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The Illusion of Choice and Truth

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posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:08 AM
To follow up on what our options are... (and I apologize for the long post, but I do have a lot to say)

The illusion of choice started with money. Money is the instrument used to force you to have to make a choice every day. They have found our weakness, which is our survival. Find a weakness and exploit it, and our weakness is our instinct of self-preservation and survival.

We HAVE to go to work every day to be "given" what we need so that we believe we then have a choice on how to use that money to survive. It's either go to work, or starve, freeze, be homeless, etc. (Hobson's Choice). The money just goes back full circle right into the same hands that gave it to us to begin with, thus the illusion that we have chosen anything for ourselves, when at the end of the day, the banks get back every penny that they give.

When this country was founded, it was done so with the understanding that members of Congress were chosen on virtue. People lived in towns, and chose the "best of the best" of the people in their towns to represent them in Washington, feeling comfortable that those people would best represent them. With Congress having the power to coin money, this almost guaranteed that if those who printed the money abused this power, they would be thrown out and new people selected. This prevented fiscal abuse because we could always rout out the greedy politicians as long as there were enough virtuous ones. It didn't take long for banks to come in to the picture and start using money as an instrument to influence the people to choose less virtuous men to represent them. All levels of government quickly became corrupted.

Where we really went wrong is when we gave the power to coin money to those who could NOT be governed. By taking away the fiscal responsibility from Congress, whom which we governed through elections and could therefore monitor and change when needed, and giving that power to a private central bank (the Federal Reserve), we effectively gave up the ability to choose how our money was printed and spent. This is where the sleight of hand occurred by the banks and the illusion really began here in this country. Before that, you didn't require money to survive. Land was given to people. A farmer could barter and live happily, as could most Americans. Money was meant to simplify carrying around gold and silver, not to enslave those who didn't have it and needed it. We now have no ability to control how money is regulated.

It didn't take long for the banks to force businesses to do their bidding. By banks working together, they could force businesses to do anything they wanted by dangling the carrot over their heads with promises of grandeur as long as they followed "their" rules. This is still the case today. Businesses today can't survive without credit, without loans to expand, etc. The banks use business, corporations and commerce as the proverbial slave boats of 200+ years ago. The corporations use this power, along with the banks, to manipulate the people into intentional and willing slavery. They use the illusion to keep people believing that we have a choice in who we elect, how our money is spent, how we deal with other nations, etc.

We don't choose who we elect... the choices are chosen for us, and we have to pick from them. (Morton's Fork) We don't get to find the "best of the best" anymore and promote them into positions of power, we get who "they" choose to serve their interests and can win a popularity contest. Left, Right, an illusion. Burger King, McDonalds, an illusion. Nike, Reebok, and illusion. Chase Bank, Bank of America, an illusion. It all leads back to the same group of people, a small group of families that control everything we know today.

So how do we think outside of the box? We do have a choice. We, the people, need to take back control of the instrument used to enslave us. Put the power to coin money back in the hands of Congress, where it can be governed accordingly, and take it away from the private banks, which can not.

Return our elected officials to being public servants, with no benefit other than serving the people. No endless pensions, no medical perks, no high paying salaries, but just as the Constitution states - public servants to you and I, the people of this country. We would quickly identify those who really want to help the People, and not the illusionists, and therefore be the masters of our own fate.

There really is no other way. While I don't advocate revolution lightly, we MUST find a way. We have to use their tools against them, and take back what is rightfully ours, and has been stolen away from us.


edit on 2-9-2012 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:20 AM
Pictures do tell stories....




edit on 2-9-2012 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Very interesting post Tarzan... I enjoyed it.

To your point, yes, we both can implant an idea into the thoughts of people, as you have demonstrated.

However... also to your point, people FEEL something is not right in the world, and they are starting to realize that truth is perception, and our perception is being altered by the illusion. Most people also feel like something needs to be done, they just don't know what or how.

We are almost 7 billion strong against MAYBE a few thousand, or even a hundred thousand.

Whose odds are better? Do we really believe we can't win? That we are that enslaved?

I don't... and I believe we are about to find out.


posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by JustSlowlyBackAway
How does the common man, for instance, stop a war? End hunger? End homelessness? Poverty? Greed and waste? We don't because those avenues are blocked by powers we have absolutely no control over.

The vote is meaningless because the choices are already limited to people who play the game the way they are told. No matter who is elected, nothing will change. It's all a farce.

And we are sort of stuck like the sheep, either eating what *%$ is being fed us, or giving ourselves up for the slaughter when we make too much fuss.

Strength in numbers my friend. Vigilance and courage in the face of fear.

Look at history as an example. Any time people have realized the power they hold, the masters run and hide. An organized group of people in large enough numbers, with courage in their hearts, can overcome the seemingly impossible.

People have overthrown rulers, monarchies, tyrants, dictators and governments repeatedly for centuries. This is not any different today, we just choose not to because they have learned from their mistakes and found new ways to keep us complacent. But have they learned enough?

The choice for us today is whether or not we choose to make the change peacefully, or violently. We all know what happens when you push a man too far, so what happens when you push a few hundred million too far? Or a few billion?

The only thing missing is the spark. What it will be, I don't think anyone knows, but all it will take is a spark to set the whole world on fire. People all over the world are tired of being ruled, tired of being poor, tired of starving, tired of oppression. You can hear it, and see it just about anywhere you go. The word "revolution" is spoken more these days than has been in a long time.

Who's got the matches?

edit on 2-9-2012 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2012 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by eleven44

I have personally witnessed everything everyone is saying on this thread. I came to this conclusion that being in the middle is the best option, this way to can clearly see how both positive & negative work ( the highest point of the pyramid ). choosing a pos or neg always result in contradicting results, therefore being selfish isnt that bad or good just consider being considerate & helpful to others.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Awakened2012

You cannot thrive without taking. Likewise, you cannot survive without giving. Just as with the karmic cycle, just as with the orbits of the planets, just as with a marriage or the motion of the tides, there is an ebb and a flow, a giving and a taking, positive and negative.

There is no good and evil. Only progress and destruction. And that all depends on how we look at it. Nothing was meant to last forever; everything changes. Why? Because change brings knowledge, and knowledge brings improvement.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:10 PM
That's why the liberal media doesn't cover the RNC's blatant corruption or disregard for democracy last week.
That's why the GOP doesn't pursue Obama and Eric Holder's Fast & Furious operation that left thousands dead.

Both of those would be knockout punches to the opposing parties...but they don't want a knockout punch. They just want political theater, like wrestling.
How can a 2-party system remain so equally balanced (in power) for so long? It's pretty clear it's a rigged system that has been manufactured to offer the illusion of choice.
edit on 2-9-2012 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:15 PM
I have made this argument to many for years, and Even to Myself, trying to learn how to protect ''my buttons'' least they be pushed by the wrong type of people. It is a difficult situation, because so many not only feel helpless in this regard, but also, now wonder weather there is any real choice in life at all.

There is a great book, called the THE USER ILLUSION that shows our choices are really made in advance of us being conscious of making the choice,,
now that is something to ponder.

The Simulation theory sounds more true the more I discover

we are BITS of Information being played out in some Cosmic SIMULATION PROGRAM Joke.

I find it is less and less funny the older I get (as my program allows)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 02:49 PM
The actual truth is that no one cares.

It doesn't matter in the least bit how many threads are made on the subject, how many times its proven, how many different ways you can see it, hear it, feel it, or understand it.

People will read this thread (maybe) and go "WOW, he's right, this is so true, exactly what I've been trying to explain", then go back to their controlled lives just like I'm about to.

I've said this countless times in my head, but never anywhere else. Here it is : There is absolutely nothing we can do (and I may be going a little off topic here) at this point to make a 180. Its over. The food is controlled, the money is controlled, the opinions of people are constructed and controlled. Next up is the world. There is no stopping whoever is behind that curtain.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne

Originally posted by JustSlowlyBackAway
How does the common man, for instance, stop a war? End hunger? End homelessness? Poverty? Greed and waste? We don't because those avenues are blocked by powers we have absolutely no control over.

The vote is meaningless because the choices are already limited to people who play the game the way they are told. No matter who is elected, nothing will change. It's all a farce.

And we are sort of stuck like the sheep, either eating what *%$ is being fed us, or giving ourselves up for the slaughter when we make too much fuss.

Strength in numbers my friend. Vigilance and courage in the face of fear.

Look at history as an example. Any time people have realized the power they hold, the masters run and hide.

Thats the problem. Nobody cares. Nobody notices or understands what is happening right in front of their faces.
Strength in numbers doesn't mean anything at all if people are figuratively blind. I agree with you 100%, but thats where the problem lies.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Vandettas

Thus the need for a spark of some kind.
I don't totally disagree with you, but object to some of your points...

I don't know what that spark will be. Perhaps a riot that grows out of control? Or a child being shot by police in his home instead of a dog? Or a person setting themselves on fire in the middle of a crowded shopping center? When the government takes our last remaining rights away?

Outside of America, people have fewer "distractions", so they take notice to things in a different way than we do. We look at them and say "glad that's not me" in all of our selfish glory... until it's us.

Again, I say look at history. When people's choices are stripped away, when they feel they have nothing to lose anymore, uprisings and revolutions happen. There are only around 140 million working people in this country, and over 20+ million people are NOT working. What do they have to lose? That's 20+ million that could organize next week and march on Washington. Then what happens? Do the rest just sit back and watch? Do they wait to see if the "boot to the neck" happens? And if so, for how long will they watch their friends, or families be treated like dogs?

Wars and revolutions have started from far less. Our war is going to be the same as all were in the past... those who are abused by power against the abusers.


posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Vandettas
The actual truth is that no one cares.

It doesn't matter in the least bit how many threads are made on the subject, how many times its proven, how many different ways you can see it, hear it, feel it, or understand it.

People will read this thread (maybe) and go "WOW, he's right, this is so true, exactly what I've been trying to explain", then go back to their controlled lives just like I'm about to.

I've said this countless times in my head, but never anywhere else. Here it is : There is absolutely nothing we can do (and I may be going a little off topic here) at this point to make a 180. Its over. The food is controlled, the money is controlled, the opinions of people are constructed and controlled. Next up is the world. There is no stopping whoever is behind that curtain.

The first step, is take down the curtain. Expose those behind it for the cowards they are and bring them into the spotlight.

We are taking back control of the food supply with going back to organics. Many people are growing their own food in their yards. People are getting their news from different sources, rather than the same one every day, and realizing that the information they get is contrived. There are people like Ron Paul, while a politician, he is doing his part to expose the Fed.

At times, I almost wish a solar flare would hit the earth with an EMP and wipe out everything technological we have, and bump us back about a hundred years. Perhaps that will force people to start paying attention to the issues more and not be distracted all the time.

Maybe you're right, and we can't stop it, but nobody can stop nature, and if we're too far gone, it's likely we'll "get" corrected.


posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:39 PM
Good post OP.

I have noted over the years humanity's tendency to choose sides. This is very fundamental as it has a connection to the idea of polar opposites or duality. All the while master manipulators use false dichotomies to force a false choice on the uninformed.

For example I've often compared the democrat vs. republican presidential "election" process as a choice between the gas chamber or electric chair. We aren't even given the option to choose another candidate in a meaningful way which could produce results.

False dichotomies are imposed upon us all the time. I see people do it here on this very forum. I see commercials and movies do it. People must be extra vigilant what kind of information is to be believed. Preconceptions must be relooked at, criticized, and in some cases destroyed. One of the smartest choices I ever made was removing my preconceptions.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:46 PM
namaste OP (the true meaning of...)

second line

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by circlemaker

We choose sides because we are made to fear something, separate it from ourselves, then unite against it. It gives a feeling of strength, unity, and purpose...making us forget the fact that the other people were ever our brothers and sisters.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:00 PM
Put the power to coin money back in the hands of Congress

The simpler solution would be to do away with money and stop living by it.

from the 1992 film Sneakers:

Cosmo: What's wrong with this country, Marty ?,
Money. You taught me that.

Evil defense contractors had it, noble causes did not.

Politicians are bought and sold like so much chattel. Our problems only multiply.

Cosmo: Pollution. Crime. Drugs, poverty, disease, hunger, despair - we throw GOBS of money at them and problems only get worse. Why is that? Because money's most powerful ability is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things at the expense of those who don't have it.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:05 PM
Great thread. I definitely agree.
My question is how can those who want to "think outside the box" go against the majority at this point? Especially when the government seems to make it their job to make sure no one stands out too much or changes much of anything at all. Then again maybe this mind set it part of the entire plan.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by simplyLOVE

My post was not an argument.

It was simply a reinforcement of the OP, but to the extent that people need to realize how exactly to apply their hearts and their minds.

But you do have error in thinking that everyone is saying the same thing. You say to ask the Lord for wisdom that He gives it freely. This is a good saying. But then you must also realize that within that same saying it is also implied that one must have a lack of wisdom in order to ask for it. And therefore it is also implied that there are some with more wisdom than others.

Not to mention the blatant disregard for the dragonball Z guy's statement - which was in utter disagreement from what I said.

simplyLOVE, I ask you to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ for wisdom.

That being said, I would like to reiterate for anyone who is still unable to discern what I was saying, because it is not the same thing as what the OP is saying, but neither was the statement I made in major disagreement with the OP; rather, it was a reinforcement of the OP with added wisdom so that people understand how to actually apply choice and truth. The OP only sought to expose a little of the problem without giving a true answer as to the solution.

The only possibly solution on a planet with 7 billion people, most with varying opinions at varying degrees, is to rely on someone that is 100% honest and 100% in control. Otherwise you WILL be blind because we are but humans - only capable of understanding those things to which we have been exposed. Unfortunately for us, everything ties into everything else in some way, shape, or form and 7 billion people have their hands on all of it. So then what makes us think that our OPINIONS matter at all?

Your vote is cast in whatever you do in life. It is not just voting that causes the changes. In fact, voting means literally nothing. Voting is ironic. The process of voting is hypocritical because people daily perform acts that lead the world away from the supposed ideals of the people for whom they vote! It is how you handle yourself everyday; your dealings with the rest of the world around you defines how you think things should be.

And this is the only vote that counts.

The leaders of today have based their campaigns off of what they see you doing. NOT what you are saying. If they see that everyone is interested in hip hop music, action movies, and end-of-the-world conspiracies... guess what they're going to play on?

Yes, people are all led in the fact that they take what the media says about a thing. The media says, "This is what people are on fire about!" And people say, "Wow, everyone cares about this? I wonder why!"

I saw this guy on television the other day. He was literally a "nobody". He hired a bunch of cameramen dressed up nicely and had them act like he was the next big thing while he was walking down the street. All of a sudden all kinds of people are trying to get his autograph and trying to get pictures with him - and he has done nothing. But they didn't know that. They just thought he was great; no matter how out-of-the-blue he seemed. They ALL ASSUMED THAT EVERYONE KNEW SOMETHING THEY DID NOT.

And yet ironically, if those same people came here to give their opinion, they would more than likely act similarly as everyone here. They would have their opinions; claim that their research and knowledge has given them a clue of what is actually going on. Claim they have "feelings" or "intuitions" or they "sense" something. They try to get people on their side by either becoming a master of debate or appealing to peoples' desire for mysticism and say, "We resonate this way."

And then some others want to make the bold claim that they know there is no God. They KNOW there is no Jesus Christ. They say, "there is no evidence." And then they continue to tell you that He doesn't exist because that's what they think or that's how they feel.

The most interesting thing about people like this is that they will freely admit that there are plenty of things that they don't know. They freely admit that they don't know how the first energy of the universe manifested. They freely admit that they don't know all the pieces to the puzzle of life. Even more-so, they are the same who will admit that they don't have a clue what is on MARS! They don't have a clue what is on the moon! Why? Because they haven't been there! And they'll say that and they're right!! They don't know!

And then they say that everything is an illusion.

And then they say that there is no God.

How in the world can someone be so incredibly bold and arrogant about making such a statement when they admit to knowing nothing?!

Tell me, all-mighty men. If you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is no God, then tell me what lies in the depths of earth's deep blue seas! Tell me what you know!

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Why not ask yourself for wisdom? That way, instead of relying on wisdom or understanding to fall out of the sky like bird crap, you'll look for opportunities to make that happen for yourself.

In my opinion, that's the best way to find wisdom and understanding. There's a difference between modeling yourself after someone else's philosophy, and asking their ghost to do everything for you. It seems that, these days, every Christian is asking that the work be done for them, instead of looking for opportunities on their own.

And then they say that everything is an illusion.

And then they say that there is no God.

How in the world can someone be so incredibly bold and arrogant about making such a statement when they admit to knowing nothing?!

Tell me, all-mighty men. If you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is no God, then tell me what lies in the depths of earth's deep blue seas! Tell me what you know!

Because we are programmed to think in the flesh, and programmed to search for the easy path instead of carving our own trail through the woods, we keep looking in all the wrong places for Source. And then, when we think we've found it, we decide to rely on Source to do everything for us, because we're too afraid of what might be asked of us should we choose to do it ourselves.

Spirituality was never a clear-cut process, nor was it an easy one. Instead of looking outside for all the solutions, and asking someone else to do it for you, look within for the things you need to do it yourself. Between having someone help you once, and learning to help yourself forever, what would you choose?

The human race doesn't like responsibility. It's been that way ever since we began mastering the material world.
edit on 2-9-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Cyruay

Politicians are bought and sold like so much chattel. Our problems only multiply.

It's not the politicians that are bought and sold, it's the people. The older generation cultivates the younger generation like the cows nurturing the calves...and then the politicians come along and either give speeches of well-being and benefits to the people like farmers to their cows, or they ask that each cow give their support to the farmer so they can decide how they want to be governed, or which farm they go to next.

What the cows forget is that no matter where they go or how things are run, they are still imprisoned, they are still manipulated, and they are still useful only for their milk. And the bulls forget that in the end, they are only meat to the industry. But after a while of listening to how much they are cared for, they forget about their inevitable fate, only to rage when they are herded to the slaughter house.

The politicians aren't chattel. We are. They just run the show so the higher ups don't have to reveal their hand and spark an outbreak of "mad cows" to speak.

edit on 2-9-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

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