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Increasing Police Violence and Steroid Use/Abuse.

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posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
reply to post by CommandoJoe

While I agree some of the effects are exaggerated, there still is danger with using them, and immense dangers with abusing them. To say otherwise is irresponsible.

The fact of the matter is that most have not been tested over a long enough timeline to know the full effects, and "roid rage" is a very real thing.

Now HGH, on the other hand....

I never said there was no danger in abusing them - reread my first post, I cover this...

Steroids have been widely used for over 50 years - much longer than many so called safe drugs that are given out by doctors every day like candy. HGH is also relatively new to the scene - not that I have any issue with it. I plan to try it sometime in the future as well.

I still say "roid rage" is BS based on my personal experience and that of many others I know. More likely due to immaturity &/or mental issues...

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 06:27 AM
I could safely sum up the reason why they don't get tested in one word, unions. Plain and simple. Their unions are so strong that they are protected from just about anything, not to mention the departments are usually all corrupt from the inside out, at the highest levels. And good luck changing any of the above.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by CommandoJoe

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
reply to post by CommandoJoe

While I agree some of the effects are exaggerated, there still is danger with using them, and immense dangers with abusing them. To say otherwise is irresponsible.

The fact of the matter is that most have not been tested over a long enough timeline to know the full effects, and "roid rage" is a very real thing.

Now HGH, on the other hand....

I never said there was no danger in abusing them - reread my first post, I cover this...

Steroids have been widely used for over 50 years - much longer than many so called safe drugs that are given out by doctors every day like candy. HGH is also relatively new to the scene - not that I have any issue with it. I plan to try it sometime in the future as well.

I still say "roid rage" is BS based on my personal experience and that of many others I know. More likely due to immaturity &/or mental issues...

Re-read what I said. There is danger in use, and immense danger in abuse. Some people can handle normal use with no side effects. Some people have heart attacks with one cycle. Just because YOU have reacted well, does not mean that they are safe.

Some steroids have been used for a very long time. There are MANY different types of steroids, however. Most have not been tested over any significant timeline.

And again, you are basing your entire premise on how YOU reacted. Many others react differently. To say 'roid rage' is BS is ignorant. It is very real, and proven so. No, not everyone who has used steroids will be a rager. That doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Even if it is due to pre-existing conditions (which I dont buy, considering there is not one iota of proof to that claim), it still happens.

Again, different people react differently to different things.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
Some people have heart attacks with one cycle. Just because YOU have reacted well, does not mean that they are safe.

Source please. Compared to many other prescription drugs and hard drugs, they are very safe and definitely don't deserve to be Schedule III... If someone is taking multiple oral steroids as well as injectibles at the same time, I would consider that abuse and their liver will suffer. Many of the people that have issues are self medicating and have not done the research to do it safely. They don't get bloodwork before, during, and after to keep them selves safe and healthy. The majority of people have no problems at all though.

Commonly Prescribed Drugs May Cause Fatal Heart Attacks

Originally posted by captaintyinknots There are MANY different types of steroids, however. Most have not been tested over any significant timeline.

Official medical studies? No, there are not a lot of medical studies done on schedule III drugs. Many thousands of anecdotal reports from people that are experimenting on themselves? Most definitely - with the majority report mainly positive results from a sample size much greater than any study could muster. In the body building community, there are generally accepted practices that the veterans encourage the novices to follow. If the newbies are planning something that is not a good idea or potentially unhealthy the vets will hammer them and let them know they are being stupid (As well as point them in the right direction). Most of the vets are more knowledgeable about the effects and use of steroids than a lot of doctors because the medical community doesn't do a lot of steroid studies.

Originally posted by captaintyinknotsAnd again, you are basing your entire premise on how YOU reacted. Many others react differently. To say 'roid rage' is BS is ignorant. It is very real, and proven so.

Yes, on MY reaction as well as MANY others that have no aggressive side effects. Are there some that show increased aggression? Sure - but they are the minority and most likely predisposed to anger and with the increased confidence brought on by the strength/size boost steroids, they think they are a bad ass and can get away with it, or perhaps they have some insecurity that they are making up for now that they are bigger and stronger.

Originally posted by captaintyinknotsNo, not everyone who has used steroids will be a rager.
Again, different people react differently to different things.

But the media would have you believe otherwise and that the instant after an injection they will go on a rampage. This is simply not true.
I think most people would be surprised at how many "normal" people use steroids.

I think we are getting a little off topic though... It's obvious that there is an increase amount of violence from law enforcement, but I don't think steroids are a significant or direct cause - I think there are a lot of other factors that have contributed to it.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 04:45 PM
This has been a big problem going back

RPI Psych course covering Law Enforcement personnel

Cops use of illegal steroids "a big problem"
Is steroid abuse rampant among police in the US?
New Jersey moves to curb police steroid abuse
A few facts about LEO's and their history
Steroids, a possible explaination for police brutality

There are plenty more.

It has been a problem as long as there have been cops and it just gets worse. It is publicly ignored while quietly encouraged. They tell themselves it is for "good" reasons. In the same manner that they upped their arsenals in the 80's to combat criminals with high capacity weapons they claim they have to "up" their physiques to combat stronger and faster criminals.

Now they are competing with combat veterans for job positions and "cool guy" credits. So now every Joe 6-pack beat cop wears it high and tight and fronts like some hardened bad-ass.

Police departments are not unlike grade school play yards. Everyone wants to be "cool" among their peers so they act like jackasses and do stupid things to themselves, their families and all of us.

Police are a mess. Being statistically more prone to divorce, domestic violence, alcoholism, self-medication, depression and suicide than the average non-cop doesnt even begin to delve into just how messed up they are.

You're better off telling your child to seek out a random stranger for help than a cop. That isnt irrational cop-hate talking. It's quantifiable data talking. As a population they are sick and dangerous.
edit on 11-9-2012 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by CommandoJoe

How does being treated for low testosterone with steroids in any way qualify someone to discuss how steroids might impact a man with normal levels of testosterone?

Did you originally have normal testosterone levels? Is that the experience from which you're speaking?

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 02:16 PM

ALL LEO’s should have mandatory steroid testing done and make it random so as to catch them off guard. If athletes are required to do so and they are not a danger to the public, why are the police not treated the same?

I think that anyone who is approaced by an LEO/TSA/DHS should have the right then and there to demand a blood/hair/urine sample to retain for testing if the contact goes other than politely.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 11:19 PM
I was actually asking for sources regarding people having heart attacks with their first steroid cycle...

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
This has been a big problem going back

RPI Psych course covering Law Enforcement personnel

From the link within this link it talks about the typical police officers mentality:

Joel Lefkowitz has identified two personality trait clusters which commonly appear in police officers. Cluster 1 : isolation & secrecy, defensiveness and suspiciousness, and cynicism. Suspiciousness and Cynicism increase with experience on the job. Police feel misunderstood by the "civilians" Lefkowitz refers to their situation as "socio-occupational isolation". Cluster 2 : authoritarianism, status concerns, and violence.

So one of the typical police personality traits includes violence.... hmmm

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
url=]Cops use of illegal steroids "a big problem"[/url]
Is steroid abuse rampant among police in the US?
New Jersey moves to curb police steroid abuse

No argument from me, yes many LEO's use steroids - this is well known. But they are all going to be labeled as abusers if they are not under a doctors care and using more than the most basic low hormone replacement dose. Even if their use if perfectly safe.

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
A few facts about LEO's and their history

Same story, many cops use steroids, many cops are too violent with people - Correlation does not imply causation.

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

There are plenty more.

I'm sure there are, but none of those were much more than "Cops use steroids & cops are too violent" - not much substance and just repeating the same old MSM anti steroid line. That's my problem with steroids and the media, almost none of them do their own research, they just repeat the same crap over and over as fact. Or they quote doctors that later admit they have done zero research on steroids.

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
It has been a problem as long as there have been cops and it just gets worse.

By "It" I assume you mean violence? Yes, even before cops started using steroids (And before steroids were discovered) they got get inappropriately violent with people. I assert that this has MUCH more to do with the typical mentality of the person who would pursue a career in LE, than because of steroids. Cops have been too rough with suspects since the beginning - but now we have the internet and everything that goes along with it (YouTube, social media) to spread the word like wildfire.

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Police departments are not unlike grade school play yards. Everyone wants to be "cool" among their peers so they act like jackasses and do stupid things to themselves, their families and all of us.

And the cops were probably the school yard bully, or were bullied and now enjoy their new found power.

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Police are a mess. Being statistically more prone to divorce, domestic violence, alcoholism, self-medication, depression and suicide than the average non-cop doesnt even begin to delve into just how messed up they are.

You're better off telling your child to seek out a random stranger for help than a cop. That isnt irrational cop-hate talking. It's quantifiable data talking. As a population they are sick and dangerous.
edit on 11-9-2012 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

I absolutely agree.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by CX

YMCA my friend!

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 01:08 PM
If you are confronted by a cop with a bloated face, greasy hair you have a 95% chance that he is on steroids.
Look around for witnesses

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:20 PM
Roid rage is a total myth. Anyone who tells you it exists either has an agenda or doesn't know what their talking about. Some people are just violent morons, the minute someone knows there on steroids they get automatically blamed. I guarantee you the guy was a moron before he jabbed a needle in himself. I've been about steroid users for about 10 years and I am one myself and have never suffered "roid rage." What I have suffered is an increase in lean body-mass, increased drive and mental acuity, and an end to my depression that I suffered through my 20's that no GP prescribed anti-depressant was ever able to do.

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