children's immunity doesn't even develop till 2.5 or 3 years. Yet by the time they are 6 years old, they receive 26 injections.

While the immunse system is amazing, I don't think it is meant to be assulated 12 times by the time it is 3 years old. Most people pre vaccines would of had one, maybe two devastating illnesses,not 12.

Not to mention, they really don't study the effects these vaccinations have on the brain.

I thinkt he MMR is the real culprit.

The other problem is that the medical community is so pro vaccine that they fail to report or even recongize any reactions, so they go unreported.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:32 AM
My sister just had her first child.. She is going to spread out the vaccine regimen and ask for single shots... Besides that I told her to stay away from all forms of glutamate and or MSG... During pregnancy she avoided anything with BPA, and did her best to to eat meats/veggies/fruit.

Btw MSG is more prevalent in Asian cultures, I wonder if that may be the cause of increased incidence in Koreans. Its in a lot of stuff here as well, Doritos for instance. Some believe exposure to it in the womb is the cause of autism... Also glutamate is in vaccines...

I know I am a little paranoid, but I'd rather not be sorry if I could prevent something.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
You should have seen this kid at 2. Running around, faster, brighter, quicker than most of the other kids. Already starting to talk, eye contact, draw, look at picture books, play games, ....just your everyday American kid.

Then my stupid cousin gave him a crap load of vaccines and the flue shot, "AT 2 YEARS OLD !!!!!"

Well guess what, it all went down hill after that. No more eye contact, the kid is now 6 and barely talks. He plugs his ears at any sound that's too loud, like a fire truck, or a when we sing him happy birthday. Other kids 3-4 years old, younger than him are quicker, sharper, faster, and actually pick on him and call him slow. Everyone in the family can tell he's messed up, but she avoids talking about it and dismisses it. Ignorance!!!!

When, or if I ever, have kids, I promise I'll never let them get this poison
Sounds like my own son.
Auditory dis-synchrony is one symptom of brain damage caused by vaccine adverse reaction.
Believe it or not, kids who would have scored highest on the Stanford Binet carry the most allergy inducing genes.
Therefore the intelligent should not be receiving any vaccines, i.e. no HUMAN should receive vaccines.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:47 AM
Im sorry, I didnt get past page 1 before I had to speak my mind.

Did you know that decendents (children, grandchildren, etc.) of the men and women who served in Vietnam and were exposed to Agent Orange can have several issues including Autism?

Did you know that toxic chemicals like those found in childrens toys made in China (before they caught it) can cause Autism and ADHD (as well as other things)?

Did you know that orphans just 2 generations ago were test animals for radioactive Quaker Oats and other things?

All those things cause neurological issues and float on down the gene pool.

Why do you insist on blaming the one thing that can save your childs life, that science has tested over and over again finding NO connection when science HAS found a connection in all the things I listed above?

Before big technology, science, and such we were great people who figured out how to manipulate electricity to meet our needs, record music, build countries from scratch!! Now look at us. And you want to blame vaccines for all of that? You make NO sense.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:57 AM
Nearly every child is vaccinated these days....
So drawing a causal relationship isn't smart....
There are countless studies that analyze the data with statistical analysis, and do not find a significant relationship between vaccines and autism.

Wouldn't everyone be getting autism if vaccines truly caused autism, seeing as 90%+ of children are vaccinated?

Now there is an increase of autism rates, don't get me wrong. But it is most likely caused by something else in the environment.
The vast majority of studies show that the increase isn't due to vaccines.
I've taken a look at some of the studies that show the increase is due to vaccines, and they are FLAWED studies, not to mention they are in the minority. The vast majority of studies show no increased risk of autism due to vaccination.

Using anecdotes is VERY poor science, fyi.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:59 AM
Many people are just looking for a convenient scapegoat. There are many doctors that dont like the vaccines and many that do. I can absolutely guarantee you that there are more studies out there proving that they are beneficial than there are showing they are bad. Its all about what one chooses to believe - a hypothesis or proven science.

Many people can survive without vaccines, this is true. But if you do this on a grander scale and everyone stops getting them, where are we really leading future generations? For many it will be straight to a perfectly preventable death.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Vaccines, innoculations, and the like are fine by themselves, but giving a cocktail is not a good thing.

Span it out over time..years..and there is rarely a issue. drop all of it in..and at 2? well, the science isn't there, but thats just asking for issues imo.

I speak from pure ignorance here btw. I just am on the assumption that mixing chemicals is rarely a good thing to do.

I think you're on to something, maybe intuitively...
I thought it was normal to space out vaccinations once you have a baby.
I guess there are pediatricians out there that would for some reason, recommend the cocktail of vaccinations? Maybe that's the problem? Maybe it's just a weak immune system? Weak genetics? The poison in the foods?
I also wonder about those parents who don't have their kids receive any vaccinations, I guess they don't go to daycare because they usually require that the child have its vaccinations up to date. Isn't the requirement the same for when the child starts elementary school as well?

edit on 16-10-2012 by LightWarrior11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:10 PM
I never in my life received any kind of vaccination or shot until I was 15 years of age - for reasons I will not go into.

I transferred schools, and the requirement was that I get a list of shots to "protect" the other children from my possible diseases.

So I go to the doctor and receive my shots. That same night I break out in a tremendous fever that almost took my life. I remember shaking so bad it felt like my very mind and thoughts were trembling along with me.

Next morning, I'm seemingly (I said seemingly, so?) fine with very sore muscles and a tired brain. Also, I've noticed a progressive decline in my mental health over the years with no hope of improving in sight. I'm just always thinking and thinking. I can't stop thinking. My mind is always in over-drive. I talk to myself more often than I do with other people.
Am I crazy or autistic??

Say what you want about vaccines, but there are obvious first-hand accounts that can't be dismissed - like my own.

What was I vaccinated for? I was perfectly healthy.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:12 PM
I don't see one person taking the genetic approach to the vaccine debate.
What if only certain genotypes are harmed by vaccines?

For example, what if the government decided we no longer needed warriors in our society.
Say they isolate a gene that accounts for warlike tendencies, or stress reaction.
What if the people carrying the gene for faster fight or flight are being weeded out?

There are infinite possibilities. Unlikely? yes. Morally reprehensible in the extreme? yes.

Guilty until DEAD, no innocence with vaccines.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by KhufuKeplerTriangle
I don't see one person taking the genetic approach to the vaccine debate.
What if only certain genotypes are harmed by vaccines?

For example, what if the government decided we no longer needed warriors in our society.
Say they isolate a gene that accounts for warlike tendencies, or stress reaction.
What if the people carrying the gene for faster fight or flight are being weeded out?

There are infinite possibilities. Unlikely? yes. Morally reprehensible in the extreme? yes.

Guilty until DEAD, no innocence with vaccines.

I see your hypothesis, but they need those warrior types to fight their wars and detain the sheep. I think it's the very opposite of that which makes one vulnerable.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by GR1ill3d

Originally posted by GBP/JPY
makes me angry....right there on the instruction sheet.....contains mercury....
on the instruction sheet, lets call it the MSDS sheet...mad sheet crappin doctor gonna shiz you

There's more mercury in a can of tuna then there is in all the vaccines you will ever get in your lifetime.

And the reason people think vaccines cause autism is because the outward symptoms do not appear till the age of two.

The man that published the study saying theres a link between the two retracted it after it was found he faked the results.

I am a parent of an autistic child, this is a touchy subject for me as well. When people start spouting off about vaccines and autism it drives me nuts, Hey do yourself and the rest of the world a favor and look up what the real studies say about Autism and vaccines before spouting off that it causes them.

Uninformed people will do kids in the future more harm then good by posting this utter bull about autism and vaccines. You people literally make me sick.
edit on 10/15/1212 by GR1ill3d because: (no reason given)

Right, but you don't feed an entire can of tuna to an infant/todler now do you

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Dan001
I never in my life received any kind of vaccination or shot until I was 15 years of age - for reasons I will not go into.

I transferred schools, and the requirement was that I get a list of shots to "protect" the other children from my possible diseases.

So I go to the doctor and receive my shots. That same night I break out in a tremendous fever that almost took my life. I remember shaking so bad it felt like my very mind and thoughts were trembling along with me.

Next morning, I'm seemingly (I said seemingly, so?) fine with very sore muscles and a tired brain. Also, I've noticed a progressive decline in my mental health over the years with no hope of improving in sight. I'm just always thinking and thinking. I can't stop thinking. My mind is always in over-drive. I talk to myself more often than I do with other people.
Am I crazy or autistic??

Say what you want about vaccines, but there are obvious first-hand accounts that can't be dismissed - like my own.

What was I vaccinated for? I was perfectly healthy.

I thought it was normal to get a bit of a fever with some symptoms after a vaccine?
Since the vaccine is introducing something new into the body, the body will naturally Try to fight it off, initially.

Since you had not recieved vaccines up until that one point, I'd say your body just wasn't used to having "vaccines" (whatever its for) introduced into your Immune system and your white blood cells freaked out. Whereas kids who get their vaccines from birth have less or no negative reactions. By all means, I am no doctor, this is just an educated guess based on information from personl experiences & observations.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:53 PM
My sincere prayers and sadness fro all those effected by such pain in their childs life.

and to think, this world is so fooled that people RUN to get the flu shot each winter season!

im 41, and the only shots i can remember was in grade school that had 4 little needles on the end.

in my right shoulder, i have a small "bump" or tiny marble sized ball that i had my entire life.
my mother always told me that it was from one of the vaccines... i told my dr about it about 5 years ago and he just listened.. didnt act like it was important.

i think i may go and have it checked or removed since now that i no longer lift weights, my smaller muscles make the bump more prominent.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 01:11 PM
The uncle does not have proof his nephew has autism. For all we know the child has been traumatized. The only thing that has changed since the 1950's concerning autism is more children are being diagnosed for a disorder that has been broadly redefined. I am begining to think we should define paranoid schitzophrenia in a more broad spectrum. The young boys' doctor seems to believe he is fine. The young boys' teachers seem to believe he is fine. We could go on all day assuming that what the uncle is imagining is true but he is not a doctor and my guess is he is ampliflying the childs behavior. Maybe the kid doesn't see the uncle often enough to be warm and cuddly with him.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 01:14 PM
Interestingly, it will be discovered that obesity of the mother during pregnancy, in addition to the nutrition of the infant/toddler during the ages of 0-3 are significant contributors to the development of neurological disorders. Add to that several environmental factors including chemicals found in common everyday products and furniture (flame retardants). Those will be some of the major triggers for autism. Vaccines are not. Perhaps the Amish are less exposed to such factors?

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 01:47 PM
I hope people picked up on what I was saying, that some heavy metal removal therapies and remedies have been successful in reversing the effects of Autism.

If you take nothing else from what I posted, please take this and go research. It can do no harm and you may end up fixing a kid

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by invient

The single shots are a good idea. I also suggest just delaying them till the child is 3.That is what I did.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

Why do some people get the flu and others don't?

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Annee

I totally agree...I mean look at how many people have received the vaccines to those with autism..very rare..luck of the draw at most..I was born in 75' and everyone I know got the cocktail of vaccines..i didn't get the small pox vac. but all the others I did..and I got boosters in HS and in College. I got a booster of Hep when I worked at a dermatology office about 10 years ago.

I don't know a single person with autism..not one..ever. No one in school had anything like that unless they kept them home...but our school had great facilities for the slower children. I know several people whom have lost their infants to pertussis..very sad and horrible way for an infant to with the stats..I would have to go with getting the jabs...anyone can give your infant pertussis...most likely the mother if she didn't get a booster prior to birth...

I don't buy the vaccines cause autism...sorry..but I just think there must be something else.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by flyswatter

If the information is even reported. Like I said, doctors are so protective of vaccine reactions that it will never get reported.
don't you think it is convenient that vaccines are mandatory for schools, yet Congress passed a law that you can't sue the pharma company if there is a reaction?

I have mentioned this in other threads, but in case you didnt read it. I had a mother in my birth club, who had a very health, smart, active toddler girl. Two weeks after the MMR vaccine, she found her daughter in the crib, limp, not breathing, in a pile of vomit. At the ER they found out that she had lesions on the brain. The girl lost the use of her left side, and her brain went back to the level of newborn, lost anythign that she had learned. Now the mother had to lose her job to stay home to take care of her special needs child.

It took the mother ten months, TEN months of harrassing the neurologist if it was a reaction to the MMR vaccine, to get him to finally admit that it was.

This so called doctor was so scared to reveal this information, he left this mother wondering why, for almost a year, of what happened to her daughter.

Another poster on ATS, a few years back, posted how their infant died 2 weeks after the MMR vaccine, and could not get the doctors to admit that it was.

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