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GOP Candidate Endorses Death Penalty For Rebellious Children

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posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by ~widowmaker~

that ;passage I believe says something about stoning the child????

ya, let's stone the kids!!! the human race has become a abmonination to God, so let's put an end to it!!!

no, no, we need not worry about those perscription drugs that are rewiring the kid's minds...there's no need to worry about that, since look at how much money the companies are making from it...
let's just stone the kids!!!

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
Dunno what people are complaining's in the bible, it MUST be

Funny how when a Muslim terrorist does something bad quoting the Koran as a reason, suddenly there's people claiming the Koran is evil and all Muslims want to take over the West. Yet when a Christian quotes the bible and uses it a basis for his (bat# crazy) demands...well then...suddenly it's "just one crazy person"

Point, set, match!!

I am with you on this 100%, fact is this nonsense he is calling for IS indeed in the Bible. It is located in one of my favorite books Deuteronomy, which also says a women who is raped shall marry her rapist and can not be divorced from him.

18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:

19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;

20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Fact: Christian extremist are no different than Muslim extremist. It's time to get all these idiots out of Government. I suggest giving them their own island so they can kill each other off.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by mahatche

With a surname like Fuqua (pronounced: F-u-k-a) , is it any wonder this man hates teenagers. This man probably still holds the record as the most bullied child in the history of schooling. And they didn't even have the internet when he was at school.

He must have had panic attacks before every morning role call

Teacher - "Charlie Fuqua?"
Class - "hehehhehehehehhe who miss?"

Teacher - "Fuqua..has anyone seen Fuqua?"
edit on 9-10-2012 by Seagle because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by DupontDeux

Originally posted by ChristianJihad
reply to post by mahatche

Hm, anyone else notice the lack of replies to this thread from christian members that lurk in the rocks of ATS ?


If a man hold beliefs like his in as modern, enlightened and highly developed society, he most likely does so because he is a whackjob, not because he is a man of faith - thus it should be his fellow nutters and whackjobs who should defend him, for it is those that he represent.

(and yes, I also think it would be wrong to judge, say, Islam and Judaism by their Charlie Fuquas)

And it scares the hell out of me that a total whackjob can actually have enough following to get into the political arena in the first

Oh and btw, where in the bible dose it actually explain the process of having your children executed..?
edit on 10/9/2012 by Ironclad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by Ironclad

See my post... it is just two post above your own. It is in Deuteronomy 18-21. I actually quoted the exact bible verses.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by Ironclad

I can even quote another for you if you like. Besides Deuteronomy we have the following...

Proverbs 30:17

The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.

I am pretty sure for ravens to pick out your eyes and eat them, you would probably have to be stoned to death first as Deuteronomy 18-21 suggest

edit on 9-10-2012 by MrWendal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by MrWendal

I am with you on this 100%, fact is this nonsense he is calling for IS indeed in the Bible. It is located in one of my favorite books Deuteronomy, which also says a women who is raped shall marry her rapist and can not be divorced from him.

18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:

19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;

20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Fact: Christian extremist are no different than Muslim extremist. It's time to get all these idiots out of Government. I suggest giving them their own island so they can kill each other off.

Oh god it does my head in. I get so confused when half of the Bible contradicts itself so much with the other half. Love, kill, forgive, destroy.

Why don't they see their actions are the same as Muslim extremist? It should be obvious, but people will be willing ignorant.

It just messes with my head.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by neo96
Really what is the beef here?

Unlike abortion there is actually a protocol /

Killing children is evil!!!!

Abortion is not!.

Uh quite the double standard But The dude is a dumb as a box of rocks.

Can anyone point out the difference:

Behave or die!
Be conceived and die!.
edit on 8-10-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

why do you think that ending roe v wade will end abortion? won't. abortion has been going on for thousands of years. roe v wade makes it possible for the women that have them to live...apparently history, coupled with the logical research of why a law was passed in the first place, is something that should be considered.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:30 AM
What is it with Arkansas and these nut jobs they vote into office? This one wants to kill kids and another thinks slavery was a good thing for the blacks. It wouldn't surprise me if Arkansas was the favorite vacation spot of the members of the Westboro church members.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by ChristianJihad
reply to post by mahatche

Hm, anyone else notice the lack of replies to this thread from christian members that lurk in the rocks of ATS ?

Normally by now there's page after page of "Well he's not a true christian" clumped with never ending bible quotes somehow trying to prove that the jesus god changed the rules.

The christian silence is somewhat deafening and telling, I would like to think they're hanging their heads in shame but are more likely covering their eyes and humming jesus wants me for a sunbeam in lala land waiting for this thread to go away so they can get back on their soap boxes.

One thing we should all teach our children - Never ever trust a christian, because you never know which parts of the bibles they will take literally or when their god will tell them to kill you.

Well said. Think it is a case of the X-stians saying, "la-la-la, I can't hear you la-la-la I have my ears plugged la-la-la."


posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by Common Good
Now dont stereotype Republicans as to the likes of this guy- you Democrats are better than that arent you? Dont you hate it when they do it to you? Of course you do.

That said. This guy is off of his rocker.

I think unruly teens need to be put in bootcamp, not deathcamp.

The guy ain't off his rocker, he's just a devout fundamentalist Christian. He's not saying anything that isn't already in the Bible. If a person cites anything in the Bible as justification for something, THEN EVERYTHING in the Bible must therefore be correct. If you acknowledge that anything in the Bible is a bit beyond the pale, then you can no longer use anything from the Bible to back up a point of view. One cannot take and reject portions of the Bible, willy nilly and then claim any sort of coherent ideology or morals. Either you accept all that is in the Bible, or you throw the book away and make your philosophy based on more reasoned arguments from other sources.

As for stereotyping Republicans, a lot of Bible thumpin' Republican politicians say they want the US to abide by Biblical laws, and this is a Biblical law. Therefore anybody that claims the US is a Christian nation and wants the US to abide by Christian values must abide by Deuteronomy 21:18-21 along with all the other insane, inane and vicious rules in the Bible. You can't pick and choose, Christians.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 07:17 AM

reply to post by MrInquisitive

Probably starting yet another thread claiming that atheism is a reilgion or the latest incident of an demon pretending to be an alien dragging one of them from sleep onto the bedroom floor but was thwarted by shouting the holy name of jesus blah blah.

Hey let's go hang out at "Conspiracies in Religion" forum to see what mnidless stupidity is being spouted by the righteous today.

Her's one they seem to avoid like plague -

God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn:

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by jude11
"Do your homework or I'll have you killed..."

Might work better than taking away internet time.


Hmmm...I don't know. I have two boys in high school who both make the honor roll every quarter and both started earning college credit as FRESHMEN in High School. The oldest is part of an advanced engineering program and will have not only his first year of general ed classes completed but ALSO his first year of general engineering requirements out of the way by the time he graduates. Both kids have also had p/t jobs since being 14 yrs old and play sports too.

...and I have not ever once had to threaten, coerce, demand, mandate, scream, or yell for EITHER of them to do their homework. Not even a single time since kindergarten.

HINT: If you need threats and intimidation to get you're kids to do things....YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by ChristianJihad

reply to post by MrInquisitive

Probably starting yet another thread claiming that atheism is a reilgion or the latest incident of an demon pretending to be an alien dragging one of them from sleep onto the bedroom floor but was thwarted by shouting the holy name of jesus blah blah.

Hey let's go hang out at "Conspiracies in Religion" forum to see what mnidless stupidity is being spouted by the righteous today.

Her's one they seem to avoid like plague -

God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn:

HA! Impossible. Don't you know that plagues cannot be avoided? Only "god" can prevent plagues...and only "god" can sometimes make unicorns run around in barren desert wastelands thousands and thousands of years ago.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by MrInquisitive

Originally posted by Common Good
Now dont stereotype Republicans as to the likes of this guy- you Democrats are better than that arent you? Dont you hate it when they do it to you? Of course you do.

That said. This guy is off of his rocker.

I think unruly teens need to be put in bootcamp, not deathcamp.

The guy ain't off his rocker, he's just a devout fundamentalist Christian. He's not saying anything that isn't already in the Bible. If a person cites anything in the Bible as justification for something, THEN EVERYTHING in the Bible must therefore be correct. If you acknowledge that anything in the Bible is a bit beyond the pale, then you can no longer use anything from the Bible to back up a point of view. One cannot take and reject portions of the Bible, willy nilly and then claim any sort of coherent ideology or morals. Either you accept all that is in the Bible, or you throw the book away and make your philosophy based on more reasoned arguments from other sources.

As for stereotyping Republicans, a lot of Bible thumpin' Republican politicians say they want the US to abide by Biblical laws, and this is a Biblical law. Therefore anybody that claims the US is a Christian nation and wants the US to abide by Christian values must abide by Deuteronomy 21:18-21 along with all the other insane, inane and vicious rules in the Bible. You can't pick and choose, Christians.

Correction. I believe Fuqua is pretty clearly choosing to omit the whole "let he who has not sinned cast the first stone" part as well as the general doctrine of the entire New Testament regarding non-violence, compassion, forgiveness, love, peace, etc.

Let me guess...that's different, right?

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by neo96
Really what is the beef here?

Unlike abortion there is actually a protocol /

Killing children is evil!!!!

Abortion is not!.

Uh quite the double standard But The dude is a dumb as a box of rocks.

Can anyone point out the difference:

Behave or die!
Be conceived and die!.
edit on 8-10-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

Yeah that dude is as dumb as a bunch of rocks but you seem sharp as a knife

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by mahatche

Proving yet again...right-wing Christians are convinced that life starts at conception and ends at birth. The fetus must be protected at all times...but the second the child emerges from the womb it's OK for society to turn it's back and let said infant die of starvation, lack, of medical care, be sent out as cannon fodder promptly at the age of 18, and even now be stoned to death by their own parents...JUST LIKE THE TALIBAN.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:50 AM
Why should we be surprised at this? The basis of the Abrahamic religions is Abraham, and what did he do? Tied up his son to an altar and was ready to plunge a dagger into him, because he heard a voice from "God" telling him to do so. In this day and age this would get a parent locked up, but not Abraham. He's the Hero of the Muslims, Jews and Christians.... why? Because he was "obedient".

Only Satan orders people to kill their children. Jehovah is none other than Satan Himself, and half the world worships this tyrannical bloodthirsty psychopath.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by buster2010
What is it with Arkansas and these nut jobs they vote into office? This one wants to kill kids and another thinks slavery was a good thing for the blacks. It wouldn't surprise me if Arkansas was the favorite vacation spot of the members of the Westboro church members.

I know. It's enough for me to think we should perhaps reconsider that whole secession thing.

You clowns want to run a brutal theocratic dictatorship? Great...go nuts. The North will cut off the welfare your state receives and use it to relocate those who do not want to live underneath the rule of the Christian Taliban to a sane part of the country and then you guys are on your own.

Enjoy the hurricanes, oil spills, and fending off the pending invasion from Mexico when they decide they want Texas back all by yourselves.


posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:59 AM
What's interesting is that we tend to praise "moderate Christians" and "moderate Muslims", where what we really mean is Christians and Muslims who don't take their religion as seriously, to the letter, as the "extremists".

Why this should be praised is beyond me. It's like admitting religion is stupid, divisive, and barbaric, and anyone who accepts all it has to offer is evil, but anyone who supposedly accepts the religion as true but filters out the unpleasant stuff is worthy of praise.

We need to get honest, religion is simply bad, and irrational, anyone who buys into it whether wholly or just partially is equally worthy of criticism.

It's like applauding thieves who only steal small stuff from rich people - it's still wrong.
edit on 9-10-2012 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

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