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IAEA Report: No Evidence Iran Diverted Any Nuclear Material for a Nuclear Weapons Program

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posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 09:27 AM
I read through the material here...and that little nagging voice that's been there since the start is getting louder. It's that little voice that's been telling me this isn't about nuclear weapons and never has been. At least not in Iran, it's not. I wrote a thread showing how tiny Israel truly is in land mass and how just a few Nuclear weapons would not only kill the Jews but totally obliterate the very Islamic sites the whole effort would be for. Why make a weapon one can't use? Or...conversely, if used in other ways, nukes would require far MORE than Iran could possibly produce in total secrecy and with reliable function. They have STILL never had a test of any kind....a MAJOR omission no one bothers to mention.

That nagging voice though... What if we're all wrong about Iran?? What if nuclear weapons aren't the secret here, but there absolutely *IS* a secret to be had. We're all going on the assumption, almost taken for granted, that the Western Powers are far more advanced than Iran and everything is a question of relative state below the rest of us. Never on par with...and absolutely unthinkable they could ever be BEYOND the West in any technology which matters.

Well, history is not without some examples of rather staggering arrogance proven wrong by the sudden appearance of something which shouldn't have existed or technology which shouldn't have been possible. Hitler and the jet fighter or mid-range ballistic missile come to mind as do other things down through time.

I just had a horrible thought though.. What if the seeming arrogance and almost insane stubbornness of Iran in almost following the footsteps of Saddam has to do with their taking Nuclear Tech in some new direction and getting somewhere with it? It's possible....Just possible...They are making something outside a warhead the west would still very much like or just very much want to see properly 'managed'. Just a though I wanted to toss out.

Libya was destroyed, in my view, for it's physical gold holdings and a recently confirmed and recently planned develop ON one of the largest fresh water sources in North Africa. Iran being destroyed to get some very valuable new tech or to prevent it from coming out either way..would seem every bit as likely for the bunch we have now.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by charles1952

Good morning (at least it is here), thanks for the question, but I'll have to throw it back at you.

Good morning, will be short and sweet as I have to get the kids ready for school.

There you've got me. I don't know about any violations of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. If you've got time, help me out.

Disarmament was a big part of the NPT as well. Are they all gone yet?

I always thought that disarmament agreements were reached between two or more countries. I don't think Israel is covered by any.

Israel is not covered by anything but the USA.

Actually, they're doing nothing about them. For two reasons, no matter what ATSers think, the world as a whole hasn't been afraid that Israel would be a problem, at least not before Iran's behavior. Second, Israel has no obligation to anyone to show it's weapons. They've never agreed to and they don't have to.

I completely agree with you (according to the law, not personally), but then they shouldn't be using the NPT, IAEA and demanding Iran holdfast to the NPT when they are not even a signatory. If they want some respect, they should sign it and then demand Iran uphold it's end.

My understanding is that a signatory has to give three months notice. (I'm not absolutely sure on that.) It would be interesting to see how the world would react during that time.

Interesting = scary?

Take care

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by herenow

Yes, it is a dreadful shame, because there are many, many innocent lives at stake, all trying to just get by in this world just like you and me.

You never spoke in defense of Iranians.

You're speaking in defense of an Islamic regime.

What a farce.

"many innocent lives at stake"

Tell me, kid, how many of those innocent lives are in torture jails in Iran right now? How many have been murdered over religious nonsense. Tell me, are you being genuine here or are you simply trying to "fit in". Because it seems you are suffering from SEVERE cognitive dissonance.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

Would you be kind enough to clarify some things for me?

RE: The OP's thread, this is true and we have known that Iran is just bluffing regarding their capabilities and what they are able to accomplish.
How do we know that Iran is just bluffing? And if we know it, certainly the Israelis must know it, too. Israel has had a lot of chances to launch against Iran when Iran did not have weapons, but they didn't. Why shouldn't Iran say "We still don't have weapons, check for yourself?" There is no one I know of who thinks Israel would launch against an Iran that the world knows has no nukes.

Of course you hide the hand with NOTHING in it. You do not want to lose your ability to protect yourself (against an Israeli attack) or to manipulate and frighten others with veiled threats.
Well if they show that they have an empty hand they're not losing any capability to protect themselves, since they didn't have it in the first place. And showing an empty hand will pretty much insure that they don't get attacked. The other purpose you mention is that they lose the ability to manipulate and frighten others with veiled threats.

I don't understand, first you say everybody knows Iran doesn't have nukes, then you say they have to pretend as though they do, in order to frighten people. As if that part of the world needs more fright and uncertainity.

They can't do anything right now, most experts in the nuclear field know it... which is causing people to be cautious before engaging in a war.
I don't understand this at all. If I know my enemy can't do anything right now, then right now is when I should attack. How would that make anyone more cautious?

Wait until they really do pose a danger or a threat before we attempt aggressive action against Iran.
What do you think would cause us to believe that Iran is a danger or a threat? Let's say they continue to hide everything and continue to say they don't have any weapons, how would we know when they constitute a danger or a threat? When they launch?

I don't think we should enter a war with Iran just because Israel wants us to. Even if we see anti-American demonstrations in the region we should not be taunted or threatened into engaging.
I absolutely agree with you.

These are all deliberate provocations....designed to illicit hatred and inspire us to fight.
I don't understand. Do you think the ambassador's death was set up by Americans or Israelis? I'd certainly like to see some evidence of that.

So, you can see where I'm confused. I'd appreciate any help you can give me in straightening this out.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 11:17 AM
What that report actually says is there is no evidence
Iran has diverted any material for a nuclear weapons program. And even
more important: Much of Iran's uranium stockpile has been converted into
a form that would be very difficult to use in a nuclear weapon.

Yeah...OK... No nuclear weapons program.....Right!

I remember when I had my first beer!

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:50 PM
Folks need to get with the Program .
Nuclear power far too dangerous for reasons of sabotage/terrorism/micronuking, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanism, mining, waste disposal and 'accidental' pollution, health/cancer issues and other common sense themes.

edit on 25-9-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:58 PM
I think the evidence spews straight out of their presidents mouth every time he opens it. That is a little hard to disregard. They won't destroy Israel and America by talking about it. It is a foregone conclusion that the Middle East hates Iran and that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 07:04 PM
Israel, Iran and all the Arab countries are western military complex stooges.
Eventually the peoples of all these countries will mutually kill themselves.
It's a suicide programme orchestrated by the Zionists.
The Zionists are following the bible. They don't care who dies.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by charles1952

Nuclear experts agree there are many things you need to have in place before you can think about building such a weapon and many of these things take time to acquire and build, a precise scientific knowledge and Iran just doesn't have the capabilities. Not that they never could but these NUCLEAR EXPERTS were in agreement that Iran had a good long way to go. If they had capabilities, if it was even the remotest possibility, we would have attacked them by now but experts in the field, (not Israel or random politicians or guys on the street) assure our President them attacking anyone is quite a ways off.

Like I know why Ahmadinejad does anything. I think he is trying to be a big shot among the Muslim people and make himself look important. That would be my guess. He knows the USA isn't going after him because he knows we know he has nothing but a big mouth. We let him talk tough because we are in a delicate balance trying to keep our own Muslims and our own Jews placated. We are still a melting pot and we can't turn on our own.

I said - They can't do anything right now, most experts in the nuclear field know it... which is causing people to be cautious before engaging in a war.

You said - I don't understand this at all. If I know my enemy can't do anything right now, then right now is when I should attack. How would that make anyone more cautious?

So you think the time to attack Iran is when they are vulnerable, least expect it and have done nothing to us? I guess that's one mans opinion, although I'm afraid you're not alone. It isn't ethical. It isn't fair, or warranted and I am not sure how it would go over with the rest of the world. It isn't just the two of us and Israel you know?

What would cause us to believe Iran is a threat, is if the nuclear experts we consult to inform us on such crucial matters said they were getting closer to being a danger.

The ambassadors death was the result of an attack on the embassy carried out by Muslim extremist groups who rampaged the city. The following day many (non-extremist) Muslims came out and protested his death, marched in the streets and denounced the extremists - because this American Ambassador was much beloved in the area.
I certainly don't think his death was set up by American or Israeli fundamentalist extremists, but I do think the provocation that led to the riots, which in turn led to his death, definitely was.

edit on 25-9-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

Dear newcovenant,

I had to give you a star for that reasonable and polite post. My respect for you has increased.

There is so much uncertainty here. I agree that any country needs a lot of expertise and equipment before they can build a bomb. I am almost willing to agree that Iran couldn't have developed it on it's own. It openly received a lot of that when they agreed to IAEA's rules. I wonder how much they have received "under the table" so to speak. There are countries that don't like the US and Israel, and some of those countries have everything needed to build a bomb. Could they be helping Iran? Sure they could, but we don't know.

If they had capabilities, if it was even the remotest possibility, we would have attacked them by now
I'm not sure the present administration feels the same way you do. I think we've passed the "remotest possibility" stage, but again, we just don't know. And the experts in the field can't "know" either.

Like I know why Ahmadinejad does anything.
Thanks. I'm still smiling after that.

You said - I don't understand this at all. If I know my enemy can't do anything right now, then right now is when I should attack. How would that make anyone more cautious?
I put the word "enemy" in there because I was thinking that if we've decided to fight Iran, the time to do it is when they can't hurt us back. I'm really sorry that I created the impression that we should start wars with everybody that's weak.

I think he is trying to be a big shot among the Muslim people and make himself look important. That would be my guess.
That's not a bad guess, you might very well be right
I wonder what that says about the Muslim world when the way to earn prestige and power is to threaten war on the US and Israel.

What would cause us to believe Iran is a threat, is if the nuclear experts we consult to inform us on such crucial matters said they were getting closer to being a danger.
A problem I'm having is why, if the world knows Iran doesn't have, or isn't close to having a nuclear weapon, is Obama warning the Iranians, and Israel and a good portion of Europe seems worried? Why shouldn't they just sit back and laugh at Ahmadinejad?

I'm not sure I believe that the poster was the cause of the Ambassador's death. If the papers are right, the administration seems to be backing away from that idea as well. I think it was related more to the date (Sep 11), and revenge for the American killing of a high-ranking (Jihadist? Terrorist? Whatever).

I really should add my applause for the people and government of Libya. They've provided evidence that the country won't stand for such actions and that they are willing to go after the terrorists. Well done, Libya.

And I want to thank you, newcovenant for being so helpful and patient.

With respect,

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by charles1952

A problem I'm having is why, if the world knows Iran doesn't have, or isn't close to having a nuclear weapon, is Obama warning the Iranians, and Israel and a good portion of Europe seems worried? Why shouldn't they just sit back and laugh at Ahmadinejad?

I am wondering this too.
In Obama's case, I think that he does not want to appear soft.
Regards and a star (and a good amount of respect) back to you.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 01:24 AM
Moreover, the NPT says nothing about aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle “such as uranium mines and mills, from which terrorists could easily acquire fissile material”.[5] Dozens of nations remain potential "weak links" in the global defense against nuclear terrorism and tacitly ignore UN mandates on controls over fissile material at uranium mines. Niger, a major uranium exporter, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the source of uranium for the first atomic bomb, are "among the states falling short in complying with UN Security Council Resolution 1540".[5]

According to critics, those states which possess nuclear weapons, but are not authorized to do so under the NPT, have not paid a significant price for their pursuit of weapons capabilities. Also, the NPT has been explicitly weakened by a number of bilateral deals made by NPT signatories, notably the United States.[5]

Excerpt taken from

Not to mention the fact that the five core countries still have 22,000 nuclear weapons, china traded uranium with Pakistan for *energy research* etc, etc.

I believe that Iran is in violation, however there are a lot of pots calling the kettle black. Where war is sought, war will be found.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:48 PM
So, I have been thinking about this for a while and I am 16 years old, I am not updated with all the facts.

Why can’t Iran build nuclear weapons? USA, Russia, I think China and maybe Isreal all have one so why can’t Iran do it? Legally/officially, that is. Not because "they destroyz isreal!!1!"

If someone blood thirsty as the US can have it, surely they can, too. I do not support anyone using/having a nuclear weapon, though. Fear =/= peace.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by goh13
So, I have been thinking about this for a while and I am 16 years old, I am not updated with all the facts.

Why can’t Iran build nuclear weapons? USA, Russia, I think China and maybe Isreal all have one so why can’t Iran do it? Legally/officially, that is. Not because "they destroyz isreal!!1!"

If someone blood thirsty as the US can have it, surely they can, too. I do not support anyone using/having a nuclear weapon, though. Fear =/= peace.

Iran can't build nuclear weapons because they are a signatory to the NPT.
USA, Russia, China, UK, and France all have nuclear weapons and part of the NPT is for disarmament, which they have not done, so they also are in violation of the NPT.
North Korea, Israel, India, and Pakistan have not signed the NPT. N Korea was a part of it, but dropped out in 2003.
That's why it is funny that Israel is one of the major players saying that Iran must be stopped. Not only are they a non-signatory, their intelligence also reports that Iran does not have any and aren't building them. The US echos the same sentiment.
I wonder if they have precogs like in Minority Report, because surely this is a pre-crime.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 10:24 PM
Iran has built Tens of Thousands of Centrifuges and there is only ONE REASON to do be able to enrich Uranium and have enough of it at Weapons Grade to build a Bomb. There is NO OTHER REASON TO DO THIS!
Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
Iran has built Tens of Thousands of Centrifuges and there is only ONE REASON to do be able to enrich Uranium and have enough of it at Weapons Grade to build a Bomb. There is NO OTHER REASON TO DO THIS!
Split Infinity

...besides medical research, nuclear subs, nuclear power...

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by superman2012

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
Iran has built Tens of Thousands of Centrifuges and there is only ONE REASON to do be able to enrich Uranium and have enough of it at Weapons Grade to build a Bomb. There is NO OTHER REASON TO DO THIS!
Split Infinity

...besides medical research, nuclear subs, nuclear power...

Iran is not allowed to build Nuclear Powered Subs. It is THOUSANDS OF TIMES CHEAPER to buy Reactor Grade Uranium than to build all these Centrifuges! Iran is the leading sponsor of Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad...etc...

A Group of Iranian Military known as the Qud's Force which is tasked with spreading the ISLAMIC REVOLUTION HAS PRINTED UP T-SHIRTS with a MUSHROOM CLOUD...with the words...THE HOLY ISLAMIC NUCLEAR BOMB. Now the United States Military will not be deterred by a Few Nuclear Bombs. The U.S. Military is not even that concerned with the THERMONUCLEAR ICBM CAPABILITIES of the entire CHINESE NUCLEAR we can easily shoot these down or if the FEL is used...VAPORIZE THE INDEPENDENT NUCLEAR WARHEADS OF EACH MIRVED ICBM.

What we are concerned with is an OLD STYLE FISSION BOMB which would be the size of a large truck...being driven into ISRAEL or even a DIRTY BOMB. The U.S. SPACE COMMAND has the ability to track something like this as we have VASTLY IMPROVED our SATELLITE DETECTION ABILITY as well as have HUNDREDS OF MOBILE DETECTION UNITS that are capable of detecting Gamma Rays, X-Rays, Neutron Decay and we can even detect Nuclear Fuel and determine whether it is URANIUM OR PLUTONIUM even if it is stored inside a LEAD BOX! The U.K. asked for our assistance during the Olympic Games and the Mobile Units were so sensitive they even were able to track MEDICAL RADIATION THERAPY locations and actual PEOPLE UNDERGOING THERAPY! We also had a scare when a Hospital Radiation Cleaning Company picked up materials such as Hospital Gowns and other Items that were irradiated and destined for storage. This is also the reason why the U.S. TOLD U.N. INSPECTORS WHERE A SECRET IRANIAN NUCLEAR SITE WAS HIDDEN UNDER 800 FEET OF MOUNTAIN AND DOWN 28 STORIES! Iran admitted it existed. So we can track where all the radioactive Fuel might be. BOMBING THESE SITES IS NOT AN OPTION! Israel can BITCH ALL THEY WANT but they are FORBIDDEN TO ATTACK IRAN. These sites must be SEIZED AND CAREFULLY DISMANTLED. This WILL HAPPEN one way or another. The hope is IRAN's own people will Over Throw the Old Guard but if the Old Guard cracks down and starts KILLING THEIR OWN PEOPLE...OR IRAN ORDERS THE STRAIT TO BE CLOSED...OR IRAN PUBLICLY DECLARES IT HAS NUCLEAR BOMBS...THE UNITED STATES WILL ATTACK. It has for many Months been talking in secret to Iranian Military Leadership. The DEAL is for Iran's Military to STAND DOWN and the U.S. Will send in Thousands of Special Forces and Airborne Rangers to SEIZE NUCLEAR SITES. IRAN'S MILITARY SEES NO DISHONOR IN STANDING DOWN TO BECOME THE DEFENDER OF A FREE DEMOCRATIC IRAN. It also sees NO DISHONOR IN REFUSING TO CARRY OUT A SUICIDAL ORDER OF THE OLD GUARD and this is especially true of the Iranian Navy which is PISSED OFF that THEY have been CHOSEN to DIE as a Last Chance Tactic by the Old Guard to get the People back on their Side. The Iranian Air Force as well as all but One Army Division will STAND what people hear as THREATS TO THE U.S. MILITARY ARE NOT FROM REAL MILITARY LEADERSHIP BUT RATHER OLD RELIGIOUS GUARD POLITICAL MOUTH PIECES. Iranian Military Leaders KNOW that a WAR WITH THE UNITED STATES IS SUICIDE and all this BRAVADO TALK does not come from THEM! They KNOW that the U.S. Military will take NO CHANCES AS THERE IS NUCLEAR CONCERNS and unless they STAND DOWN...THE U.S. MILITARY WILL OBLITERATE ALL IRANIAN FORCES! But if they STAND DOWN...THE U.S. HAS PROMISED NOT TO ATTACK IRANIAN MILITARY FORCES. ISRAEL CANNOT BE INVOLVED as this is a matter of HONOR...and there is NO DISHONOR to STAND DOWN against the U.S. Military. This is ESPECIALLY TRUE since Iran will have a Military to PROTECT THEIR NEW FREE DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. The New Government will TRADE Nuclear Rights for AID and there is a possibility of a PERSIAN/U.S. ALLIANCE! Since over 94% of Iranians wish for GOOD RELATIONS WITH THE U.S. this could change the entire MAKEUP of the MIDDLE EAST! And IRAN having the U.S. MILITARY as an ALLY would off set ISRAEL as an ISSUE as the U.S. would be Treaty Bound to PROTECT IRAN! There is a 82% Chance if the IRANIAN MILITARY STANDS DOWN THIS WILL HAPPEN! IRAN WILL BE PROTECTED, ISRAEL WILL BE PROTECTED...THE QUD'S FORCE WILL NO LONGER EXIST...and a REAL LASTING PEACE COULD BE MADE A REALITY! I am LEAVING ON A JOB...SOON...I have HIGH HOPES! It is a WIN -WIN FOR EVERYONE! China and Russia will be fine as long as Gas and Oil Flow. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Iran is not allowed to build Nuclear Powered Subs. It is THOUSANDS OF TIMES CHEAPER to buy Reactor Grade Uranium than to build all these Centrifuges! Iran is the leading sponsor of Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad...etc...

The key word there is "buy". What happens when no one wants to sell it to them? Aren't they allowed to make it and sell it themselves? Another revenue stream as well as a way to become self sufficient.

A Group of Iranian Military known as the Qud's Force which is tasked with spreading the ISLAMIC REVOLUTION HAS PRINTED UP T-SHIRTS with a MUSHROOM CLOUD...with the words...THE HOLY ISLAMIC NUCLEAR BOMB. Now the United States Military will not be deterred by a Few Nuclear Bombs. The U.S. Military is not even that concerned with the THERMONUCLEAR ICBM CAPABILITIES of the entire CHINESE NUCLEAR we can easily shoot these down or if the FEL is used...VAPORIZE THE INDEPENDENT NUCLEAR WARHEADS OF EACH MIRVED ICBM.

A T-shirt is your answer to questions of whether they have nuclear bombs? And then follow it up with some nice rhetoric. Question for you sport, why in God's name are they afraid of Iran, if they can "vaporize the independent nuclear warheads"?

What we are concerned with is an OLD STYLE FISSION BOMB which would be the size of a large truck...being driven into ISRAEL or even a DIRTY BOMB.

Maybe you aren't aware, or are not sure how to look this up...but you don't need weapons grade enriched uranium for a dirty bomb.

As for the rest. I think you should make a thread...try to break it up a little. I hate walls of text.

I swear, the ones that can't see both sides must have a lot of hate in their hearts.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by superman2012

Sorry about the wall of text. I usually break it up. I was concentrating on providing a LINK and PROOF to a Statement I made on how the U.S. has found a way to make the F/A-22 IR-Light Invisible...which I found.

I know these things from FIRST HAND INFORMATION AND i DO NOT LOOK THEM I had to spend a bit of time finding this as many people were saying it was impossible. IT IS NOT!

I am aware that you do not need to use Weapons Grade Uranium to create a Dirty Bomb...but you need it for a REAL BOMB. This is why they have built so many Centrifuges. I have HIGH HOPES that the IRANIAN PEOPLE will finally throw out this SMALL BAND OF RELIGIOUS FANATICS and with the Standing Down and Backing of their Military...the PRO-DEMOCRACY MOVEMENT will finally be able to Take over POWER from the OLD RELIGIOUS GUARD.

IRAN's PEOPLE are not the problem. And after what the QUD's Force..which usually operates in other countries to spread the ISLAMIC REVOLUTION...did to young KIDS...SHOOTING AND BEATING MANY TO DEATH....all because the People have had enough of FAKE ELECTIONS and CRAZY RELIGIOUS CONSTRAINTS ON THEIR FREEDOMS....this time around...IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED THAT IRAN'S REGIME MUST GO...ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.

The Old Guard will sacrifice as many people as is needed to stay in power...but this time the Iranian Military is the SACRIFICIAL LAMB! The IRANIAN MILITARY LEADERSHIP WILL NOT ALLOW A BUNCH OF RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS TO place the Military in a position where if they follow an will cause the DESTRUCTION OF THE ENTIRE IRANIAN MILITARY! The NAVY is the FIRST HEAD ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK!

The U.S. has talked secretly with the Iranian Military and the Military if Given a SUICIDAL ORDER such as CLOSE THE STRAIT OF HORMUZ...or KILL ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE IRANIAN PRO-DEMOCRACY MOVEMENT. The Iranian Military will STAND DOWN! This will allow the Democracy Leadership to have Military Backing and the U.S. Military will not have to Destroy the Iranian Military. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by superman2012
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Iran is not allowed to build Nuclear Powered Subs. It is THOUSANDS OF TIMES CHEAPER to buy Reactor Grade Uranium than to build all these Centrifuges! Iran is the leading sponsor of Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad...etc...

The key word there is "buy". What happens when no one wants to sell it to them? Aren't they allowed to make it and sell it themselves? Another revenue stream as well as a way to become self sufficient.

Guarantees to sell it were made. If those guarantees were not met then Iran would have a leg to stand on. There is no revenue stream as it will cost them much more to make it than they can recoup selling it. They are way behind on the technology as well. The only ones buying it would be those who can't buy it legally from any other nation, is that who you want having nuclear material?

A Group of Iranian Military known as the Qud's Force which is tasked with spreading the ISLAMIC REVOLUTION HAS PRINTED UP T-SHIRTS with a MUSHROOM CLOUD...with the words...THE HOLY ISLAMIC NUCLEAR BOMB. Now the United States Military will not be deterred by a Few Nuclear Bombs. The U.S. Military is not even that concerned with the THERMONUCLEAR ICBM CAPABILITIES of the entire CHINESE NUCLEAR we can easily shoot these down or if the FEL is used...VAPORIZE THE INDEPENDENT NUCLEAR WARHEADS OF EACH MIRVED ICBM.

A T-shirt is your answer to questions of whether they have nuclear bombs? And then follow it up with some nice rhetoric. Question for you sport, why in God's name are they afraid of Iran, if they can "vaporize the independent nuclear warheads"?

No, the T-shirt seems to be evidence that they plan on obtaining them though. If you only want to use nuclear materials for peaceful uses why talk about your upcoming nuclear bomb? Iran can't hit the US, they can hit Israel and our allies potentially. They can invade Kuwait without fear of repurcussion.

What we are concerned with is an OLD STYLE FISSION BOMB which would be the size of a large truck...being driven into ISRAEL or even a DIRTY BOMB.

Maybe you aren't aware, or are not sure how to look this up...but you don't need weapons grade enriched uranium for a dirty bomb.

As for the rest. I think you should make a thread...try to break it up a little. I hate walls of text.

I swear, the ones that can't see both sides must have a lot of hate in their hearts.

Very true about the dirty bomb. But it would be a n easy source to get material for a dirty bomb, and the threat of them giving nukes to terrorist groups is very real. I can see both sides, Iran was given alternatives that would ensure peaceful uses only. They chose to forgo those solutions. They then shut out the IAEA of areas on a routine basis and choose when they can visit what locations. This means there is 0 transparency of their activities.

We also have the fact Thorium reactors are being built as we speak. Thorium is amazing, and has none of the drawbacks of traditional nuclear plants. Want to know the ONLY reason thorium is bad? It can't make nuclear weapons.

All in all Iran is looking as peaceful as North Korea.

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