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The Men In Black(OPs) The Aviary & UFOs

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posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by schuyler

The entire thread cannot be valid. Tell us which parts are or are not including the specific posts if you would. GUT sez it's not valid.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by NYUKLES
reply to post by schuyler

The entire thread cannot be valid. Tell us which parts are or are not including the specific posts if you would. GUT sez it's not valid.

All my posts, for starters. All those by Druscilla for another. Lots of people here have contributed information about the Aviary. I learned some stuff about Moore and Bennewitz I hadn't known before. The GUT and others have recommended several good books to peruse. Why are you so negative? Do you have something to contribute, or is this just another reincarnation of Frank?

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by schuyler

No offense butt I'll take the OP word about his own thread being invalid over yours.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by NYUKLES
reply to post by schuyler

No offense butt I'll take the OP word about his own thread being invalid over yours.

Then you'll miss a lot of good material because you insist on taking him literally. Your choice.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
Then you'll miss a lot of good material because you insist on taking him literally. Your choice.

Thank you, schuyler. Nothing gets by you. You're a scholar and a gentleman if ever there was one.

To clarify about the post in question. I was being sarcastic in one sense while also letting certain individuals know that I wasn't going to continue my own personal research/investigation nor post any of the materials I had prepared for the next segment.

After tossing & turning and calling myself "chicken" all last night, I did a GUT check and decided to hell with it as far as at least clarifying that post.

I actually thought more of you would get it when I wrote it. I guess it's like the rollercoaster at 6 Flags, Nyukles: You have to be this "tall" to ride.

edit on 1-9-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Still Naive?
Hey thanks for sharing, Still Naive, I starred your posts. Too bad they got clipped, because I had a couple of observations in regard to some of the text that might have been fruitful.

I will say, keep your wits about you. Some things get "sticky" if you know what I mean.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by The GUT

To clarify about the post in question. I was being sarcastic in one sense while also letting certain individuals know that I wasn't going to continue my own personal research/investigation nor post any of the materials I had prepared for the next segment. After tossing & turning and calling myself "chicken" all last night, I did a GUT check and decided to hell with it as far as at least clarifying that post.

Courage like this is rarely seen these days.

Except for the fact we are talking about a friggin' forum ferchrissakes.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Moyobamba
Courage like this is rarely seen these days.

Except for the fact we are talking about a friggin' forum ferchrissakes.

Well, it's kind o' like this, sir. Take Drones for example. I hate 'em because they are war without honor.

You don't read about it much, but they have a "power" almost as awesome as their technological aspects. That's the psychological aspect. Any worthy "enemy" would LOVE to engage someone face to face, but if you have an impersonal machine that gives you no warrior's satisfaction, that can really take the oomph out of a guy. And, yes, that's be taken out without the chance to do some real damage.

There is solace for the warrior, however, in staying intact long enough to pay some fat sock a visit and saying hiya.

I wanna sincerely & truly thank all you newbs. I mean it from the bottom of my heart with absolutely no facetiousness whatsoever. My blood is rising again. THANK YOU! I thought I lost me for a second there.

edit on 1-9-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by The GUT

I will re-post the emails when I get home without personal details. Thanks could have just removed the personal details instead of deleting the entire posts.

Feel free to ask any questions regarding the emails. I have no reason to troll and will do whatever I need to do to prove the legitimacy of the emails. Bear with me as I'm in a salon behind two women... -_-

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Still Naive?
reply to post by The GUT

Feel free to ask any questions regarding the emails. I have no reason to troll and will do whatever I need to do to prove the legitimacy of the emails. Bear with me as I'm in a salon behind two women.

Then it's probably pretty loud, in my experience. Yeah, I saw the phone numbers and thought, "Oops, this guy is in trouble." I'm surprised he gave you the time of day, frankly. That's not a dig at you. The guy must be extremely busy. You walk in and he actually gave you an opening. I'm amazed.

The issue, though, is now what? He invited you to lunch and you can't go? Bummer. I'd hop a plane in a heartbeat! (I know our circumstances may differ. Just sayin'.) I wonder what you expect, though. I'm at a loss as to what questions I would ask.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
The issue, though, is now what? He invited you to lunch and you can't go? Bummer. I'd hop a plane in a heartbeat! (I know our circumstances may differ. Just sayin'.) I wonder what you expect, though. I'm at a loss as to what questions I would ask.

Thie following might suggest some questions. Alex Constatine has been around the block in investigative journalism, but some of the places that's taken him sound loony. I can relate though. Maybe it's all B.S. and maybe it's not. I suggest reading the whole article rather than just these excerpts:

Meanwhile, I mentioned in my last post how my previous work on Changing Images of Man had become intertwined with this rather murky terrain of online hoaxing…I’d gotten involved with some researchers who invited me into a sort of “private forum” they called “Reality Covered”. This invitation, however, has lately come to feel a lot more like manipulation than cooperation…

…as intentional disinfo often make in the community of conspiracy research.Kit Green is professionally trained to play both sides, as well as anyone who gets in the way of his objectives…

...He definitely is one of the puppetmasters. I believe he was absolutely behind Doty’s efforts with Serpo, as well as all of the other UFO myths linked to Doty.

...The “why” is much more complicated.

Now, I agree. We’ll unpack what that’s all about in a moment but that is exactly what I think you will find as you learn about Dr. Green. A puppetmaster who plays both sides. Shawnna, out of naivete…or something…was last I knew planning at least two lunch meetings with the man.

...Given they are separated by many hundreds of miles, this is a pretty big commitment. I don’t know who flies in to see whom but I repeatedly told her I was concerned about her getting involved with him given the track record he and his associates have had in wreaking havoc in the UFO world.

Dr. Green knows his way around the military/intelligence/industrial complex, that’s for sure. In fact, have a look at the company above on whose Advisory Board he sits. Here’s what one of the three groups which comprise the MDM complex does for a living:

Harrington Group Ltd.

...Now I don’t know how formal this group is, or whether this group really existed or came to exist in a Foucault’s Pendulum kinda way. But they are all hooked into the defense establishment, that’s for sure, and they all seem to be right in the middle of really bizarre disinformation campaigns...

...I happen to think that much of the Remote Viewing program was less about psychic spying than it was about meme propagation, if not outright MKULTRA brain zapping of patriotic military volunteers...

...The overlap between the two narratives in which I’ve become interested, the Duncan mystery and New Age psyops, may ultimately turn out purely to be synchronicity after all. But the odd manipulations and provocateur behavior I experienced at the end of my brief time as part of the “Reality Covered” forum suggests to me that something more is going on.

edit on 1-9-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by The GUT

RealityUncovered Ufology forum

The reference to RealityCovered I think is an error -- there is no "Reality Covered"

Oh wait -- there is a RealityCovered domain name owned by Sahwnna Connolly with related names SERPO...

So then RealityUncovered have the emails from Shawanna and Doty --

Hmm. I guess RealityUncovered got its domain name from Shawnna Connolly's previous RealityCovered domain name....

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Not sure if you can post those here or not, fullotusqigong, but I hope so. Thank you.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Okay, here goes, without private details. If I somehow miss something mod, please do me the favor of not removing my entire post, just edit out what you deem is a ToC violation.

My original message, with all pertinent information for those who assume I am trolling or lying:

MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 31 Aug 2012 22:08:30 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2012 01:08:30 -0400
Delivered-To: removed personal details
Subject: Hello Mr. Green - Spare some time for questions?
From: Chris Greene
To: removed personal details (if you'd like his e-mail for whatever reason, you can PM me)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


My name is Christopher as well. We almost have the same surname,
however mine is spelled slightly different (with an e).

I recently came across some information a friend had put together in
regards to your life's work in neuroscience research, government
duties (senior division analyst), your accreditation with the
Presidents National Intelligence Medal (79-83) and it was all
profoundly interesting to me. From your work with the assassination of
Georgi Merkov to your neuroscience studies to ascertain the real
motive and intent of a person with regards to information they're
providing. Despite how interesting the latter is to me, one part of
your research caught my eye and that part would be your involvement on
"UFOs" and the idea of them being real and this information needs to
be slowly let out to humanity (if this is your intent, I greatly
condone your efforts) or, that disinformation needs to be spread to
the public about "UFOs" in attempts at setting up false flag events in
the future, in regards to management of human beings on not only a
national scale but a global one as well.

I am writing you this letter to request two things from you:

1) Is there any information that you can share in regards to the
above? It would be naive of me to ask you to come out directly and
disclose any top secret information you may have but I am quite versed
in understanding subtlety.

2) Please, Kit, if any aspect of your job or intent is nefarious,
regarding control of human beings or the population of this great
country / world, disinformation, false flags, please remember we are
all the same and we all come from one creator (weather that be our
God, an alien subspecies, etc.) and ultimately, all living beings in
the galaxy and the universe have to answer to one power. We should be
working together for the benefit of our society so that we can prosper
and make it many thousands and hopefully millions of years into the

I would like to state in regards to 2), above, that I do not believe
this is your intent but I had to state it as a personal disclaimer, in
the event that you choose not to reply to me. Frankly, I believe
you're a true-blue patriot and a person for the greater good of our
country and for our world. As I re-read 2), it sounds almost a little
"wacko" but please understand all of this comes from a sane and sound
mind. Thank you for the time you spent reading this and for any time
you may have utilized in composing a reply.



Kits response:

(separate post below)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Still Naive?

Delivered-To: personal [email protected]
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Received: from ([ip removed]) by ([ip removed]) with mapi id 14.02.0318.001;
Sat, 1 Sep 2012 12:57:49 -0400
From: "Green, Christopher"
To: "Chris Greene"
Subject: Re: Hello Mr. Green - Spare some time for questions?
Thread-Topic: Hello Mr. Green - Spare some time for questions?
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You are kind to want to reflect on these important questions, and I will be delighted to help, if I can.

First you are right, I do not have any aspect of the job I do, or ever have done, in these or related areas that are dishonest or nefarious. As a graduate of an Episcopal Seminary, I am also committed to other truths.

Second I do not believe in nor practice either subtlety or mendacity on a personal level, nor do I accept it from others. That is my personal disclaimer, similar to yours of Item 2).

That said, I also do not intend to imply that I have any reason whatsoever to believe that you are flying a false flag, much less being disingenuous with your requests for incredibly complex answers to ineffable issues. Indee
d, they are ones that have spanned my professional 44-year career in intelligence and the practice of medicine. I am certain you do not expect answers about these most important issues of our time with a simple elicitation an
d with a single email. I am at a disadvantage: I do not know who you are, or why we should really discuss these matters, quite yet. Let's fix that.

Tell me ( perhaps when we meet if you prefer to not write about yourself in an email (why you care, how you found me, and what you really are up to. When we cover the same territory about you, that you have covered about me we may have fruitful and important conversations.

I do not discuss these matters in emails, until and unless I have the knowledge, first-hand, about the motives and the purposes other that simple "interest" which is insufficient to begin a dialogue.

I would be happy to meet with you, and have a quiet lunch over 2-4 hours, for starters, at the Detroit Medical Center, where I will arrange my patient schedule to be free, and host you for a lunch at the Doctor's Dining Room
where we can get to know each-other, and then decide the degree of detail you may want, and which I may come to learn would be worth my time to discuss.

Let me know some possible dates, and we will mesh our schedules, and I will provide easy directions to Harper University Hospital where I practice Diagnostic Radiology / MRI Brain-imaging and we can talk

Very best, and many thanks for your confidence.


Christopher C. Green MD, PhD FAAFS
Assistant Dean / Asia Pacific
Wayne State School of Medicine

Professor and Clinical Fellow / Neuroimaging

Phone numbers removed
edit on 1-9-2012 by Still Naive? because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-9-2012 by Still Naive? because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-9-2012 by Still Naive? because: personal details removed, hopefully missed nothing

edit on 1-9-2012 by Still Naive? because: lots of e-mail cleanup

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:41 PM
Okay so I am getting ready to write Chris a reply e-mail. I have questions I'd like to ask and I will also let Chris know that I may be sharing some of the information he shares with me, unless at his request, he wishes for me to keep certain aspects private.

Until then.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Still Naive?

He's uber-charming and obviously a very fine and refined brain I'll give him that. He does seem amazingly accessible and shows, as schuyler pointed out, a seemingly remarkable interest in meeting you.

I considered emailing him, too, and that would have probably been adult of me to do so, but seeing as how my research was leading me further & further into matters dark, I thought maybe a stealthy approach might be best and figured I could always ask for forgiveness later should it be warranted.

Speaking of "stealthy," that turned out to be a pipe dream. As nice as he is, I bet he would give ya a free brain scan or sumpin'. Joke. Mind-Control humor ar ar.

Kudos to you, Still Naive...the same-name thing squeaks me tinfoil a little, but I do believe you.

edit on 1-9-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Reply e-mail sent. I will postpone posting my e-mail to Kit until I receive a response as I have asked him if he has any objections to me sharing our conversation beyond the initial response.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 10:23 PM
Here's a bit of trivia I haven't seen brought up in connection with Kit Green before.

A little background for anyone that doesn't know. In the early days at SRI and the genesis of the Remote Viewing program, we find the RV "tech" being developed and promoted by members of Scientology.

I've read that Scientology is a little peeved that they and L. Ron Hubbard don't get credit for the technique they created.

Anyway Hal Puthoff, Ingo Swann, and Pat Price were the Scientologists that seemingly brought the world--via the government financed program--remote viewing. (Puthoff has since stated that he's no longer associated with Scientology.)

I suspect that Kit's long working and personal friendship with Hal and maybe others, contributed to him being willing to do someone a favor and give a second opinion on the autopsy performed on Quentin Hubbard--the son of L. Ron Hubbard.

I lived in the Clearwater, Fl area for many years and I'm more than a little familiar, from the outside, with Scientology. From what I've understood, Quentin was a very nice young man and I've always wondered if he had been murdered or driven to suicide and hopeful that some answer would one day come.

Kit's participation seems genuine, and compassionate, but I can't verify this document as it's only something I found on the net in connection with research non-related to this thread. A small excerpt below.

The reports I read, hospital charts, and other data (including what is attached) were inconsistent with Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Toxicology was inconsistent with CO poisoning, or other drugs of abuse. He was suffering from a form of toxicosis at the time of his death, and it may have been an infection. The report indicated that the car was out of gas, and there was a hose running from the tailpipe through an almost closed front window. I found the sunset road site to be isolated, although it was indeed adjacent to McCarron Airport. There were a number of odd circumstances about the death scene...

…Hi, Kit –
Thank you for this – I very much appreciate it, and the time and trouble you took in your response.

To clarify (because it does seem confusing, but maybe you feel you cannot comment...) – are you essentially saying that (in lay terms, and off the formal record) although it all looked superficially like suicide by CO, this didn’t actually seem to be the cause of death?
Best, Bill

From Kit Green, 31 March 2006:

You are right. I have nothing more to say.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 10:29 PM
Man the world of UFO info and disinfo
is tough to decipher ! It's so twisted.
But your right Gut. Allegiances tell the story.

However, I believe extra terrestrial or
super advanced terrestrial (maybe deep ocean?)
craft are a real phenomenon .

The evidence from pilots, civilian and military is vast.
This small cross section on its own is enough to convince me.
And I have yet to see one.

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