posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by Sublimecraft
All of these threads are great thank you.
As far as the Viking lenses go, whoever made them the explanation is easy enough.
Trial and error made them as perfect as they are.
Some craftsman, or royal court wise man realized that curved shapes alter light and can magnify it.
So they tried and tried and made them.
There were probably some that went too far and those were either cut down and redone or thrown out.
Simple trial and error.
Heck we are even trying and making errors now a days in terms of lenses.
When they got the Hubble telescope up in space it wouldn't work.
Turns our the lack of gravity warps lenses, so they had to make a pair of "contacts" and correct the distortion.
Life is all about trial and error, we only see the successes from very long ago as the failures were destroyed.
Heck when I screw up a carving once I've learned from my mistake if I can't salvage it or cut it down for a smaller carving it goes in the fire
The only thing people ever see are my successful competed works.