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THE EVENT - That will issue in the NWO.....

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posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 08:02 AM
Oddly enough last night one of the mainstream networks on Australian television ( Seven network) just aired, Alien Invasion, which pretty much showed a global false flag agenda. Anyone who is awake and watches rubbish like that can clearly see what they are trying to push towards masses with this.

Usually a show as just wouldn’t bother me, but this past weekend was one of the biggest in our nation, as we just had our Football (Nation Rugby league and Australian Football league), Grand Finals meaning a lot of people were slowly running down after a long hard day of watching said events before the working week, thus I suspect that they wanted to air this rubbish during a time where people had been controlled by being near the television most the weekend.

It aired aliens flight humanity, and us fighting our way back. But really, the main point of it is putting into peoplesm ind sthat an angry alien force could come at any time.

Consideringm ost people i know hatre me for bringing up anythin gto do with New World ORder, yet watch stupid soap opera's like its going out of fassion, i can imagine this really happening.

Most people who are part of the system, will fight for that said system, no matter what.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by r2d246

The Event that will issue the NWO in is gonna play out like this.... So again, when it happens you'll know and you won't fall victim to the mass deception that will take place at that time.

Basically what's going to happen is a disappearance event. My best guess is that hundreds of millions of people will disappear in an instant. This will devastate the world. It will cause mass panic in every country. Could include all kinds of catastrophes as well from car accidents, ships sinking, to planes falling from the sky and just mass chaos as everyone remaining will be effected by this!!!

What will happen because of this mass disappearance...... MASSIVE TRAUMA WORLD WIDE !!

I like the theory
But How are you going to make millions of people disappear?

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by steve1709
An interesting and entertaining hypothesis up until you had to bring in religion. The disappearance of millions by different modes was stretching the bubble a bit but was still an entertaining read. But then the old religion dogma had to come into it. Why can't we have an hypothesis without the need for superstitious mumbo jumbo? Can't we destroy ourselves without religion? Please?

But it's so much fun don't you think? ha ha

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Dustytoad

I've had similar dreams. Not as you described but basically showing me things, almost a reminder from God to just keep my focus as time is short. Then I'll wake up, and for maybe 20 minutes I'll be awwhh struck. Then it slowly goes away and I seem to just come back to reality. I don't write down my dreams unfrotunately so I can't remember too many of them. There's been so many that it's hard to keep track. they don't happen very often. Maybe once a year. But when they do it's really a wild thrill ride. Does that sound familiar?

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by JamesGC

Ya I think we're seeing a lot of TV shows and commercials prepping everyone for such an event. Anything from Independence Day, to "V", and other dooms day type scenarios as well. This actually could be similar to the 911 event. They did an attack in 93 and blamed it on the terrorists. Then in 2001 when that event happened they were able to go back and say "oh remember 93". And people were already conditioned by the prior event to believe that it must have been the terrorists because of what supposedly happened in 93.

So who knows if the world is to see a UFO that goes viral and is even on CNN and stuff. Maybe just makes an appearance in broad day light. Then leaves. So everyone starts to think "hmmm what was that". I mean they already are beta testing that, ie: the pheonix lights. Then when the big event happens they can do the same thing, recall everyons memories to that mass UFO sighting and say "oh remember you saw them before" and people will totally fall for it!

oh well what can you do. I just kinda felt like I better say something. Because if anything was to happen and I didn't say something I'd feel bad. Also there would be a record of what people were saying about just such an event online. So future generations could look it up and at least understand the event outside of the MSM crap. And hopefully be able to see threw any lies about the event being done by aliens, when anyone can look up this event in the bible.

edit on 1-10-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by munkey66

Originally posted by r2d246

The Event that will issue the NWO in is gonna play out like this.... So again, when it happens you'll know and you won't fall victim to the mass deception that will take place at that time.

Basically what's going to happen is a disappearance event. My best guess is that hundreds of millions of people will disappear in an instant. This will devastate the world. It will cause mass panic in every country. Could include all kinds of catastrophes as well from car accidents, ships sinking, to planes falling from the sky and just mass chaos as everyone remaining will be effected by this!!!

What will happen because of this mass disappearance...... MASSIVE TRAUMA WORLD WIDE !!

I like the theory
But How are you going to make millions of people disappear?

Well the reason for the disappearance event is that according to the bible at that time God is ready to allow the NWO to transpire. Which includes the rise of the antichrist and the great 7 year tribulation which is a bunch of major catastrophic events that will set the world back to almost the stone age. Then after that time God will come back to start his NWO and the world will be a good place again. I don't fully understand when it gets to that stage of it all. You'd have to do some study to know. But that's basically the outline.

But everything right now seems to be pointed toward a Big Event that could spark the rise of the NWO. I mean you got G Bush Sr saying it, you got Ragan saying it. You got the technology to do RFID, you got China calling for one world currency. You got other major organizations calling for world G--v. so it's all pointed that way right now. But no one will fully buy the deal without a major event to traumatize the masses. Following which people will beg TPTB to save them from the eminent threat to give them there peace of mind back. And will go along with the NWO as a result.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Dustytoad
reply to post by r2d246

It's a plausible scenario. I remember this dream I had (before coming into the internet scene) that was about these ideas. It was such a vivid dream, and it even started from where I was laying in my bed and proceeded from there so I thought it was real. This was after 9/11, like maybe a year after?

I looked out my window from the top bunk bed. There were all these giant flying saucers coming in from all over the sky. They were coming in at steep angles like this slash: / I wish I could draw them because they were so amazing looking. But.. Something about the way there were too many, and something about the way they were coming in so slow seemed off to me.

I decide I need to go outside, and my whole dream shifts, I'm in some other house now standing by a glass sliding door. I open it still on my way outside. I get out into the darkness, and there is this parking meter thing. Like a white parking meter that has a 4 way speaker on it. "Curfew is 9:00 PM" "go back inside" "curfew is 9:00 PM" "Go back inside"

Something about this makes me go back in and pull up the floor boards (like whoa haha) and there I find a black revolver type pistol. I now venture back out into the dark. No one else was out I guess because of the curfew. I knew in my mind that the flying saucers had something to do with these speaker towers every 200 ft telling me I was breaking curfew.

There were no aliens and I just wanted to be free. So I went around looking for some way out. Kill some powerful guy? Break into Army bases? recruiting people to help? I don't know but something Warrior like. Then some private black dressed security find me and my gun fails to fire, and then when it does it's a smaller gun now and the bullet comes out so slow I can watch it through the air. Dang hate that haha. I ran.

And then I spent the rest of the dream running from these guys and looking for some way out. That was the only concept. I had to get away from society, and those towers that sense you and keep telling you to go inside.

I dreamed of a fake alien invasion/super control of all countries by one power.. It was the NWO haha.

If something like this does go down I am not going to be going along with it.
Oh and Jesus is Awesome.

edit on 10/1/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

I truely believe some of our dreams make the most interesting, outrageous stories! (DREAM WEAVER) Thanks for a good read!

To OP...very fascinating theory!

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 09:56 AM
This is very similar to Operation Blue Beam.
However, in that scenario, the 'rapture' is faked by the NWO folks. The idea is that they will round up religious folks who they think will be problematic and send them to FEMA camps or something to be either executed/martyred for persisting in their faith or re-educated by denouncing their faith. Then there will be a holographic Jesus or something- who will convince everyone that he's an alien who set up various religions for the betterment of humanity or some such. His return allegedly will mean that he's there to unify all the belief systems and bring humanity into a new era. Then, there will be the reveal of the bad aliens everyone is going to need protection from. Enter NWO with the help of the good aliens, including Jesus.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 10:19 AM
Yes, this may happen if we all believed the "Left Behind" series. The entire series is FICTION!!
The book uses actual scripture but adds its own spin.

As far as the rapture goes....Christians will be here to endure the tribulation. If you think God is going to whisk
away believers, then I suggest you go back and re-read Revelations. Would be nice, but not gonna happen the way you have presented.


posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 10:41 AM
Let us break this down (somewhat) logically:

1. Mass disappearance- Philly Experiment version 2012/2013? Easy enough to do.
2. Panic and mayhem- well, that would be a given...
3. Implants- already to a soldier.
4. World governments joining together- easy enough with the UN declaring world-wide marshal law to "protect"
5. One Religion? - NOT gonna happen...thousands of years of animosity would not be changed even with an apocalypse.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by steve1709
An interesting and entertaining hypothesis up until you had to bring in religion. The disappearance of millions by different modes was stretching the bubble a bit but was still an entertaining read. But then the old religion dogma had to come into it. Why can't we have an hypothesis without the need for superstitious mumbo jumbo? Can't we destroy ourselves without religion? Please?

historically religion is responsible for most wars and human death so it seems reasonable to bring it in with such an event

on a more serious note ..... whilst I agree with the idea that a mass event will usher in the NWO why not just a new world war? ... surely with all the events going on the in the Middle East and the tension between the West and China/Russia why not just orchestrate a new world war ... surely thats easier than orchestrating mass disapearances? .....

oh I think Ive just seen my answer .... God will usher in the events to allow the NWO to form a one world government ..... hmmmm God DOES move in mysterious ways it seems .......
edit on 1-10-2012 by johnrobca because: just seen an answer to my post

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 11:20 AM
*Pops some Popcorn (Like movie popcorn cause I haz a oil popper!)*

Maybe a Solar Storm or an EMP (very likely that) will knock out power across the world also causing everyone to blank out for a few minutes-hours...few weeks without power and that will cull a few million. A month one hundred million and 6 months a Billion or more due to disease, sanitation, starvation, hydration, etc...
How about this…what if hardly any Christians disappear? Betcha anything there will be some who think they missed the heaven bus and commit suicide.

DOOM and GLOOM…GLOOM and DOOM one big reason I left the church!

Fear motivates people! And I have not seen a bigger FEAR MONGER then the Christian churches, if anything something like this will be caused by overly Zealot Christian church members trying to immanentize the eschaton. ()google that term some time) To hurry the messiah so to speak, when this doesn’t happen or there is no savior to save us from this mess I have no doubt anti-christs will rise up. They (Christians/Zionists) will put him(or Them) into power themselves becoming that which they fear the most! And it will take a generation or two clean up yet another mess…

Frankly I really don’t want humanity to be “Saved” I want them to do what any good Father would want…AND GROW UP!

Stop acting like spoiled rotten little children, stop making messes they refuse to clean up, stop taking horrible care of the house they were left in charge of! Stop treating each of their brothers and sisters like garbage!
Until then we have been left alone as spoiled rotten teenagers running around blindly doing what we were asked not to…thinking we know it all and throwing it all away! Bullying each other around like we know what is best, and being drunk with power and material possessions. AND STOP THINKING DADDY IS GOING TO CLEAN THIS ALL UP ALL THE TIME! lol

Once humanity GROWS UP takes responsibility for their actions, then we will stop getting spankings and learn all of what our Father has done for us and be welcomed home!
edit on 1-10-2012 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 11:20 AM
Do you have any other source besides the Bible? Don't get me wrong, I'm Christian.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by LeSigh

Sounds interestings. I posted on page 1 the bible talks about events such as that too to be on gaurd of false Christs. Ya I don't think that would work too well though. Even in nazi germany the jews knew where they were going, and what was going on. Word spread quick, and they didn't have txting, cell phones, internet etc. So one leak could go viral now a days.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by paxnatus

I know some Christians believe that. But I'm not sure.

1) why would God require believers right now to do that? That wouldn't make sense.

2) They need a world wide event that effects every nation in order to issue in the NWO. Otherwise most people would resist it since they see no need and no eminent threat. Maybe they come up with something else then who knows. But I think the rapture is very plausable. It would be the event needed to issue in the NWO

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Jerisa

For 5 it says the antichrist will perform great miricles to deceive people. Not sure what that might be but sounds very deceptive ha ha. Might convince the average joe that they should bow down and worship the guy

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by johnrobca

Hard to say if we see another WW before this kind of NWO event. I find it hard to believe that the G20 would get into a big war right now just over Iran. They'll sit down and hash out a plan how how to divy up Iran after the you-es goes in and takes it over if anything. The only thing that might be possible though is if they want to orchastrate some population reduction, either an emp or some nukes would do it right. EMP would be way more effective as they could shut down the power on a whole continent. By the time anyone got much back up and running most people would have died of starvation and in the choas that insued. Kinda like on the show Revolution. So I mean I wouldn't rule that one out either. But the way I look at it is mass exterminations are probably given way more scrutiny by God since there's so many people now. I doubt he's just gonna let some tyrant fly off the handle. There's been so many attempts already at someone trying to shoot off a nuke, but none where able. I think that's because God actually stopped it, because it wasn't according to his plan. But in any case there would need to be some major event most likely, another 911 so to speak to traumatise people in order to make implimenting the NWO easy.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
*Pops some Popcorn (Like movie popcorn cause I haz a oil popper!)*

Maybe a Solar Storm or an EMP (very likely that) will knock out power across the world also causing everyone to blank out for a few minutes-hours...few weeks without power and that will cull a few million. A month one hundred million and 6 months a Billion or more due to disease, sanitation, starvation, hydration, etc...
How about this…what if hardly any Christians disappear? Betcha anything there will be some who think they missed the heaven bus and commit suicide.

DOOM and GLOOM…GLOOM and DOOM one big reason I left the church!

Fear motivates people! And I have not seen a bigger FEAR MONGER then the Christian churches, if anything something like this will be caused by overly Zealot Christian church members trying to immanentize the eschaton. ()google that term some time) To hurry the messiah so to speak, when this doesn’t happen or there is no savior to save us from this mess I have no doubt anti-christs will rise up. They (Christians/Zionists) will put him(or Them) into power themselves becoming that which they fear the most! And it will take a generation or two clean up yet another mess…

Frankly I really don’t want humanity to be “Saved” I want them to do what any good Father would want…AND GROW UP!

Stop acting like spoiled rotten little children, stop making messes they refuse to clean up, stop taking horrible care of the house they were left in charge of! Stop treating each of their brothers and sisters like garbage!
Until then we have been left alone as spoiled rotten teenagers running around blindly doing what we were asked not to…thinking we know it all and throwing it all away! Bullying each other around like we know what is best, and being drunk with power and material possessions. AND STOP THINKING DADDY IS GOING TO CLEAN THIS ALL UP ALL THE TIME! lol

Once humanity GROWS UP takes responsibility for their actions, then we will stop getting spankings and learn all of what our Father has done for us and be welcomed home!
edit on 1-10-2012 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

Ya an EMP is another event that might fit into the equation in some way. It's hard to say. Before, after, who knows.

Let me try and explain something about fear. We have no clue what fear is really. The only time we've seen real fear for example was on 911. People got paniced by it, they were afraid. Otherwise people never get afraid anymore in our sanitized modern civil society. And that's actually a problem. Because they get dilusional into thinking that things like: Fear, pain, doom, and gloom, as you mentioned and emotional extremes are to be avoided at all cost.

Like if you go to church and you hear something, even if it's true, but if it feels uncomfortable to you, then you have the choice to just leave. And so you think by leaving somehow that will immunize you from the situation. It might temporarily but that means your not preparing so when the situation comes to pass your not ready and then your in for a serious problem. Could be as simple an analogy as someone buying a louisian coastal house but not buying hurrane insurance, thinking that everything is fine now and will remain fine, or that the hurricane will miss there house. Then when it comes there screwed.

But seriously that's our problem, we're so dumbed down, sanitized, politically correct, modern and civil that we've forgotten and completely dismissed the idea that there's powers in the universe that are to be feared. Trust me fear anger and a lot of extreme emotions can be your allie in life too. They can help protect you when used correctly. So just cuz they might seem uncomfortable don't have to run from them. What you resist will persist, and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by r2d246

Good thread r2d246!

Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.

I believe the scenario you described is quite possible. The whole point of the ever-increasing UFO flaps is so that when the Rapture does occur, there will be an explanation that will deflect from what has really happened. People are being prepared to believe in space aliens, but they are nothing more than the same old evil that has plagued humanity from the beginning.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Trueman
Do you have any other source besides the Bible? Don't get me wrong, I'm Christian.

Well there's been tons of things pointing toward the idea of a NWO. Anything from:

G Bush sr speach on the NWO
Ragan talked about an alien attack to issue in the NWO
China talked about wanting a global currency recently
The UN and the WFM want a NWO
We have the RFID technology already
Plus all the UFO sightings such as the famous Pheonix lights and others.

I listed all this stuff. These are just a few tid bits. There's tons of facts, but it's hard to say. I mean I tend to think stuff happens slowly. Like I'm still not 100% sure if we'll see a NWO in our lifetime. But there's a problem. We're already seeing a lot of things moving very rapidly toward the NWO and at an exponential rate.

It's kinda and very much like Facebook. When it started just 7 years ago it was nothing. People wouldn't have ever dreamed it would grow so big. And in just a few years time it spead so fast that it took over. Or same with Google, it wasn't always the most popular search engine.

So we use to pay in cash, now everythings rapidly pushed us to go cashless. Cell phones have gone the same way from obscurity to now you can't even find a pay phone as they're not really needed all that much cuz everyon has a smart phone. Same with txting, went from a few people doing it, to everyone so fast. So that's what I mean, things are evolving so quick that you never know anymore what might be right around the bend. When I was thinking of posting this I was like "well how do I even know if this could happen in our lifetime", that thought popped into my head. But then also I was thinking about how fast things are moving forward so I figured it couldn't hurt to get it out there at least. I think there's plenty of time though left before the NWO rares it's ugly head but we do live in paraless times, like now Iran is on the chopping block. Next it will be north Korea. It just never ends!

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