reply to post by votan
Yes, there we go again. The incessant victim mentality. “They have a right to be mad.” The idea that all their problems are being caused by us
meddling in their affairs. It is a result of the fact that the cultural leaders do not want to admit that they have been screwing up for the last
1000+ years. They want a bogeyman to point to and go, “It’s not our fault, it’s their fault. They are the ones that are keeping us down!!”
It’s the simple act of deflection.
If you want to see how asinine that that argument is, go look at Korea. When the war went on hold, the south was awash with every type of explosive
ordinance known to man. They lived in squalor. A good portion of their population had died in a proxy war supported by two super powers. After the
fighting was put on the back burner, did they just sit around in their filth for 40 years, and tell everyone that the reason they are suffering is
because America used them as pawns? No!! Did they hold it against us that they were used as stand ins in a war between us and china. No, They was
thankful for the help we provided them. Did they whine and cry that their cultural and social problems were a result of the constant US military
presence in their country? No….What they did was pull themselves up by their boot straps and hit the ground running. They are now among the top
twenty economies of the world. They are among the top 10 military forces of the world. All that while getting no OIL money, and having a north Korea
breathing down their necks 24, 7.
The middle eastern areas had it no worse than SK had it. And they usually had it better because they have often had a constant flow of oil money
coming in to support their economy.
So enough of the stupid blame game. The only ones responsible for their condition is themselves and no one else.
The only reason other countries have to constantly go in there is to straighten things out because the people there can’t keep a lid on things.
Yes, they may be mad about the things we do, but to sit there and pound their fist about it won’t get them anywhere. It just makes them look the
idiots they are. It’s time for them to quit blaming other people. It’s time for them to grow up and accept responsibility for their own condition
and work on correcting their own cultural and religious problems that is causing the condition in the first place.
And them getting enraged at things we do in our own country is not our problem, it’s their problem. They are the ones that need to learn restraint
when dealing with what they see from other countries and religions. They expect every other country to practice restraint when they deal with stuff
coming out of the middle east, but they refuse to practice any restraint when the crap flows the other way. If they don’t like what they see coming
from this country, then tough luck. I am fully fed up with the whining bunch of hypocrites.
Unless they grow up, and grow up fast, I have a feeling that they are going to be in a world of hurt.