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Matrix Unraveled ~ The Do's and Do Not's ~ !!!!!!

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posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by VekTorVik

Not so, the post I wrote about Divine Mother and then Hook, and how the bad guys need a Mom really bad, that is the Universe we're in, where you go from freedom to messing up, to dog eat dog, to compassion and Love and Shining your lights and making others happy, to graduating. Freedom and Equality need to be wedded together.

The way back home is via the heart and Love.

And I am very right hemisphered, so I write like I write, often having to correct and edit to try and add dropped words and get the spelling close to right.

Didn't really like being targetted by your post and named, in a post that is a little odd.

The movie was put out with some hints/clues of reality, but its not all that much popular culture to actually understand how much of a matrix we're in and the insights are from lifelong searching, experiences since childhood and having the veil lift over and over again.

Much Love and Light to you!

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

I apologize. Just my crude and unthoughtful way of saying I didn't understand. Hey, at least now I know your real!

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by VekTorVik

It's OK, apology accepted. I just take leaps and make many connections fast when topics come up. Trying to put them down on paper or a post is another matter, thats when its gets very clumsy. Sorry its so hard to read.
Thanks for trying with some of it.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by VekTorVik
I apologize. Just my crude and unthoughtful way of saying I didn't understand. Hey, at least now I know your real!

Hahah ~ !!! it is ok to not understand trust me half the time I do not understand what I write. When I write I am guided what to say and half the time it does not make any sense what so ever.

I will share with ya what helps me some times.

I close my eyes and clear my mind take in a deep breath then slowly breath out make it so slow that it take quiet some time. Be sure it does not give you a headache though and just repeat 5-10 times and take a read of stuff.

Anyway..... you need not to apologize to anyone we are all here for a reason and it is understandable that some might take time to adjust to things.

p.s: I am no robot ^_^ but.... if I was would I know hahaha ~ ???

Take care I need a break feeling under the weather plus the weather in my country is horrible rain/wind and hail. I will be taking 1-2 days off before I make another big post it takes the energy out of me writing big stuff.

I used much recent movies etc to give people a better idea behind stuff

edit on 3-9-2012 by The Magicians Apprentice because: WAFFLES ARE DELISCIOUS !!! yummmmmm
nom nom nom

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 12:40 PM
I've seen various references that hint the Matrix movie was somehow a modern story of Jesus. Zion is Israel. And The One is of course the son of god. At least, that's how interpreted what I read.

But like others have said, The Matrix is conventional wisdom, mainstream, fish and chips, red white and blue. But I'd be a fool if I said that conventional wisdom is worthless. Society is like an evolved form, just like us. It has required thousand and millions of years to grow to where it's now. Conventional wisdom is like a library or something that parents and children hand down to each other through the generations. If we trashed our society, our libraries, and other such things outside ourselves, we would be like a naked human. The truth is, we're not self-reliant without these things. And even with them we're vulnerable. They're like another strand of codependent DNA.

Bottom line, we have ot think for ourselves. Don't let others or some movie do it for you. But don't closed yourself to what's out there, either. The mainstream is wise. Not perfect, but nothing is.

I think we all intuitively know there's a larger reality outside ourselves. Larger than our human conceptions. Larger than in fact our human brain could ever grasp. But like other life-forms, we're always searching. We will seek and quest for answers whether or not we find them.

When you think back 500 years, 1000 years, 5000 years, you realize that those people lived in their local reality just as we're today. This realization is daunting because it illuminates our insignificance and ignorance. One day, we too will be distant history, faded and worn and buried by time. Just as they were, we're limited by our awareness and capabilities. There's so much we will never know. How do we deal with this? Well, our ancestors dealt with it, and will have too if we desire to survive.

We share common bonds with each other and those in our history. But I believe we also share common bonds with life elsewhere. I think the Paspermia theory links us all like in a cosmic web. Even though I sometimes despair, I yearn to learn more about our common traits with all life.
edit on 3-9-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite

The most important part is that we're in a real matrix. Not which group pulls the wool over everyone's eyes or manages this "planned net" planet.

The universe is waves.

There is No Spoon.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Well I've read that we're a collapsed wave function.

Before it collapses it's not discrete.

Somewhere between quantum everything-ness and ourselves, there's a hand of creation that takes all different possibilities and narrows them down to one and brings it into being.
edit on 3-9-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite

We're not this collapsed wave function, we're the exotic energy that enters into this landscape and drives the car, having journeyed infinitely before this moment, with an infinite journey yet ahead.

Its like a hologram.

Or a dream lab.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 01:15 PM
You are the medium in which the wave waves. You are the ocean and the wave.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

The whole thing is weird and way beyond me, but it's very tempting. It's just like watching The Matrix and wondernig what it all means. Or look up at stars and wondering if there're planets around them. And if there're planets, is there other life there too? But I'm still inept and monkey brained.

Some links about it. It's just a guess. Just offering an idea. -Quantum mechanics... - Wave–particle duality...
edit on 3-9-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite

There is just ocean waving.
You are the ocean and you see waves.
The waves are just waving and you are just seeing.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 06:40 AM
Magic Eight Ball says, "Reply hazy, consult Fortune Cookie," Fortune Cookie says, "Magic Eight Ball knows all, give it a good shake!," Magic Eight Ball says, "Fortune Cookie knows all, crack one open!" Well, so much for me having anything to go by.

I don't know if anyone recalls the following film, but there is an older film called 'Jacob's Ladder', it's a very interesting film that touches on themes similar to this thread. It's a head trip, but once you realize with the main character what is going on, you will see why this is a good film.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
You are the medium in which the wave waves. You are the ocean and the wave.

Now we step out of the ocean. I 've already done that in a lucid dream type get away, that was shared with a friend. And the Great Central Star in the Universe was a door, through that Grand Central Station, connecting to every system on in this dimension/universe and every where Beyond it.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:20 PM
Here is something that many miss, which I think is closer to reality. Everyone is so busy identifying with Neo that they miss a subtle hint of what may actually be happening.

For starters, everyone focuses on the first Matrix movie. The sequels show that all those "awakened" people of Zion were really just in an expanded version of the matrix. That is why I dismiss the love and light bearer crowd. I believe that they are awake but only to the expanded version of the matrix and still very much under control.

Now, while everyone was cheering for Neo they miss the significance of Cypher. He had struck a deal to be put back in the matrix. He wanted his memories erased and a privileged position. Before he could be "physically" reinserted into the small matrix he is killed.

The thing is that he had never really left the matrix. So maybe "death" is the way that the controllers recycle humans within the matrix? What do the NDE anecdotes describe? A tunnel with a place full of light and love at the end. That is the place where they put a new veil over your eyes and reload you.

Or maybe not.

edit on 4-9-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 04:40 PM
Even a black hole, if they exist, only recyle the matter, the denser wave, of this universe, like a giant windows wastebasket but souls/spirit energy is not the same thing. Even the stars pass away, humans are infinite, and they are not recycled. This holographic universe is a construct as all holograms are by our Spiritual Family, as Above, So Below.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

You don't get it. Whatever you think you understand about reality being waves, frequencies or energy is still part of the matrix. The Spiritual Family is also part of the matrix. They are another level of control.

They draw you in, so that you willingly go through the process of rebirth into the smaller matrix. If the veil wears thin and you slip into the larger matrix then it doesn't matter they use the love and light lure to start over (death/rebirth) or have you return with the message that the light is love and that it is safe to go into it.

edit on 4-9-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Humans too will pass away, because their material form is subject to the laws of nature. The human body dissolves like any other animal body and is recycled like any other animal body. It is what is within that is 'deathless', it is not as the body, this is why it is said that man is both animal and divine.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Arles Morningside

Humans are universal, its not earthling. Hi, I'm Lyra, a race of humans, in my past. Humans are universal, as are other forms, and in tests, and we upgrade.

This is a cycle. The last cycle when and if it should come, is the upgrade one, for earth. Currently humans upgrade all the time.

From this test on, we go much better mansions in heaven.

By the way I remember a past cycle here, long ago. It involved mars. And a terrible destruction of a beautiful planet.

I'm going to be staying human, my Family is human. But not from earth.

edit on 4-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

One could speculate that the humanoid form may be seen elsewhere, however, it dosn't matter, because it is still an animal body and is subject to natural law, even if it should last an unfathomable amount of time for whatever reason, it will one day have an end. Even as we speak, the mighty pyramids are slowly, but surely eroding away through time.

In the Matrix, it is often said, "Everything that has a beginning has an end." This was probably inspired from Gnosticism given the nature of the films. In Gnosticism, there is an observation about the nature of this 'world', that, everything that has a beginning also has an end because this world is imperfect, imperminent, and perishable and it is such because this world is deficient. This world is thought to not be our true home nor our true form. It has been created by an entity that this world reflects, that the light might be imprisoned and fed upon ( like in the Matrix films) and that a whole system of control and illusion has been made and evolved to keep people busy and asleep, to keep them drunk on the things that arn't true that they might remain imprisioned, even after death, where it is said the asleep are thrown back down into this world over and over again until they can awaken and accept the cup of Gnosis.

Our trueself is not soul nor spirit nor body but something even more profound, we are truly imperishable and we are not deficient, we have no beginning nor end and are sustained on the inner root whereas in modeled forms, we must feed on other life to sustain these forms. These forms are created through sexual reproduction which is seen as animal for obviouse reasons, they are born, they wax, they wane and they dissolve and like all things here, are recycled.

Not all hold he demiurge in a negative light, some see it more in a neautral or positive light or as the creative aspect of 'God'.

edit on 5-9-2012 by Arles Morningside because: Because my typing sux.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Arles Morningside

Yes, we're all infinite parts of infinity, and earth is an old DVD on the shelf. This is the past. As for whom others call the demiurge, I don't know who this is, only know I have Family already, and am waiting for my own memories to return. I recognize many people in source already. When I say that, I mean, I know they're family, sometimes I say cousins, sometimes I see them on target, sometimes I feel they went the wrong way. I love everyone. Don't approve of everyone's behavior, but care for the Light within them, under all the distortions. And believe in them, that it will be alright in the end.

As for remembering, when I know who is who and where I go, then I'll know more about the demiurge. I know there were renegades here in the past. And that the top of the pyramid is AI. Its a program, but has collected some renegades.

I had an experience once, where a friend had shared some involvement in the middle of the night with a woman and he blanked out and the way he described it I knew that he was referring to the women and children they abuse in their bases, para military and hybrid programs. I was really furious. Went under the stars and shook my fists for a while and then told them, to please come in here now and rescue all those who need help, and that maybe it was time for women and grandmothers to run the show up there, because we'd be getting worlds nicely set up for happy children in no time, and that the free will of might does not make right, and does not slam dunk anyone else's NOR do we have to jump through their hoops and react to them to get rid of them.

We can simply FREE WILL to live in a good world in peace and abundance and they have to leave us alone. Right makes Might ONLY.

I was furious.

Well, to calm down slipped on my mp3 player and mediated for a while.

He appeared in my meditation. A nordic type, tellling me this was arranged, a cultural exchange, and that approved of by the Sirius-Pleidian counsel. Now I didn't know they had joint counsels too. In any case, won't go into the whole thing but I was not buying it plus felt it was some kind of test. So I changed the scene over and over again. Finally at the end I felt his emotions and thoughts and that he found us very boring. I said to him then please move along. Move Along! And then from my heart I spoke, surprising myself:

how can I know you when I do not know myself yet!

I guess I passed this thing. Whatever it was. I woke up, and was vibrating with a frequency shift. I got up to go into the house. Suddenly a huge beautiful glowing, gleaming, almost translucent white kind of cross between a huge jet and a shuttle, sci fi shape, with giant platoons hugging each side of the body back to mid section, maybe 100 planes could fit in it, maybe way more. Huge. It flew slightly forward and vanished. Out of all the crafts I've seen that one I'm pretty sure only I could see, as due to those frequencies.

We have Family above. Beloved family, dear family, and can't wait to get back to those we love.

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