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Muslim Brotherhood website demands that West criminalize ‘assaults’ on Islam

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posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:34 PM
No matter what anyone says, the First admendment stays. Anyone else not happy, the airports are open 24hrs a day, and no one is forced to sell or buy goods from USA.

Having said that, there is responsiblity to others with the power of free speech and freedom.

I, a follower of our Messiah, personally reject that film's premise and ponder over its intentions, but I will not infringe upon the rights of others upon the 1st admendment. If it can be done, then that sacred Constitution can be easily changed and become nothing more than a piece of useless paper.

Nor can any loud or vocal BUT MINORITY make such demands upon a nation's Constitution, which is copied by many other progressive democracies around our world.

Muslims may lay claim to having one and a half billion followers worldwide, BUT what is that figure compared to SEVEN BILLION humankind?

Rather than to force a minority's will upon the majority, it would be better if the minority honestly acknowledges if any errors had been made, to correct them and progress.

Muslims want respect, BUT respect MUST BE EARNED! By staging protests, burning sacred sanctuaries and murdering precious human lives, is this the way to earn respect?

No. It only drives more of mankind to stand up against such BULLYING tactics of TYRANNY by the loud vocal murderous MINORITY.

Everyone only wants to live in peace and love, and all do share the common goals of life. Emotions running wild is comprehensible, for none is perfect. But there must be a time for reflection, to fault find the true and real issues, to correct and change inorder to progress.

That movie's premise and intentions were definately wrong. Insulting others is not the way the co-exist. Nor is violence in reply to such insults, because who can deal with the MANY more insults to come, and what truly defines as an 'insult' to muslims'?

USA and the West's way of life and progress are often targets of hate by the islamic regressive loud vocal minority within the Islamic community, as offensive and an insult to those regressive morons.

So, if USA and the West is to bow to the minority's demand, should everyone in USA and the West volunteeraily commit suicide, so that the regressive minority will not be offended any more? Fat chance, it aint gonna happen.

Let us all mankind instead calm down and find common grounds upon to work on, to discuss, debate and find solutions, so that we can all live and let live, instead of one side to live, leaving the other side to must die.

We are all our common Creator's children, and only He alone decides who live and die, but He loves us all, which no man can take away another life on his behalf or will ever have that right unless that man turns beast and only upon the nation's agreement, after the last messenger sent to Earth.
edit on 15-9-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

That's partially true, But already we've seen examples of capitulation: General Dempsey criticized a Florida pastor for the deaths of the US ambassador and 3 others. Essentially diverging the blame from the radicals to the people who 'incited' the radicals - even though this 'incitement' is a protected right of our constitution.

Hillary Clinton also began her press conference with a criticism of the creators of the video, followed by a defence of their right to say it.

Little examples like this are signs of moral weakness; it implies that we should somehow adapt our values to Islamic sensibilities.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Freedom of speech includes...making fun of any religion I want. Sorry but not going to happen, keep dreaming.
edit on 15-9-2012 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:55 PM
Religious faithfuls of mainstream religions SHOULD NOT take offence at criticisms in any form, because FREE WILL is a gift.

Rather, we all should find out the reasons why such criticisms occur, and either change the critics' perception or be changed if criticisms are right and founded. This is the only way we FLAWED humans can ever hope to progress and evolve.

For example, as a follower of our Messiah, I myself had criticised and even mock the hypocricies of some christian church leaders for their greed and no welfare for its congregation. So, am I a considered an apostate if I speak up freely, as guaranteed by a human right, or am I to remain silent, be apathetic, and watch my religion go to the dogs?

The answer is a no brainer for all religious faithfuls.

Equally, I had condemned others for their immoral ways, but they laughed at me, and when I calm down and reflect upon on my way of life, I realized I had equally sinned, for I had been apathetic once, and allowed evil to triumph often without doing anything on my part, such as allowing unbridled corporate greed, excesses of wine leading to drunk driving and unhealthy foods that resulted in pain for suffering of others, etc.

Freedom of speech has a purpose, and feigning 'insults' are nothing more than excuses to perpetrate wrong doings.

Let us all pause and reconsider carefully on the direction mankind is to take. The path to hell is often paved with good intentions, more so if it upon the direction of one flawed mortal alone and not discussed with the majority.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by xuenchen
Muslim Brotherhood website demands that West criminalize ‘assaults’ on Islam

The Muslim Brotherhood says Western nations should outlaw anti-Islamic material and at the same time preserve freedom of speech.

Their statement included references to laws that condemn anti-Holocaust materials.

The statement also condemns violence against US interests.

Hmmm. How "Politicized" is the statement?

Statement condemns violence against US interests, says free speech should not extend to acts of ‘barbaric aggression’ that humiliate all Muslims

Without the “criminalization of assaults on the sanctities of all heavenly religions,” the Muslim Brotherhood warned on Thursday, insults to Islam “will continue to cause devout Muslims across the world to suspect and even loathe the West, especially the USA.”

The remarks were part of a statement posted on the English-language website of the Brotherhood in response to a trailer for a new film, which the Egyptian ruling party says is insulting to Islam........

Link to the Muslim Brotherhood statement:

One and a half billion Muslims are subjected to humiliation and abuse in the person of their leader, Mohammed, the Messenger of God, the Prophet of Islam, of mercy and good tidings for the whole world.

With the message of God, Islam, Prophet Mohammed pulled peoples out of the abyss of backwardness and barbarism to the heights of sophistication and honorable humanity.
He lit the pathways of progress and human thought for all mankind, with pure faith in the one God, belief in all Messengers without distinction or discrimination, full respect and reverence for all Prophets......

The West has passed and imposed laws that punish those who deny or express dissident views on the Holocaust or question the number of Jews killed by Hitler, a topic which is purely historical, not a sacred doctrine.

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Anti-Islam Film

Are there any laws in Muslim countries against anti "other" religious things?

This is completely predictable. As you probably already know, Xuenchen, it's against Islamic law to criticize either Muhammad or the Quran. In "moderate" Islamic countries, the punishment can be fines or imprisonment. In extreme Islamic states like Iran & Saudi Arabia, criticism can be punishable by death.

It's always the first step in an Islamic takeover: make criticism of Muhammad & his Quran illegal. They have to do that. In a country that allows criticism of Muhammad & his Quran, both would be taken apart and shredded.

Since Radical Muslims consider Islam the only true religion, followers of all other religions are 2nd class citizens or Dhimmis. They have to pay regular tribute to their Muslim masters. Consider it a tax for being an Infidel and allowed to live in Muslim territory.

I wish people would wake up to what Islam is. It was NEVER a spiritual path. I'm so sick of arguing with politically correct jerks who have never bothered to take even a cursory look at Muhammad or his Quran. If they did, they would be appalled.
edit on 15-9-2012 by AuranVector because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 03:46 PM
I am so tired of the dualistic smallminded religious dogma that humans are creating when trying to explain god/reality conciousness. Stop playing the game that one religion/view is completly right and inludes all information. Every human being on this planet is ignorant to the whole picture since it has not all information on what is going even if the human can make broad assumption.

Faith in smallminded dogma is from my point of view stupid since it keeps people from questioning and really seeking god/the oneness with everything. God from my point of view loves questions and a questioning mind because when there is questions there is a will to learn and understand.

Throw away organised religion since it is still just more or less the blind leading the blind and start meditating/seeking the thruth that you can only find from direct experiance from the other side.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

I would happily support this "request" from this faction on one condition: That Islam respect and protect every religious or spiritual belief system on earth. This includes religious or spiritual belief systems that are not afforded protection status as "People of the Book". In short, when Islam treats all belief systems with respect, I will support their so called "request".

I know this will never happen. I find it damningly hypocritical of these fools to make such demands. Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Confucianists, Shintoists, Shamanists and Pagans are all regarded as sub-human in the eyes of Islam; followers of those belief systems are persecuted mercilessly. That above list is not even close to being complete. Hell, Islam persecutes splinter factions of Islam, such as Babism and Baha'ism, with far greater furor compared to other belief systems.

These fanatical factions of Islam are beginning to try my patience. I know the history of that religion. Islam did, during their so called Golden Age, provide humanity with many ideas and science that has benefited us as a race. Sadly, the modern version of Islam provides us with nothing. Yet, they demand that we respect them for some reason. Respect is earned. That religion has not earned my respect.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Western civilization should demand Islam criminalize moronic nonsensical demands

Western civilization should demand Islam criminalize Islamic Extremism.

Hey now.
Let's try to keep this discussion reality based....
edit on 15-9-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:51 PM
Why do all the Islam mockers go into hiding in their own Western countries and require complete security for the rest of their lives?

Is it due to the increasing Islamic presence in the West?

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Western civilization should demand Islam criminalize moronic nonsensical demands

Western civilization should demand Islam criminalize Islamic Extremism.

Hey now.
Let's try to keep this discussion reality based....


Only if you can prove to me that the 12 imam, will take care of ALL these problems.

I for one, have NO faith, in man, taking care of them.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

That's what the US had in Mubarak.

Better to have a an American puppet who tries to reform Islamic society instead of Islamists intent on resurrecting the Ottoman Caliphate with the capital in Jerusalem.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 05:28 PM
If the prophet Mohammad is truly a messenger of God then to deny him would be its own punishment, no external criminalization would be necessary. If the prophet Jesus Christ is truly a messenger of God then to deny him would be its own punishment, there would be no need for external criminalization. This goes for all prophets and beliefs. To deny logic and reason, to deny something that is true in favor of false is its own punishment.

The best form of revenge is to let the "offender(s)" live the rest of their days for if the "offender" is truly in the wrong then the rest of his days will be wrought with peril by his own doing. If one falsely believes drilling a hole in the head is the best way to alleviate a headache, take no offense to this, they will punish themselves by drilling a hole into their head. If they are truly in the wrong then simply let them hurt themselves by allowing them to live in falsehood.

Let them make their bed and let them lie in their bed. If their bed is no good then they will suffer a life lived in a poorly constructed bed. If their bed is good then they will not suffer.
edit on 15-9-2012 by Symbiot because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:11 PM
Being an American, living in a free country, I sometimes forget how fortunate it is to be able to express myself.

In saying so, I only have two (2) words…

F#c@ Muhammad!

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Propulsion

They are merely marginally different forms of oppression. The western world relies slightly more on emotional oppression where the eastern world relies slightly more on physical oppression. They both rely heavily on monetary oppression and both rely heavily on oppression. In both worlds the individual must turn over their life to the rule of others, the punishment for non-compliance may fall in the form of physical battery or emotional judgment. Both forms are equally barbaric in my opinion.
edit on 15-9-2012 by Symbiot because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:38 PM
Personally, I find cruel attacks on any religion to be shallow, uncivilized and it only serves to show how some people have failed to evolve with the rest of civilization, however I certainly wouldn't criminalize it. To the contrary; keeping it legal allows the rest of us to see how devolved those types are. Just like the radical baptist church that pickets military funerals; allowing them to do it allows the world to see their incivility and their complete lack of enlightenment and evolution. They are just one step above that of the ape.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by RMFX1

I hate this retarded argument. Guns do kill people. Bullets kill people, people also kill people.

Saying that guns don't kill people is like saying bread knifes don't cut through bread. People cut through bread.

It's idiotic. Just because a bread knife has never jumped up and cut a loaf of bread of it's own accord does not mean that bread knifes don't cut through bread.

So you have a bread knife that automatically cuts bread without human intervention?

/end of derail attempt.

Have you anything to say concerning the Muslim Brotherhood demand that the US comply with their wishes and change our law to comply with their alleged religion?

edit on 2012/9/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by nenothtu

Are you nuts? Why bother denying the holocaust, when it never happened to begin with! That's like denying Kim Kardashian's PhD! Not worth the effort unless you're trying to make a joke of yourself!

Why bother denying anything. Supposedly the US invaded Iraq, didn't happen.

If the US and it's allies invade Iran, murder rape and pillage, it didn't happen.

It's all lies.

kinda missed the whole point there, that I've yet to be arrested for denying the holocaust right out loud. Doesn't matter whether it happened or not in that context - I've not been arrested, as was claimed would happen, for voicing a denial. it's fairly unlikely that you will be arrested for issuing a denial in public of the Iraq invasion, either.

Ain't the rule of law a grand thing when it allows you to speak your mind without fear of religious persecution at the insistence of foreigners not subject to the laws they seek to have abrogated?

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by nenothtu

I guess that is why when someone is murdered they list the cause as person instead of gunshot stab wound ect ect.

I hate straw man arguments try harder.

that is correct. Legally, no murder ever occurs without human agency. Whether they used a religion, a gun, or a claw hammer is irrelevant to the fact that a murder occurred. the important, defining point is that a human did it. If you don't believe that, you are welcome to go visit an imprisoned gun on the next available prison visitation date.

let us know how that visitation turns out, and whether the gun displayed any remorse over it's imprisonment.

Are you sure you understand what a "straw man" argument is? it seems to me that attempting to deflect responsibility for a killing from the agent to an inanimate object or abstract concept fits the bill very well.

edit on 2012/9/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:59 PM
how about we criminalize muslims that assault other religions??

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
how about we criminalize muslims that assault other religions??

OK Ok I got one.

How bout we all go back to our respective countries and mind our own business.

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