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Should Smokers Pay Extra Taxes For Universal Healthcare?

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posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia


posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by ShadeWolf
My personal opinion is we should just ban smoking altogether. That, or start actually regulating what the tobacco companies can put in them. If they only used tobacco leaf, I wouldn't have too much of a problem. But I'm pretty sure even the most dedicated chain-smoker will agree that benzene has no place in a product for human consumption.

Most smokers I see don't seem to be pursuing excellence in any aspect of their life. First of all it's a lot more difficult to exercise when your lungs can't get enough oxygen to your muscles via the bloodstream. The fact that at no time can I walk down the street without seeing cigarette butts and wrappers littered everywhere also indicates to me a lack of excellence. I constantly see cigarette smokers doing it with their kids in the car, sometimes with the windows up. I've been threatened with physical harm for expressing my opinion to those people, which displays their truly disgusting nature and lack of respect. Many smokers I have spoken with (I even have friends that do it, difficult as it is to tolerate their company) spend about $10 everyday on this habit and there is absolutely no return on this investment. A buzz that lasts all of a couple minutes and amounts mostly to a feeling of light-headedness? That's hardly worth it. Oh, but it relieves my tension and feelings of anxiety. Well, that's simply because you've trained yourself to react that way. You could train yourself to gain the same feeling from a cup of tea or even folding paper origami style. Whatever problems you have existed before the cigarette and they still exist after the cigarette, so the whole stress relief thing is just the placebo effect. Oh and no to mention the fact that when you give your money to cigarette companies you are handing your hard earned dollars over to an evil old man that cares nothiing for your health or well being. It is all of these reasons that I would never smoke another fag in my life, even if I somehow got the idea that I would enjoy it.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by jeantherapy

Once you are addicted, there is no buzz or the light headedness you speak of. It is just chasing the dragon to keep the amount of nicotine in your bloodstream level, so you don't start going through withdrawal. You mention lack of respect; yet don't seem to respect other peoples rights to privacy and personal space when you feel the need to express your unwanted opinion. I am not attacking you, I just see an irrational paradox in your argument.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

I never mentioned a desire to take away smoker's right to defile their body or their community. And my opinion is as valid as yours, which may also be unwanted. Have you considered that?

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 02:40 PM
Maybe there was something to that Hermain Cain ad after all, the one where he blows smoke at the camera. I bet he saw this coming with Obamacare. Next thing will be healthcare rationing...smokers will not get healthcare.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I think certain hindrances to health care progress like treatments, cures, technologies, need to be removed before anything else is done.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 03:52 PM

Should Smokers Pay Extra Taxes For Universal Healthcare?

First off, I'm not a smoker, so my opinion is NOT based on me being a smoker, but based on freedom, and freedom alone.

If smokers are forced to pay higher premiums, then so should anyone who drinks alcohol, takes any kind of drugs, plays contact sports, skis, drives over the speed limit, eats pizza, runs/bikes along side a highway where toxic fumes from vehicles pour out, etc. I'm tired of the attacks on smokers, fat people, etc., etc. Look, if you want to "give" everyone "free" healthcare, or FORCE people to buy "universal" healthcare, then by God, make it LEVEL for EVERYONE! After all, isn't that the whole premise of "universal healthcare"?

Instead, Nazis will be Nazis, and they'll dictate what you can and can't do any chance they get. I really hate these people with every ounce of my being.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 04:07 PM
FWIW I don't think that there should be any healthcare.


We are too many and the masses aren't breeding smarter, faster, stronger AKA BETTER genetic examples of humanity.

Our herd needs a culling something fierce!


posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by jeantherapy

Most smokers I see don't seem to be pursuing excellence in any aspect of their life.

Hmmmm... Really? REALLY?

There's a link to some famous smokers, that have contributed more to society than you ever will... Let's not forget that the president of the US smokes as well (seems like a pretty excellent aspect of life).

Originally posted by jeantherapy

I constantly see cigarette smokers doing it with their kids in the car, sometimes with the windows up. I've been threatened with physical harm for expressing my opinion to those people, which displays their truly disgusting nature and lack of respect.

Random individuals, just like there are with any demographic of people. In California, that is illegal and they could be cited. Some people drink and smoke crack with their kids in the car.

Originally posted by jeantherapy

Many smokers I have spoken with (I even have friends that do it, difficult as it is to tolerate their company) .

Get new friends. How rude of you to call someone your friend, and then say you can't stand them being around.

Originally posted by jeantherapy

spend about $10 everyday on this habit and there is absolutely no return on this investment.


That's your opinion.

Originally posted by jeantherapy

A buzz that lasts all of a couple minutes and amounts mostly to a feeling of light-headedness? That's hardly worth it. Oh, but it relieves my tension and feelings of anxiety. Well, that's simply because you've trained yourself to react that way. You could train yourself to gain the same feeling from a cup of tea or even folding paper origami style. Whatever problems you have existed before the cigarette and they still exist after the cigarette, so the whole stress relief thing is just the placebo effect.


SOOOOO WRONG! There are so many mental and physical effects that occur when a smoker has a cigarette. There is no placebo effect, there is no mind training!

"When a cigarette is smoked, nicotine-rich blood passes from the lungs to the brain within seven seconds and immediately stimulates the release of many chemical messengers such as acetylcholine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, vasopressin, arginine, serotonin, dopamine, autocrine agents, and beta-endorphin.[48] This release of neurotransmitters and hormones is responsible for most of nicotine's effects. Nicotine appears to enhance concentration[49] and memory due to the increase of acetylcholine."

Education is your friend.

Originally posted by jeantherapy

Oh and no to mention the fact that when you give your money to cigarette companies you are handing your hard earned dollars over to an evil old man that cares nothiing for your health or well being.


What we do with our money is no concern of yours.

Originally posted by jeantherapy

It is all of these reasons that I would never smoke another fag in my life, even if I somehow got the idea that I would enjoy it.

Hmmmm, sounds like you've smoked before, hypocrite much?...

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by SGTSECRET

Agreed but certain smokers don't have anything left in their craniums.

They're too busy worrying about nicotine fixes to care about anyone else around them.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by AGWskeptic

As they should because their habit causes untold damage to those around them.

Of course, they don't give a # as usual.

Do you think any other addict cares how their habit affects others?

It's all about the EGO.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 04:48 PM
only if too fat /skinny or accident prone, or dumb people do. No. All or nothing.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by VaterOrlaag
reply to post by AGWskeptic

As they should because their habit causes untold damage to those around them.

Of course, they don't give a # as usual.

Do you think any other addict cares how their habit affects others?

It's all about the EGO.

There are more pollutants pumped out by airplanes and automoblies. Why are people so worried about second hand smoke, from 1 smoker, when there's 100's of cars passing by them pumpin out tons of emissions?

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
As long as the following groups also pay more:

The Elderly.
The Obese.
The Perpetually Sick ( as in, disease you can't get rid of)

SEe what a slippery slope that one is?


Okay, how about only increasing premiums on those that volunteer to engage in risky or known high risk behaviors. Only those that choose yes, where they can otherwise choose no. Alcohol and drugs are a choice by the way. I've been there and beat it many years ago.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 05:02 PM
Hmmph...If I do because I am a smoker all the fatties have to pay it as well since obesity kills more people these days than smoking


Plus the smoking leading to death is far more debateable...they haven't proven beyond a reasonable doubt that smoking causes all the issues they claim it does.

edit on 19-9-2012 by ldyserenity because: wrong link

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 05:12 PM
I am paying over 9 euros now for a pack of 20 cigarettes, just under 80% of which is tax.

A legal product that generates huge income for the government. How would it be right to have people who smoke pay more for health insurance?

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by AngryAlien

Blah blah blah.

You miss the point completely.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 05:58 PM
Just like Bloomberg got rid of the biggie sized drink in NY,
ObamaCare will FORCE people to stop smoking, or else pay a penalty, aka tax.

Think about it, if the government pays for your healthcare, they will be forced to control your health, for the purpose of saving as much as possible.
More for them.

Nothing is free, if you dont pay for it with cash, you pay for it with liberties.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Maslo
I am not against smokers paying more. Smoking is a choice. But Id rather have it as a tax on cigarettes than increased health insurance costs, its simpler that way.

That was supposed to what the tax on them was for.

But if other states are like mine it gets spent anytime there is a shortage in another fund.

And there is always a shortage somewhere.

Our ciggy taxes have built roads, schools and even a boat landing.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by AngryAlien

Perhaps you should have a cigarette and calm your nerves a bit. Again, I have never proposed sanctions against any smokers of any type and have merely expressed opinions that are shared by many non cigarette smokers. If I am going to smoke any substance I am going to do it away from anyone that may find the smoke noxious or irritating and I would do it without throwing the trash everywhere.

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