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New Age = Satanism?

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posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by wrdwzrd
no, unless you're willing to believe in desperate, grasping xtian propaganda.

hawkiye and cuervo have posted the gist of it,

i'll let peter carroll speak for himself:


A superficial examination of the paradigms which have dominated aeons of cultural development indicates that three major worldviews have arisen to dominance in succession. These are the magical, transcendental, and materialist paradigms. A simple picture of these views rising successively to prominence has a certain descriptive use, but it lacks explanatory or predictive power and cannot account for the persistence or resurgence of a particular paradigm at some other point in cultural development. For this a more sophisticated model is required which includes a consideration of the various opposition philosophies which invariably complement the prevailing cultural paradigm. If the linear time frame of materialism and transcendentalism is combined with the cyclic Of recurrent time frame of magical philosophy, a graph can be derived which represents both the dominant and opposition paradigms in a form which exhibits considerable explanatory and predictive power, the Psychohistory model.

If there is a tide in the affairs of men then it is caused by deep changes in our views of self and reality, and politics are mere eddies and ripples on its surface. Armed with the psychohistoric model of aeonic change, the magician can readily see what factors he or she should work on to hasten, impede or reverse aeonic development in a particular culture or sub-culture.
However, one hopes that the primary concern for contemporary magic is to ensure the safe and speedy birth of the pandemonaeon from within nihilist culture. To assist in this transition. magical philosophy must strive for three things. Firstly, it must strive to eliminate any remaining transcendental or religious concepts which still contaminate it. These are destined for the dustbin of history for a long while. and when they eventually reemerge it will be in a completely different form anyway. No useful part of magic ought to be thrown away with them. Secondly. it must seek to present its ideas and techniques using maximum rational camouflage. Magic must enter popular consciousness using a series of Trojan horses. Thirdly. as a precautionary measure. magic should attempt to undermine the decaying remnants of monotheism without offering itself as a target in the process. For example, parapsychology is a threat to fundamentalism as it can show that " miracles" do not prove anything other than that some people can sometimes exercise miraculous abilities. On the other hand. the existence of various idiotic satanic cults often provides very convenient enemy figures for fundamentalists who often tend to invent them if they do not actually exist. Dangerous times lie ahead. Millennial apocalyptic beliefs present in monotheism may still yet trigger disaster during the death spasms of transcendentalism. A fierce rearguard action may be expected from materialist philosophies as they slide further into a nihilism whose adherents will. for a while, demand ever more of what is not working . ever more luxury and sensationalism in an ecology unable to support it. The birth of the pandemonaeon as a generally accepted paradigm could be a long and bloody business. If things go badly it could be preceded by a catastrophe which precipitates us into a new stone age rather than an interstellar age. Although there will be important niches for magicians in either situation, I would prefer my descendants to perform their sorceries among the stars rather than huddled in the ruins.

excerpted from Peter Carrolls Liber Kaos
edit on 15-10-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by Maluhia
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

the day he realizes religion and spirituality are two different things

Amen to that!

Religion - man made
Spirituality - god made

Dear Maluhia,

And how do you tell which is which or do you call it religion when you don't like it and spirituality when you do?

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

It's really simple to understand. Before the flood, mankind had the central knowledge of their origin and existence. There was a religion based on the mysteries of God and a central figure named Enoch. Enoch was the scribe to God and taught mankind about God. Part of the corruption that started on Earth came from a group of divine beings called watchers. They left their domain for the daughters of men. This is found in Enoch, Jasher and Jude 1.

Jude 1

6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

According to Enoch and Jasher, these fallen beings taught divination, the use of roots and herbs and other topics related to knowledge that mankind was not yet ready to possess. God told Enoch to deliver judgment on these beings and said that they had 70 generations to judgment. A generation is one tick on the precession of the Earth. 26000 divided by 360 = 72.222 years. Enoch was taken by God at around 950 after Adam. 70X72.222=5055 years.

Epistle of Barnabas 15:4

Give heed, children, what this meaneth; He ended in six days. He meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end; for the day with Him signifyeth a thousand years; and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end."

-Adam to Abraham 2000 Years of Age 1 (FATHER)
-Abraham to Jesus 2000 Years of Age 2 (SON)
-Jesus to Today 2000 Years of Age 3 (HOLY SPIRIT)
-Day of Rest (Day of the Lord) 1000 years (SALVATION)

The entire topic of the Bible centers around our salvation from the fall of mankind before the flood. The religion that developed around the fall was the mystery school religion. God said, "Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated." Jacob represents the pure religion and mystery of God's work with mankind. Esau represents the Mystery Religion and the Work of Satan with mankind. The way to recognize each is to determine the 'will' involved.

Your question centers around asking if Esau is okay as a practice and craft. The answer is in the will.

God can only give and receive. This is Jacob to Jesus. God gives His Son to rescue mankind from the fall.

Satan expresses the will to take from God. All of the Mystery School Religion is built around taking from nature and God. It is pride and greed.

Esau's thread in history extends to Nimrod and Babylon. When Babel was destroyed, the mystery school religion was cut into pieces and the languages and nations each carried the story by different names. After this event, Nimrod became Osiris being cut into pieces in Egypt and Isis trying to put him back together. In essence, the entire focus of Esau's thread has been to put Babylon back together again. This is what the NWO is all about.

Revelation 11

7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. 9 For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.

In the Bible, the sea represents the nations. Babylon rises once again and God destroys them. "Their" Lord was crucified in Egypt (Osiris). Our Lord was crucified in Jerusalem. The two witnesses are US and Israel.

Most people confuse "Thier Lord" with Jesus. Not so. Nimrod was their lord.

Simply remember this. God hates Esau.

Why does God call us out of Egypt?

Revelation 18

18 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. The money system spoken of in Revelation 13 is the petrol dollar system and the coming carbon trading system from UNESCO. It's already here. Our fruit of knowledge is technology built on Carbon. That's Babylon and the NWO.

Anything created by man that does not give back to nature is a graven image. God can only give and receive. Evil takes. Mankind is just now waking to this problem as the Earth is being destroyed by our fruit of knowledge. God's fruit can only give back to nature. His fruit is bio-mechanical life. After we have learned these lessons on Earth one, we receive Earth two. We make the choice of thread to follow. One leads to God and the other leads to destruction. God loves Jacob.

Which thread are you willing to follow? That reveals itself in the will to give and receive or the will to take. It's a choice each day we live.

My advice is to come out of Egypt.

edit on 15-10-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

We are in the dark age atm.. Kali Yuga the Hindus call it. We are in the process of leaving that age and entering a new one. So above so below. The destiny of man is dictated by the energies of the stars. The destiny of civilisations are no different.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 06:51 AM
 The roots of the "New Age movement" are traceable to many sources: Astrology, Channeling, Hinduism, Gnostic traditions, Spiritualism, Taoism, Theosophy, Wicca and other Neo-pagan traditions. Christians are to have no part in any of these practices for they conceive sin and give birth to evil. It is absolutely no coincidence that the western nations, the vast majority of which are descended from Christians, are once again consumed with these spiritual beliefs and practices and consequently reject the God and Saviour of their forefathers who tells them what they don't want to hear - that the consequence of choosing evil is death. So what do they do so that they can enjoy evil? Relabel it as good and hence the "New Age religions" are the attractive vehicle. This is how the end of humanity comes about - just as given to us by Our Creator who's already seen how it ends.   The world was given nearly 2,000 years to repent of it's wickedness with untold numbers being saved during Christ's reign through governments committed to His commands. But now we live in the time of rule by those influenced by the 60s "New Age movements" and watch as they shove out Christ Jesus from it's laws, it's courts, it's schools and it's homes. The fruit? 4,000 babies butchered daily, overflowing prisons of rapists, murderers, thieves and drug dealers, entire neighbourhoods of violence and barred gates and doors, thousands of children abducted yearly never to be seen again, constant warfare, cities with no-go areas, and endless children being indoctrinated that their own actions and immorality don't produce any of it. 

If you understand that death and misery are the consequences of evil then you will understand that New Age spirituality isn't from Our Creator. Nearly every New Age book is filled with channeled messages from entities in the 'spirit world', and yet, the fruits of those philosophies are choking our nations in a quagmire of death and misery.   Man, as explained by Our Creator, rebels against His authority - even to the point of accepting all of this misery and still refusing to concede that his own terrible choices and love of sinfulness is the root cause. Pride and the love of evil are killers because it will not allow one to repent even when confronted with the glaringly obvious results. Pride and the love of sin are two things that blind us to the Word of God, and it blinds us to the rising East who right now are preaching to it's hordes of fighting men that the sins of the west must be eradicated. What little true Faith remains is holding them back but not for much longer. Just as the ancient Israelites rebelled and suffered captivity or the sword after having been seduced by sexual and spiritual immorality so too will their descendants face the same.

Know them by their fruits. The New Age movements along with their mother harlot religions await their version of a "saviour" that promises them bliss and happiness without having to change their behaviour or give up evil which produces death and misery. The New Age religions promote the death of true Christians who preach the salvation of Our Father in Heaven, and just as the "leaders and teachers" of Jesus' time did, are swaying the masses to crucify the only Saviour that this world has been given. What was will be again.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by hawkiye

Religion will never disappear. Man is naturally a spiritual animal. To deny spirituality and/or faith is to deny a part of us.

Perhaps man will change, ..... the day he realizes religion and spirituality are two different things.

Very well put. Spirituality is our inner friendship with our creator, while religion was supposed to be a place to share that with others, has turned into a perverted means of control. (IMHO)

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

Maybe because religion is pretty much an ancient, primitive version of science.
It was what they knew and they stuck with it.
Since then mankind has learned, a lot!
Which is why science is science and religion is a superstition.
New age religion is moronic because it takes things that, in this day and age can be explained easily with science, kicks out the science and replaces it with superstitious nonsense pretty much based on the fact that "the bible is old so it must be right, and some of it doesn't make sense to society today so we have to pick stuff from other religions and conspiracy theories etc."
In today's world we can prove things quite easily, if not then we'll try and work it out.
New age religion is moronic because involves people putting complete faith and trust into things that are backed by absolutely zero evidence.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 10:28 AM
Hello OP,

Thanks for sharing your ideas. I have been interested in spirituality and the occult now for almost 20 years and in that time i have learned a lot of things.

It sounds to me that you are very knowledgeable on the subject and also that you have a very articulate understanding of the occult.

I wonder how lost you are in and amongst the information floating around in the abyss or if in fact you are at peace and comfortable with your beliefs?

What i have learned in my time involved with this subject matter is that perception is everything. How we perceive the information we digest results in the impact it has on us. For example one can look at Satan as an angel that wished to free humanity from its obedient and subservient approach to god and give us the keys and tools to realize our potential to be god like. Others may view Satan as pure evil, there to manipulate us and take our souls. It is how we perceive Satan and anything else for that matter that impacts us.

My belief now after many years floating around in the abyss trying to find inner peace and a connection to the source of nourishing love and completeness has taught me to bring things in to my life that make me a better person. Things that teach me to love and share with my family and friends and even strangers who ultimately are my brothers and sisters in humanity.

Satan, Lucifer, Evil, Occultism, Demons, Possession, New Ageism and the like have taught me many things and because i learn with an open mind and come from a loving perspective i have been able to apply the things i have learned to make me a better person. Like i say it is all a matter of perspective.

If you are lost or unsure of what to believe, simply look at your objective and what you aim to achieve and then bring that in to your life and become what you want. It does not matter by which means you achieve your end even if it means having dinner with Satan and dancing for him at the end.. if it gets you to where you want to be then you have achieved your goal.

It is only when you feel out of control, lost, disconnected, hopeless and in despair or even possessed that you need to stop what you are doing and take an opposite approach. Otherwise i wish you well in getting to a place that best serves you in your life.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Cuervo
reply to post by wrdwzrd

I'm going to respond with a very broad answer that gives the general state of fear today when it comes to these issues.

Firstly, there is very little "new" about "new age". Virtually all aspects are ancient. Now I'm also assuming you are using the term "new age" in the same way that Christians use the word "Pagan" so I'm going to answer accordingly.

The Abrahamic faiths have been successful in all but completely stomping out all other western faiths and traditions. The very thought of any of these vestiges returning as an accepted thing threatens and scares them. They already know there is a shift coming and they also know that their way is disintegrating. Holding on for dear life means accusing all others of evil.

Of course, there is more to it but I believe that sums it up in a nutshell.

I disagree, the Abrahamic faiths have been so far politicized that the preconceptions surrounding them and the beliefs have been manipulated. The true essence of Christianity has been watered down and integrated into the Western tradition since the nationalization of Christianity by Constantine, which is ironic due to the persecution of the Christian believers right before this political move. As the old saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them and beat them from the inside. Christianity was meant to be a personal relationship with God, not a political thing;Jesus fervently addressed those in charge of theocratic nation of Israel that misuse the Word of God to fit their political ideas. The pharisees were expecting a physical messiah that would overthrow Roman Rule, when Jesus is the spiritual Messiah. If anything, I think that the current organized religions are just setting the system up for the main embodiment of the spirit of the antichrist. In the 21st century, the popular paradigm is that religions and government are bad, and i think the antichrist will feed upon these preconceptions and defile everything that is considered holy by different people and place himself as holy.

When you study the history of mankind and religion, you will see that politics and religion have always had a relationship with each other. I don't think this is of coincidence; the greed and taste for power of mankind have always manipulated the popular belief of a nation or group of people in order to subject them. Ancient Rome perfected this political theory to the teeth.

Just like any other thing in this world, the New Age philosophy is a double edged sword, it may lead someone to the actual truth, or it might swing back and hit you in the face.
edit on 15-10-2012 by DelayedChristmas because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2012 by DelayedChristmas because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by BlavatskyChannel

very nicely put! I am not lost at all, just the opposite in fact, I am living my life pretty much as you described. I do not believe in Satan, other than the Satan/Devil/Evil I create for myself, which is a part of me just as much as my God self. As you know, we cannot have one without the other.

I like to ask questions and pose questions like this to others who study the same subjects. I know how I feel but am always interested in seeing what others think too.

My thoughts after reading what others have commented are this -

I believe in God as the Divine consciousness of the universe, the creator of all things. Through going deep within myself and learning the ancient teachings of the Gnostics, Hermetics, Buddhists, etc I have learned to connect to that spirit and the joy, love, friendship and unity that is present within it through a variety of means but mainly through the practice of mindfulness in meditation. the art of being present. it has brought me much joy in my life.

I know that religion in it's current form has taken aspects of these true teachings and instead of using them for empowerment has used them as a means of control where the follower has no connection to spirit other than through an intermediary, this, I feel, is a shame. Present day churches are filled with Occult rituals and ceremonies as anyone who has attended a Catholic mass recently can attest too! So the warning of staying away from these things from Christians, etc ring hollow as there is no religion that does not participate in ritual or ceremony.

But most importantly, I know that we all create the world we want for ourselves, no matter how hard that may be for some to understand. "Satan" and "God", "Heaven" and "Hell" are creations of man and man has a wonderful imagination. These two aspects are present every day in our world and within us, it is up to us to make the choice in which we cultivate. We see them as separate, as dual entities but the only separation that exists is created by the mind, in truth there is only the one.

One of the greatest teachings though, is to have no judgement so I wish everyone on their paths much love, peace and success regardless of what you believe as long as you harm none, in particular, yourself. I give gratitude daily for the connection to the Divine Spirit Of All That Is, as I know it is not of me, but through all of us, that the Divine energies of Love, Friendship, Healing, Creativity, Joy and Happiness flow. I wish you all nothing but the best in life.

Much Peace....

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by hawkiye

Religion will never disappear. Man is naturally a spiritual animal. To deny spirituality and/or faith is to deny a part of us.

Religion does not equal spirituality... Religion will disappear when the masses become spiritually mature.

edit on 15-10-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by AQuestion
And how do you tell which is which or do you call it religion when you don't like it and spirituality when you do?
Religion is what someone else tells me I'm supposed to believe. Spirituality is that innate belief already in me—my own, personal relationship with God that no other mortal can interfere with.
edit on 2012.10.15 by JoshNorton because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by DelayedChristmas

When you study the history of mankind and religion, you will see that politics and religion have always had a relationship with each other.

I have always said the Priest and the Politician are cut from the same cloth. Both have a good story to separate you from your money and property through fear and intimidation. One uses the point of a gun the other uses fear of hell fire and damnation of your eternal soul...

Stop believing scary stories !...

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

If you understand that death and misery are the consequences of evil then you will understand that New Age spirituality isn't from Our Creator. Nearly every New Age book is filled with channeled messages from entities in the 'spirit world', and yet, the fruits of those philosophies are choking our nations in a quagmire of death and misery.

oooohhh scary story...
Hey I stopped believing in monsters under the bed as a child but I was well into adult hood before I started and then stopped believing in the monsters of hell fire and damnation...

You really ought take a look at the fruits of Christianity its not pretty in fact it is a cruel bloody history of coercion force control war and slavery...

Come out of fear my friend and the truth will set you free...

edit on 15-10-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 03:40 PM
I'll just say these things, and leave it at that:

To "awaken", one must realize along the path that religion is not the answer, but a tool. It is not necessary to have religion in your life to attain the spiritual goal of awakening, but it may help some in the process which is fine. And I starred Networkdude's response because he's right...most religion HAS been perverted and ruined by the scheming of man, which means in order to get the most out of religion you must know when to cast away what you read and "learn" and when to hold tight to things instead. In general if it comes from a position of Love, it is True and part of the way. If it comes from Fear, Hate, or any emotional source that is not distinctly Unconditional Love, consider it a perversion of the absolute Truth.

Like that?

Here's another thing to consider. What if our Controllers (Elite, Illuminaughty, whatever you want to call them) knew all about the coming awakening and were poised long-term to try and quell it? I believe we are creators in our own right, just not fully aware of the truth of this and thus we don't operate to our full potential in this plane of existence. There is nothing that separates the Creator and me, as all is One. This Unity thing by the way is something some religions and certainly a lot of governments would like us to not remember. Interesting, isn't that? Can't have an us vs. them if we're all One. Anyway, I believe collective consciousness is what drives the timeline we all experience, and how we deal with everything that is presented to us is simply a factor of our individual choices but also our collective, as we are all One this would only make sense.

It goes down to this: Whether or not "New Age" is evil or negative is how you handle the information, and whether or not you believe the information to be "true" (as in, part of the Way.) Some are in it for the buck, some in it for the fame (or infamy), and some in it just because they feel that the world needs more light and they are serving others just the way that is ideal for their particular set of skills and experience. Also some may dabble back and forth as we are all human, making mistakes and hopefully learning as we go on. David Wilcock remains one of these people that, for a while, I did not like. Yet in the last few years he's grown a lot of and helped me grow too. I don't think there is a wicked bone in his body, but I do think he's been a sucker for "juicy information" and perhaps some fame in the past. He's just a guy, though. He's just trying to help.

In the end, the information is there, and it is up to you to decide what is true (from Love), and what is from something else, which doesn't support the Way.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by DelayedChristmas
I disagree, the Abrahamic faiths have been so far politicized that the preconceptions surrounding them and the beliefs have been manipulated. The true essence of Christianity has been watered down and integrated into the Western tradition since the nationalization of Christianity by Constantine, which is ironic due to the persecution of the Christian believers right before this political move. As the old saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them and beat them from the inside. Christianity was meant to be a personal relationship with God, not a political thing;Jesus fervently addressed those in charge of theocratic nation of Israel that misuse the Word of God to fit their political ideas. The pharisees were expecting a physical messiah that would overthrow Roman Rule, when Jesus is the spiritual Messiah.

You just described how Christianity is and how it should be. Just because it should be something, it doesn't make it so. You are right though, it shouldn't have evolved the way it did.

Originally posted by DelayedChristmas
If anything, I think that the current organized religions are just setting the system up for the main embodiment of the spirit of the antichrist. In the 21st century, the popular paradigm is that religions and government are bad, and i think the antichrist will feed upon these preconceptions and defile everything that is considered holy by different people and place himself as holy.

The reason the paradigm of "religions are bad" is popular is because it is true. The current mainstream western religions are used for great evil. I find it strange that virtually every Christian I know assumes people immediately think "evil" when they hear the term "antiChrist". Not all of us see the fall of the Abrahamic church structures as a bad thing. I want there to always be the freedom to worship those gods (OT gods and Jesus, etc) but actual power structure that has been created out of violence and lust of money is something I will celebrate the dismantling of and so will many others.

So don't assume that the "antichrist" will have to deceive people. Many people are quite willing to see a social liberation of religions. If that's what the antichrist is, then he's got a lot of allies.

Originally posted by DelayedChristmas
When you study the history of mankind and religion, you will see that politics and religion have always had a relationship with each other. I don't think this is of coincidence; the greed and taste for power of mankind have always manipulated the popular belief of a nation or group of people in order to subject them. Ancient Rome perfected this political theory to the teeth.

This is not true. In recent history, this is true. Babylonian culture is a great cut-off point where the obvious shift to a war-like patriarchal religion frame work took over. Before this, there were civilizations in Mesopotamia who worshiped matriarchal deities and went (in some cases) over 1,600 years without signs of violence or war (both results of politics). That shift also marks the genesis (no pun intended) of Hebrew spirituality.

Originally posted by DelayedChristmas
Just like any other thing in this world, the New Age philosophy is a double edged sword, it may lead someone to the actual truth, or it might swing back and hit you in the face.
edit on 15-10-2012 by DelayedChristmas because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2012 by DelayedChristmas because: (no reason given)

Or it may just be what replaces religion as we know it.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 03:47 PM
I believe the issue isn't so black and white. If you HAVE to put it in Christian buckets, if it's not God, then it's Satan.

That's really convenient unless you AREN'T Christian or don't believe the same way.

I could write pages and pages, but let me sum it up.

It's whatever gets you through the day.

If you want to believe in magical powers or magical people or magical books or magical words, so be it.

If it means you believe a magical dude was born from a magical lady because she was magically made preggers, so be it.

We're all just playing a big game.

If you can get through it being happy without costing anyone else their happiness, you win.

Signed, an imaginary (magical) rabbit

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by fourthmeal
I'll just say these things, and leave it at that:

To "awaken", one must realize along the path that religion is not the answer, but a tool. It is not necessary to have religion in your life to attain the spiritual goal of awakening, but it may help some in the process which is fine. And I starred Networkdude's response because he's right...most religion HAS been perverted and ruined by the scheming of man, which means in order to get the most out of religion you must know when to cast away what you read and "learn" and when to hold tight to things instead. In general if it comes from a position of Love, it is True and part of the way. If it comes from Fear, Hate, or any emotional source that is not distinctly Unconditional Love, consider it a perversion of the absolute Truth.

Like that?

Don't just like it....I love it!

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

I don't think meditation is wrong. Many Christian meditate on the Lord so I don't know why the practice of meditation is always associated with New Age Cult stuff. You're right though. It's the intent behind the symbols, but it is also the intent behind the actions as well.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by WickettheRabbit

Hilarious dude, love that response! Yes, we are all just playing a big game, a "Choose Your Own Adventure" so to speak. In the end, you don't win or lose, it's just about how well you played the game...


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