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Seriously, Has Anyone Else Noticed This?

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posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:01 PM
So its Sunday, Im bored and writing and reading through threads and after being on ATS for so long I have a few habits when reading through the recent posts/threads, and that is looking at what interests me, looking at the flags, and the member that wrote it.

I am not afraid to say that I tend to almost always click on members that I enjoy reading their threads first, or I know that their stuff is going to interest me, then I will refresh the page and start over (yes, I said I am bored
), I have noticed that a lot of the threads that focus on what many would be "conspiracy" threads are highly overlooked, or just down right ignored.

Back in the day.... yes I mean early ATS and conspiracy in general focused mostly on U.F.O's, HAARP was a real concern, Project Bluebeam, ghosts, etc,. those threads seem to have disappeared, and those few that are still coming up, are the least flagged, or viewed, and the posts are minimal, or just derailment through and through, shunned as the least interesting, or the hive mind of "we are so over that".

So I ask, are we as a conspiracy community actually changing more then we know? Does me wanting to hear the good old fashion stuff that keeps me wondering through out the day, or the most puzzling of questions, with the least likely answer become to hard?

Have we decided that our links/info/conspiracy theorists have to be world renowned or simply ignored if we are not all on board with it? What happened to those "I can feel it in my gut" threads, have they vanished because now the most common phrase has become "pics or it didnt happen", have we doomed our own research, with being more concerned about how popular the story is as opposed to the message itself?

I am interested in what others here think.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:07 PM
I blame the lack of new genuine evidence and events, everything else has been discussed to the ground. So all that's left is to analyze current events which is whats done here now a days except for the often speculative thread which like you said gets overlooked or ridiculed.

I was looking at the traffic for ATS and its gone down these past months, everything seems stale. Old members aren't helping when they pounce on any new member trying to start a thread that has already been discussed.
edit on 7-10-2012 by CesarO because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:09 PM
Kind of what happens when you deny ignorance for so long,you have lost that ability to believe in the unknown as simply that.

The unknown,that of which conjours up all sorts of fantastical ideas.

Know,we prove it all was a fake or some other excuse.

I,for one still believe that there are unknowns out there that can't be explained away.


posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:09 PM
IMO, we maybe feel like we have been there done that. Now we are just waiting for the next big thing....

That, and I notice more users are using this as a news source instead of "conspiracy" site.

I personally, am waiting for the next big thing.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:09 PM
I was a long time lurker before signing it. I think people are more interested in the current situation than anything else. It does seem like a collapse is eminent. Everyone also seems to be on edge. On the other side a lot of people have been overwhelmed with the same doom prediction threads over and over again. So pretty much the believers and skeptics are all bored with the situation.

My favorite topics revolve around Tesla, UFO cover ups, and the current worldwide economic situation. But mostly I find myself coming on here to see if something big is actually starting. Not the prediction pages but anything that indicates a collapse or EQ, Tsunami, alien invasion is starting.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:09 PM
It depends how long one has been visiting ATS I think. I run across a lot of repeated conversations when it comes to the paranormal. Some do have new things but many do not and I find myself running across something I've already looked into. This happens a lot.

How many blurry UFO or ghost pictures can one brain handle?

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:11 PM
I've found that whenever I post a thread about something mysterious, I usually get at least three complaints to "use the search button". Even if the other thread is five years old.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Yep, how many threads have you read and just two or three responses down you have someone linking to an older thread? I think we need a time limit on older threads. Don't get rid of them but allow the subject to be renewed again on the boards.
I find it a waste of time posting something on a thread that's a year old and like 15 pages in.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:17 PM
I also think that the fact that most people do not know what real research is and that videos from youtube from unknown sources are not evidence of much. It is one thing if it is is your own video but simply pasting a video wherein you have no idea of the credibility of the original poster is ridiculous.

The internet is a useful tool but few know how to use it wisely.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:20 PM
I think most of the well-documented UFO and paranormal cases have alreay been posted / discussed at length so all that remains are the daily YouTube uploads which almost always turn out to be misidentification or CGI.

ATS seems to have evolved into more of an alternative news forum with much more focus on current politics and issues in the Middle East. That said it's still a great place to share and discuss views and there will always be new things to learn in one forum or another

edit on 7/10/2012 by Fazza! because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:21 PM
Wasn't ATS originally for the "Anti-conspiracy" purpose to begin with? I recall reading references to that.

Also, people don't like the real life nitty gritty conspiracies on here. Prefer to talk about magic wizards than the Comitee of 300.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:24 PM
I know that that is a HUGE problem when members come in with that has already been posted, with the time they took to find it they could have contributed.

I am not sure right now who just wrote a thread in the B&Q but a mod clearly stated that threads could be repeated after a certain amount of time, and of course it always helps when you bring something different to the table other then what has already been written.

I did that once, and the original thread was half a paragraph. I wrote a mod and got the ok to redo it, and it was my most popular threads to date.

So my main suggestion would be to take a few minutes and write a mod, ask them if its ok to start a new thread and link the original back to them. It will save on the later headache of having to deal with those posters, as you can actually say (as I did when I rewrote a thread) that I have expressed permission and that was that, no one else did linked to the other thread.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Sinny

Funny you mention the Committee of 300 I have a thread about that I wrote a year or so ago

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
I've found that whenever I post a thread about something mysterious, I usually get at least three complaints to "use the search button". Even if the other thread is five years old.

That's certainly not fair to my mind, but you do bring up a point. Many of the things we have discussed on ATS ad nauseum with sometimes literally thousands of posts. So when someone new comes along and says something like, "How about that Billy Meier!" or "You ignorant people may never have heard about this wonderful disclosure press conference held in 2001." then anyone who has been around awhile tends to say, "Oh, My God! Not this again!"

It's not really fair to the newcomer, I suppose, but some things have simply been "dealt with" and need to come to closure. I also feel the focus has shifted from true conspiracies to a kind of soft peddle left wing politics site. It's not exactly what old-timers signed up for, but it's a trend that's hard to buck and one the owners, I suspect, will not change unless the numbers go down.

On the other hand, there are certainly some ungodly-like productions on the Net that suck in comparison.....

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive

I agree . also not many people like going into the archives i would think a lot of people just to to new topics and join that discussion where archived topics don't really get much traffic , I kind of enjoy a live debate and feed back .

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by schuyler

It's not really fair to the newcomer, I suppose, but some things have simply been "dealt with" and need to come to closure. I also feel the focus has shifted from true conspiracies to a kind of soft peddle left wing politics site. It's not exactly what old-timers signed up for, but it's a trend that's hard to buck and one the owners, I suspect, will not change unless the numbers go down.

Yeah ,try to put that out front there, that here are all the answers to all your conspiracy theory's ,and watch the viewership drop.

I would say let the newbies post something that has already been discuss and let it go for awhile while the other newbies sort it out.
Then give them the bad news.

You never know,some great ideas or new info would come of it.

edit on 7-10-2012 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:12 PM
Also this site has evolved to much more than what it was intended to be , is that really such a bad thing i like it for the developments in the world , science , history, and questions of the mind . I wouldn't want this site no other way such diversity where everything and anything is posted .... this is a great community

edit .. and the rent is free

edit on 7/10/12 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

I agree, there are some really interesting topics out there that get shuffled because "its already been mentioned" without any real research, just a few words, no traffic and forgotten about.

These can be revived, if you think about it there was a time that disinfo when conspiracy sites first came out was rampant, and there have been tons of new info that has been released since, including FOIA files.

So I say to those members that are looking to bring some new light to old info, please do so, and please oh please try to contact a mod first especially if it is very old, and you can always include the original thread, that is always nice to give a bit of credit to the original poster.

Peace. NRE.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:38 PM
I would propose an Oldies type forum where the great discussions are archived and displayed as reference so as to allow a new poster to look it over and maybe start a new thread after seeing what the community thought of it.
This would allow someone to discover those roads well worn by others while still feeling like a contributor and not be shunned.
something to think about

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:40 PM
I only jumped on the internet at all last year because I was tired of remaining in the dark about all the issues like Fukushima, 911, wars, etc. My own experience with reading between the MSM lines wasn't working anymore. I needed some other input.

And here I found it. The only place I know where every subject under the mysterious sun is openly discussed.

It was like finding a street filled with untouched dumpsters. I jump in with both feet. I learned and learned some more. As I "came up to speed" on each area I am interested in, I come away feeling like I been studying in college and way better than any library there. Now I am kind of more aware of everybody's opinions on these matters and I am so grateful for that, to all of you. Good, bad or indifferent I have received from the site a well rounded view of all this stuff going on in our world. Now I can make up my own mind.

I have wonderful links to current activity in space and science, the politics of state, the wars and "unidentfology".

I also have learned how to search on my own and yah, I am a little bored. Boy am I arrogant. I have instant access to the entire world without even getting up off my arse.

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