Originally posted by SpeachM1litant
I pose a legitimate open ended question for people of all perspectives to anwer. What are the causes of terrorism? and why do terrorists pursue such
This may relate to Islamic terrorism, terrorism in the middle east, international terrorism or any form of assymetrical warfare. The only reason I
post it in this forum is because Salafist Islamic terrorism seems to be the most predominant and it continually dominates the headlines. Perhaps a
discussion of the causes could lead to some creative and effective resolutions to terrorism. Fire away
What causes Terrorism?
Very good question.
Well, I think it comes down to this:
There is this thing called money.
Since they invented it there are those that collected the majority of it.
Money used to be backed by gold. This actually made things fair since most countries could mine for gold on their own and create wealth.
Then the gold was exchanged for invisible marks coming out of a centralized world bank.
Now, if you are a country that still has a private bank backed by gold, then you can't be "bought" or "had" or tricked into joining the world
bank or "owned".
So, since all of the "real" wars have been fought and all we have left is this corporate war in a global corporate battle field where acquiring
wealth through partnership can be accomplished easily with regime change.
Here's where the terrorist come in.
See, you can't have America attacking China or Russia and you can't have Russia or China attacking America or each other out in the open. Wars are
a thing of the past, everything is too transparent now for that to really happen without diplomacy.
Sure we can invade countries like Iraq or Afghanistan, but full on war like it used to be between two powerful and great countries, those days are
So we create terrorists that "seem" to operate from some fringe of a certain culture but in actuality are aligned and funded by greater powers, ie
Basically, If you are a country that still privately funds and backs your own bank then you are the next target to world domination and you can expect
insurgents to uprise and cause a regime change.
Let's see, there are not that many countries left that have not joined the world bank and still have their own money backed by their own gold. Here
are a few:
North Korea
others? Syria?
Well, look what just happened to Libya, their gold is now gone and their bank is now over thanks to our "friends" in the Muslim Brotherhood. We can
work with these guys see, no problem.
Terrorism is caused by the need to fight but not be seen fighting.