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Seriously, Has Anyone Else Noticed This?

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posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by shadow watcher

Actually that is how to also use the search function, not just to overlook it and so "aww man someone wrote about that", you can look through it see the date, think about whether you have anything to add, contact a mod, and BLAMMO!!! Instance new thread revival with your new spin on it!!

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:48 PM

I haven't been around as long as some of you but longer than others. (no point just testing my new keyboard.

I do agree with what you said op. Also I have to admit I'm as guilty as anybody.

A ghost in the closet or a monster under the bed isn't as scary as a monster running the country. Or war. Or the mods.......joking.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by intrptr

I also have learned how to search on my own and yah, I am a little bored. Boy am I arrogant. I have instant access to the entire world without even getting up off my arse.

Ha Ha!
Same here,plenty of resources I check everyday as a ritual,so by the time I get around to it,I have usually seen it all.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by kdog1982
reply to post by intrptr

I also have learned how to search on my own and yah, I am a little bored. Boy am I arrogant. I have instant access to the entire world without even getting up off my arse.

Ha Ha!
Same here,plenty of resources I check everyday as a ritual,so by the time I get around to it,I have usually seen it all.

Not only but have you noticed, and this is entirely subjective, that some stories I have seen on TV news like RT and CNN, I have seen here first?

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by intrptr

Not only but have you noticed, and this is entirely subjective, that some stories I have seen on TV news like RT and CNN, I have seen here first?

At times,yes,I have.

I tend to look at as many opinions and sources on a story as I can.
I search many sources for something new.
Takes up alot of time.

Sometimes when I think I have found that golden nugget,it has already been posted.

Then there are those times,many actually like this time,when I just delete the post altogether.
Thats why I didn't delete this post.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by kdog1982
reply to post by intrptr

Not only but have you noticed, and this is entirely subjective, that some stories I have seen on TV news like RT and CNN, I have seen here first?

At times,yes,I have.

I tend to look at as many opinions and sources on a story as I can.
I search many sources for something new.
Takes up alot of time.

Sometimes when I think I have found that golden nugget,it has already been posted.

Thats another reason I come here. People on ATS are the best diggers. I know they will sort out the truth and bring it here. All I have to do is check up on their work. I love reading the progression of investigation, and really dig the hammer down posts that solve a mystery or reveal the lies.

I sleep better knowing the truth.

Question: Why are you using "Off site content" BB code on my posts?

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive
reply to post by smyleegrl

Yep, how many threads have you read and just two or three responses down you have someone linking to an older thread? I think we need a time limit on older threads. Don't get rid of them but allow the subject to be renewed again on the boards.
I find it a waste of time posting something on a thread that's a year old and like 15 pages in.

I agree with this.
I never post on old threads. Not only because they're so many pages in, but because I feel that in order to reasonably contribute to such a thread, I'd have to read 15 pages of comments and replies first - which I'm rarely willing to do.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I have been a long time reader of this site before I finally signed up and the main draw was the topics.....

I never heard of some of the conspiracies mentioned here and after reading a thread, I would do some research for myself using the links provided plus digging a little further on my own.

So, thanks to you veterans, I'm more enlightened on some subjects [HAARP, etc.]......

But it does seem as though here lately that the really interesting subjects get "over looked".

I guess it being election year, peoples' mind is else where.....

I always enjoy a good conspiracy tho.....


ETA: Another reason I like this site is it does keep you up to date on topics that the MSM doesn't cover.
Well, the posters keep me up to date, that is......thanks.

edit on 8-10-2012 by snarky412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 02:53 AM
I 'feel in my gut" that things have changed (sorry I have no pics to back that up)

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
I've found that whenever I post a thread about something mysterious, I usually get at least three complaints to "use the search button". Even if the other thread is five years old.

So true...

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:05 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

As a person who tends to post a lot of very conspiracy themed threads ( mostly psyops related ), and posts an occasional rant, humor thread, or news story out of boredom, I can say that it's becoming much more stressful to write about conspiracies because the subject matter, no matter how politely phrased or well resourced, seems to draw a LOT of, shall we say, unwanted attention and anger from a small percentage of other members. It's very disheartening to spend hours working on a thread that is based upon weeks, months, years, or even decades of personal research only to see it derailed by one or two folks who seem very skilled at the art of deflection and use of disinformation tactics.

Personally, I have invested a lot of time into trying to understand the concept. I do not easily buy the "paid poster" or "shill" type argument. I am sure such people exist and possibly do post here. I don't know either way. What I have learned is that others are fast to follow regardless of the motives of the first one who starts. It is like negativity sparks a sort of hysteria that just spreads. I've seen it in many, many good threads. And, as a member, it's always sad to see a great or informative OP get derailed, or even closed, because of it.

And, yes, I do think it's happening more than it used to. Though that may not indicate anything other than higher traffic to the sight.

But, yes, to directly answer your OP title, Yes, I have noticed it.


As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 05:18 AM
Just a thought, but it seems like the 'conspiracy-focus' has shifted away from the fringe, and is now aimed directly at mainstream news topics.

Firstly this is a concern because it leads us down a path where even talking about government policies and procedures will just be shrugged off as, "Just one of those conspiracy angles".
50 years ago, you were a conspiracy enthusiast if you professionally documented U.F.O's and other-worldly sightings. Nowadays, you are a fore-runner if you simply follow congress? It's saddening.

We sometime say that it's a good thing subjects get discussed here before they air on the MSM, all the while ignoring the fact that it will be aired anyway. To millions of people.
Fringe subject matter, however will never see a credible light of day on any MSM outlet.

I don't see the point in sacrificing the whole arm of advancing insight for the sake of 'world news promptness'.
edit on 8-10-2012 by adrift because: grammar

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
I've found that whenever I post a thread about something mysterious, I usually get at least three complaints ...

I guess a good way to avoid the thread being 'linked' to an older thread is to have a strong opinion rather than presenting the topic as new I guess but still ...

That's not just the mysterious stuff though, honestly you post anything here at ATS (or online) you are guaranteed at least three offensive posts starting with sentences like ... 'I stopped reading when ...' or 'Now we must question your credibility ...' I personally like the 'you clearly don't know what you're talking about' followed by the obsessive focus on a single sentence in a 5000 character post.

I actually think it's the internet generation(s) so to speak ... I don't believe it particularly targets any on topic but it can feel that way if it's what you find interesting.

Originally posted by Sinny
Wasn't ATS originally for the "Anti-conspiracy" purpose to begin with? I recall reading references to that.

Also, people don't like the real life nitty gritty conspiracies on here.

Half agree ... half disagree.

Springer has defended believers for certain.

People don't mind the nitty gritty stuff so long as you've done piles of research. Look at any of RisingAgainst's awesome threads and you will see it can be done but ... do you have that much time to educate people on a single event? I sadly don't or I would post my own threads more often.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 07:10 AM
Negative posts are downers and we are all fed up with living in a negative world. TPTB use negativity and disinfo, to keep us dumb and confused. I believe we are looking for a way out of the hole we are sinking into and more evidence that we are in the hole, does not help anyone. We tend to shun negative and mean spirited people because they hurt, rather than help us. Some seem to think that presenting more negativity will somehow trigger blowback and increase positivity. We need to make a conscious choice to shun those that repeatedly tell us how everything is crashing. Time for solutions and that must be expressed by each individual.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 07:39 AM
I do believe that many people have came to think that UFO and other pieces of illusion are not the things they should worry about.

War , invasion , destruction , mass manipulation is more interesting than an unreal hard to prove things which have not much to do with our lives.

IMO , people are more aware now and they are not thinking about aliens while their govt is planning for another invasion.

It is mass logic improvement.

In the recent months , the speed of events in the real world have increased which led to ignoring none related news and pursuing recent news of war.
edit on 8-10-2012 by mideast because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 07:54 AM
It just goes to show the inter-connectivity of things. The majority of the members have been experiencing intense patriotism or antigvt, war or anti-war, etc., feelings. The horizons have shifted. Everyone is focusing on war, politics and apocalypse because those are the things on our forefront! Who is worried about personal ghost stories when there are real horrors happening that could possibly drastically effect our quality and way of life.

On the other hand - we need to regress back to our simpler roots people! Everything the original poster said is absolutely true. Let us go back to the simpler days so as to set an example that we are all confident, in agreement that we all believe in the supernatural, and not caught up in all the BS propaganda.

It's all really basic psychology.............monkey see monkey think monkey doo

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 08:23 AM
I can think of a few reasons, sadly...

* Too many worldly events to keep ourselves occupied with. Tbh, at this moment in time, I do think information related to world events, economics, politics,... are more important than what if's, theories that we can't prove or test,... ET threads are interesting, threads about mysteries etc as well, but when we're on the brink of war, and have been for quite some time now, they dissolve into the background as there are more pressing matters going on.

* More and more people join the internet-population. As a result, more and more people who think they know the answer to everything, find their way to every corner of the internet, including ATS. There is no bigger buzzkill than hypothesizing a subject and then having someone enter the thread only to claim that what you are talking about is bs, impossible, debunked,... No no no, don't theorize!! Forget about the fact that everything starts with theory and that many things we believe we know are all still only theories, when it comes to conspiracies, you need hard facts, POIDH as you say yourself.

* Of course the internet wasn't invented yesterday so point 1 needs some additional reasoning; Because of the internet, massive spread of information is possible. On a daily base, people read or hear something new, google it, and come to a conclusion. Usually, this conclusion is the one they tend to stick with. There are two sides to every coin, but for many people, seeing one is enough to know that there is a coin, and what's on the other side doesn't matter. So they have this one-sided information, that has satisfied their craving for finding out more, and then will spread this information when they come across something relevant. And thus even people who have been using the internet for ages, will do this, even I do it when I don't pay attention.

* It's become almost impossible to draw the line between fiction and non-fiction. I was talking about this yesterday, in fact, with my girlfriend. We were watching Prometheus for the first time, and I told her that, well, some of the things in the movie are not fictional at all, and what movies like this do is they push fact and fiction together into a box labeled "sci-fi" or "not real" or whatever. Something is either fictional or it's non-fictional, for many, seeing something that is fiction will result in it remaining fictional, no matter the possibilities, the real facts,...

* Combine the previous point with the internet and we're pretty much done. Anyone can fictionalize anything, the internet allows everyone to stumble upon anything, a movie, a picture, a story... There are so many stories about alien abductions, for example, that are completely fictional. Some, will undoubtedly, claim that their story is real, to get attention, to complete a wish of theirs with lies,... We'll never know which stories are legit, and which are made up.

* Lastly, everyone has an agenda, and you nor I will ever know 100% certain what that agenda is, and if what they say it is, is true. The anonymity of the internet allows me to claim I am a MIB who has secret documents that I can't share but want to talk about, and when an actual MIB wants to come clean, everyone will mock him, telling Bernard to get off the computer

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I was going to do a thread on this very subject! I am in complete agreement with you. I posted a UFO thread the other day and was appalled by the reaction I received from my fellow ATS'ers. Having an open mind seems to be ridiculed these days. I have lost all enthusiasm of sharing here on ATS because of this.

I miss the old ATS

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by princeguy
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I was going to do a thread on this very subject! I am in complete agreement with you. I posted a UFO thread the other day and was appalled by the reaction I received from my fellow ATS'ers. Having an open mind seems to be ridiculed these days. I have lost all enthusiasm of sharing here on ATS because of this.

I miss the old ATS

Actually, in the thread you posted, you asked posters if they thought it was real or not. When everyone was posting the video was of birds or bugs, you got VERY defensive (almost as if it was your own video). If you did not want peoples opinion on the video you posted, don't end your post with "Whats your Vote? Real or Not?".

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I was a long time avid lurker for a long period of time before I joined. There were many controversial topics that drew me here, and I truly enjoyed reading all of the differing opinions on a variety of subjects and the respectful debate that occurred here. I have in the past several months watched many subjects nearly disappear, and I have ideas as to why.

Most times discussions start out as respectful and mannered, but lately it seems that if the thread involves anything controversial the debates quickly turn into ugliness with people just trying to put each other down and make each other sound like idiots. People attack sources as "not credible" but offer no alternative sources to back up their arguments. They claim things are "imaginary" or don't exist because having never experienced such things themselves people who claim to having experienced them are either delusional or crazy. It's "pics or it didn't happen" or "your belief is a fairy tale" or "the govt. couldn't keep a secret that big", etc. OPs are barraged with posts calling them ignorant, uneducated, delusional, paranoid, you name it. People get tired of constantly being attacked so they keep to more neutral topics that aren't nearly as interesting.

When I first came here if someone disagreed they would state so and give reasons why they disagreed and moved on. Now they stick around and do their best to turn the thread into their own personal vendetta against the OP, just itching for a verbal "troll war" that often results in T&C violations, sometimes on both sides. It's like a bunch of mean middle school aged cool girls came in and hijacked ATS, determined to "rule the school" with a constant bombardment of insubstantial fluff that takes attention away from the kind of threads that drew most of us here to start with. It has become a "popularity war" in a bid for stars and flags rather than a place of learning and intelligent, respectful debate.

I've seen many half a paragraph long OPs about nothing get numerous stars and flags while well thought out and researched threads slip by barely noticed. It is my opinion that some may feel "why go to all of the effort if nobody really cares or if I'm just going to be ridiculed?'. I can't blame them, but it's sad!

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