Originally posted by CatAsTrophy
I'm not saying he was not cooperating with them, especially international corporations, as he needed minerals but it's clear there was some falling
out at some point. I think Anglosphere felt threatened with German rise to power.
Well yes, factions therein anyway, but others, such as Claude Dansey of Section D of SIS were also making a nice profit selling Hitler those much
needed minerals, and was equally put out when he gots his wrists slapped for doing so, and that trade went to the US instead. The empirical ambitions
of Germany were thwarted in the first war, that was the primary purpose of declaring war against them, but the second world war served the dual
purpose of redistributing wealth to Anglo-American interests and destroying any chance of a single-centralised power in Europe, be it German, or
Originally posted by CatAsTrophy
At that point the German government thwarted the international banking cartels by issuing its own money. World Jewry responded by declaring a global
boycott against Germany. Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public
buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All these were paid for with money that no
longer came from the private international bankers.
This is largely incorrect. For starters, the Schroder banking house was the offcial banker of the SS and he very early on had usurped any influence
that the party banker Hjalmar Schacht had had, despite the latters hard work at accruing enough gold to launch the new currency. The resources for the
redesign of Germany, and the public works that ensued by offering favourable terms to overseas corporations. Oil, from the Texas Oil Company, for
example, was obtained in exchange for tankers. Similar deals were cut with ITT, Standard Oil, General Motors, etc. Ford and General Motors both
invested in factories in Germany. Goering sent a special envoy to the US who entertained investors at the Waldorf Astoria. So while Hitler was able
to, by the instigation of civil building projects, create zero unemployment, he did so because of the influx of US dollars that not only boosted the
economy, but more importantly, enabled him to purchase raw materials from countries such as Sweden, who equally, invested heavily in Germany. The
Wallenberg banking family of Sweden were in fact, next to the Warburgs and Rockefellers, the major beneficiaries of the second world war and were able
to ensure that their investments were syphoned out of Germany prior to the end of the war.
Originally posted by CatAsTrophy
Stalin on the other hand was a bolshevik revolutionary and bolsheviks were sponsored from New York.
Unless you can expand upon your opinion I will have to disagree. At the very least you seem to have a number of events confused. The funding from
New York, or rather via the New York banking house of Kuhn and Loeb, had been much earlier, and in support of Alexander Kerensky in the final years of
the first war. The British government had channelled vast sums to Kerensky's socialist government because of his promise to stay in the war. Kuhn
and Loeb were utilised for this purpose because Sir William Wiseman, the SIS's man in New York, was also a partner in that firm, and also because
Jacob Schiff the head of Kuhn and Loeb was eager to prevent a repeat of the Jewish pogroms. Lenin, the Bolshevik, was though aided by Germany,
because he promised to take Russia out of the war. Which is why so many attempts were made on Lenin's life by the British, however, they perhaps
should have considered that 'better the devil you know', because Stalin, paranoid (and rightfully so) as he was, was totally unreachable by any
financial manipulation, and subterfuge and extreme methods of reverse psychology had to be utilised in order to get him to even act in Russia's best
interest. He was, the proverbial, loose cannon. And certainly, after the Bolsheviks gained power, Schiff refused to allow any funds to flow into
Russia. Like most capitalists, he considered the Bolsheviks to be the greatest threat to his position and saw their destruction as essential.
Although Schiff, as a Jew, did not invest in Germany, many others did so because the Nazis were seen as the means by which Bolshevism, and all that it
implied, could be crushed.
Originally posted by CatAsTrophy
You will find confirmation of all of this if you look for it.
No doubt via Google, however, any sources that do confirm 'all of this' as you put it, will unlikely hold up to any close scrutiny or verification.
I suggest that you try digging a little deeper