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Why would someone be overjoyed with voting for Bush?

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posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:23 AM
I'm just curious.

Heck, if you support the guy, so be it. If you think Kerry is a bad candidate, so be it.

But I'm just wondering what the mental process is for someone that is like, THRILLED with the thought of having Bush for office in another four years. Our country is far worse off today than it was four years ago. Our economy is worse, we've lost millions of jobs, umpteen Americans have lost their health insurance, we've alienated our allies, we're losing Americans daily because of our choice to fight an elective war in Iraq, terrorism is as much a threat today (if not moreso) than it was around 9/11, the N.Korea / Iran situation is not being dealt with and is getting worse and worse, etc etc.

Knowing all of that, how can you be like "FOUR MORE YEARS BABY WOOHOOOO!!!!1!!" ?

Like I said, I'm really curious. If you want to believe that Bush is the better choice for president, no problem, but he's still a very, very poor presidential choice as it is. That much has been proven his first four years. So why would someone be excited about having him in office another four years? Again, this is not about Kerry, so I don't wanna hear about that. If you are voting for Bush simply because you don't like Kerry or think he will do a poor job, fine. I'm talking more to the people that are just tickled pink about the thought of 'four more years' of this president.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:43 AM
Most of the people your referring to don't have progressive brains. In fact, I don't even think they're human. They're some kind of sub-human species that emulate humans, I think. One only needs to watch the audience of a presidential rally to see this is action....a bunch of people, completely out of touch with reality, clapping and yelling their fool heads off for a lying's sad, scary, and hilarious at the same time.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:46 AM
Here is the mental process:

Our country is far betteroff today than it was four years ago. Our economy is in good shape, we've gained 2 million jobs in the last year, recovered from the Clinton recession and the attacks on 9/11, we've forged a new alliance with allies that realize the threat the West faces, we're killing terrorists daily because of our choice to fight an proactive war in the world (it ain't just Irag), the N.Korea / Iran situation is being handled with the appropriate parties involved.

Kerry is the most liberal senator in the US Senate. He would forfeit our nation's sovereignty and right to defend itself, raise ALL OF OUR TAXES, create a nightmare national health-care disaster, and attempt to move the country on the path of SOCIALISM.

Knowing all of that, how can you not vote for GW?

Like I said, I'm really curious. If you want to believe that Kerry is the better choice for president, no problem, but he's still a very, very poor presidential choice as it is.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by moxyone
Knowing all of that, how can you not vote for GW?

Because it's all lies.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:56 AM
Soooo, basically moxyone you're basically saying they are delusional?

The economy is not better off. What few allies we have now willing to fight alongside of us, even some of them are pulling out (yes, I'm talking about you Poland!). The terrorists are killing Americans daily. Nothing substantial is being done about either Iran / N.Korea, and in the case of N.Korea, it's on the verge of being completely ignored by this administration. What jobs we have regained simply puts us back even with the post 9/11 job loss (we still apparently haven't made up for the million jobs lost then), and most of the jobs that are being created today pay FAR less than the ones we've lost over the last four years.

And at least for me, throwing around that liberal term doesn't equate to an insult. When someone is for civil rights, they're called a liberal. When someone is against big business, they're called a liberal. When someone is pro-choice, they're called a liberal. And so on, and so forth. Personally, seeing the way the "insult" is thrown around, it's more a compliment than anything else.

But again, I asked that we stay on topic and focus on why people would be just giddy about another four years of this president. Please stick to that if we can, thanks.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:56 AM
I believe a huge percentage of "wahoo bush supporters" are some what warmongers,

People who crave resolve through power & destruction.

If you talk politics with most Republicans, they live in fear and usually discuss terrorism, war, terrorism, fear of anything really and then a little more terrorism. IMO

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:02 AM
The economy is experiencing its strongest rate of growth in 20 years.

But don't ever let facts get in the way.

I have no use of arguing with the brainwashed.

good day.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by moxyone
The economy is experiencing its strongest rate of growth in 20 years.

But don't ever let facts get in the way.

I have no use of arguing with the brainwashed.

good day.

Show us some stats, then, big guy. Or is that just what you heard from the Bush admin?
Have you tried to get a decent job recently?

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:13 AM
The supposed "better economy" of the Clinton years resulted from pouring money from the military and other necessities into the local economy. Once these folks that rape the military are out of office, the next guys have to replentish all funding that their predecessors plundered.

I like the water in a sponge analogy...assume Clinton came to power with the sponge in an equilibrium state...he starts squeezing water out of it and telling everyone that lacks reasoning ability that they are better off now because look at how much more water they have to "spend". Eventually the sponge goes dry and it has to be filled back up again... You will notice that the sponge was going dry months before Clinton finally left office.

So, GW Bush got th sponge already dry and had to go about filling it back up again...then in the middle of that, the first terrorist attack on our continent occurs. If you take that all into perspective, G W Bush has done an OUTSTANDING JOB at keeping things afloat and going after the terrorists at the same time!

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:23 AM
Bush's tax cuts overwhelmingly favor the wealthy. The top 1% will save more than $30,000 per year while 31% save nothing at all. Source: Citizens for Tax Justice and AFL/CIO

The nation faces a record $500 billion deficit. The biggest cause of the deficit is Bush's tax cuts. Source:

The Bush Administration is systematically turning back 30 years of environmental progress. Source: Sierra Club

President Bush is under-funding education with the smallest percentage increase in funding in eight years. Source: Committee on Education and the Workforce

2.9 million jobs have been lost under the Bush Administration. Source: New York Times

Bush misled the public about the reasons for going to war with Iraq. No weapons of mass destruction have been found. Source: The Guardian

Bush's Medicare bill helps corporations, not the elderly. 43.6 million U.S. citizens do not have health care. Source:

Halliburton, the company where Vice President Dick Cheney was CEO, was given multi-billion dollar contracts in Iraq without competitive bidding. Source: New York Review of Books

Pentagon officials found that Halliburton overcharged the U.S. government by $61 million for gasoline in Iraq. Source: Associated Press

Bush has tried to roll back more than 200 of America 's environmental laws. The United States emits more greenhouse gases than any other country. Source: Rolling Stone

Bush: The Warrior

2 � Number of nations George W. Bush has attacked and taken over since coming into office.
130 � Approximate number of countries (out of a total of 191 recognized by the United Nations) with a U.S. military presence.
10 million � Estimated number of people worldwide who took to the streets in opposition to the invasion of Iraq , setting an all-time record for simultaneous protest.
$100 billion � Estimated cost of the war in Iraq to U.S. citizens by the end of the year.
104 � Number of American combat deaths in Iraq between May 2003 (when Bush landed on an aircraft carrier and declared an end to the open conflict and the middle of October 2003.
907 � Number of U.S. deaths in Iraq as of July 26th, 2004.
37 � Percentage of Americans who approve of Bush's handling of the situation with Iraq. Source: NY Times
95 - Percentage of Army Reserve Soldiers in Iraq and other Middle East bases experiencing significant pay problems. Source: GAO report
What the bipartisan 9/11 commission said on the link between Iraq and Al Qaeda: "We have no credible evidence that Iraq and Al Qaeda cooperated on attacks against the United States."

Bush: Money Manager

$28 billion - Amount of proposed cuts to veterans' benefits in the congressional Republicans' budget resolution for fiscal year 2004.
$127 billion - Amount of U.S. budget surplus in fiscal year 2001, the last year Clinton was president.
$374 billion - Amount of U.S. budget deficit in fiscal year 2003.
#1 - This year's deficit will be the biggest in U.S. history.
$7.29 trillion - Current national debt.
$1.98 billion - Amount on average the national debt increases each day.
$23,396 � Amount of each citizen's share of the national debt as of October 21, 2003.
#1 � Record for most bankruptcies filed in a single year (1.57 million) set in 2002.
#1 � Set record in 2003, for most residential real-estate foreclosures in a one-quarter period.
1.6 � Percentage increase in economic growth since Bush took office, the slowest rate of increase over an equivalent period for any administration in 50 years.

Bush: Has Lots of Friends

$11.5 million � Amount of hard money Bush raised through the controversial �Pioneer� program. Pioneers pledged to raise at least $100,000 by bundling together checks from friends and family.
212 � Total number of Pioneers identified by the Bush 2000 campaign.
524 � Total number of Pioneers later revealed through court documents.
61 � Number of Pioneers subsequently named to government posts.
19 � Number of Pioneers subsequently appointed as U.S. ambassadors.
2 � Number of Pioneers subsequently appointed to the Cabinet .
$5.3 million � Amount Bush raised this past September 30 toward his re-election campaign, breaking the one-day record he himself set.

Bush: The Environment

58 million- Number of acres of public lands Bush has opened to road building, logging, and drilling.
200 - Number of public-health and environmental laws Bush has worked to downgrade or weaken since taking office.
#1 - Rank of U.S. worldwide in terms of greenhouse gas emissions.

Bush: More Like the French Than He Would Care to Admit

28 - Number of vacation days Bush took in August this year, the second-longest vacation of any president in U.S. history (Record holder: Richard M. Nixon.)
13 - Number of vacation days the average American receives each year.

Bush: Loves to Travel

65 � Approximate number of fund-raisers attended in 2002.
0 � Number of trips taken to Afghanistan before waging war against that country.
0 � Number of trips taken to Iraq before waging war against that country.
0 � Number of funerals or memorials Bush has attended for soldiers killed in Iraq.

Bush: Tough On Crime

#1 � First president to execute a federal prisoner in the last 40 years.
8 � Number of days after that first execution that a second federal prisoner was executed.
#1 � As governor of Texas , executed more prisoners (152) than any governor in modern U.S. history.

Bush: Employment Record

2.4 million � Number of Americans who lost their jobs during the first two and half years of the Bush administration.
9 million � Number of workers unemployed as of September 2003.
#1 � The administration is well on its way to being the first since Herbert Hoover's to preside over an overall loss of jobs during its complete term in office.

Don't believe it? Here...this is a bit more current.

Bush: Helping the Rich

#1 � Has assembled the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history.
$10.9 million � Average wealth of the members of Bush's original 16-person Cabinet.
75 � Percentage of Americans unaffected by Bush's 2003 cuts in the capital-gains and dividend taxes.
$42,000 � Average savings members of Bush's Cabinet are expected to receive this year as a result of cuts in capital-gains and dividends taxes.
$42,228 � Median household income in the U.S. in 2001.
$116,000 � Amount Vice President Dick Cheney is expected to save each year in taxes.
9 � Number of members of Bush's Defense Policy Board who also sit on the corporate board of, or advise, at least one defense contractor.

Bush: Helping the Poor

43.6 million � Number of Americans without health insurance as of 2002.
$300 million � Amount cut in December 2002 from the federal program that provides subsidies to poor families so they can heat their homes during the winter.

Bush: Foreign Relationships

35 � Number of countries to which U.S. has suspended military assistance after they failed to sign agreements giving Americans immunity from prosecution before the International Criminal Court.
#1 � First American president to ignore the Geneva Convention on warfare (by refusing to allow inspectors access to U.S.-held prisoners of war).

Bush: Public Opinion

90 � Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president on September 26th , 2001.
67 � Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president on September 26th , 2002.
54 � Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president on September 30th , 2003.
50 � Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president on October 15th , 2003.

[edit on 18-10-2004 by Damned]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:25 AM
In my relatively conservative opinion, people who would vote for Kerry are the same type of people who would rather buy lottery tickets with their welfare check than buy food and clothes for their kids. Get what you can for yourself now and ignore all your other responsibilities...

He (Kerry) complains about outsourcing jobs to other countries while he complains that Bush won't outsource our entire pharmaceutical industry to Canada. He would rather we buy our consumer products from entirely foreign companies rather than from US companies that have some of their products or parts made overseas. It isn't the government that causes outsourcing problems, it is consumers that don't BUY AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS.

Kerry apparently thinks it is better to have a toy made in the US and sells for $50 sitting on the shelf next to a similar product made by a Chinese company selling for $30. The typical consumer will buy the $30 toy and the entire proceeds will go overseas.

A better plan, the Bush plan, is to allow the US company to have some of the parts or the entire product made overseas with cheaper labor and have the profits of the sale stay here in our country.

You can't have a "Kerry to increase the minimum wage" president and a "Kerry to limit outsourcing" president and a "Kerry to improve the economy" president...all at the same just doesn't add up! You can't force people to buy more expensive products without causing inflation. Is he going to add tarifs to the foreign importers to make their's as expensive as US made? Causes trade wars. We already have a trade deficit pretty much you want to make that worse and REALY wreck our economy?

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:32 AM
The personal insults that fly between people simply because one likes a candidate the other doesn't are so pathetic already, some of you should be embarassed to sign your name to those posts. Develop a sense of decorum please, this isn't last I checked.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:33 AM
In a deeply polarised America, where virtually every value has become fair game for criticism, there is one that remains sacrosanct: the American dream - the idea that anyone, regardless of the circumstances to which they're born, can make of their lives as they choose, by dint of diligence, determination, and hard work. The problem is that one-third of all Americans, according to a recent national survey, no longer even believe in it. Some have lost faith because they worked hard all their lives only to find hardship and despair.
Americans are used to thinking of their country as the most successful on earth. That's no longer the case: the EU has grown to become the third largest governing institution in the world. Though its land mass is half the size of the continental US, its $10.5 trillion GDP now eclipses the US GDP, making it the world's largest economy.

The EU is already the world's leading exporter and largest internal trading market.

The comparisons are even more revealing when it comes to the quality of life. For example, in the EU, there are approximately 322 physicians per 100,000 people; in the US there are only 279 physicians per 100,000 people.

The US ranks 26th among the industrial nations in infant mortality, well below the EU average.

The average life-span in the 15 most developed EU countries is now 78.2 years compared to 76.9 years in the US.

When it comes to wealth distribution - a crucial measure of a country's ability to deliver on the promise of prosperity - the US ranks 24th among the industrial nations. All 18 of the most developed European countries have less income inequality between rich and poor.

Europeans often remark that Americans "live to work", while they "work to live". The average paid vacation time in Europe is now six weeks a year. By contrast, Americans, on average, receive only two weeks. When one considers what makes a people great and what constitutes a better way of life, Europe is beginning to surpass America.

Extracted from: The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream, Jeremy Rivkin, published by Polity Press.

For those who are fit and of working age, access to the American dream, or indeed to any dream, depends on access to employment and here the Bush record has been abysmal. More than 1,700,000 jobs have been lost so far during the Bush presidency. That's the worst record of any president since Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression.

But, while Europe has known higher rates of unemployment from time to time, the difference is that Europe generally enjoys a "safety net" for those unable to work or to find work. Not so in America. According to the US Census Bureau about 36 million Americans are living in poverty. That's the highest number since 1998 and in America today, that means relying on charity - on soup kitchens and food banks - and the charities are overwhelmed.

Just because you may be doing ok, doesn't mean the rest of America is.

[edit on 18-10-2004 by Damned]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:38 AM
Everyone accuses Kerry of being liberal...
Whats wrong with that?
Is being liberal a good thing? ie open minded?
I think you need to accuse Dubya with being liberal... with the truth!

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:50 AM
Deleted was the same as the other next in line. The posting process hung and I didn't think it went...sorry. Wouldn't want to post too much of a good thing...

[edit on 18-10-2004 by leiphasw]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Damned

Interesting copy of Kerry's propoganda sheet. That wouldn't by any chance be biased in ANY WAY, would it?

Notice that the bad statistics typically cover the period covering Clinton's accelerating recession and the 9/11 attacks.... Clinton jumped out of the car after it was already spinning out of control and off the road...

Notice that the good statistics as to how well Bush is driving us out of those two ruts are just ignored.

Lists of statistics that biased and propagandized are better off ignored than studied or rebutted.

Kerry can't even accurately quote what he calls "the most important command" he believes we have from God... If you don't know his error in this quote, then maybe you don't know where his other quotes and statistics are wrong too.
He says he is "Catholic" and went to "church schools", well apparently he didn't learn much in them. One of the most basic memorizations is the "Love the Lord your God..." verse. He quoted it wrong. Let me know when figure out his error.

If you dispute my findings, I have the debate on tape and the correct wording is in Deuteronomy 6:5 - "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."

His quote is missing the same thing he is missing...

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 11:00 AM
So, why don't you explain why you think Bush has done such a great job? You just stated that stats can't be trusted, right? So, on what are you basing your moronic opinion? Personal experience? What's improved so much in your life? Can you name these things? Can you show positive results in your favor? Or are you merely spouting neocon propaganda?
BTW, I don't think Europe is biased toward Rep. or Dem. Why would they care? If you'll notice, that link I provided is from a Euro source.
You're the one stating how much better things are. How so? And why do you think so? I don't see it at all, myself. In fact, I'm quite convinced that quality of life has suffered a great loss in America.

[edit on 18-10-2004 by Damned]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Damned
So, why don't you explain why you think Bush has done such a great job? [edit on 18-10-2004 by Damned]

Terrorism: The terrorists that attacked nd flattened our World Trade centers came into our country and were preparing and training for that attack here for years according to all reports I have read. That means that Clinton let them come in. Kerry says our borders are leakier now than ever. FALSE. I frequently travel to the 1000 Islands NY area. Even though I could still easily haul any bomb smaller than a mini-van in from there, it is much better patrolled and the customs checkpoints are much more strict and better managed than during the Clinton years.

Economy: Home ownership is the highest it has ever been. I just built a rather large addition on my house (5000+ sq ft). I never could have done this if the interest rates were where they were in previous years. The money I spent to build that paid the salaries of a bunch of people either working on the house or making the stuff I built the house from.

Military: The military is better equiped and trained than it has been at any time in history. This is even after Clinton did his best to trash our entire national defense. Kerry says "No draft", but then he says he is going to add 2 entire divisions to the Army. Where are those troops going to come from? Are you telling me they are turning volunteers down now left and right that Kerry would suddenly accept? I doubt it. Either he will need to start taking drunks off the street into the Army or he will need to start a draft. Most of the weapons that were used to win both the Afghan and Iraqi wars were weapons that wouldn't even exist if Kerry had won his many Kerry/Clinton military cutting votes.

Freedom of religion: It is still legal to worship as we each see fit in our country. That freedom would likely evaporate in a Kerry country. Just like in Canada where the Bible is soon to be declared hate literature and outlawed. Bush would not allow that type of Godless hate to permiate our society as quickly.

Even if where we morally are in our current society hasn't recovered as far back up as I'd like, Bush in only 4 years has at least stopped the moral death spiral that Clinton got us into. In 4 more years, hopefully he can get us climbing out of that Clinton quagmire. Kerry would just tip the moral nose of our country back down into the mud.

I think the big difference between Kerry and Bush is moral integrity. I really don't care much about the economy, terrorism, foriegn policy, or most of the other issues when compared to the president's moral convictions. Kerry has no moral convictions, at least none that he still has since yesterday or the day before that. I can depend on Bush to develop a sound plan and follow it through without changing it every few minutes depending on who he happened to be campaigning in front of 10 minutes earlier.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:31 PM
I support Bush I believe he is a strong leader and doesn't put up with any nonsense.Thats what is needed at a time like this with all the threats of attack on the US and its allies. I've watched all the debates and I think Kerry seems like a marshmallow and I'm not sure that would benefit the US
I'm not saying Kerry is a bad person there all liars and tell the people what they want to hear untill they are elected then they don't follow through with there promises. I heard Bush say a few days ago that the US is working with Canada regarding the Flu vaccine, well it must be true as its all over our news that Canada is willing to help out once we've had our flu vaccine and there saying we have lots.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:37 PM
Speaking of Canada... eh?

It is interesting that Kerry wants to stop outsourcing of US jobs to foreign countries but bashes Bush for not outsourcing our entire pharmaceutical industry to Canada... duh...

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