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Amazing Bloodline - Mitt Romney Is Related To Obama & Bush

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posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 04:52 AM
Every president in history is related and it is no coincidence. They all also have blood lineage to the Royal Family. British Monarchy rules to this day.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 04:56 AM


posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by Swills

They are all related to one very important King; John Lackland. He is the King that signed the Treaty of 1213; which forfeited everything under his control to the Pope. The Magna Carta can not undo this because it was signed under duress by a third party; which can not be used to break a contract between two people.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 05:06 AM
technically if you go back far enough everybody alive today has at least one common example of this would be the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu/Kheops

Humphrys family tree

the above link has some interesting facts and research regarding this topic for those who are interested in such.......


posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by jude11
6 degrees of separation law connects us all.

Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that everyone is on average approximately six steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person on Earth, so that a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made, on average, to connect any two people in six steps or fewer. It was originally set out by Frigyes Karinthy and popularized by a play written by John Guare.


edit on 9-9-2012 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

A "friend of a friend" is something completely different than a cousin or another family member.

I don´t think it´s a coincidence that so many presidents turn out to be first cousins or otherwise related; it´s all part of keeping it in the family and out of the common people´s hands.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by seabag

Actually its not weird. Obama is also related to Bush and Cheney.

Many of the elites are related.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by liveandlearn
I've done genealogy for many years now and I can guarantee they did not check all the documentation needed to prove this ancestry. has a massive database but it is not all correct. I have found many errors, even errors in my tree from the trusted Mormons.

Case in point. My family was supposed to be related to Davy Crockett and his lineage is well documented on Ancestry. My gggggrandmother was a Crockett and supposedly descended from Samuel Crockett, a brother to Davey's grandfather. Dna has proved all the many Crocketts here are not related to Davy. As for my line, the Samuel Crockett was actually here before Davy's family.

I dare say we would all find ourselves in some way related to royalty if we followed all our many lines and actually checked the documentation required to prove it. In fact, many if not most of the families who came to America were of some wealth or they could not have made the trip.

As we say here on ATS, source, pics, or in this case, documentation, or it isn't so.

This much is true; is no more reliable as a source than Wikipedia.

It is a good starting place, but the research needs to be documented with more reliable sources. No Genealogist in the world will take what says as fact because anyone can post and modify lines of descent.

6 degrees of separation law connects us all? This refers to friendships and acquaintances not blood relations.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by seabag

Its alot more plain in sight then that, think about it this way, do the people of their country choose the candidates? NO, no one chooses who they put up there for display, and also, if you wanna keep a buisness healthy, keep it in the family.

Third of all, any human that spends time in front of a camera regularly is an actor, and there is a conspiracy about there being only one family that owns that buisness.

you know, these guys are all in the same bed, look even at the queen and king and their whole family, i swear they could pass for clones

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 07:48 AM
To understand (and completely dissolve) these seemingly impossible coincidences;

Don't Start Now, and Look Back -
Start Then, and Look Forward.

That is how big this conspiracy really is.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by OutonaLimb
To understand (and completely dissolve) these seemingly impossible coincidences;

Don't Start Now, and Look Back -
Start Then, and Look Forward.

That is how big this conspiracy really is.

I was digging around a little bit and I ran into this interesting video put together by a group called The Wake Up Project. This group not only draws the same connections, they claim this bloodline can be traced all the way back to pharaonic lineage. They also draw a connection between the pharos and the Roman Catholic Church.

There are many parts to this documentary. I plan to watch it throughout the week.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 08:52 AM
Thats a good video but i suppose if you go back far enough you will see that we are all related somewhere down the line.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by RedmoonMWC

This much is true; is no more reliable as a source than Wikipedia.

Well then how about the New England Historic Genealogical Society founded in 1845?

They draw some of the same connections.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by seabag

Ah Amazing, this is no surprise.

The bloodline goes all the way back to King David.

I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant,

Thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations. Selah.

God removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

It is also not surprising since we who populate the planet today all came from the small group of people that survived the apocalyptic event that nearly wiped out all mankind.

That's what I believe.

edit on 093030p://bMonday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 10:00 AM
Half the Presidents of the United States of America possessed Irish ancestry. Some were of Ulster Scot decent ( Ulster is in Ireland) they are a people of protestant faith, but very loyal to the crown of England.

When is the last time you saw a president visiting the UK or France looking for the ancestors. The majority of US presidents in the last sixty years have visited Ireland for this purpose.

Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Obama they all came to Ireland for this very purpose. This list has been proven genealogical ( least had one Irish ancestor often a mother or father)

Andrew Jackson, 7th President 1829-37

2 William Henry Harrison, 9th President 1841

3 James Knox Polk, 11th President 1845-49

4 James Buchanan, 15th President 1857-61

5 Abraham Lincoln, 16th President 1861-65

6 Ulysses S Grant, 18th President 1869-77

7 Chester Alan Arthur, 21st President 1881-85

8 Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24th President 1885-89, 1893-97

9 Benjamin Harrison, 23rd President 1889-93

10 William McKinley, 25th President 1897-1901

11 Woodrow Wilson, 28th President 1913-21

12 John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President 1961-63

13 Lyndon Baines Johnson, 36th President 1963-69

14 Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President 1969-74

15 James Earl Carter, 39th President 1977-81

16 Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President 1981-89

17 George Herbert Walker Bush, 41st President 1989-93

18 William Jefferson Clinton, 42nd President 1993-2001

19 George Walker Bush, 43rd President 2001-09

20 Barack Hussein Obama, 44th President 2009-

edit on 10-9-2012 by P12SOLD because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 10:13 AM
On the end of this story everybody has 10-15% of reptilian genes.
But royal families have more than 49%. So reptilan behaviour is obvious.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by seabag

Nothing new.
And this has been posted before.

Everybody is descended from kings.

Most Eleanor of Aquitaine.

Most presidents and english royalty are distant cousins.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by grey580

Nothing new.
And this has been posted before.

First of all, that is a different video. Secondly, that was posted a year before I became a member. If the topic is dead once someone posts it (even a few years ago) then there wouldn’t be many new threads.

Everybody is descended from kings.

That is a ridiculous statement…..sorry!

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

Yes, many of us may be related to royal bloodlines, however, these people are the bloodline.

They're all related and their history stretches back to ancient times.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

There has only been one post that I've seen that brings up the notion that we are talking about royal bloodlines.

These people were and still are all about inbreeding amoungst themselves. I'm sure that over the centuries that there were illigitimate kids popping up here and there, but I'm not sure I buy into the idea that we are all related to royalty as some point in the past.

Is there any common, everyday folks out there that have searched their lineage back to royalty? If so, it would be interesting to see how that tallies up. Six degree's of seperation is more about the people we know instead of the blood lines.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 12:41 PM
and this is news? Geesh some of you have your reading cut out for you. Get to it...cause time is short.

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