reply to post by Kluute
You are providing links to propaganda
The only evidence that smoking causes any diseases is provided by epididimology - the soft science of observation. Comparing one group of people with
a control group.
Before the results of any epidimiology study are taken seriously - the relative risks are supposed to be above 200 % and preferably 300 to 400 %.
And then the results of the study are only used to direct hard scientific research.
Propaganda is taking an increase in relative risk of less than 200 % and publishing a media headline that smoking CAUSES some disease (is there any
disease left that smoking doesn't CAUSE), while never doing any hard scientific research.
The only disease that epidimiology has linked with smoking in any meaningful way is cancers of the mouth, throat and lung. These are the only
diseases where the relative risk met the criteria for directing hard research.
At this point in time, scientists doing hard research have discovered that HPV causes most mouth and throat cancers - not smoking! The link is
actually between the personality of smokers (being generally more social) and having more partners to kiss and have sex with.
Scientists have also confirmed that HPV causes between 20 to 80 % of lung cancers - with more strains of HPV being discovered along the way?
So what will the ignorant believe who fell hook, line and sinker for the idea that second hand smoke CAUSES lung cancer in never smokers do when the
pharmaceutical companies develop a vaccine for lung cancer?
Will you finally apologise to smokers for the all the hate, discrimination? Will you financially recompence smokers for the taxes we have been
charged? Will you feel bad for having taken away our constitutional rights to peaceful assembly?
Check it out - google the phrase "Never smokers lung cancer rates on the rise" This is occurring because you would have been smokers in the 60's
and 70's never started smoking because of the health warnings. They thought that they would be safe from lung cancer. Now those never smokers are
finding out that they get lung cancer just like the smokers do. You see, the game was in the definition of smoker. If you ever smoked 100 cigarettes
in a lifetime - you are classed as a smoker and your lung cancer was CAUSED by those 100 cigarettes. So if you smoked behind the wood shed in your
teens, decided it wasn't for you and never smoked again, but 50 years later, you got lung cancer, your lung cancer was classed as a lung cancer
CAUSED by smoking.
ONly about 20 % of the population never smoked more than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime - so the puritans and anti-smokers could safely say that
smoking CAUSED 80 % of lung cancers. The fact that 80 % of the population could be classed as smokers and got 80 % of the lung cancers never bothered
them in the least, during their hate driven campaign for force their will on others.
Except now, horror of horrors, along comes real scientists with real scientific proof, that cancers of the mouth, throat, lungs and cervix (all body
cavities opening to the environment and covered by mucous membranes) are caused by HPV - the human pampaloma virus - a sexually transmitted
What are you people going to do when smokers start demanding their money back!
Tired of Control Freaks