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New Age = Satanism?

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posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Cuervo
reply to post by wrdwzrd

I'm going to respond with a very broad answer that gives the general state of fear today when it comes to these issues.

Firstly, there is very little "new" about "new age". Virtually all aspects are ancient. Now I'm also assuming you are using the term "new age" in the same way that Christians use the word "Pagan" so I'm going to answer accordingly.

The Abrahamic faiths have been successful in all but completely stomping out all other western faiths and traditions. The very thought of any of these vestiges returning as an accepted thing threatens and scares them. They already know there is a shift coming and they also know that their way is disintegrating. Holding on for dear life means accusing all others of evil.

Of course, there is more to it but I believe that sums it up in a nutshell.

This above pretty much sums up what I think.

New age.... is not "new" at all. There is nothing "new" under the Sun.

Time/life is a circle (imo). What comes around goes around and this repeats over and over.

Spirituality is not satanic or evil.... otherwise it would not be spiritual.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 04:17 PM
I think it is all pretty much a muddled mess. From the contradictory Bible to the unknowns about the pagan rituals lost through the passage of time.

There is only what we do here and now that we know for certain is either harmful or beneficial (both to ourselves and others).

All religions are a wash and nobody knows about the afterlife but the dead and they tell no stories. There are things that can be taken from each to learn and grow but complete immersion in them lacks substance and validity to me.

Never got the whole thou shalt not kill unless instructed by God or other OT nonsense and think the Christians should have went forward with their own Faith of course Paul should have too! LOL
edit on 15-10-2012 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

When the average person sees the world's elites wearing robes and burning a person in effigy before a giant statue of Baal (Bohemian Grove), it is a surprise to them.

Sorry, I saw the film by Alex Jones, who infiltrated the Grove, and that statue of of Moloch, not Baal
10 minutes of research would have shown you this.

Baal, literal meaning is "lord," in the Canaanite pantheon was the local title of fertility gods. Baal never emerged as a rain god until later times when he assumed the special functions of each. Although there is no equivalent in Canaan of the sterile summer drought that occurs in Mesopotamia, the season cycle was marked enough to have caused a concentration on the disappearing fertility god, who took with him the autumn rain clouds into the neither world.

The religion of the god Baal was widely accepted among the ancient Jews, and although it was put down at times, it was never permanently stamped out. Kings and other royalty of the ten Biblical tribes worshiped the god. The ordinary people ardently worshipped this sun god too because their prosperity depended on the productivity of their crops and livestock. The god's images were erected on many buildings. Within the religion there appeared to be numerous priests and various classes of devotees. During the ceremonies they wore appropriate robes. The ceremonies included burning incense, and offering burnt sacrifices, occasionally consisting of human victims. The officiating priests danced around the altars, chanting frantically and cutting themselves with knives to inspire the attention and compassion of the god.

In the Bible Baal is also called Beelzebub, or Baalzebub, one of the fallen angels of Satan.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by wrdwzrd
reply to post by AQuestion

is rejecting the Christian concept of God a bad thing? Other than the obvious in that it would be to Christians...

Not to me it isn't. Christians worship a man, a human being. And have you read about the God of the OT? What a mental case he was. I know there is a First Creator, and that it is two in one, one male, which is Dark, and one Female, which is Light. Both together make up the Balance necessary to run this world, this reality.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

The Abrahamic faiths have been successful in all but completely stomping out all other western faiths and traditions. The very thought of any of these vestiges returning as an accepted thing threatens and scares them. They already know there is a shift coming and they also know that their way is disintegrating. Holding on for dear life means accusing all others of evil.

They only Think they have stamped out all other religions and all other Deities. But in truth, Paganism is as popular today as it was in Ancient times, and there are a host of other religious sects. Look at it like this, Wiccan friend, as long as there is one of us practicing, it will not be stapmed out until we are dead. 'Nuff said on the matter.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 05:12 PM
You are all seeking the truth. Once you understand "Astrotheology" you will understand the bible.
Jesus is a Metaphor for the Sun. Hence why they call him "the light of the world" "The SUN of God" "The bringer of Light"

Satan is a metaphor for the planet Saturn. Satan = Saturn
And yes TPTB are worshipers of Satan, not in the sense you understand though.

The bible is a symbolic story for the movements of our planets and stars as viewed from Earth.
I dare anyone of you Christians to watch this whole video and understand it. This doesn't have to do with just christians either. This is the root of all earths religions and Santos Bonacci will prove it to you.
Santos Bonacci is a very well studied man in the roots of religion. It all comes down to an ancient science.
If you are truly seeking the truth you will need to understand this "Ancient Science". This knowledge is the true reason for the so called persecution of Christians. They were not teaching Christianity, they were teaching Astrotheology.

Please take the time to watch the video, it is one of the most liberating and mind opening subjects you can possibly study. And if you watch the video and are interested in learning more, Santos' youtube channel is "MrAstrotheology". So much good information

edit on 15-10-2012 by booyakasha because: spelling

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by booyakasha

I watched this a few weeks ago and it was incredible, Santos is definitely an amazing researcher and speaker!

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 05:44 PM
For me the most puzzling part of this agenda to influence fear in 'satan' or 'demons' is its weakening effect on the morale of a believer. Most sacred texts are fundamentally there to empower and strengthen our position in the psudo spiritual hierarchy, meaning, they build us up as more than humans, more powerful than the angels and demons, and ultimately reflections of God, you know made in his image and all.

Now, for those who have actually dipped into the spiritual realms, whether through meditation, prayer, fasting, 'enthogens' / psychadelic drugs, lucid or outer body/astral travelling.... it quickly becomes clear that fear of entities or demons actually empowers those entities. I would go so far as to say we 'create' their existance relative to our conscious predjudices.

Now about New age mumbo jumbo, I agree there is nothing new about it, its more of a revival of ancient beliefs all bundled in such a way that it can be attractive to all people at whatever level they wish to approach spirituality. That is a double edged sword, since while bringing people the desire to 'explore' it gives them a safe place to 'ignore' that which does not serve their particular lifestyle or fears/desires. I feel that may hinder progress (Im going to contradict myself but thats ok)

Do I think new age stuff is satanic? sure it could be, but it could be anything you want it to be, not only because new age is so broad an approach, but because it's teaching us a fundamental truth about how we are the dictators of our reality.

So really this falls under the power of belief, which is the power of being a human, the power of being a reflection of the source we call God. I could care less if its off key to the christian dogma I've been raised in, I feel I have taken an honest, humble approach, ready to be proven right or wrong, and so its been a pleasurable experience for me. Less harm has come now than any of the guilt or fear I used to feel while identifying with a particular set of rules. Ultimately thinking one thing was demonic or satanic only resulted in tension born out of a craving to really know whats going on even if it meant me reading buddhist, hindo, wiccan or hermetic texts.

So do what you want, and do it as unselfishly and as unbiased as you can, and let that humility take you to the goal, you just may get there a lot faster than those who think they actually know whats going on lol.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
Sorry, I saw the film by Alex Jones, who infiltrated the Grove, and that statue of of Moloch, not Baal
10 minutes of research would have shown you this.
And 5 extra minutes of research would have shown you that Moloch is never represented by an owl. (Sometimes, more recently, a bull... but not an owl. That would be an emblem of Minerva.)
edit on 2012.10.15 by JoshNorton because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

To OP and everyone thinking "New Age" is really new age:

It is NOT. New age stuff is just a bunch of old knowledge that the Church stomped out in its crusade-style eradication of all information that wasn't approved by power-mongering righteous dictators fulfillinf the mission of "God".

It's not new, it's old. And if you want anyone to blame for the fact it's now "new", look at the Vatican. They are the closest you'll get to a reason for not knowing any of this stuff sooner. Science is proving more and more of this stuff - psychokinesis, remote viewing, crystal vibration, numerology, astrology, and all that good stuff. In fact, they are even proving that thought itself controls the world around us.

All you people saying "New Age" stuff is nonsense - go back to school, and come back when you know what you're talking about. I'm sick and tired of people nattering on about stuff they don't believe in because they're too thick to read the research and recognize bias when they see it.

No wonder we've been left to our own devices. If I had a kid this thick, I'd let him learn on his own too. I WAS that kid, in fact. And believe me, it's taught me everything I know. Would you people just listen with the intent of understanding for once, instead of listening with the intent to debunk? For God's sake...this is ridiculous.

As for OP's suggestion that "New Age" is Satanism...I won't even grace that with an elaborate response. OP, you are part of a forum meant to be logical and objective. You should be ashamed.
That's all I have to say. If you can't be reasonable, as least make your irrationality SOUND good. This is just silly.
edit on 15-10-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

It's pathetic. I'm typing with one hand right now because my other hand is forcibly restraining my head from slamming itself against the desk repeatedly to the point of coma.

No one listens unless they're being told what they want to hear. Do the research, my friends - go on, it won't hurt you. In fact, you might actually sound as smart as you pretend to be by the time you're done.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by booyakasha

Thank you so much for posting that vid, it was full of amazing information and also clarified astrology for me

Going to watch more of his stuff now.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by booyakasha

Thank you for that, you talked me into watching it. ;-)

I agree with everything you stated as that is what my research has shown me.

I really love astrotheology and believe that knowing the meaning of the different metaphors is key to understanding this world, in my opinion.

Could be wrong.... but I don't care. Its an experience. So be it.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by MamaJ

It's pathetic. I'm typing with one hand right now because my other hand is forcibly restraining my head from slamming itself against the desk repeatedly to the point of coma.

No one listens unless they're being told what they want to hear. Do the research, my friends - go on, it won't hurt you. In fact, you might actually sound as smart as you pretend to be by the time you're done.

Thinking out loud gives one answers so by doing it here...maybe people can actually think for them self and not be brain washed into believing new age is new and new age is satanic.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Dear autowrench,

You are correct, I used the wrong name.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

When someone who is inexperienced begins meditation rituals and things of the like they are allowing doorways to open that really shouldn't be, I can't even begin to tell you how many unintentional doorways have been opened this way, far too many for my liking.

It is important to realize that however unintentional these individuals may have been, there are a lot of lower level entities that search for openings and doorways to this plane level on earth.

So when these new age demographic of people come into play, they actually are themselves mostly unaware of the dangers lurking within such rituals. They believe they are becoming spiritually awakened when in fact they are quite naive to believe nothing bad can happen.

New age arts are actually centuries old, meditation, scrying, body art are found in more than just the new age religion they are found on a larger global scale, that cross religions and ethnic diversity.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

Difference between new age junk and hot yoga? Hot yoga works.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by Cuervo
reply to post by wrdwzrd

I'm going to respond with a very broad answer that gives the general state of fear today when it comes to these issues.

Firstly, there is very little "new" about "new age". Virtually all aspects are ancient. Now I'm also assuming you are using the term "new age" in the same way that Christians use the word "Pagan" so I'm going to answer accordingly.

The Abrahamic faiths have been successful in all but completely stomping out all other western faiths and traditions. The very thought of any of these vestiges returning as an accepted thing threatens and scares them. They already know there is a shift coming and they also know that their way is disintegrating. Holding on for dear life means accusing all others of evil.

Of course, there is more to it but I believe that sums it up in a nutshell.

New Age refers to the "New Age" of Aquarius. We have been in the Age of Picses for the last 2000+ years. It has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with the Precession of the Equinoxes which is a scientific term and relates to what constellation the axis of the Earth and the pole star for that age is in. The coming of Jesus as the Christ is often referred to as the avatar for the Picsean Age. Which is why we are looking for the avatar of this age: be it Jesus' (or the Christ's) return, a new spiritual leader, UFO"S on the white house lawn...what ever our generation will accept. The Age of Pisces is drawing to an end. The next (New) age will be Aquarius, the sign of Man.
While some of you might be thinking that this smacks of astrology and New Age-ism in itself, even if you even casually google precession of the equinoxes you will have a plethora of sites to choose from.
Such as:

Very valuable research would (to my mind ) include archeoastronomy sites such as:

Now I think it's very interesting that "New Agers" are being cast as "Satanists". "New Agers" have everything to do with as ancient paths of spirituality as they can find: Shamanism, yoga, Native American, Hinduism, Taoism, you name it. However in these ancient texts and traditions there are also references to Extra Terrestrials: The White Buffalo Woman, the stories in the Vedic scriptures, the reference of Hawaiian Kahunas to the Pleidies, the Featherd Serpent aka Quetzalcoatl of the Mayans, on and on...which lead "New Agers" to also resonate to UFO's, abductions, etc. There is nothing that I have ever seen that equates "New Agers" to Satanism.

However, there is much that I have seen that equates TPTB and ORGANIZED Christianity to Satanism:

So, as the OP has noticed this disturbing trend, so have I. Methinks there is the makings of a "witch hunt afoot".
I am not bashing anyone's beliefs, religion, or experiences in this post. I am merely stating my opinion and have provided links to those who are curious. I have not expanded upon my own beliefs nor have i used my beliefs to manipulate anyone reading this post. Just offering food for thought on a very intersting topic and turn of events.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by BlavatskyChannel
Hello OP,

Thanks for sharing your ideas. I have been interested in spirituality and the occult now for almost 20 years and in that time i have learned a lot of things.

It sounds to me that you are very knowledgeable on the subject and also that you have a very articulate understanding of the occult.

I wonder how lost you are in and amongst the information floating around in the abyss or if in fact you are at peace and comfortable with your beliefs?

What i have learned in my time involved with this subject matter is that perception is everything. How we perceive the information we digest results in the impact it has on us. For example one can look at Satan as an angel that wished to free humanity from its obedient and subservient approach to god and give us the keys and tools to realize our potential to be god like. Others may view Satan as pure evil, there to manipulate us and take our souls. It is how we perceive Satan and anything else for that matter that impacts us.

My belief now after many years floating around in the abyss trying to find inner peace and a connection to the source of nourishing love and completeness has taught me to bring things in to my life that make me a better person. Things that teach me to love and share with my family and friends and even strangers who ultimately are my brothers and sisters in humanity.

Satan, Lucifer, Evil, Occultism, Demons, Possession, New Ageism and the like have taught me many things and because i learn with an open mind and come from a loving perspective i have been able to apply the things i have learned to make me a better person. Like i say it is all a matter of perspective.

If you are lost or unsure of what to believe, simply look at your objective and what you aim to achieve and then bring that in to your life and become what you want. It does not matter by which means you achieve your end even if it means having dinner with Satan and dancing for him at the end.. if it gets you to where you want to be then you have achieved your goal.

It is only when you feel out of control, lost, disconnected, hopeless and in despair or even possessed that you need to stop what you are doing and take an opposite approach. Otherwise i wish you well in getting to a place that best serves you in your life.

Well the most basic question to ask would be "Who is God?",now wouldn't it? The answer has a potentially devestaing impact upon us all.
Is "God" the Sun?"
Is "God" the Moon?"
Is "God" Saturn?"
Is God "Jehova"?
Is God "the Pope"?
Is God "Lucifer"?
Is God " an ancient astronaut"?
Is God " the Anunnaki"?
Is God " consciousness"?
Is God "love"?
Is God "whatever energy you connect with outside yourself that improves you"?
Is God "a destroyer"?
Is God "_____________________________"
Is God "an energy I don't care to define, but that I accept"?

Seems to me it is the media (TPTB) is trying to controll a perception of "New Agers" are evil and in doing so instigating a "witch hunt", distracting us from who the REAL satanists are, and in the end run having even more control over us. Our Constitution and its Bill of Rights guarantee each of us the right to believe as we will. It's the Constitution they are afraid of and want to scare us into disbelieving it.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

to a degree yes as setianism is used by the uninitiated unworked majority of most mens higher functions. so in parts it does play on some of those mechanisms. as a vehicle of truth interpretation or vassal of worship i suppose what works for one person is good if i have my own means of communicating with that person.

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