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Maddie 'is with German family'

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posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 01:22 AM
a baseball cap
hooded jacket
and draw a fake tattoo on your hand!

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 01:32 AM
I call BS because he said she had a British accent, which could not be true.

I teach English for lower elementary, and a couple of years ago had a girl in my class who had a British accent. She was six years old. By the the end of the year her mother joked with me how she had lost the accent and spoke Canadian English instead. And that was just me spending 2-3 hours a day with her class for a year.

If she were really kidnapped by a German family she would be speaking German by now. When I was a kid, my family moved to Austria for a few years , and I learned German in 3 months, because I was 5 years old, and the younger children are, the easier they will learn a new language.

BS big time.
edit on 1-9-2012 by Rainbowresidue because: added a sentence

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Yosemite Sam

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
reply to post by sirnukeem

Well, If it was me?

Id just wrap the body up in sheets, blankets what ever I could. Id put it in th washing machine. I would NOT turn it on. I would then open the phone book or internet and look for the nearest bunnings/hardware store.. I would chose a few in the area and slowing buy plastic tarp, bleach, some deoderiser, gaffa tape, 2 shovels. id pay cash. if i had to id get a cab... on the way back I would stop at a car rental place get a car for 1 week and ask about camping area's, scenic drives, day trips etc etc...

return to house wrap body, gaffa tape it, make it a solid cocoon. place in bath tab. shut door
spend every minute scrubbing the house with amonia, bleach, brushes..
burn the clothes I was wearing at the time.

wait until 2/3am, body into car, pretend 'camping' bags packed.. go for a long drive...

scout out a number of places, go for a hike one night.. and come back 1 item lighter.

remember you get caught your life is over.. i think you'd have enough resolve to figure it out as you went along.

Care to comment on the surveilence camera's?

Also, you have not mentioned again the camera's...the rented car is what puts you in don't mention washing the washing machine and the bathtub...burning your clothes does not necessarily destroy all the evidence, and it takes longer then you think...scrub all you want, you will never get it all...

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
a baseball cap
hooded jacket
and draw a fake tattoo on your hand!

Dude in Michigan just got life and he had his buddy wear a hoody and a ball cap, as well as his shorts, and sunglasses.

You are just smart enough to get life yourself.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 01:49 AM
As many here may think or know, maddie mccann is dead.
She died in portugal, and she never left portugal.
It was not a murder but an accident, still the parents would be criminally charged and convicted had they not escaped due to the media circus and unspoken connections to the higher spectrum of british society.

Everyone knows about the negligent parents part of the story,
many know that they gave both maddie and the babies sleeping pills, very common in the uk.
They did miss the dosage, but maddie did not die of an overdose.

Instead what happened was that it wasn't enough to keep maddie asleep but still leaving her groggy.
She woke up dazed by the medicine, she got out of bed and climbed the apartment couch wich was near to the window but slightly offset.
Maddie was probably trying to reach and call her parents, it was not the first time she had gotten up on the couch so she could lean over the window overlooking the pool side bar her parents were in.
She knew they were there, she probably heard them too.
But this time, still dazed by the medicine something went wrong while leaning over, and she slipped from the top of the couch falling in between the couch and window, most likely breaking her neck and/or hitting the windowsill.
Thats how one of the parents from one of the other couples the mccann's were with found her and imediatly called the mccann's over.

They panic obviously, and maybe it was the alcohol maybe it was the fear of loosing their careers since child neglect is seriously frowned upon in england, but they just made a bad decision.
Instead of imediatly alerting the hotel staff and the local autorities, the two couples come up with the kidnap story.
They move maddie's body and wrap it in a blanket, they move the couch fully against the wall.
They make phone calls to unnamed contacts in the uk.
Only then kate and the other mother suddently get into acting mode, they run outside and start causing a scene saying maddie was kidnapped and to call for police.
Meanwhile this little distraction provide gerry and the other father the chance to get out unnoticed carrying maddie's body, where to? The walking distance beach where they hastily burry the body in.
A few days pass and the media circus begins, but now with the entire aldeia da luz looking for maddie that body could not stay much long at the beach...

Now im gonna skip the bit about the behind the scenes political pressure going back and forth between lisbon and london.

But as mentioned before, the mccann's are well connected.
And from a call in the uk came the solution, not only a safe place to hide the body, but let's say an apropriate one.
The Algarve has always been a popular destination for english tourist's, but even among them it's known as the poor brits ibiza since it's usually cheaper than the popular spanish destinations.
Wich does not keep the more wealthy english from going to portugal aswell, they just don't go to anywhere.

And aldeia da luz is one of such places, it's more expensive therefore the wealthy wont have to worry about finding alot of they're fellow brits, well at least the lower class ones.
But the english are well established there, many summer houses and a couple of british natives who decided to make there their home away from the homeland.
With this small british upper class community there, funds were raised, eforts were made, permission was granted, and a small church overlooking the ocean was built.

Now the interesting part, in portugal the church is overwelmingly roman catholic.
But this church in aldeia da luz is not, made by and mostly for the brits residing there and on vacation, the church is obviously anglican.
What does this mean? Not only it's "holy ground" but due to a mixture of factors, one of the main being the little known detail that england and portugal hold the oldest alliance treaty in the modern world so everything comes down from that.
Those church grounds were and are basically out of portuguese police jurisdiction and power, for the police to ever to conduct an investigation or search the site, permission would have to come from the church of england.
Needless to say such a thing did not and will never happen, the inspectors who tried to follow that lead were quickly shoved to the side.

And there my friends in that church, the same church the mccann's made a vigil and lauched their profitable fundraising campaign to the whole world.

There is also where they have burried their deceased daughter.

This is the truth as i was told and came to believe aswell, because it fits with all the confirmed facts commonly known and discussed.
But i cannot take credit for this telling of the events, it's not my story, it's from a former policia judiciaria inspector
who was cut short from following this line of investigation, he soon withdraw from the police and society in general, until earlier this year he decided to take his own life.

so for him, for maddie, for you all reading i posted this.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by Char-Lee
reply to post by Amadeo

speaking of the coloboma surely anyone claiming to see her as close as the picture would notice it. The picture is blurred but he was right there.

I would have thought so too. I read somewhere recently that the coloboma can move around the eye but something like that would surely still be noticeable even if it was in another position. I think the girl in that picture looks too young to be Madeleine anyway and all the signs point to her being dead.

The McCanns went against police advice when they publicised her coloboma. They were warned they'd be as good as signing her death warrant, highlighting something so easily identifiable but they pressed ahead anyway. Gerry called it a 'good marketing ploy'. There's such a wrongness about both of them.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by Insomniac

I think most people who don't believe the McCanns' account have come to the exact same conclusions as you. Kate was an anaesthetist; if anyone was going to sedate the kids, she'd be the best one for the job. That the sniffer dogs alerted to both blood and cadaver scent in numerous places in apartment 5A strongly suggests that Madeleine was somehow injured in the apartment and died of her injuries there. It makes sense to think she woke up, no doubt feeling very groggy and had some sort of accident that caused her death. There are no records of any previous deaths in that apartment and that leads me to think that the only possible source of the blood and cadaver scents is the little girl who is now missing without a trace. Bear in mind that her parents originally claimed there had been a break-in during which the shutters were jemmied but there was absolutely no evidence of that and they soon retracted that claim.

As for Madeleine's body being moved, Gerry is known to have taken an old fridge to a rubbish dump. The fridge has never been found. Meanwhile, the dogs alerted to cadaver scent under a flower bed outside the apartment and then in the car the McCanns hired twenty five days after Madeleine disappeared (it was also noted that the car boot and doors were left open 'to air out' for days at a time - why?). They also had the keys to the local church in Praia da Luz, meaning that they could come and go as they pleased. The stumbling block there is the high number of reporters and photographers that descended on PdL when the news hit. I don't know how they could have hidden her body inside the church when the world's eyes were on them. I'm confident the priest who said he'd been deceived by the McCanns could fill in the blanks there if there was any way he'd divulge what he knows.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by UziLiberman

I had no idea about the little church being built. Thanks for all that information. I think you nailed it.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 03:40 AM
We can not trust a single word printed in The Sun,I hope I am wrong,but I doubt it very much.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 03:42 AM
Interesting points about this case that can be found on many of the sites dedicated to discussing the case files;

Kate Healy/ Mccann repeatedly checked the other two younger kid's breathing on the night the alarm was raised. Why would this be her focus if she thought there was truly an abductor about? She left the younger kids in the bedroom she thought their sister had been snatched from whilst she ran outside also.

NO physical evidence of a break in or intruder was found by police, the break in theory was told to the press by the Mccanns.

Kate Mccann refused to answer 48 questions from police including whether Maddy was a difficult child, was ill, or was to be sent off to live with relatives.

A woman in a flat above the Mccanns ( Mrs Fenn) heard a child crying for hours and shouting 'Daddy' in their apartment days before the 'abduction'. The noise stopped abruptley when the patio doors were opened and someone came in.

The Mccans let their hire car dry out in the sun for days in order to let the smell from (they say) rotting meat disperse, this was the same hire car that one of the dogs picked a scent up in.

Gerry Mccan wrote on his blog about getting rid of a fridge from the apartment and taking it to a local dump. Strange thing to do in a rented holiday apartment!

The priest they confided in and used the chapel of says he felt 'decieved' by the Mccanns.

- With regards to this latest sighting general points should be kept in mind which are, in most cases a missing child is taken or harmed by a family member. Abduction for sexual purposes is very rare.

The Mccanns have an extremely strong PR machine that likes to keep these outlandish Maddy sightings in the news. If you read the case files I think it's obvious why. I'ts to keep the kidknap myth alive.

edit on 1-9-2012 by DrHammondStoat because: Amadeo already covered the missing fridge but i missed it!

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by haven123

it does not look like a plane because it was not a plane , it was the transport bus and it said that in the report .

i have read all the comments on here and i have to agree with the posts that she would not be speaking with a british accent after all this time .

one thing that no one has picked up on , is if this girl is maddy , how did they get a passport for her without a birth certificate ?

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by Amadeo

thank you, and coincidently your post mentions some little complementary details i forgot to add, like the window shutter issue. those things are fragile and prone to getting stuck during regular usage even more if thats indeed where maddie fell. maybe by instinct it was the last thing she tried to hold on to while falling, causing it to infact jam.

but i think you misunderstood or i explained badly one of my points.

i didn't say there was a new church built for and after the event as a means to hide the body.
my point was just to illustrate how and why in a country where 99% churches are roman catholic, there happens to be in that site an anglican church, wich for in this case for legal purposes has the same status of let's say an embassy or consulate. its foreign soil.

the church grounds are bigger than the church building itself, it has a small garden and coincidently, apropriatly and conviniently a small graveyard aswell.

in recent years there was some construction going on there, suposedly under the guise of renovation or improvement due to the whole area now atracting more tourism, even if fot more morbid reasons.
Said construction wich some say, and this is just hearsay so i wont state it as a fact, may or not have been partially built with finances coming from the mccann's campaign fund.

if true i would personally say, during wich the suposed gravesite was sealed with concrete or the body was permanently taken or disposed.

but even without knowing much of the facts from the investigation i feel that after these many years i would've reached this conclusion anyway.

simply based on the human level

just compare cases, look at other instances of missing/abducted children, when the parents werent the culprits themselves that is.
time is always usually a key factor for noticing the same patterns or in this case the dissonant ones.

the genuine grieving parents, do keep on searching and try to make campaigns, keep as much exposure as possible and keep hope alive just like the mccann's do.
but every passing year, or everytime there's a possible lead or there's a slow news day and the media show us these genuine grieving parents.

each time u see them over the years, every single time you look at them and you see them looking worse, ill, broken down, depressed. i mean general outward signs of internal pain wich increase and sometimes even lead to divorces, insanity or suicides.

the mccann's?

they have been acting the same everytime. even becoming quasi-celebrities

well gerry is clearly following a script, poorly most times.
dictated by lawyers, publicists, etc

the main face of the conspiracy wich is kate.
if she looked unemotional, distant, cold and calculated the day it happened, these days she puts the same front, but for all i know could be also all the botox on her face...
they look anything but grieving parents, one can say they even may be doing better, as they had no trouble showing the world how they moved on how the twins grew etc etc

look again at other cases, all the parent's after a while dont even hope for their child back, they just want closure of knowing what happened. sometimes you even hear them say they rather have the child dead over being a sex slave for some real deal elite eyes wide shut type sex ring. you hardly ever hear claims or hopes of the child being still alive, its usually the media or a medium or the police.

but in maddie's case it's the opposite

since day one it has been the mccann's saying and refusing to accept anything but:

maddie was kidnapped
maddie is still alive
please donate to help find her

now i have to defend the portuguese police investigation, they cracked the case, but too soon.
and really thought they had kate at least, but not only there was off the record lobbying and political pressure
but the portuguese police really were incompetent in one aspect.

wich was their tactic i think to make kate break, you see the mccann had captured the atention and sympathy of
the portuguese people, they were on a roll, nobody would consider them suspects besides the police.
so the police leaks all the juicy details that pin the blame on the mccann's to the portuguese media, wich capitalize on it and unlike the british media expose all the details very fast, wich in turn gets reflected by an instant shift in public perception.
if the portuguese people had been quick to show support and love for the mccann, they were quick in not only removing it but starting to express quite the opposite.
the police really thought it would work and it would make kate break.

but before that could happen, the mccann's were already landing home

instead of leaking info to the media, the police could have just kept the mccann's and the world confused on what the hell is arguido status.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 04:38 AM
Since the facts cannot be verified the report can only be treated as rumor and emotive speculation. Consider it to be just a way to increase the papers sales profit margin. Exploitation by savages pitching for a quick hit and high-fives.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 04:44 AM
For 1 it looks nothing like her on that picture, that girl is way to young, maddie would be about 15 now, and 2 her parents killed her I know this for a fact.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by UziLiberman

The part about the church occurred to me after I replied. I thought you meant a new little church had been built in her memory or something but I understand what you mean now. Thanks for clearing it up.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
2 things:

The sun is reporting this.
The picture he took is blurry.

I call BS.

I also call BS. How in the world is she still speaking English if she's been with a German family from the age of 3?

So, are we expected to believe that in all those years she's been given English lessons by the German people who kidnapped her, and chooses to communicate with the people she would believe to be her family in a completely different language to their own?!

What complete and utter crap.

But then, this is the scum Sun tabloid trash we have to put up with here in the UK. They are the gutter press, the lowest of the low. They would make up anything to sell papers, no matter who it harmed.
These "journalists" (they're actually nothing like journalists and they don't have the right to call themselves that) are pretty disguising people.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by DEV1L79
For 1 it looks nothing like her on that picture, that girl is way to young, maddie would be about 15 now, and 2 her parents killed her I know this for a fact.

You don't know that to be a fact. If you did they would have been charged and would currently be serving time.

What a sick and twisted thing to say about people you don't even know.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by UziLiberman
reply to post by Amadeo

each time u see them over the years, every single time you look at them and you see them looking worse, ill, broken down, depressed. i mean general outward signs of internal pain wich increase and sometimes even lead to divorces, insanity or suicides.

the mccann's?

they have been acting the same everytime. even becoming quasi-celebrities

well gerry is clearly following a script, poorly most times.
dictated by lawyers, publicists, etc

the main face of the conspiracy wich is kate.
if she looked unemotional, distant, cold and calculated the day it happened, these days she puts the same front, but for all i know could be also all the botox on her face...
they look anything but grieving parents, one can say they even may be doing better, as they had no trouble showing the world how they moved on how the twins grew etc etc

look again at other cases, all the parent's after a while dont even hope for their child back, they just want closure of knowing what happened. sometimes you even hear them say they rather have the child dead over being a sex slave for some real deal elite eyes wide shut type sex ring. you hardly ever hear claims or hopes of the child being still alive, its usually the media or a medium or the police.

but in maddie's case it's the opposite

since day one it has been the mccann's saying and refusing to accept anything but:

maddie was kidnapped
maddie is still alive
please donate to help find her

now i have to defend the portuguese police investigation, they cracked the case, but too soon.
and really thought they had kate at least, but not only there was off the record lobbying and political pressure
but the portuguese police really were incompetent in one aspect.

wich was their tactic i think to make kate break, you see the mccann had captured the atention and sympathy of
the portuguese people, they were on a roll, nobody would consider them suspects besides the police.
so the police leaks all the juicy details that pin the blame on the mccann's to the portuguese media, wich capitalize on it and unlike the british media expose all the details very fast, wich in turn gets reflected by an instant shift in public perception.
if the portuguese people had been quick to show support and love for the mccann, they were quick in not only removing it but starting to express quite the opposite.
the police really thought it would work and it would make kate break.

but before that could happen, the mccann's were already landing home

instead of leaking info to the media, the police could have just kept the mccann's and the world confused on what the hell is arguido status.

You hit the nail on the head again, especially the part I've bolded. Kate is on record as saying they (she for sure) has no emotional reaction to alleged sightings of Madeleine. That strikes me as bizarre. If I were in her or Gerry's place, any possible sighting would have me on the first plane there and I'd be scouring the streets. Not so with the McCanns. They pop off to the White House, or to go on Oprah or visit the pope instead.

I agree with you regarding the Portuguese police investigation as well. The British media have always referred to the PJ as 'Keystone Kops', claiming they bungled the investigation, calling them sardine-munchers and generally tarring them with any brush they can. In my opinion, the PJ had them bang to rights from the start and the slander of the police was instigated by the McCanns. We've even had commentators in the media repeating the same slander that, if they were saying these things to a normal Portuguese person working in the UK, could very well land them in front of a judge for hate speech or similar. Everything bounces off the Teflon Duo though.

Having spent a few months in Portugal a while back, I feel I can say quite categorically that the Portuguese are not the backwards, third world people the McCanns and their supporters would have us believe. They're quite the opposite, in fact.
edit on 1-9-2012 by Amadeo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by DEV1L79

Madeleine would be NINE now. Even then, the girl in that photo looks far too young.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 05:34 AM
It's also worth noting that the McCanns have never actually been cleared of involvement in their daughter's disappearance, even though they claim they have. The investigation was shelved, not closed. They also keep saying they want the PJ to re-open the case. All they have to do is send a letter to the PJ asking for that very thing and they know this but have they? No.

The PJ also tried to get them to return to take part in a reconstruction and that request was refused. Kate & Gerry said they would only take part if it was a 'television event' but as far as I know, that wouldn't be permitted under Portuguese law. I'm sure they're aware of that as well.

Going back to the polygraph test they claimed they'd do to clear their names -- when their bluff was called and a test was offered, they said they'd only take part if they could pre-approve all the questions, which would render the test utterly pointless.

It's all a game the McCanns are playing out in the media and they are reliant on the average UK citizen to take them at their word which is something fewer and fewer people are doing. The support for them in the UK is at an all-time low, despite their attempts to paint those who don't believe them as a sick and twisted minority.

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