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Romney Supporters: What policies that Romney talked about in the debate did you like?

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posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by VariableConstant

Originally posted by Snoopy1978

Originally posted by KaiserSoze
reply to post by HostileApostle

I liked it when he said he was going to end the war on drugs, it's about time.

Rmoney ending the war on drugs?! You've got to be kidding!
edit on 4-10-2012 by Snoopy1978 because: (no reason given)

I read that comment as pure, brilliant sarcasm, but evidently it went over a few heads.

I thought the "Vampire Czar" comment would have been a tip-off. Guess not.
edit on 5-10-2012 by VariableConstant because: (no reason given)

I appreciate you pointing this out.

Lately, the amount of moronic, ultra conservative posts make it very difficult to discern such things, imo. One only needs to scroll up to be enveloped in some sort of bizarro world.

When you have poor to middle class people posting seriously about supporting wars and ending "entitlements" such as social security (for the benefit of the ultra rich no less), sarcasm is really hard to spot.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by HostileApostle

I liked how he said that obama may have approved the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, but that if he were elected he would finish the job. "Osama may be dead but Justin Beiber is still at large and if elected he will be brought to justice".

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by tport17

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by HostileApostle

I really liked the part where he said to've had 4 years to reduce the deficit. You said you'd cut the deficit in half, and you haven't, you've added another trillions dollars.

Yeah...I liked that part a lot....


He didn't cut the deficit but he didn't double it either.

It’s not true that Obama “doubled” the deficit. He inherited a $1.2 trillion deficit and deficits have remained at or above that level, as Romney said, every year since then. Romney is right, however, that Obama has not kept his promise to cut the deficit in half.

Fact Check

yeah...Obama should have sent troops over to congress and forced at gunpoint the republican house to vote for his deficit reduction legislation.....

Troops in Who's Congress ?

Looks like the 111th Congress (Jan 2009 thru Jan 2011) may have Tripled the annual deficits overall ... not "doubled"

This statistics are bogus and you know it. Obama took office while the country was in flames, seriously you can;t believe Obama did all that, the unemployment would've happened no matter who took office. Also the spending HAD TO BE DONE. There HAD to be stimulus to the economy, there HAD to be bailouts to different banks and companies. This is not his fault at all, all these things would've happened even if McCain took office.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 09:33 AM
I liked the part where he said he wouldn't be lowering the taxes of any high income people and the other part where he said his replaced healthcare system would cover pre-existing conditions.

Of course, the next day when his campaign said he didn't say that and thats wrong I didn't like.

So, ya...

At least we learned matter of factly how he plans on balancing the budget, reducing the debt, and give a across the board mega tax cut.
Fire these guys:

So..thats erm..something.

(isn't Burt a conservative?)
edit on 5-10-2012 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 11:20 AM
Romney misled the nation 27 times in 38 minutes! On Medicare, on Obamacare, on taxes, on Wall Street Reform, on you name it... Mitt said whatever he had to to score political points.

It is clear to me that a vote for Romney might as well be a vote for Netanyahu himself!

Remember when the Romney campaign said, "we’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers"? They weren’t kidding.

During his 47% speech!
To assure the donors that he and his campaign knew what they were doing, Romney boasted about the consultants he had retained, emphasizing that several worked for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He also said!
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who believe that they are entitled to health care etc. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.

Romney went on: "[M]y job is is not to worry about those people.

A vote for Romney is very clearly, a vote for more agressive war. Not that Obama is any better, folks!

Just once stand your ground and write in Dr. Paul!
edit on 5-10-2012 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Thunderheart

Originally posted by HostileApostle
Yes, yes, we all know that all of you think Romney had a knockout last night. That he appeared flashy and agressive and Obama appeared less responsive. Yes, we all know that, we know that the right wing is captivated by the "performance" of last night.

But I want to know what polices that Romney talked about did you like?

Did you like the part where he said he is going to take common tax deductions away from the middle class?

Did you like the part where he is going to cut education funding?

Did you like the part where he is going to systematically bankrupt medicare?

Did you like the part where he says he is going to remove the regulations on Wall Street?

I'd like to focus more on the content and what you like about Romney's policies that he talked about.

If you want an honest discussion you have to stop with this crap

Did you like the part where he is going to systematically bankrupt medicare?
Did you like the part where he said he is going to take common tax deductions away from the middle class?
Did you like the part where he is going to cut education funding?
Did you like the part where he says he is going to remove the regulations on Wall Street?

You are putting your own twist to what he said to make it fit your opinion that has long ago been made up.
Nothing of what you posted is true and MILLIONS heard it straight from Romney last night, your Dem talking points are not impacting anymore.

LOL, just lol

edit on 5-10-2012 by etoibmys because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:11 PM
guys, news flash, nothing will change, obama is here for another four.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by KaiserSoze

Obama has done more to support the "war on drugs" than anyone. Look at individual states like California and Colorado that have loosened their laws and how Obama has sent in the DOJ to "fix" things. Romney's support of states rights would actually probably do more to limit the "war on drugs" than Obama's strong DOJ stance.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:09 PM
I liked where he talked about the drone strikes policy, and the state of the U.S prison system. I also liked his thoughts on U.S drugs policy, the rise of the surveillance state and U.S policy towards Israel.

Oh no - wait a minute.....those things will never be discussed by Romney or Obama.

The US Presidential Debates' Ilusion of Political Choice

Good article.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:11 PM
I got a kick out of it when Romney told obama "the White House silverware better still be there when I move in". Not really a policy, but pretty funny.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:23 PM
No one should reply to your question/thread because your initial post is misleading, inaccurate, and biased. As for the tax deduction part its pretty simple, he is going to take them away to maintain revenue for the government. He is going to lower taxes, therefore reducing federal income. To balance this loss in income he is than going to get rid of some deductions/taxes that allow people to pay less taxes therefore preventing people from receiving money back and helping keep money for the government. His plan is that lower taxes will promote businesses to hire more and lead to growth in the workforce and bring more business to the USA. With this happening, it will eventually grow the economy and make-up for the loss in income through lower taxes. Its different than Obama's plan of raise taxes and use that money to than plug holes and put it where he deems necessary (usually his friends get it like in green energy Solyndra) to try and build the economy that hasnt worked in the past 4 years and quantitative easing 1 and 2 didnt help at all (stimulus package for those not familiar with the term) and left future generations to pay the bill...

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by HostileApostle

Education - YES. Get rid of the department of education and return that money to the states and local communities and let them run their schools.

Medicare - you've obviously bought into the left wing "medi-scare" propaganda

Wall Street - he never said anything about Wall Street. Once again those are your propagandists words. He said he wanted to remove the provisions of Dodd / Frank that were ambigously causing banks to restrain lending practices for fear of the almightly Fed. While we're on the topic of Chris Dodd & Barney Frank you should look into their involvement in the mortgage loan crisis which ultimately lead to the economic collapse.

Having Dodd / Frank in charge of legislation to regulate the financial industry is an abomination and an afront to all citizens.

Also I loved the fact that Romney said he would create the broad agenda and then reach out to Democrats and Republicans alike to reach bipartisan agreements on his agenda. This is something Obama didn't do for two years into his Presidency.

I voted for Obama and the evidence of his term and the evidence of the debate is that there are no excuses. He is a failure and Clint Eastwood was right - he's an empty chair.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:32 PM
Can Romney and his supporters stand behind policies on their own two feet without deflecting the shortcomings of another?

As far as I am concerned, both Obama and Romney are the same where both want to steal my tax dollars to prop up their criminal friends on Wall Street and in the Multi National Corporations at American's Expense.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

The only thing Romney didn't correctly represent was the left wing interpretation of his agenda.

You got to stop beleiving all the BS that your party puts out.

Romney is 100% consistent with the message he has put out all along. Stop beleiving your own lies and go to his website and see for yourself.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by jacobe001

That may well prove to be true but right now we have four years of evidence that proves Obama is a failure.

I say don't beleive the lies of the left and give Romney a chance.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by beanandginger
reply to post by jacobe001

That may well prove to be true but right now we have four years of evidence that proves Obama is a failure.

I say don't beleive the lies of the left and give Romney a chance.

We do not need 4 MORE years of the same when both Obama and Romney serve the same masters and they are not the American People. Follow the money as they say. I want the criminal banker scum out of my Government and out of the politicians pockets!!!

Top Contributors to Obama
Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
Citigroup Inc $736,771
General Electric $529,855
Morgan Stanley $512,232
Latham & Watkins $503,295

Top Contributors to Romney
Goldman Sachs $891,140
Bank of America $668,139
JPMorgan Chase & Co $663,219
Morgan Stanley $649,847
Credit Suisse Group $554,066
Citigroup Inc $418,263
Wells Fargo $414,750
Barclays $403,800
General Electric $214,450
edit on 5-10-2012 by jacobe001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 03:26 PM
I really liked what Mitt Romney said about being committed to maintaining America as the number one military power in the world.

That means that (going by 2010 numbers) America should be able to free up 300 billion dollars out of the military budget and still stay on top of their six closest competitors in military spending . . . combined.

With $300,000,000,000 dollars to throw at infrastructure, education, daycare and R&D, Mr. Romney is going to have America back on its feet in no time and probably putting even more than that $300,000,000,000 back into the most advanced military in the world when the dividends from the military spending "swingover" start to roll in.

Thankyou Mr. Romney!

What's wrong with that Obama guy anyway? Why couldn't he think of that? I used to think that Republicans were crony capitalist crooks. Boy was I wrong!

Military Spending "Swingover" Operations Being Filmed At A Secret Location - A Metaphor

edit on 5-10-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 03:48 PM
I just hope the policies and programs this time around are more straightforward. Take obama's "One Laptop Per Child" thing for instance, I'm still trying to find out where I drop off the child and where I pick up the laptop and nobody seems to have any answers.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by KaiserSoze

Had to reply to you because I just can't stop laughing lol

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 06:52 PM
I and my family have just one reason for voting for Romney; to Vote Against Obama. Obama should have been impeached but if this will get him and those with him out of office, that will be good enough for me; if it shuts up the ObamaPhone crowd, that will be a bonus.

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