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Kirlian Photography shows Organic/Raw food vs Commercial/cooked food

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posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by RogerT3

Actually, that's a great point.

Energy fields ARE ever changing. Constantly. Even of a physical level, everything is vibrating energy, thus nothing is a constant. I suppose to some extent, it all depends on what kind of timeline you're using.


posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
reply to post by eleven44

That may work well for you, but it does not work for me. I eat meat, cooked meat, because only that food source gives my individual body chemistry the power it needs to run its daily program of marching around, and kicking some.... well you get the picture. Veggies and uncooked food makes me lethargic and tired.

That's interesting. If you truly believe your body runs better with meat (which it might) I recommend looking in to 'Blood Type Diets.' Our blood types can affect our body's chemistry and thus our ability to digest and use certain types of food. For example: I'm A-. This means my body does not produce very much stomach acid and therefore red meats are more stressful for my body to digest than they are beneficial. Some blood types do better with more meat.
If you are going to chose to continue eating meat, try to be aware of where your food is coming from. Grain fed cattle are fed food that is so bad for them it will actually kill them in about 6 months. Instead, they are slaughtered before this time. The antibiotics and steroids used in cattle are also wreaking havoc on our health and immune systems. Grass Fed beef is the best way to go. Either that, or go hunting for yourself.
I'm guessing if you feel sluggish when eating only veggies and raw food, you haven't 'stuck with' a vegetarian or raw diet for very long. The first few days (even weeks) WILL make you feel sluggish and sickly. This is a part of the detox process that is taking place. It is very important to drink LOTS of water and gets lots of fiber during this time. Your body has years and years of toxic buildup from food, water, pollution, chemicals, etc. It takes some time for our bodies to detox and to get use to a truly healthy diet.
And, if you're worried about not getting enough protein or anything, don't worry, there are plenty of ways! For starters, I make a Brown Rice Protein shake, which is a complete protein, twice a day (instead of whey or soy protein.) Quinoa is another great choice. Rice, grains, legumes, nuts, nut-butters, tempeh, seeds, and just your regular 'ol veggies all contain plenty of adequate protein to give your body the strength it needs. I'm on a pretty rigorous work out/muscle building regiment at the moment, and I've been vegetarian for close to a year and a half now. I'm still putting on the (healthy) pounds with plenty energy!

edit on 12-9-2012 by eleven44 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-9-2012 by eleven44 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by RogerT3

look stop being ignorant and believing this rubbish mumbo jumbo.

get some real physics education.

just look at the wiki article.

3/4 of it shows why this is just hokum.

just too many variables.

just like the contents of a sewer.

i can quote but why should i bother as a uncritical mind like your feasts on shadows...

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by RogerT3

I'm guessing people who are getting something from this diet switched to it from a poor diet in the first place.

Eating a balanced diet of meat, fruit, and veggies (cooked or not) and absent in processed foods, and large amounts of sugar will lead to good health either way.

I'm judging the dieters I've heard that eat literally nothing but raw fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. No meat, no dairy, no cooked veggies. These are the types that I take issue with, because they are talking nonsense. A good diet is a good diet, it doesn't matter if it's cooked or not.

And I never said animals are eating cooked food. Again, I was referring to the vegheads that eat nothing but uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. They aren't gorging themselves on pounds of raw meat every day. That was my point. Animals that eat nothing but raw veggies have digestive tracts adapted to this, and also spend almost all day eating. Why? because it's difficult to get needed calories and nutrition eating nothing but raw veggies. We also don't have the jaws for such a feat. Grinding down huge quantities of raw veggies all day is going to stress out your jaw, overwork the couple molars you have and wear them down to stumps faster than a nice balanced diet.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by James1982

That isn't true overall, raw is best. But my teeth arent strong enough anymore and so I like stir fries and some blender drinks.

However, there are starches that require some cooking.

And, potatoes, wheat, and other vegetables. I read an article about plants having a built in mechanism to protect from predators. They create burrs, or thorns that hook into your system and can actually program your DNA, as their own defense system. Potatoes and wheat are high on that list. Cooking potatoes well is good. Also, with wheat, sprouting it, for breads is one of overcoming this.

Fermenting foods has huge health benefits as well.

Its complex, some things work well raw, some better cooked, or sprouting and some things are great fermented.

Now, when you use kirlian photography to measure the field of a vegetable, are you measuring how it applies to your health as a predator, or are you measuring the health of the fruit or vegetable before eaten, and while still semi alive, (its been picked already)
edit on 10-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Again I was referring to the crazy raw folks that literally eat nothing but raw veggies and fruits. Yes, you'll loose weight, because it's hard to eat enough calories to maintain weight eating only such things. But just being skinny by no means makes you healthy.

Some nutrients have a higher bioavailability when cooked. Most are unaffected by cooking (minerals, many vitamins, fats, fiber, protein, etc) a few are degraded by heat but are usually the type that are easy to get in uncooked food. Vitamin C comes to mind, who cooks a piece of fruit rich in vitamin C before eating it? Some nutrients aren't destroyed by heat, but are water soluble so will leech out when boiling, which is why steaming is better.

In general there are very few instances were cooking makes the food less nutritious, and those instances are usually the ones where the food isn't cooked anyway. Cooking does however make food easier on your jaw, teeth, and body. Fiber isn't destroyed by cooking.

I'm not suggesting absolutely everything you eat needs to be cooked. I'm saying this recent fad where people are all against cooking food is just pointless. It doesn't accomplish anything.

The main advantage of eating only raw foods is for people that can't stop stuffing their face. They can chow down on raw veggies all day along and will still loose weight because they just aren't very energy dense but have a lot of volume to make you feel full, and a lot of fiber to keep your insides moving.

The OP was basically saying that cooking food "destroys its lifeforce" and kills the food your eating. Hint: you should only be eating dead food. Eating something that's still alive is pretty pointless and has no advantage. Not to mention the extremely dubious method by which the OP has concluded cooked food is worse for you.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by nobodysavedme
reply to post by RogerT3

look stop being ignorant and believing this rubbish mumbo jumbo.

get some real physics education.

just look at the wiki article.

3/4 of it shows why this is just hokum.

just too many variables.

just like the contents of a sewer.

i can quote but why should i bother as a uncritical mind like your feasts on shadows...

That's a lot of assumptions (and rather patronizing at that
Did you get all of that from me stating that energy fields are not static (IMO and IME)?
I like wikipedia but I don't regard it is as some kind of oracle.
Energy/aura photography is a fringe subject, I don't expect there to be universal agreement at this time, regardless of the mainstream put-downs and/or your opinions.

Do you believe energy fields (in this context) do not exist or they are just not recordable on photographic media?

What level of physics education do you think one needs to have an interest in/opinion on this subject?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by James1982
reply to post by RogerT3

I'm guessing people who are getting something from this diet switched to it from a poor diet in the first place.

Guessing being the key word here

James, a simple "I've never lived as a raw food eater, so I have no personal experience to back up my opinions" will do just fine.

I'm not challenging your opinion that you feel your own body works best on cooked meat, just your desire to make your opinion global truth for the other 7 billion of us (and using bizarre analogies about animals munching grass all day to back it up!)

Going raw is NOT an easy thing to do. Eating cooked food is far more conducive to 'getting along' in most societies on the planet. Why do you think people develop this rather challenging level of discipline if it isn't creating substantial health benefits for them?
edit on 14-9-2012 by RogerT3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by James1982

Again, your post is reasonable and for the 'mechanists' here on ATS you sound quite informed.

You are missing a very important part of the equation though, which the OP is attempting to illustrate. I do appreciate you think all of that is bunkum, or hogwash or whatever derogatory term you used, so no need to restate that. Happy to read your compelling evidence though if you can direct me to it.

What you say may be true for you, but I guarantee it isn't the truth.

Again, I'm not a raw foodie. I did eat raw for about half a year, initially to repair a ruptured achilles tendon via natural healing. (3 surgeons told me without an op I would never walk again.) I was playing squash 60 days after the complete rupture, so raw gets my vote, given the right context.

Personally, if I had the discipline, I'd probably go 80% raw, but I love chocolate, coffee, boiled bananas in oats and my wife's soups, so I'm more like 80% cooked

Without wanting to derail the thread or set up a straw man, and just for the fun of it, here's a personal anecdote:
One of the most physically (and energetically) powerful humans I ever met lived on a raw food vegan diet. His circus act finale was to lie ontop of broken glass and have a truck drive over his chest. His son followed suit and replaced the truck with an elephant

You might also be interested in some of these links to raw food body builders. It's good to challenge our beliefs

Nutmeg / Storm - 30+ years all raw - photos - testimony - before and after pics - in the buff

Shannon Oliver

Dr. Tim Trader

R.C. Dini

Dr. Graham - Raw Foods Athlete

Scott Brodie

Matthew Grace

Steve Arlin - - Raw Foods - Muscle building

Robbie Hazely

ETA: some of the links are broken, I grabbed this list off a very old thread on some raw food forum, but maybe you can track down the new site urls from the links anyway
edit on 14-9-2012 by RogerT3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-9-2012 by RogerT3 because: (no reason given)

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