reply to post by johnwilkesbooth
I suppose the act of spreading love can be considered an act of treason in some places and to some. But all the people you listed like Jesus did not
get killed because they were preaching love or love you fellow man or having love for mankind in general, oh and womankind lets not forget about them
they seem to be part of the thing call mankind.
In fact love is something that can mean many things, what is love to somebody can be something else to somebody else, in fact its been way to
overused and can mean to many things to really be something that is one overall clear thing with one clear meaning. Love is not exact same thing to
every single person on this planet. If anything the things people like Jesus were preaching was something more along the lines of having respect and
understanding for all people and creatures. Which I suppose can be translated into having love, but then again its just a bit vague.
But he and the other ones you listed got short end of things, and ya even got killed or assassinated, because they broke one of the oldest laws of
this world. That law being, "no good deed goes unpunished" In everything the last thing that trips you or leads you down the path into
death or degeneration is almost always the thing you do not see, or the thing you do not want to see. And for those that see it and go about doing
something about it, well there stirring the bee hive and If you go against the grain things will be rough for you, because the nail that sticks out
gets hammered.
It is the way of things while living in societies and just in life in general. It is always much easier to follow the path that has been trodden
then walk or make new paths through the jungle called life. All the people you listed were sticking out of the complacency of there society's and
going against the grain of things, and so they got hammered. Mostly because they were going against the order of things, and the order and powers
of there day....But ya some of those powers do operate and thrive in the strife's of mankind, and womankind so ya in a way love is the antimatter of
such things.
And love, well even in love the rule of no good deed goes unpunished sticks true. Because most times when things really hit the fan, its usually
the lovers who stick around and grit things through. And contrary to popular believe you can not be a warrior without being a lover, the two are not
separable. There is no such thing as being a lover or a warrior, if you are one...then you are the other. And most times even in relationships.
When things get to be to much, or something happened or somebody wronged us, its not the person or the thing that wronged us that people take it out
on, but its the ones they love, because they know that they will just stand there and take it.
Which is a very nice thing to do, its even a good deed, but as those that have walked the paths before will tell you, that no good deed goes
unpunished, and the answers are never as clear cut as that. And in the end more often then not, the bogie man and the demons you are avoiding is
not some external thing, but its usually withing yourself, most often it is yourself, the part of yourself that you can not see or do not want to
look at or understand, and so you fear it.
Most of the things people fears today is exactly that, only projected on mass, the accumulation of there fears and there unknowns the things that
they deem evil. And they even give them all fancy names like the devil, or the powers that be, or this group, or that group which is afflicting
them. But in the end none of it would exist if at first it did not exist within some capacity in every single person out there, in the end its all
manifestations of the things inside you.