So its Sunday, Im bored and writing and reading through threads and after being on ATS for so long I have a few habits when reading through the recent
posts/threads, and that is looking at what interests me, looking at the flags, and the member that wrote it.
I am not afraid to say that I tend to almost always click on members that I enjoy reading their threads first, or I know that their stuff is going to
interest me, then I will refresh the page and start over (yes, I said I am bored
), I have noticed that a lot of the threads that focus on what
many would be "conspiracy" threads are highly overlooked, or just down right ignored.
Back in the day.... yes I mean early ATS and conspiracy in general focused mostly on U.F.O's, HAARP was a real concern, Project Bluebeam, ghosts,
etc,. those threads seem to have disappeared, and those few that are still coming up, are the least flagged, or viewed, and the posts are minimal, or
just derailment through and through, shunned as the least interesting, or the hive mind of "we are so over that".
So I ask, are we as a conspiracy community actually changing more then we know? Does me wanting to hear the good old fashion stuff that keeps me
wondering through out the day, or the most puzzling of questions, with the least likely answer become to hard?
Have we decided that our links/info/conspiracy theorists have to be world renowned or simply ignored if we are not all on board with it? What happened
to those "I can feel it in my gut" threads, have they vanished because now the most common phrase has become "pics or it didnt happen", have we
doomed our own research, with being more concerned about how popular the story is as opposed to the message itself?
I am interested in what others here think.
Peace, NRE.