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Let's Revoke The Rights and Protections Awarded to Heterosexual Married Couples

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posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

Originally posted by Annee

Well - - let me get in my Viking boat and go pillage and plunder.

Maybe I can find a virgin to sacrifice.

Oh wait - - I live TODAY!

Evidently, it is your conviction that we should NOT LEARN

from all of recorded history

anything about the priority of heterosexual marriage.

Oh yes - - please enlighten me the history of homosexuals destroying heterosexual marriages.

Your paranoia is showing.

A Long Tradition Of Same Sex Marriage

As churches struggle with the issue of homosexuality, a long tradition of same sex marriage indicates that the Christian attitude toward same sex unions may not always have been as "straight" as is now suggested. A Kiev art museum contains a curious icon from St. Catherine's monastery on Mt. Sinai.

It shows two robed Christian saints. Between them is a traditional Roman pronubus (best man) overseeing what in a standard Roman icon would be the wedding of a husband and wife. In the icon, Christ is the pronubus. Only one thing is unusual. The husband and wife are in fact two men.

Gay marriage was—surprise!—alive and well in Rome, celebrated even and especially by select emperors, a spin-off of the general cultural affirmation of Roman homosexuality. Gay marriage was, along with homosexuality, something the first Christians faced as part of the pagan moral darkness of their time.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by kaylaluv

I believe that


that sexual orientation is not a choice.

That's like saying that someone who's 20% left handed has no choice about being left handed.

The best summaries of the hard, WELL DONE research suggests that the TOTAL predisposition toward homosexuality from gestational hormonal factors to whatever genetically determined predispositions--THE TOTAL IS MERELY contributes 10-20% of the variance contributing to homosexuality.

Any BELIEFS to the contrary are NOT BASED on SCIENCE,


NO, it's a fact - you do NOT choose who you are attracted to. You DO choose who you have sex with.

Interesting study on pupil dilation revealing sexual orientation. So, this study implies that a person's pupils dilate when they are aroused. You can't control your pupils anymore than you can control who you are attracted to.
I'd like to see an analysis of your pupils

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

NO, it's a fact - you do NOT choose who you are attracted to. You DO choose who you have sex with.

Yes - - science has found indicators to sexual orientation being part of the body makeup.

While they haven't pinpointed any single reason - - - they haven't pinpointed why people are born left-handed either.

Genetic Science is discovering the body DNA and Genes and Junk DNA --- are far more complex then they ever thought - - - to the point of embarrassment.

Junk DNA — Not So Useless After All

Researchers report on a new revelation about the human genome: it’s full of active, functioning DNA, and it's a lot more complex than we ever thought

It had been believed that the human genome — the underpinnings of the blueprint for the talking, empire-building, socially evolved species that we are — would be stuffed with sophisticated genes, coding for critical proteins of unparalleled complexity. But when all was said and done, and the Human Genome Project finally determined the entire sequence of our DNA in 2001, researchers found that the 3 billion base pairs that comprised our mere 21,000 genes made up a paltry 2% of the entire genome. The rest, geneticists acknowledged with unconcealed embarrassment, was an apparent biological wasteland. Read more:

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Annee

No - - it is not my belief.

There are enough indicators in scientific research to point to sexual orientation being part of early fetus development and possibly even later.

Studies indicate it comes through the mother. There's a pattern that's still being studied.

There are studies with Fruit Flies - - - where sexual attraction is changed by manipulating brain chemicals.

And there is the word of gays themselves.

Sorry again, but this is not proof.

These are all "ideas". Various "hypotheses" put forward by people who have all sorts of reasons for writing articles and getting published.

You will notice that there's no "one reason" put forward, but everyone has a different cause for homosexual behavior. It's all guesswork, and imagination. There's no real scientific work behind any of these ideas.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by GreatOwl

Originally posted by Annee

No - - it is not my belief.

There are enough indicators in scientific research to point to sexual orientation being part of early fetus development and possibly even later.

Studies indicate it comes through the mother. There's a pattern that's still being studied.

There are studies with Fruit Flies - - - where sexual attraction is changed by manipulating brain chemicals.

And there is the word of gays themselves.

Sorry again, but this is not proof.

These are all "ideas". Various "hypotheses" put forward by people who have all sorts of reasons for writing articles and getting published.

You will notice that there's no "one reason" put forward, but everyone has a different cause for homosexual behavior. It's all guesswork, and imagination. There's no real scientific work behind any of these ideas.

I've read many of the religious based de-bunkers. Nothing new.

Homosexuals know they were born. They are their own proof. They are proof.

There are science based indicators of gender attraction being part of the body make up. That is fact.


It amazes me some believe in the power of an imaginary being - - - and a man (son of god) - - - when there is zero actually proof or history of this person.

But - - choose to deny science and personal individual knowledge.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Homosexuals know they were born. They are their own proof. They are proof.

Sadly, people can be made to believe absolutely anything. Nobody knows they were born. They watch others being born and "assume" that they entered the world in a similar way. But no man or woman has a "memory" of the supposed event.

Just like the movie "Total Recall", this could very well be a virtual world, with implanted memories, and artificial histories, and nobody really "knows" anything for sure.

It's all belief and opinion.

The only thing we "know" is that men and women have "different" body parts that fit together, and produce a result 9 months later on occasion. So, looking at that design plan, we can form an idea than heterosexuals are behaving "naturally".

Everything else, takes a leap of bull to accept.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by GreatOwl

Originally posted by Annee

Homosexuals know they were born. They are their own proof. They are proof.

Sadly, people can be made to believe absolutely anything.

Obviously - - from reading your posts.

Nobody knows they were born.

Children as young as 3 - - recognize they don't fit gender stereotype. They know they are different - - they don't necessarily know why.

Its how they were born.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Children as young as 3 - - recognize they don't fit gender stereotype. They know they are different - - they don't necessarily know why.

Its how they were born.

They don't know. We tell them who they are. We dress the girls up in pink, and the boys in blue. We program them from very young to be socially female or socially male. So they learn all the cues from us, the adults. But more and more parents are neglecting their roles as parents, being too busy earning a living, and more and more leave their kids to others to look after, and various outside influences affect the children of today. They watch TV, they get ideas and impulses from many unhealthy sources, and they "pick" a role that they fancy, not knowing how the idea entered their head, whether subliminally or directly by suggestion of some deviant adult.

We don't generally accept the testimony of children on the stand in court, because they make things up, and can be influenced easily by "suggestion".

Friends and neighbors can "suggest" to a boy child that he would make a good "girl" and that alone could influence the kid to "pick" a role that someone suggested. It's like hypnosis. Some are more susceptible to suggestion than others. And the suggestions come from many directions. The parents do not know where their kids get all their ideas from, and are often shocked to hear their own children use some swear word, etc.., because parents are not around all the time. They are too busy today, to be there influencing their own kids 24/7. In the old days, there was at least one parent at home looking after the young. So, few strayed into unnatural territory.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by GreatOwl

Originally posted by Annee

Children as young as 3 - - recognize they don't fit gender stereotype. They know they are different - - they don't necessarily know why.

Its how they were born.

They don't know. We tell them who they are. We dress the girls up in pink, and the boys in blue. We program them from very young to be socially female or socially male. So they learn all the cues from us, the adults. But more and more parents are neglecting their roles as parents, being too busy earning a living, and more and more leave their kids to others to look after, and various outside influences affect the children of today. They watch TV, they get ideas and impulses from many unhealthy sources, and they "pick" a role that they fancy, not knowing how the idea entered their head, whether subliminally or directly by suggestion of some deviant adult.

We don't generally accept the testimony of children on the stand in court, because they make things up, and can be influenced easily by "suggestion".

Friends and neighbors can "suggest" to a boy child that he would make a good "girl" and that alone could influence the kid to "pick" a role that someone suggested. It's like hypnosis. Some are more susceptible to suggestion than others. And the suggestions come from many directions. The parents do not know where their kids get all their ideas from, and are often shocked to hear their own children use some swear word, etc.., because parents are not around all the time. They are too busy today, to be there influencing their own kids 24/7. In the old days, there was at least one parent at home looking after the young. So, few strayed into unnatural territory.

Sorry, but this post is BS. What about all the homosexuals who were born in the "old days", back when there was no TV, and mom stayed home? Back when boys were boys, and girls were girls -- there were still homosexuals. I know gays who were born in the fifties, with very traditional families and lots of siblings, and they knew from the time they were very little that they were just .... different. They weren't treated any differently, the difference was inside them all along.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by GreatOwl

Originally posted by Annee

Children as young as 3 - - recognize they don't fit gender stereotype. They know they are different - - they don't necessarily know why.

Its how they were born.

They don't know. We tell them who they are.

You are wrong.

There is no other way to say it.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 12:17 PM
Can same sex couples produce babies within a family line...nope.
see the rewards come from having children and helping them live a life of maturity and understanding.
All i hear from same sex choicers is whining and crying. Their psychology is one of rebellion and selfishness.
Their disease rate is higher, their break up rate is higher. Just think of the potential divorce rate among same sex marriages, you think it's bad among hetero-couples? BTW in my youth I was not a heterosexual, but life has taught me lessons. So don't think im not speaking from experience.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by truthermantwo
Can same sex couples produce babies within a family line...nope.
see the rewards come from having children and helping them live a life of maturity and understanding.
All i hear from same sex choicers is whining and crying. Their psychology is one of rebellion and selfishness.
Their disease rate is higher, their break up rate is higher. Just think of the potential divorce rate among same sex marriages, you think it's bad among hetero-couples? BTW in my youth I was not a heterosexual, but life has taught me lessons. So don't think im not speaking from experience.

Can barren heterosexual couples produce babies within a family line? Nope, so what?

Many homosexual couples raise children in a loving home and help them live a life of maturity and understanding.

All I hear from haters of gays is whining and crying that marriage is being taken away from them -- the haters are selfish, and not willing to share the term "marriage".

Hollywood's celebrity break-up rate is higher than anyone else's in the world. And yet, they can still get a marriage license whenever they want -- as many times as they want. You know why that's ok? Because it's nobody else's business.

In your youth, you were probably just experimenting. It happens with a lot of heterosexual youths. Experimenting doesn't make you a homosexual.
edit on 16-9-2012 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Annee

I've never considered EQUALITY an entitlement.

Yes you have.

don't even pretend.

Explain exactly why you think it is a part of the Federal Government's Jurisdiction to apply laws (Such as the tax code) differently to various people, based solely on their relationship status?

You think that "Equality" is only for people in a relationship.

And you refuse to fight for the "Equality" of single people.

Also, stop using the word "Right", because you don't seem to understand what it means.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia

Explain exactly why you think it is a part of the Federal Government's Jurisdiction to apply laws (Such as the tax code) differently to various people, based solely on their relationship status

That is a different subject discussion.

EQUAL is same as what exists right now.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Annee

That is a different subject discussion.

EQUAL is same as what exists right now.

Would you like to state the name of this topic?

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
reply to post by Annee

That is a different subject discussion.

EQUAL is same as what exists right now.

Would you like to state the name of this topic?

I know what the topic is about.

If gays can't have equal rights - - - revoke The Rights and Protections Awarded to Heterosexual Married Couples.

Its about EQUAL.

Feel free to go ask all the married people you know - - if they are willing to give up all the "Rights and Protections" of Legal Government marriage.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Annee

Feel free to go ask all the married people you know - - if they are willing to give up all the "Rights and Protections" of Legal Government marriage.

And convincing the religious right to grant this *PRIVILEGE* to homosexual couples is easier then?

And yes... it is a privilege, not a right.

A Privilege, I might add, that is wholly unconstitutional.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia

And convincing the religious right to grant this *PRIVILEGE* to homosexual couples is easier then?

Prop 8 arguments determined religion is not a valid reason to deny Equality to gays. That's why NOM (and other family value groups) - - - use "harm to children" as their excuse.

And yes... it is a privilege, not a right.

A Privilege, I might add, that is wholly unconstitutional.

QUESTION: Is Marriage a Civil Right?

By Tom Head

ANSWER: Recognized federal civil rights law in the United States is grounded in the U.S. Constitution as interpreted by the Supreme Court. By this standard, marriage has long been established as a civil right.

edit on 17-9-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by ErtaiNaGia

Marriage is unconstitutional?

Are you one of those kinds of guys that says that if it's not mentioned in the Constitution then it is illegal and therefore must be gotten rid of? There is a train of thought out there that goes something like the only legal things that can happen are stated in the constitution, anything else must not be allowed to happen ebcause they are illegal for not being in the constitution?

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

I believe s/he was referring to the fact that any Federal government involvement in marriage, heterosexual or homosexual, is overstepping the boundaries of the Constitution.

Theoretically, it is something that should be only dealt with on the State level, but meh, it is really one of the minor oversteps.

edit on 17-9-2012 by peck420 because: (no reason given)

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