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Just How Truly ‘Pro-Choice’ Is The Democratic Party?

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posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by wascurious

I really do not care. The claim was that they are banned. They are not. Even you admit that. You are trying to argue a completely different point.

The thread is about pro choice people really being against choice. You can read the thread, you will figure it out. The point I am making, is that by limiting my menu choices, the nanny staters are limiting my freedom.
Believe it or not.... That is on topic.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by wascurious

Oh, just rape?

Uh, yep, that's what they call it when a woman doesn't agree to sex and the man has it with her anyway.


You put it as if it is just one of those things, ya know.
BTW, I am responding as fast as I can to your incessant posting at me so please do not send any more private messages repeating your posts to me. Especially if you are all done "feeding" me.

Rape is a circumstance that can lead to pregnancy because of something biological. If you do not want an abortion, as a man, do not ejaculate into a woman. It is that simple. That is how much control over it men have. That is how open the CHOICE is for men. They can choose to not ejaculate at all, anywhere. They can do that. I cannot imagine having any more choice in the matter of starting a life than that.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy
The thread is about pro choice people really being against choice. You can read the thread, you will figure it out. The point I am making, is that by limiting my menu choices, the nanny staters are limiting my freedom.
Believe it or not.... That is on topic.

Thought you were done feeding me?
I have read the thread again to see why we ended up here. Not why you did, why we did. I would have been happy to discuss your premise of Bloomberg being a little anti-choice had you not tried to present it as a rebuttal to my fact that certain items are not banned in NYC as was claimed. That is what reading the thread gets us.
If you want to concede I am correct and then ask me how I feel about limiting the choices of what legal substances an establishment can sell or serve then I am all for that.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by neo96

i don't believe either party is truly pro-choice about anything.
pick a topic and one or the other wishes complete control.

Oh that is a priceless comment from the "stay out of my womb, but pay for my birth control" crowd.

says the representative of the "i'll dip my stick anywhere, anytime i want and you will pay for my viagra" group.

reply to post by dimmuburger

Ummm... since when do WOmen not get to choose?
everytime they've been coerced, forced or raped.
ummmm, which women eject their eggs for pleasure ??

Pretty sure that is all his AND HER choice
i'm pretty sure, in the above instances, you'd be wrong.

reply to post by wascurious

And men have the ultimate choice whether or not to impregnate anyone to begin with. That gives them the real ultimate power.
B I N G O ... women don't get pregnant, naturally, without a man's participation.
soooo, those men who abuse their power and produce unwanted pregnancies should lose their power (castration)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by DarkKnight76

So a question to you. What is it when someone tells me what to do with my paycheck and makes me pay for Sandra Flukes contraception? What is it when govt confiscates my paycheck and forces my taxes to pay for someone else's abortion I had nothing to do with? Don't bother telling me it aint so. That is not choice. that is the Nanny State which is big govt and tyranny. It is authoritarian. It confiscates my hard earned paycheck and tells me what to do with it.
edit on 6-9-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:18 PM
both parties are the same in the end...

either way we the people are screwed...

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:24 PM
The Democrats needed to stop at allowing abortions in general. Instead they are pushing for free contraception and taxpayer funding of abortions.
This is part of their approach to more and more socialism. It is also a very diabolical agenda of de-population sugar coated with ideals of feminist concern for women's issues.
It's so disgusting and I hope it finally gets exposed for the diabolical plot it really is.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by wascurious

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by DarkKnight76

Your point? At least Democrats don't run around screaming about keeping the government out of your life, but then say it's ok to intrude into your bedroom or uterus like the republicans do.

Oh that is a priceless comment from the "stay out of my womb, but pay for my birth control" crowd.

Who is asking you to pay for their birth control?
I think you are seriously deluded.

That was the whole premise with Sandra Fluke. She said she cannot afford her birth control pills and she wanted it covered by the insurance. That is the crux of the whole thing. The Democrats made it out that Republicans are against contraception, and the fact is that she wanted free contraception and now she is pushing it for all womankind.
As for federally funded abortions,Planned Parenthood gets federal funding for its operation, which involves both contraceptives and abortions. How ironic that a republican by the name of Nixon enabled it.

Planned Parenthood has received federal funding since 1970, when President Richard Nixon signed into law the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act, amending the Public Health Service Act. Title X of that law provides funding for family planning services, including contraception and family planning information. The law enjoyed bipartisan support from liberals who saw contraception access as increasing families' control over their lives, and conservatives who saw it as a way to keep people off welfare. Nixon described Title X funding as based on the premise that "no American woman should be denied access to family planning assistance because of her economic condition."[42]

Planned Parenthood receives about a third of its money in government grants and contracts (about $360 million in 2009).[44] By law, federal funding cannot be allocated for abortions,[45] but some opponents of abortion have argued that allocating money to Planned Parenthood for the provision of other medical services "frees up" funds to be re-allocated for abortion.[3][46]
So what is going on here is that the Democrats made abortion and contraception a central theme for their convention by inviting Naral, Planned Parenthood, and Sandra Fluke to speak. ALso the Democrats have been very vocal about allowing for the federal funding of abortions directly. Planned Parenthood gets away with it because they can hide it among the other services it provides.

edit on 6-9-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-9-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

oh come on, what does Nixon or Planned Parenthood have to do with Obamacare or the fact that both parties voted for it ??

have you forgotten, Obamacare provides the pathway for abortions to minors without parental consent and you're obsessing over tax dollars in this conversation ??

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by wascurious
reply to post by dimmuburger

Ummm... since when do men not get to choose?
Who decides to whip his dick out and put it places?
Pretty sure that is all his choice.

Have any men that have been raped and forced to be a father?

Actually it has probably happened a lot more than you think.

The old farce that men can not be raped is BS. An erection is a physical reaction to outside stimuli. What, you think girls have never taken advantage of a drunk guy? Or drugged a man? The reason you don't hear about these cases very often is because men are brainwashed from childhood to "be a man" and not admit their feelings, and not to appear weak. Being raped by a woman is seen as a weakness.

Women on the other hand have been brainwashed since childhood that they can do no wrong. Get drunk and sleep with a guy (just as drunk as you) and regret it in the morning? It's OK! Just say he raped you! You'll get sympathy from everyone, and the unfortunate guy who just thought it was an innocent hook up, will go to jail and be branded a sex offender for the rest of his life! Win win for you!

But of course, men are the only ones who can force sex on an other person because they are mindless penises who only want to stick it in something.

Meanwhile women are innocent little princess being raped left and right in the streets by these animals.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by Honor93

If were just to allow easier access for the Morning After Pill...we would not be having so great of an issue on Abortion. I personally do not like the idea of allowing a fetus to become Sentient...and after this stage...abort that Fetus.

I am not Female thus I feel it is not my body and not my business...and I believe that Abortion must remain Legal...but there is also COMMON SENSE! If a young girl gets pregnant and it is an unwanted pregnancy...her ability to easily get a Morning After Pill should not come with so many constraints.

The question of what and when is a clump of cells or a Fetus SENTIENT...SHOULD BE THE GUIDE upon what is right and wrong. I have heard some Pro-Life people proclaim...LIFE STARTS AT CONCEPTION! Well...this is how ignorant that statement is...a Sperm and Egg Cell are already ALIVE and each are an INDEPENDENT LIFE FORM. That does not mean they are SENTIENT AND NEITHER IS AN EGG THAT HAS BEEN PENETRATED BY A SPERM CELL!

A Clump of Cells growing is not sentient either. Sure they are alive but so is Bacteria and a host of other things such as Fungus and Mold! But when someone carries a Fetus to the point where there is significant brain my opinion...if you didn't want the child...why carry it that close to term?

I believe in many cases the pressure of some Pro-Life People are causing damage to their own cause.
Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

If were just to allow easier access for the Morning After Pill...we would not be having so great of an issue on Abortion.
i can agree with this but i'm not the one making that decision either.

I personally do not like the idea of allowing a fetus to become Sentient...and after this stage...abort that Fetus.
i can respect your opinion so long as you can accept that regardless the fancy names,
a parasite is a parasite and nothing but a parasite until it exists beyond its host.

i have a serious problem with legislating or attempting to legislate morality (right or wrong).
what is wrong for me may be right for my neighbor.

look, this thread isn't even about when abortions are performed.
even with the MA pill, it's still an abortion, which this congresscritter deems worthy lifelong incarceration ... isn't that just absurd ?

I believe in many cases the pressure of some Pro-Life People are causing damage to their own cause.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Honor93

Like I said...not my body...not my choice. I am Pro-Choice but I still feel that pressures brought on by Pro-Life groups is causing young women or girls to carry an unwanted pregnancy for too long. It should be dealt with as soon as possible. In this day and age...there are many drugs and methods available to terminate or prevent the Fertilized Egg from implanting itself into the wall.

I am an Alpha Male of a very High Order and I was dropping off canned goods to a local Survival Center. Then I found out that this Center was almost Forcing People in need who come to receive a box of jump on a Bus that drove them to a Planned Parenthood Clinic 50 miles away to protest. The Center even provided the signs.

As I run several Charities in my area...I went down to the center to confront them over this practice. The Charities I run put no conditions upon a person and I wanted to tell them of my anger. I am a well Trained in various physical and mental skills person and I was talking to them in a non-violent tone only to be confronted by a few pasty skinned and out of shape men who started yelling.

I was stunned to observe the majority of men there were in their late 40's to 50's and started speaking of young women who have abortions as abominations bound for Hell and that I should LEAVE RIGHT NOW! I also noted that the women there were grossly over weight and had the same attitude. In fact after looking over the group at the Center as a whole...these being the people running it....there was not one attractive member in the bunch. Now this is just an observation.

I stood my ground and did not shout back. I attempted to state my case that it was not right to place conditions...whether mandatory or not...upon people in need just so they could protest in numbers...they all attempted to drown me out. I play, tour and sing in a signed Band and I can project my voice to a Great extent. I shouted...KNOCK IT OFF! They all took a step back. I told them that what they were doing would be told to the Attorney Generals Office as i knew they were too Backwater to have properly registered as a Non-Profit Org. Plus I let them know that what they were doing if anyone was questioned who received food said they were told to get the food they must go protest...they would be shut down and Criminal Charges would be pressed.

They Moved out of Town after that and I had the Businesses in town set up another Food Bank. I also found out that most of them were not from around the area and had traveled to be there. Go Figure! Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

sorry, i had toooo

good for you chasing them out of town

still chuckling though, as your 'observation' brought immediate flashbacks of the protest lines i had to cross to obtain an abortion in the 80s

coercion comes in all forms, it's not always about the money.
as a side note, you've got me wondering how many of them were Democrats ?

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by wascurious

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by DarkKnight76

Your point? At least Democrats don't run around screaming about keeping the government out of your life, but then say it's ok to intrude into your bedroom or uterus like the republicans do.

Oh that is a priceless comment from the "stay out of my womb, but pay for my birth control" crowd.

Who is asking you to pay for their birth control?
I think you are seriously deluded.

That was the whole premise with Sandra Fluke. She said she cannot afford her birth control pills and she wanted it covered by the insurance.

The insurance she pays for?
So not Neo at all?

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by DarkKnight76
reply to post by PvtHudson

The funny thing about you, people (and I use that term loosely), is that you are more concerned about what's going up a person's rear end, then you are about the person...,

It's because, generally, that is where their heads are.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by DarkKnight76
reply to post by PvtHudson

Your point? At least Democrats don't run around screaming about keeping the government out of your life, but then say it's ok to intrude into your bedroom or uterus like the republicans do.

And... this has nothing to do with anything. Both parties take turns coming into office and taking away more of our rights.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by DarkKnight76

You were once a clump of cells, now you're a fully formed person.

Since you escaped the hangman's noose are now gung ho to push an Agenda that would doom others to never existing at all.

What's not to get?

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

That was the whole premise with Sandra Fluke. She said she cannot afford her birth control pills and she wanted it covered by the insurance. That is the crux of the whole thing. The Democrats made it out that Republicans are against contraception, and the fact is that she wanted free contraception and now she is pushing it for all womankind.

That is not the whole premise with Sandra Fluke. She never asked any of you to pay for her birth control. She did not ask me to do it either. She wants her insurance that she pays for to do it. None of that comes out of your pocket.

How stupid did Fluke make you people?

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by wascurious

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

That was the whole premise with Sandra Fluke. She said she cannot afford her birth control pills and she wanted it covered by the insurance. That is the crux of the whole thing. The Democrats made it out that Republicans are against contraception, and the fact is that she wanted free contraception and now she is pushing it for all womankind.

That is not the whole premise with Sandra Fluke. She never asked any of you to pay for her birth control. She did not ask me to do it either. She wants her insurance that she pays for to do it. None of that comes out of your pocket.

How stupid did Fluke make you people?
apparently, you bought it hook, line and sinker because SF isn't the only one who pays for her employer provided insurance.

and, since the employer covers a portion of the costs, you, me and the next guy, pays - whether she specifically asks us to or not.

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