posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by kazanoom
Unfortunately there are many living in the basement; most often defrauded by the towers that be.....some more intentionally than others!
One could invest their money in (real estate, stock market, prec. metals), study/analyze the stock, real estate, precious metals markets like a rabbit
in heat only to find, 'reason' does not apply for it is all smoke in mirrors, a complete fraud, complEtely manipulated as I have have 'personally'
examined that system to be as well as it's supposed checks and balances including the SEC (goldman sachs folk), DOJ (hand selected by the bankster
cartel), residing Presidents' in puppet in perpetuity, compromised members of the Senate (refused to investigate BP oilspill for threat of loss of
pension/healthcare parachute for LIFE for serving one term), Supreme court (hand selected by executive in 'plant') central banks, incluye Fed.Res. of
the world (Rotchild, Rock-a-feller and minions).
It's all one fiat petrol dole-ar based grand fraud operation where the CEOs have already golden parachuted out of those operations at share/bagholder
and taxpayer/tarp expense. 2/3rds of the house of lords in England were decommissioned/non-voting since they could not be relied upon to go along
with the NWO. Lord Monckton could provide that background as many others.
Not to take a stand either way on that issue though it is what it was.
I could go on though, old story, there is enough in the know 'at the present' for a Revolution to take place. It can not be put down for those in the
know have achieved the minimum necessary for an all out revolution to take place, worldwide and....."Action".....and....."Rollling" and>Pending. FDIC
and SIPC 'protections' no longer valid as they are bust; by design.
I wonder why more don't take cover, leave the scene, escape underground or
'other'. What took place past and present was a self fulfilling prophecy; a foolish one. The fallout is just around the corner.
This and
this and
this should be a matter of concern with viral consequence. Not all viruses are bad; no?
edit on 7-10-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)