posted on May, 31 2003 @ 04:44 PM
sitting down on the stone seating that Mrs Rubinstein had been sitting on, I hold the parchment in my hands.......looking down at it, I see there are
drawings on it and some sort of writings ...... strange I almost understand the writings, but cant quite make them out yet!
As I look closer I see the drawings are of pyrimids and other pictures, that are very recognisable now, now all I have to do is find out what the
writings means and hopefully know what to do next?
I must find away out of here before I go mad, its like being locked in a room and you cant find away out!
As I start to walk towards the doorway I came in and Mrs Rubinstein walked out of, I notice something to the right of me that catch's my eye. walking
over to the wall, I see a small dent in it, as though its always been there but hasnt been touched in years and years. Holding my arm out I touch the
dent very gentlely, not wanting to damage anything, then as I get closer I put my whole palm over the dent and push I do so thers this
moving sound coming from behind me, where I was sat just now. Taking my hand away from the wall I turn to see theres a new passage way opened up, as I
walk over to it, the entrance starts to close again, so I gather speed and run towards it, only just making it in time before it shuts behind me.
Standing in the darkness my eyes start to ajust to the darkness and I can see much better now, theres a passage way straight infront of me, so with
nowhere else to go I just walk down and through the darkness very quickly now. As I do so I can see something infront of me that looks like a wall at
an angle, it must be the edge of the pyrimid, oh thank god, a way out at long last!