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The Illusion of Choice and Truth

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posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

So what's your proposed solution? Any ideas?
edit on 3-9-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

That's a tough question, although I've laid out some ideas in this thread...

I say we turn it around on them! Start getting enough people to organize and propose changing the laws around how Congress gets paid, what kind of medical care they get (should be the same as us), take away all of their "special" privileges, and make them more accountable by creating easier methods of impeaching them. This can all be done with signed petitions along with public awareness. Of course, the catch... it WILL take money to pull it off.

The kicker... is once the public starts to see Congress vote those kinds of measures down, they'll start to realize how corrupt and entitled they are, and how they care more about lining their pockets than the People. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, and Congress and public officials are no exceptions. They should be treated like anyone else, and as public servants. It started to surface with the medical laws changing for us, but NOT for THEM, which angered millions of Americans and will likely have a direct impact on this election. We need men of virtue, with demonstrated backgrounds showing their interest in helping people.

The next thing to do would be to petition putting the power to coin money back into the hands of the people by keeping the Federal Reserve as a bank of all banks, but only giving them the money that our government prints instead of giving them the power to print it.

Both of these things would be a good start. From there, the currently corrupt system would start to fall apart, as the banks would lose their power to influence matters once they no longer have an inexhaustible supply of money that they can control through the Fed. This would also change how laws are created to protect corporations instead of people, and eventually, the tides will turn back in the favor of the people.

If someone really wanted to, they could even create a show like American Idol or The Voice, except call it "The Man", and spend several months vetting people publicly on the same stage that is used to manipulate us today.

This is what I mean by use their tools against them. It can be done, and maybe I'm not the person to figure out how, but it has to happen.

I'd love to hear other members suggestions, and not just philosophical ideas, but real tangible ideas based on using the current system and all of its loopholes. After all, these elite masters of illusion are in fact just men (and women) and are not above anyone else in that regard, so there has to be people smarter that can find ways to turn the tide.


I'm afraid that no grassroots efforts to rise up and eliminate the Federal Reserve, or reform Congress, or fix corruption will be able to achieve much of anything. There would be a news blackout first of all, or if it got even close to being noticed, there would be a lot of 'news' disinformation.

Second, the response to this from well insulated members of Congress will be to just say no. Elect someone else? We are back to the problem of no good choices because the next guy will be a puppet of the powers in charge as well. Same game - different face.

If 90% of the polled population wants to have GMO foods labeled and cannot accomplish even this small thing despite massive efforts, then I don't hold much hope for bigger changes. The foxes are firmly in control now of the henhouse.

But giving too much attention to things that are corrupt and beyond broken is not going to fix anything. I believe all anyone can do now is to turn away from the madness of politics and look for ways to make positive changes locally. It becomes about the realization that the beast is dying. We need to ask how we can thrive and prosper happily after it's gone. I think we can.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by JustSlowlyBackAway

You're discounting the one thing that we still have to inform the people that they don't fully control...yet...

And that's the Internet. With it, the awareness level is rising at an unprecedented rate. It's the one tool we have to spread information, and can get people to organize around a cause that it outside of the "main" media. It can't be blacked out, because that would only fuel the flames, not put them out. People turn to the Internet for information, not the news. The Ron Paul campaign was a perfect example, that even though the media blacked him out, people realized for themselves that it was happening and followed him through his website and other news sources, and his following GREW. This is just one example. All it takes is for something to go viral, and there are known ways to make that happen.

The machine can only win for so long.

In advanced math, there is a concept known as coherence. You've probably heard the saying "from chaos comes order", and I believe that what we are watching is the increase of chaos, as we are continually being divided... but eventually, there will be coherence where everything, and almost everyone, will suddenly realize the same thing, and when that happens, the illusion will crumble. More and more people are realizing every day what's happening. You hear the word "revolution" uttered openly more now than I've ever heard in my lifetime.

Call me a dreamer or an idealist, but I believe it's inevitable.


posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne revolution...maybe you can go into some detail of what a different government you would set up, to adaquately govern over 300 million people of all classes, ethnicities, religions, geographical locations, ages,
that would be better than what we have today?

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne revolution...maybe you can go into some detail of what a different government you would set up, to adaquately govern over 300 million people of all classes, ethnicities, religions, geographical locations, ages,
that would be better than what we have today?

Your condescension is not well-received.

First of all, I never said we must start a revolution, only that it's the natural progression of what people do when they realize that they are being ruled and have the choice not to be.

And I'm not saying our current system of government isn't adequate either, but it does need some changes. At one point, our government was perfectly fine, but it became corrupt. For you to deny that would be ridiculous.

The classes, ethnicities, religions, geography, ages, etc... have not changed, only the numbers have.

The Constitution wasn't written by idiots like we have today, these were men who weren't distracted by television, media, electronics, the internet or anything the likes we have today, and devoted almost all of their time to THINKING about the same types of problems we have today, such as greed, fiscal management, the rule of law, religion, philosophy and most importantly, the people. Granted, it was a smaller place back then, but they had gone through their fair share of the same problems in England before coming here. What they came up with for our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence was deliberated and contested over and over again before being settled on. You have to give them the credit they earned. It worked just fine for everyone until the banks came along and crept into every facet of our everyday lives. There is plenty of history to show where and when the influence began, and it climaxed with the conglomeration of power by the banks and the taking over of the money supply with the Federal Reserve. If you haven't already, you should take the time to read the book "The Creature From Jekyll Island" if you want to know the real history of how it all began.

That's why if you read my previous posts, I suggest we put the printing of money back into the hands of Congress, because the people govern Congress and not the Fed, who has it's board members appointed for FOURTEEN years. Once it's governed by Congress, that means the people have a say on WHO it is that deals with our money, which they can't do currently. Once they have the power to print money, and we have the power to throw people out of office if they don't handle it correctly, the machine will start to break down.

The next step is to get petitions signed by millions of people that remove the insane privileges they have granted themselves WITHOUT ever being questioned, and knock them back to being public servants. Remove the influence of money from politics by making lobbying illegal. Now you've stripped corporate power from influencing law in Washington and laws can be written to protect people again, instead of corporations and the rich.

It's a start... and I don't claim to have all of the answers, or even the right ones, but I do know that the above mentioned things are major problems that need to be solved first. Everything else in our government can probably be left to its own demise once those things are changed because the agencies that exist only to spend money won't have that ability if the People have a say in it.

But what do I know....


posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

I'm the one advocating revolution, because the current system is clearly not up to par. Be condescending with me, please. Come on, get it out of your system.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by rwfresh

But what if it should matter?

This world is a perfect example of people who give no thought to things that, in actuality, could use quite a bit of thought. After all, "It doesn't matter." And see where that's gotten us.

What if it should matter? How do you go about understanding the meaning in yourself if you put so much power in what matters outside of yourself?

You cannot change people, you inspire them. And you don't inspire them by telling them to care about things they don't believe matter. You show them how and why they matter by expressing the meaning and substance with the relationship of those things in yourself. Hope that makes sense.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

The truth is "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free"~J.W.Goethe.
This saying could not be more true at a time when so many Americans are totally oblivious to the truth!
At a time where america should be uniting to oust these crooks running our country and robbing it blind we
worry about nonsense! America has a rude awakening coming this november and on when the next president gets into office! This will be, IMHO when the true full frontal assult will be waged on the bottom 80% of Americans!

I hope i'm wrong but By next year it will already be too late to unite against this plutocracy that controls every aspect of power! Goodluck and Godbless!

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne
reply to post by JustSlowlyBackAway

The machine can only win for so long.

In advanced math, there is a concept known as coherence. You've probably heard the saying "from chaos comes order", and I believe that what we are watching is the increase of chaos, as we are continually being divided... but eventually, there will be coherence where everything, and almost everyone, will suddenly realize the same thing, and when that happens, the illusion will crumble. More and more people are realizing every day what's happening. You hear the word "revolution" uttered openly more now than I've ever heard in my lifetime.

Call me a dreamer or an idealist, but I believe it's inevitable.


I really hope you're right.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

george carlin knows its all a illusion

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 10:22 AM
I think its time to put this thread back at the forefront.

I am so sick of seeing or hearing Killary and Trumptard.

It's such a joke and I'm not laughing!

Years later people in America still think they are free and have a vote!!!! I can't believe how naive and brain washed people still are.

When will we wake the hell up?

I believe it all starts within. We have to first admit what we know and be what we want to see.

Instead of rallying and coming together regarding black lives matter, cops lives matter, black dogs matter and so on we really need to come together and rally " HUMAN LIVES MATTER and we want all of you to get the F out. "

We need a leader who will admit the wrong doings and correct it ... ya know... someone who is actually chosen BY THE PEOPLE and not the corporate elite who most definitely picked and chose our new president years ago.

The media and politics... tv... need to be on fire and forgot about,.People need to put down their computer and take to the streets and usher in a new president WE CHOOSE!

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 12:05 PM
We may not have a choice of what to do physically, because we live in eternity which perpetuates itself because it thinks it can, and therefore should. BUT we DO have choice over our minds. Now,before someone says 'do you choose your thoughts) no but what I can choose is to say 'I have no control' and from this begin to give up everything I don't need! which is everything in infinity! When we reach Zero after giving up infinity, Zero willmerge with us and give us infnity, which will make these cancel out to bring the Truth: objective 'nothingness' the only thing that is aware of its nonawareness.

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 12:55 PM
'Who is Worthy' One who wants not respect or power over anybody or anything but himself. One who is, not perfect, but openly honest about those imperfections, and who delves within his Self to tackle these problems... One who, upon discovering a great treasure, says to his fellows 'look what was given to us!' One who is a protector of the downtrodden, and the weary, of the innocent, who would give any man the shirt off his back... the man who says 'all that we have comes not from us, so why not treat it like the gift it is, and honor the Giver?"

Just One's subjective opinion. a reply to: MamaJ

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