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THE EVENT - That will issue in the NWO.....

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posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Thank you for the lesson but , You might want a minute to rethink your hypothesis .
Have you noticed that there are 2 chapters dealing with the Gog and Magog situation . Ezekiel 38 is after the gathering of the dry bones in Israel where Israel becomes a nation again .Israel will loose all but 1/3 of its nation in this war . The Antichrist will bring his false peace and deceive many . Zechariah tells of that war and they will keep 1/2 the city of Jerusalem . This is so that the Temple can be built and the Abomination of Desolation can be carried out . Then the Antichrist will have his time to deceive . The Ultra religious Jews will rebuke the Antichrist and will cause the AC to want to destroy them .

When the AC sets out to destroy Israel Jesus as described in Ezekiel 39 will come back and destroy all but a (6th part ) of those that have come against Israel . Curiously Jesus saved a 6th part of the enemy of Israel but why ?
Now the 1000 year reign comes in and at the end of it Revelations 20 verse 8 brings them (Gog and Magog ) back to the battle of Armageddon with Satan leading them .
Things that must happen before the very end .
1. Israel to be attacked and saved 1st by the Antichrist for his own reason of ;
A . building the Temple
B .Sitting in the Temple as if he were God. 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2
C . Fulfilling the prophecy of the Abomination that Maketh Desolate
D . Seeking to destroy Israel putting them in great enough peril that they call on the Lord Jesus .
E. The One World Government and Mark of the Beast System must come to fruition probably after the recovery from the possible nuclear exchange or EMP attacks that would collapse economies .

By the way I believe the US will be taken out of the way so the above can happen .

2. Jesus must return to save Israel when they call on his name .
3 .The Millennial Reign must take place
4 The Battle of Armageddon will happen at the end with the Hordes of the East also in it .

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by r2d246

makes sense. may or may not happen. but yes your message is clear and truthful, considering if it does happen, to not believe the hype, so to speak, but to trust in the good.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 02:31 AM
and yea if RFID chips ever get implemented, i beseech each and every one of you to turn to turn that # down, even if it costs you your life lol.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by r2d246

The event (which seems to be the rapture) will not issue the NWO as this event is not likely to come.

I do not want to be rude and it is not my intention to attack anyones beliefs but the source of your theory is a book written by a number of men 2000 years ago. The book itself was translated many times (it can be wrong translations), it was censored by different people and only the four most popular gospels (Matthew, Mark , Luke, John) were included. The Old Testament equals the much older (3000 years predating the Bible) sumerian stories but for example the guy who survives the flood is not Noah but Ziusudra.

You have to look at the beliefs of many civilizations in order to understand the big picture and not just one book. The mayans, hopi indians, dogon tribe, people of India etc. are all talking about gods (not God) who came from heaven and one day would return. The ancient gods are in fact extraterrestrial beings.

I cannot believe that many christians believe in demons and angels but do not believe in life outside Earth (which is only a speck of dust floating in space). Our galaxy - the Milky way, 120thousand lightyears across - has billions of stars and there are a number of planets around each star and this is only one galaxy and there are billions of galaxies like the Milky way. The most disturbing to me is that there are a number of people who claim that all extraterrestrials are demons who only want to deceive people..

If TPTB want their new world order they simply have to say that there are extraterrestrials that are dangerous and stage a false flag attack with one of their high-tech secret craft and we would have to unite against them just like you said creating a one world government. There are extraterrestrials who look like us and therefore everyone has to get an RFID chip so that we can distinguish between human and extraterrestrial. The next step will be that since everyne has a unique identifier all your money can be put on those chips and money will become digital.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 05:07 AM
I liked it till you started quoting the bible...
A book completely rewritten/edited by kings.

Although i do agree in the method they will use to impose the new world order. Not sure if they will use the UFO deception, but what else is there?

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by r2d246
Soon after announcing Global Government they'll implement these and other steps:

- Global Currency
- Everyone must take an RFID chip to buy or sell
- A man will emerge on the world stage as the "world leader" who will come across as a brilliant leader
- Armies will all now fight together under 1 flag against these outside alien threats
- A world religion will emerge either replacing or harmonizing all remaining religions under 1 premise
- World travel, boarders, and other things will change.

What's the problem with that? You unite the people, solve differences and return to a (time limited) harmonic state.

Well, obviously everyone is gonna scream "They gonna enslave us all". Since I hold a systemic point of view I am gonna say "I doubt it, since change is a natural process". I just felt remembered at the movie "In Time". We should use time as currency, focus on neighbourhoods and friends, grow our own food, accept the finiteness of our existance instead of thriving for immortality.

As for that I don't care whether real or fake aliens might come to us. Well, maybe I care, maybe my body is gonna let me panic. In fact I'm gonna survive it or die - either way.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by r2d246

All you did was recite the entire plot line of Left Behind... I saw that you included a video of Left Behind 3 but there doesn't appear to be anything original in this posts.

Next time all you need to do is say "I believe the event which will usher in the NWO will be exactly like what happened in Left Behind".

Thumbs down.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 09:06 AM
I've never been able to understand how a New World Order or gov't would work. There is absolutely no way it would work with all the egos we have in just our own gov't not to mention the entire world. NWO=FAIL and it will never happen.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 09:24 AM
So God is in on it to?
the NWO

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by HawkeyeNation

This next war that we see with Israel and Iran could very easy turn into a nuclear exchange basically over oil . Climbing out of those ruins the NWO would be very plausible .

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by buddha

Gods has prophesied that this would happen . It's his creation , his party , He is in control . So yes .

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 02:23 PM
Seems to me that the New World Order is moving along quite nicely without the aid of any supernatural phenomena. Just look at the state of things compared to just 100 years ago, when there was no UN, no global banks, and no nuclear threat.

The move towards a one-world government will happen under the guise of "green" energy taxes, constant "recession-correcting" and "deficit balancing" measures, Robin Hood policies and the "never-ending threat" of terrorism and nuclear war.

All of these notions are false currents upon which the world now moves. The power has been with the people all along - however, the people are still buying what the system is selling.

I can barely pay my bills now. The system has me right where they want me!

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by DeReK DaRkLy

The powers of the NWO want a drastic population decrease . The Germans starved there undesirables to death while working them .Seems like some of the same old stuff .

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 12:28 AM
I think you have to believe in the "rapture" for this to scenario to work. I personally don't believe in it. I think we're discussing religious mythology here, like the gods on Mt. Olympus. Not to say a disappearance couldn't happen. I believe more in advanced technologies that we don't know about or understand. As for religion, I believe in direct personal experience of the divine, mysticism.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:00 AM
The only certainty in life OP is change and how you react/deal with it.
Ive been a long time lurker/reader of ATS and every week someone is saying something about a NWO. I can't see it happening to be honest and choose not to focus on something of which I cannot control. Instead I focus daily on trying to be a good human being, some days I fail at that. But at my core, my essence is to focus on being good and humane, tolerant, compassionate and understanding.
edit on 4/10/2012 by DaMouse because: Typo

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Thank you for the lesson but , You might want a minute to rethink your hypothesis .
Have you noticed that there are 2 chapters dealing with the Gog and Magog situation . Ezekiel 38 is after the gathering of the dry bones in Israel where Israel becomes a nation again .Israel will loose all but 1/3 of its nation in this war . The Antichrist will bring his false peace and deceive many . Zechariah tells of that war and they will keep 1/2 the city of Jerusalem . This is so that the Temple can be built and the Abomination of Desolation can be carried out . Then the Antichrist will have his time to deceive . The Ultra religious Jews will rebuke the Antichrist and will cause the AC to want to destroy them .

When the AC sets out to destroy Israel Jesus as described in Ezekiel 39 will come back and destroy all but a (6th part ) of those that have come against Israel . Curiously Jesus saved a 6th part of the enemy of Israel but why ?
Now the 1000 year reign comes in and at the end of it Revelations 20 verse 8 brings them (Gog and Magog ) back to the battle of Armageddon with Satan leading them .
Things that must happen before the very end .
1. Israel to be attacked and saved 1st by the Antichrist for his own reason of ;
A . building the Temple
B .Sitting in the Temple as if he were God. 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2
C . Fulfilling the prophecy of the Abomination that Maketh Desolate
D . Seeking to destroy Israel putting them in great enough peril that they call on the Lord Jesus .
E. The One World Government and Mark of the Beast System must come to fruition probably after the recovery from the possible nuclear exchange or EMP attacks that would collapse economies .

By the way I believe the US will be taken out of the way so the above can happen .

2. Jesus must return to save Israel when they call on his name .
3 .The Millennial Reign must take place
4 The Battle of Armageddon will happen at the end with the Hordes of the East also in it .

IF you do not have the Spirit of God, then at the very least READ THE BOOK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

I am becoming increasingly impatient with the sheep that do not seek at all.

The sheep follow the one who is TRUE - not just anyone CLAIMING to be true.

You are not being a true sheep - which is not surprising, because most are not. You are being what is commonly called "sheeple" - people who act like sheep; except that PEOPLE have less discretion than even sheep!!!

Sheep at least figure out who is good to follow and who is not.

Why do you people persist in regurgitating garbage that is NOT from the Bible - thereby making a mockery OF IT - and then also of God because HE DOES NOT CONDONE YOUR TEACHINGS because it is not from Him.

EVEN the atheists have called out the ridiculousness behind all of this garbage -- and half of those atheists know the book better than even YOU the self proclaimed Christians!!!


But all the same. That means that they are more likely to be God's children and yet do not know it yet. I am glad and I know that more will wake up to HIS wisdom and not the manipulated and trashed wisdom of PEOPLE and the PEOPLE they follow and the TRADITIONS to which they hold and the ELDERS which they believe in -- whose elders might have followed the Lord and might have done well in His Name - but then you people took on their traditions and passed them on as fact from an elder of good standing -- not knowing that what is revealed to one man is misconstrued and manipulated for the myths and fairy tales and glories of the descendants who wish to claim the name to themselves that they might be glorified by blood or by organization!

GIVE UP your foolishness and start ACTUALLY reading the Bible ALONE with the LORD instead of with your preconceived notions and the vanity in your hearts. The Bible is not written to justify you IN your mistakes - it is there to teach you to correct your mistakes and to be justified FROM your mistakes.

You stir up ANGER in those that have truly searched and have been blessed with the gift of wisdom from the Lord Jesus Christ! You cause suffering in the hearts and the bones of those who KNOW the Truth and wish to share it but have to wade through you chaff, you tares, just to find a sprout of wheat which is attempting to grow but you choke it with your stature and your lying arms - blades which appear to be that which is good to grow into, but in them is NO FRUIT.


You're feeding the manipulations of the New World Order -- NOT proclaiming the damnation of it!

You haven't spent ONE whole time reading through.

Much less multiple times, that you might understand the different connections and inter-workings of not only the written scripture, but the Truth of the Spirit!

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I have studied the book . I stumbled over the same scripture you did sometime ago . You have assumed that the mention of Gog and Magog in Revelation 20 is the only war with the Gog and Magog bunch in it .
In your studies you have completely left out the time of the Antichrist and the part where he sits in the Temple . Then you left out the more important part of Jesus saving Israel .
I suppose you think Ezekiel 38 and 39 are talking about the same thing ! They are not . They deal with 2 different times where the Gog/ Magog bunch are dealt with .
Again you haven't read where Jesus leaves a 6 th part of Gog and Magog alive . Ezekiel 39 Why did he do that ?
There is more to it than you believe .

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I'm really wondering who you think you are ? In your arrogance you have made yourself look a fool !

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 08:39 AM
I find it highly unlikely that the end of the world will start off with a boat load of people disappearing right in front of our eyes. For the last 2000 years God hasn't done any widespread miracles or supernatural phenomenon. To just suddenly wisk 500 million people away instantly goes against everything we've seen so far. Also there are an untold number of events occurring in the universe that could erase this planet from existence instantly. If we got hit by a large asteroid or had a supernova blow up near our galaxy then we can just skip all this nonsense and welcome the afterlife immediately no matter what it is.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

I believe the missing people are supposed to be Raptured . But Jesus in Matthew 24 verses 29 thru31 tells us we will go through the 1st half of the Tribulation . 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 says the same thing .
I believe that the Israel /Iran war called the war of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38 will usher in the NWO if the intentional collapse of the worlds monetary system doesn't do it . In any event a stunned world with massive death and disruption will facilitate the power grab .

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