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Matrix Unraveled ~ The Do's and Do Not's ~ !!!!!!

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posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

What you describe about this 'reality', Unity, sounds more like a fixed system and that what is observed here was simply inevitable.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:02 AM
Why you guys keep saying the government, its not the government its the PROGRAM who created the system and is operating the system

@ 0:12:58 ( actually starts at 0:25:40 to :0:32:00)

edit on 1-9-2012 by sam_inc because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-9-2012 by sam_inc because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Arles Morningside

Well under the circumstances of interaction, that things do fall over time into lower frequency is understandable. But we have choices. So each day, free will exists for us, yet there is NO Time, so all that has been, is and will be all at once, and from Future Pesrpective its already passed, making this an old DVD on the shelf. Yet not fixed because we're still waking the walk, but at the same "time" where there is No Time and its all at once, our Future Self is through.

I see this whole universe as fixed, however, as an interactive intelligent machine, and Family does intervene, miracles do happen, however, its made to self regulate. Anywhere where the free will of some override the free will of others, where anyone can be harmed or hit, is a place I don't ever wish to be in, for I don't believe in this system.

I don't believe people can earn the "heavenly" beyond, I don't like the coding in the language, by suffering, pain, agony, brutality, harsh punishments, rinse and repeat for a kazillion years.

That is nothing that I will ever agree with.

I would never have a wide open system if such a school had to exist, but have limits and rules as to what anyone could do. I don't believe in this universe.

And have wrestled all my life with it. At one point, I gave the management &@it, and quit completely. It was on yet one more child or family murdered. No Way, not participating in this stupid and absolutely criminal, twisted game, school, whatever it is. The bullies free willl does not slam dunk anyone else's EVER.

I had a couple days after quitting where I felt Spirit within my heart, waiting patiently, and it kind of built up until I finally said, What? What do you wish to tell time. I have a conscience and cannot ever agree with such a system, and don't see how I could ever change my mind!

And then I was shown Infinite Progression, (about 8-9 years ago at the kitchen sink), and each level a steep learning curve (and yes that means the mid management group placing souls here could be making mistakes, that is exactly what it means.....!!!!!) with responsibilities delegated down the lines and this was so, everyone makes it out, everyone is real, having chosen, not a puppet, but a real boy/girl, their own person, even if it takes a kazillion years.

And there was no other way of doing it, other than free will. Soul's are pretty hard on themselves and have quite high standards of wanting to succeed, pass and grow, their way and perfect their way.

This universe is the one where we learn how much harming others hurts, how inequality hurts, how apathy hurts, and it hurts ourselves in the process. On the other side, we were telepathic and felt everyone, it was alot easier to ensure happiness for those around us, now the master tests cut off from those abilities.

Now, still haven't completely agreed with this, but have to wrestle between Not Being A Renegade, Loving All Souls and the Mid Management and Handing in My Reports when I ever get there or higher, where there is no higher, just Beyond, and Beyond and Beyond in Infinity. And humble to realize that when I think I'm going to hand in these minority reports and try to help them stop this injustice, I may understand by that time that there is no other way.

This does not mean we need harsh earth rule by 2 year old bullies. This planet was in a state of grace before, and fell. Its interactive.

which is why its not rigid, but responsive.

edit on 1-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 10:43 AM
The part on the government above is all known, what is under the hood though? The top of the pyramid is off planet. They seem to be manipulating what they have discovered or know about the universe, that its akin to AI and self regulating, and so they can cheat the balances, put info out in false ways, that don't eductate, cheat the system. In reality, Neo and Zion are the elite and annanuki, they are the renegades who are going against the School. That group is the elite really. They seem to be doing all they can to beat the program and ensure their win, and enslavement of everyone else.

But they don't know about the Beyonds and the Family, and that isn't the end all of how this will go.

But do we constantly fight the system of agents and elites, or do we instead, wake up and start to use our inner direction to help those around us, knowing this is an artificial system and not home, and merely wish to perfect our Love and go home?

I always get the feeling there are certain elite trying to join Darth Vader overhead and transhumanism, believing its a machine, AI.

The matrix gives us some idea of this. The renegades joining/using AI to operate in this system as gods.

But, what is Beyond. Is AI overhead? Or is it a system designed by the Most Advanced Loving Spirits, to advance their children, a school. AI remains a toaster.

In reality, the dream, the technology, the coding, the whole thing is a Thoughtscape. From the Mind Of Soul.

They wish to embrace transhumanism. More machine than man, regression of soul/consciousness, and it isn't the way to become gods.
edit on 1-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by daskakik

Wasn't it Neil Armstrong that said reality has many protective layers guarding the truth?

You peel back one layer that has the republicans and democrats battling each other...

You pull back another that has powerful people influencing world affairs...

You remove another that has religious leaders and sacred texts leading the blind...

And on and on...

Where does it end, if ever, and is this just a wild goose chase?

Maybe nobody knows and maybe no truth has been uncovered. We're all blind.

My feeling right now is there's only one way out and that's to die, but it's a big choice. And since I can't back it up with irrefutable evidence then it's speculation and even dangerous to say.

But... I see myself in a fly that's trapped in a spider's web. I see myself in the spider when I move it a place away from where we walk. I see myself in the crows and pigeons. I see myself in all the animals. I tell them that we're all struggling, we're all searching. But it doesn't stop anything bad from happening. I know that I am just one human in a long lineage of humans. And I think there're other humans in the universe. And other higher intelligences. I think we're just like the animals and bugs we see on earth when things are put into perspective. There're much higher forms of civilization.

I don't know what reality is. Maybe it's just a place to be confused and search. Sometimes I am angry. But I still hold onto my physical body and some of my desires. I am still here.

One thing I know is that I am not special. I am not separate of animals. If they're to die then I am most certain to die too. Somehow we're all living the same experience, but in different bodies. We do similar things. We live similarly and die similarly. The differences are not fundamental.

If I could save us all somehow I would. To preserve the memory. But if I cannot then I cannot. I can only hope that there's a way to sum it all up in a way that's acceptable to all things great and small. Sometimes I fear that there's no universal justice and that anything goes. In a universe like that, we're all homeless and void. Maybe that's what we're. It's frightening to think. But if we're all similar, just in different bodies, then we're like one thing that's homeless and void. Maybe we're a ghost that's trying to manifest itself. But even if there's justice for all things, I still think that after it's all said and done, everything is blind. We're finite and do not know absolute truth, so we will always stumble in the dark and unnecessarily harm each other. If we're infinite then why waste our time here, in a universe that ensures death and destruction? If we're infinite then maybe we're demons. I think that only demons could desire to live in this place of despair and deprivation and ignorance.
edit on 1-9-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 12:05 PM
One things for certain: if the OP didn't use The Matrix to endorse his Christianity, he wouldn't have gotten so many flags.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by jonnywhite
reply to post by daskakik

Wasn't it Neil Armstrong that said reality has many protective layers guarding the truth?

True but he may have been simply talking about the secrets between men.

Sometimes I fear that there's no universal justice and that anything goes. In a universe like that, we're all homeless and void. Maybe that's what we're. It's frightening to think.

I believe that that is what it's like. It is frightening and that is why many seek love and god and harmony. I like to think that it is freedom and no matter how frightening, it's well worth the scare.
edit on 1-9-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by sam_inc

Its more than a program. The Universal AI, Holographic interactive school has real, SoulConsciousness Designers.

This hijacked portion has EntitiesET and some are kind of Transhuman or Borg even, entites, as that is some of how the bullies keep progressing somewhat. But they found how to manipulate this programmed reality. However, Family and Benevolents are over everything, and I come from that, and know its fine this is just a lower level illusion of power, and no one here is abandoned ever, though some take longer in getting home, regressing for a time. Strong nudges taking place, strong awareness to bring people gently out of their bubbles, because a cosmic upgrade is in place. Everyone talks about 2012. Well, my contacts talked about hundreds of years. Despite a real push to shine light and see everyone as progressing, I also know, its still all about readiness, soul level, choices, and there is a time when everyone does turn things around, one life or another.

By the way this is something about the Matrix I saw, ZION, the awake ones, who kept that knowledge to themselves, and they're cooperating with the entities/et's, to become gods, ie. they are pushing towards transhumanism.
edit on 1-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:25 PM
The Void is a 'place' (for lack of a better word) of great potential and rest.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by LesMisanthrope
One things for certain: if the OP didn't use The Matrix to endorse his Christianity, he wouldn't have gotten so many flags.

Sorry to disappoint you ~ !!!! But..... I am not Christian or religious at all

I meditate from time to time and that is about it for religion purposes for me. Even though meditation is not that much of a religious thing.

If I was religious I would be screaming something like in the thread:

I do not like religion it is the biggest scam in history of the world. Church pretty much takes out a sack with a $ sign on it saying "Donate to the cause or you will all go to hell ~ !!!". Fear of a big daddy god smiting us sure makes us do crazy things. The only thing out of all religions people should ever use is love, understanding, giving/sharing and helping each other a long the way. The rest of the stuff is just fear mongering/dooms day things....

Also what give you the idea I would be christian ~ ??? Was it the God videos ~ ??? I did say I am not pushing any religious agendas or something like that in the lines in the OP.

But..... still welcome to the thread and hope you have a good read

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by jonnywhite
reply to post by daskakik

Wasn't it Neil Armstrong that said reality has many protective layers guarding the truth?

You peel back one layer that has the republicans and democrats battling each other...

You pull back another that has powerful people influencing world affairs...

You remove another that has religious leaders and sacred texts leading the blind...

And on and on...

Where does it end, if ever, and is this just a wild goose chase?

Maybe nobody knows and maybe no truth has been uncovered. We're all blind.

My feeling right now is there's only one way out and that's to die, but it's a big choice. And since I can't back it up with irrefutable evidence then it's speculation and even dangerous to say.

But... I see myself in a fly that's trapped in a spider's web. I see myself in the spider when I move it a place away from where we walk. I see myself in the crows and pigeons. I see myself in all the animals. I tell them that we're all struggling, we're all searching. But it doesn't stop anything bad from happening. I know that I am just one human in a long lineage of humans. And I think there're other humans in the universe. And other higher intelligences. I think we're just like the animals and bugs we see on earth when things are put into perspective. There're much higher forms of civilization.

Neil was right ~ !!! it is exactly like an onion you got to peal back the layers

Of-course there are others out there
it would be a waste of space if there were not
~ !!!!!

Intelligence wise and understanding things yes we are like ants to them. However, they think of us as younger brothers and sisters who are merely learning the ropes. Equality is a big thing out there apparently ^_^

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Arles Morningside
The Void is a 'place' (for lack of a better word) of great potential and rest.

Is this the giant black place you usually float around when you die like some sort of dream scape ~ ??

Where you can view past life's and other things or is this a different place ~ ???

Or are you talking about the giant bright white place you float around ~ ???

Do extend on it I am fascinated by this intriguing information you brought out

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

It is the Womb of the Great Mystery, the Secret Cavern of the Stone in Alchemical terms, some call it Mother or the Origin of All. She belongs to the Great Mystery. She is that out of which the Matrix and its Matrices ever emanates and returns. She transcends the night and day yet they have issued forth from her waters and are not seperate. She is a mystery and none can truly describe her.

Edit to add: *tickles your winking eye with giant blue feather* woot!
edit on 1-9-2012 by Arles Morningside because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Arles Morningside
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

It is the Womb of the Great Mystery, the Secret Cavern of the Stone in Alchemical terms, some call it Mother or the Origin of All. She belongs to the Great Mystery. She is that out of which the Matrix and its Matrices ever emanates and returns. She transcends the night and day yet they have issued forth from her waters and are not seperate. She is a mystery and none can truly describe her.

This mother you speak of does she also go by the name of "Divine Mother ~ ???"

Just poking curiosity with a stick that is all

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Ooooo Stick poking!

Yes, She is the Divine or Great Mother.
edit on 1-9-2012 by Arles Morningside because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:00 PM
Matrix is Womb, Sophia, Mother is the way back home, the tree of life. All symbols, for we have a Mom and a Dad, but I believe Prime Creator is Mother, for the way back home in this universe is LOVE. Everyone is working on the different seals, and when you turn the third up to the highest level past sovereign work and structure and success and realize there are many who are not blessed with health, opportunities and ability and you begin to lose seflishness and see equality, this leads to the Fourth, the Heart, and thus, a Mother's Unconditional Love.

In HOOK, Maggie tells him, You Need A Mother Really Bad!

Yup, pretty much what I say when I feel negatives, the push to share Love, and that they have Family and Happiness waiting so the long way home hurts everyone.

And that usually comes out of the shadows, negative threats and monitoring, for we don't dwell in void or darkness but are actually very busy on the other side.
edit on 1-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:27 AM
I should be more specific and say, that 'she' (a word for convenience use) has been known as such, that is, the Divine or Great Mother. My response was in confirmation of what she has been commonly called.

I'm not that great with wordsies.

edit on 2-9-2012 by Arles Morningside because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:43 AM
I written this post on a ufo thread
but i feel it fit more into this one lol

Most people just dont want to see them or will deny them
are you ready for a partial disclosure ? might sound crazy
but it is for you to decide

I saw a beautiful multicolored one night in the dark forest 20 yrs ago
and im very sure i didnt dream about it .. i wasnt even sleeping yet

i agree with the op .. its hard to believe if you never saw one with your own eyes
because i have never seen another one like that after this unique sighting
it has trigger in me to think outside the box and research answers on ufos and conspiracies
i wouldnt be the same person now and on ATS if it wasnt for that ufo lol
next morning i checked if there was any roads ..
but nothing just big mountains and a river down below
there is also another kid beside me who saw it to .. said "what the hell is that"
so i asked him about it after we woke up from the camp building on the next morning
and he was like ... "leave me alone i dont want to talk about it"
i was so curious and him so scared .. his reaction was really strange to me

so 20 yrs later here i am NOW i had to reshuffle all my thoughs and connect the dots together
i think i start getting close to the truth .. it has been in front of us the whole time

the majority are benevolent aliens and a minority of bad fallen angels
there is a war in the heavens and it reflecting on the physical earth where time goes extremely faster
the center of our galaxy is NOT our sun btw .. the cake is a lie

i think we turn around a massive black hole .. it is one massive super reactor
and its in everything the famous spiral .. we are in fact spiraling around this black hole
everything and all constellation are spiraling around it .. its in our DNA the sea shells
we have spiral in our hair .. this spiral was created by a Creator .. it is the fibonachi sequense
like one big advanced programmer formula .. each galaxy has its own black hole
this black hole is the center of our galaxy and each 26000 yrs we come back to point 0
milky way itself is the most advanced clock ever .. literaly it is the Creator personal clock
thats why ancient civilization(survivors of different cycles) were so obsessed with the stars
because there is a big patern and it is the most accurate clock in the whole galaxy
the sun and the planets is just a constellation of stars ,, probably the new baby of the milky way
guess who created it .. the Creator with a big C and he is everything that exist
why Creating earth where time pass so fast but in the real dimension
time is extremely slow because of Gaia and how earth is positionned regarding the sun ?
it is caused by the magnetic poles for sure .. like a big battery

Earth is a living bioadvanced ascension machine in other words .. the perfect creation for evolution
thats why so many alien species wanted to be here in human forms .. to experience it and evolve
in reality we are connected to a very advanced high density gravity simulation
to help the soul evolve into god like beings if we find the correct path in our hearts .. the true door
everyone are egualy important and should find their own Holy Grail (the human heart)
dont be scare of dying .. nobody is dying .. we are all imortals .. yes hard to believe
the system on earth made sure we would never suspect all of this .
because they wouldnt have control on us
i didnt even have to see these other dimensions to understand that ..
perceptibility from your heart is one hell of a 6th sense and a good lie detector to
people who are to attach to this simulation and cant let go .. will be lost and confuse
their soul fail the most important test of life .. being a loving and caring being loving life on earth
dont follow anyone rules except your own rules .. you are the ultimate rulers
people dont realise that everytime they hurt someone or even a mouse
they create their own hell with karma .. each time someone do bad stuff
they are damning their own soul forever into an emptyness of torturing fire
wishing they could come back to earth and have another chance in another life (reincarnation)
really bad people dont have second chances

now its time you ask .. where are YOU in all of this
choose your heart and love or choose cold emptyness

the more i get answers .. the more i have questions but its all i got so far
life is beautiful and so mysterious
the signs and clues are all there .. it is you to find it
if you read this post .. then it is not a coincidence

have Faith !
edit on 9/2/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 09:57 PM
Hey guys and girls I want to apologize to you all in advance.

I been feeling a bit under the weather lately and will put off the posting for maybe 1-2 days. Please forgive me for the delay and we will get back on track once I return.

Thank you for your understanding

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:51 PM
I literally don't understand what any of you are saying. Seriously, it sounds like gibberish. I apologize for not contributing with my post, but I can't even follow the conversation. I starting reading just to see what the discussion was about, nothing much else to do.

I really really think Unity_99s comments are being generated by a random word generator. I am not sure those are even complete sentences. It is like reading a book by Yoda. I am by no means trying to be offensive. The error is more than likely on my part for not being competent, but... One of you were responding, but I couldn't tell how either one of you were sure that you were actually answering the others posts. After reading this thread I feel like I am in the Matrix, where none of you are real and I am the only non bot poster.

Love and the Great Benejesuit Mother will do something to do with the Matrix. Now lets watch a bunch of movie clips (you should throw in some from Dune).

I will say it again, you should never base your ideology and philosophy on popular culture. It is ok to like movies and music and such, but in "reality", you are taking terms from popular culture and using them to express your beliefs, which I still don't understand. I liked what you were saying about people being slaves to money, but then you lost me again. And I still don't see how that relates to any sort of "Matrix" type of reality.

Are you all trying to say that reality is a construct created by aliens? I really can't tell what the premise of the thread is.

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