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China prepares for a possible war with Japan

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posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by DaesDaemar

Your talking about historical claims for china...Many countries have historical claims over an land. when comes to nations over centuries and such.. Because you owned a land in the past doesn't make it rightfully yours. like north america with Indians.. or Romans or present day Italy over Europe... historical claims have no value.. in present conflicts.. specific Mongolia should own all the land like their empire was short lived in the continent
over Asian continent

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 12:49 AM
Japan could compel US support if necessary due to The Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan (1960).

There was news on this back in July from Kyodo News

The treaty's Article 5 states, "Each party recognizes that an armed attack against either party in the territories under the administration of Japan would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional provisions and processes."

The administration of President Barack Obama remained vague over the issue of the Senkaku Islands until October 2010 when Clinton clearly recognized that the islets fall within the scope of the Japan-U.S. security treaty.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Tardacus
Japan are our allies just as much as israel is so i guess if shooting starts between china and japan we will get dragged into it?

Except more so, After WW2 Japan wasn't allowed to have a offensive military force. I don't know much about their defensive force, but I don't think it would be enough to defend themselves against.

In short the Allies are responsible for Japans defense. Though I'm sure some peace talks and compromises will be made, maybe even a deal. Nothing this disastrous will go down, buttt China and Japan do have a rocky past. So gonna keep an eye on this.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by Netties Hermit

See I don't see china making regional grasp until conflict further erupts in middle east..since that's the center focus at the moment.. but obama stated..we need set our focus now in this area.

But my further question can the pacific theater command handle the new china? I mean we got substantial force there..but an all out attack mean us against them.. japan force isn't what it was..unless their now jump starting their defenses

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:04 AM
All China or N Korea would have to do is lob a missile at Fukushima and it's all over... for everybody. I personally think this is posturing, but what do I know? Nothing shocking anymore.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by 02bmw76

can you please explain why that be the end? because that will increase the fall out

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by Shax35

Well, I'm hoping its just sabre rattling too. I've been watching the ME so closely that this caught me off guard.
So many things to research

Japan should concentrate on Fukushima imho ☢

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Netties Hermit

When should a nation should? Japan would never subdue knowing it as backing of USA. I mean what country whats to provoke US.. knowing 3 our carries fleet holds more firepower then their country? at least aerial

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:25 AM
We should be better arming the Japanese To cancel Chinese aggression.Of course Japan should be about bankrupt soon thanks to Fukishima.I think we should have done this long ago but didn't want to offend China but I say fk em.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by AgentX09

Japan isn't bankrupt over Fukishima provide proof lol.. their one of the richest countries in the world

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:45 AM

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:45 AM
So I was talking about this with my aunt, if things in the ME were to escalate to the point the U.S had to get involved and China attacked Japan(Knowing full well that U.S had to get involved) They then could effectively mobilizes their forces from the Panama Canal and start attacking our coast. Possibly TX first to cut off our domestic oil(And if we were fighting a war in the ME a good portion of our foreign oil would be cut off too). So in a sense we would be fight a war on three fronts spread across the whole world. Oh and eventually North Korea would be acting, meaning that we might end up having to help out South Korea....

Now a lot of dominoes would have to fall in place for this to all to happen. I've never been one for WW3 theories but honestly I can see this being plausible. How it all can blow over and we continue living our lives, which is the most likely scenario.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by Tardacus

I'm sure we'll find some kind of excuse to get into it. We're infamous for sticking our nose in other peoples business.

We're (USA) bound by the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security to protect and assist Japan by any means possible if Japan were to be attacked on it's land. Japan would do the same for us.

No excuses are needed to protect a legit ally.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by SLAYER69

Clearly this is Israel's fault too.

Of course.
Damn Japanese Zionist

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 02:28 AM
Those on here who are claiming that there is no way a military conflict will take place between China and Japan over these islands...have probably never been to China - or spent much time talking to people who grew up in China.

The Chinese, in general, are still very angry at Japan - and the Japanese people - for what happened during WWII. Although the majority of the world may not know a lot about (or have forgotten) incidents like the Nanjing China it is literally seared into the people's collective conscience.

The Chinese population - and the Government itself - would love nothing more than to take a piece out of Japan's hide. Taking over these force if necessary...would set off national celebrations in China.

More or less unreported in the rest of the world...but:

1) There have been massive anti-Japan demonstrations in most major cities across China.
2) In Shanghai, they are openly reviewing and talking about how best to use their network of underground air raid shelters, in the event that hostilities break out with Japan.
3) There is a very large chain of Japanese department stores in China (each store is huge), called Ito Yokato. This chain has been shut down right across the country.
4) The city of Nanjing shut down for two days to allow demonstrations against Japan - millions took part.
5) People have almost completely stopped buying...and in many cases driving...Japanese cars. Some hotels and other parking garages are not allowing people to park Japanese cars in their facilities.
6) I do not have a survey at hand to prove it (although I am told, that the Chinese blogo-sphere is on fire to this effect), but the overwhelming majority of Chinese people support a war against Japan over these islands.

China wants a piece of Japan, for what they did to them in World War Two - and for Japan's refusal to apologize, and for their denials that events even took place (sort of like Holocaust denials). People who think this is just a little spat over some insignificant islands...and that it will all just blow over...don't know the history of the area - and certainly do not understand just how much hatred there is against Japan simmering barely beneath the surface in China.

I predict that China will move to secure the Islands in a strong show of force, place military outposts there...and then dare Japan to try to take them back (which they will not).

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by mobiusmale
The Chinese, in general, are still very angry at Japan - and the Japanese people - for what happened during WWII.

The Chinese authorities need to stop selectively harking back to the dim and distant past and move on. The rest of the world has moved on from the terrors of WW2, but only China insists on keeping it alive for internal nationalistic reasons.

For context, what the Japanese did to the Chinese. Many nations suffered from their aggressive policies in the thirties and throughout WW2. What the Chinese authorities are less keen on reporting is the magnitude of the atrocities and mayhem perpetrated by the Communist Party. It is not taught in the Chinese schools that Chairman Mao had the blood of perhaps 50 million on his hands due to the policies inflicted upon the Chinese. In deed, most Chinese are taught that Mao would never have hurt a fly, not even a very small fly.

To OP. China may try a stunt, but they are not stupid and will not do anything that focuses the ire of the West. China has myriad territorial claims and contrary to the belief by some people on these Boards, has aggressively pursued some of these claims e.g. Tibet, India and the Soviet Union.


posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 07:15 AM
I think all of the players China will be the one to start a great war.

I have a really bad feeling about them lately.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by paraphi

Originally posted by mobiusmale
The Chinese, in general, are still very angry at Japan - and the Japanese people - for what happened during WWII.

The Chinese authorities need to stop selectively harking back to the dim and distant past and move on. The rest of the world has moved on from the terrors of WW2, but only China insists on keeping it alive for internal nationalistic reasons.

Except that, it is not so "distant". There are still people alive who witnessed Japanese atrocities...who still remember the panic inducing drone of Japanese aircraft as they strafed and bombed Chinese cities. And there are certainly a huge number who are still alive who heard first-hand accounts from their parents and grandparents before they passed on.

Every day, on multiple channels, on multiple movies and series, on Chinese television networks they play stories about the Japanese being fought in WWII by the valiant Chinese. The lines between good and evil are quite clear in these shows. This "Japan hating" is a very present, and on-going reality for all Chinese.

There is no doubt that these military, "Us versus Them" entertainment pieces are done for nationalistic reasons...and that the Chinese simply are not ready to move on.

For context, what the Japanese did to the Chinese. Many nations suffered from their aggressive policies in the thirties and throughout WW2. What the Chinese authorities are less keen on reporting is the magnitude of the atrocities and mayhem perpetrated by the Communist Party. It is not taught in the Chinese schools that Chairman Mao had the blood of perhaps 50 million on his hands due to the policies inflicted upon the Chinese. In deed, most Chinese are taught that Mao would never have hurt a fly, not even a very small fly.

I certainly would not debate this point. Mao, for the most part, is seen as a larger-than-life inspirational leader who delivered China not only from the Japanese...but from the then Chinese Government. There is certainly never any official discussion of his purges, or his failed policies (that led to mass starvation for example). He is more or less seen as a revered "father figure", who was a great thinker and pioneer.

However, among younger people, who have access to foreign news sources and other internet resources (despite the Government's efforts to create the Great Firewall of China)...there is a growing realization that Mao was flawed in many ways - and that he was behind a lot of internal mayhem.

But don't expect too many people there to talk about this openly...

To OP. China may try a stunt, but they are not stupid and will not do anything that focuses the ire of the West. China has myriad territorial claims and contrary to the belief by some people on these Boards, has aggressively pursued some of these claims e.g. Tibet, India and the Soviet Union.

They are currently engaged in "could go hot" similar disputes not only with Japan, but also with Vietnam and the Philippines.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

It seems like pretty blatant aggression in their own backyard. China has provoked their neighbors a few times going back decades with minor and major border clashes with countries like Vietnam, India, Russia and not to mention the whole Tibet issue.

Now presently when you have a country like Vietnam openly discussing and requesting US Naval presents this alone should be a telling sign that China is not exactly a Welcomed neighbor.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Tardacus
Japan are our allies just as much as israel is so i guess if shooting starts between china and japan we will get dragged into it?

Japan maybe one of the USA's allies, But the USA is Israel's meat shield. I don't think they would get the same support as Israel would.

If there is a war between China and Japan it will probably to keep china quiet/busy while the USA are bombing the # out of Iran.

Maybe USA have all ready struck a deal with china to give Japan to china without any interference on their part so long as china keep out of their way when the Iran crap kicks off.

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