posted on Apr, 29 2003 @ 03:35 PM
The Vision ended and I found myself suddently somewhere else.There was a large river of Lava to the west, and to the east there was an inferno of
skyscrapers, all delapitated and in flames, bodies hanging out of the windows. When I looked around where I was, I noticed there were 10 feet long
poles, nude, tortured bodies laying face up on them, impaled through the chest. There were millions of people in this large field, and I was standing
in the center, the ground soaked in blood. In the distance I could see a large Pyramid in the distance, a white light shining from it's peak, and
within the light was an eye, an eye with a slit like a reptile, but crimsom red like blood. It looked down at me and I couldnt breathe. As I
struggled, I fell to the Ground, my eyes closed my eyes, the lack of air getting to me. My eyes opened quickly, I was in my bed in my apartment, the
sun shining through the open windows, I shrugged it off as a bad dream and went to the kitchen...