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Israel angered over IAEA vote on nuclear arsenal

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posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
So Christians and Muslims can have their own religious country but Israel can't have one? Or they can't have their own religiously run state?

Jews aren't allowed to discriminate against non-Jews but Muslims can discriminate against non-Muslims?


Boy, all kinds of double standards when it comes to Jews.

In other words, it's okay for one group of people to discriminate against people who don't match their beliefs, but it's not okay for Zionist Jews because they have the wrong kind of beliefs and must be either Christian or Muslim.

Typical, Just typical.

edit on 30-8-2012 by EvilSadamClone because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2012 by EvilSadamClone because: (no reason given)

I dont think a lot of people in the west condone muslims discriminating against anybody. And we do not have christian countries, we have secular countries, where the majority of people just happen to be Christians, that is because Christians were agressive about recruiting and jews the polar opposite in that regard.

Jews did not get to have their jewish country when religious countries were still fashionable, tough break, most people feel they should get on with the times, instead of trying to relive an outdated concept and culture because they did not get a go 200+ years ago.

To sumrise, you are quite correct in saying that most people feel the jews should NOT have their own country, any more than any other religion really. Can you imagine what would happen if Europe and America would pass tomorrow some of the backwards laws Israel has? Or the laws of any other religious state really.
edit on 30-8-2012 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 07:24 PM
There is so much America and Israel hatred on ATS you cannot see how 1 sided that article is. Israel is the only nation in the mid east that has nukes? Someone oughta tell Pakistan.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by CJStallion
There is so much America and Israel hatred on ATS you cannot see how 1 sided that article is. Israel is the only nation in the mid east that has nukes? Someone oughta tell Pakistan.

It's called criticism, get used to it. No one hates anyone, that hate is only visible when it is made a point by people like you.

I agree, the single handed approach is not right, if you are going to identify and hold accountable nations then it needs to be done for everyone, Pakistan included however...

This is a numbers game and Pakistan has squat compared to Israel and the US, in fact I would say that Israel has the majority and this fact alone is enough to keep most at bay (whether Israel understands this fact or not).

If Israel acted mature and found a middle ground on this treaty, it would be a first step in putting right the wrongs in other nations (lesser developed and more volatile) - as long as you come out the aggressor you will have an equally aggressive reaction.

I might sound like a hippy but can you imagine if we were not busy playing with our war toys for one day, the things each nation could achieve towards a better future (Israel for example, has some amazing minds in the fields of Science, Computing and Medicine).

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by old_god

Ya do realize that Islam is a religion of aggression don't you? That is a big issue between us and them.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed

Originally posted by DarknStormy

Originally posted by Terminal1

Apparently you are uninformed if you say that Iran is not surrounded by US forces on jsut about every front.

If you simply refuse to see that Iran is actually surrounded or even look at a map yourself to realize that Russia does NOT share a land border with Iran anymore then you need to check with your doctor to see if he can put you on anti-delusional drugs.

A few accurate misslie strikes could change that quickly. Remember, there are still extremists running around in those neighbouring countries and soldiers are still dying... If you think Iran are surrounded, I think you are delusional. 10 years later and we still do not control what happens in those countries... Otherwise we would not be there.

Every star is an American Military base.

Not trying to pick sides in your side debate but the picture says all that needs to be said.

Again.... Do you see any stars to the north?

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
So Christians and Muslims can have their own religious country but Israel can't have one? Or they can't have their own religiously run state?

Jews aren't allowed to discriminate against non-Jews but Muslims can discriminate against non-Muslims?


Boy, all kinds of double standards when it comes to Jews.

In other words, it's okay for one group of people to discriminate against people who don't match their beliefs, but it's not okay for Zionist Jews because they have the wrong kind of beliefs and must be either Christian or Muslim.

Typical, Just typical.

edit on 30-8-2012 by EvilSadamClone because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2012 by EvilSadamClone because: (no reason given)

I dont think a lot of people in the west condone muslims discriminating against anybody. And we do not have christian countries, we have secular countries, where the majority of people just happen to be Christians, that is because Christians were agressive about recruiting and jews the polar opposite in that regard.

Jews did not get to have their jewish country when religious countries were still fashionable, tough break, most people feel they should get on with the times, instead of trying to relive an outdated concept and culture because they did not get a go 200+ years ago.

To sumrise, you are quite correct in saying that most people feel the jews should NOT have their own country, any more than any other religion really. Can you imagine what would happen if Europe and America would pass tomorrow some of the backwards laws Israel has? Or the laws of any other religious state really.
edit on 30-8-2012 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

That's the funny thing.... we aren't talking about giving a RELIGIOUS GROUP a homeland. We're talking about a PEOPLE.

There is a difference between a Judaist, and a Jew. The latter has become the term commonly used for the descendants of the Hebrew people. Remember how Judea existed? No? Maybe read a history book.

Why should they have to leave? Because someone else said so?

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by old_god

If Israel acted mature and found a middle ground on this treaty, it would be a first step in putting right the wrongs in other nations (lesser developed and more volatile) - as long as you come out the aggressor you will have an equally aggressive reaction.
Would you mind expanding on this idea of a middle ground, please?

My understanding is that Iran can live up to the treaty or hand in their three months' notice and get out of the treaty. Isn't some of the problem that Iran is living up to parts of the treaty but not all of them?

What would a middle ground look like? Iran can have some nuclear weapons, but has to let the world count them? Perhaps force Israel to disclose its nuclear program in full (even though they haven't signed the treaty)? Not trying to be a wise guy, I just can't see what this would look like.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed

Poor Israel can sure dish it out but can't take it when it comes to criticism of their nuclear arsenal.

Israel’s Ambassador to the IAEA Ehud Azoulay, has censured the initiative, saying the Arab nations have no moral right to point fingers.

Wow, can you say hypocrite?

It's quite simple actually.. Anyone with half a brain would realize the difference. The muslim world has been trying to exterminate Jews for thousands of years. Leaders in Muslim countries openly call for the extermination of Israel followed by exterminating Jews. The Koran teaches this and their blessed Mohammed prophet made it his final order. Israel uses it's nuclear arsenal as a deterrent from being exterminated. Never has Israel or it's leaders called for the extermination of Muslims or any of it's neighbors.

These Zionists in Israel are losing their grip and it is becoming more evident as each day passes. The world has been standing up to them as of late and I hope this trend continues.

First of all you need to get off your pedestal of hatred and insecurity. The "Zionist plot" is nothing more than a force to combat the uprising Islamic threat to world peace and security of every non Muslim. Naturally the "Zionists" are going to protect Israel because they aren't going to pick the Muslim side.. There really are only two sides of the coin. Either your with jihad and killing all Jews and Christians or you are with Israel against jihad and world chaos.

I hope this initiative of Arab states serves Israel a nice cup of shut the # up.

I hope you drink it first,

Yes, I know the source is Press TV, but none of the Zionist controlled outlets will dare report this, at least not in the proper context that Press TV has done.

How can you judge what the proper context is? You don't even understand the world and most importantly the threat building around you. Do you think Farakhan would be a true and just leader? The people waging war against us and Israel make Farakhan look like Mother Theresa. Maybe you just feel left out of life not being able to witness the weekly stoning and the monthly beheading in the street.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

Again.... Do you see any stars to the north?

I see at least 4 bases in Turkey which allow entry through Turkish airspace at Iran's most northern tip.

How is not from the north?

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed

Originally posted by OrionHunterX
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

WTF? Double standards! What have these Arab/Muslim yahoos done to stop Pakistan from producing a nuclear stockpile way beyond its requirements? It has now the fastest growing nuke arsenal in the world!!!

Is it that they think it is OK for a Muslim country to have nukes? Pakistan is the most dangerous country in the world today. Its nukes could be taken over by terrorists supported by extremist elements within the Army/ISI sooner than later which poses a clear and present danger to the entire world due to nuclear blackmail.

Israel is certainly a more responsible nation than Pakistan. So the Arabs should start with Pakistan first.

Well, to be clear, Pakistan is not in the habit of threatening it's neighbors with attack, other than the odd border squirmish with India in the disputed Kashmir region. Pakistan's nuclear program was created as a deterrent for it's neighbor India who already were a nuclear power. India and Pakistan both took separate paths about how they pursued and developped their programs but that is a whole other thread topic.

So in essence it's not a double standard. Pakistan is not in the habit of threatening the whole region as Israel quite often does. If the nations of the region felt Pakistan was a threat, they would surely mention this, in fact it has been mentioned various times and Pakistan has for the most part proven that it can be trusted and that their nukes are secure. I'm not saying that they are 100% guilt free, but they are a whole lot more transparent than Israel.

What are your thoughts of a nation like Pakistan which you consider to be full of extremists showing more transparency than the "only democracy in the ME" AKA Israel?

There is always the chance that Pakistan could have an "uprising" where the nukes could "fall into the wrong hands" but this would only happen if the United States allowed it to happen as Pakistan is another US stooge, and does what it is told.

The fact that you imply Muslim countries should not have nukes proves to me that you might have some bias in this situation. Are you saying Israel should be allowed to have nukes because they are primarily a non Muslim country?

Israel is also ran by extremists, and the extremist element in Israel is very extreme and the fact that these nut jobs have nukes frightens me. Look up the Samson option and you might be a little scared too.

To put it simply, Israel is fighting for its survival unlike Pakistan. Every other day one hears threats of Israeli oblivion by most Muslim countries in the ME especially Iran. They want Israel to be erased from the world map! But where Pakistan is concerned, no one has threatened them and yet they continue producing nukes like a cookie factory spending billions, never mind the hunger and poverty that stalks the nation.

And don't ever suggest that Pakistan's nukes are just meant for India. They are well on the way to producing delivery systems with the help of China, to reach Israel which they too consider as a scourge that needs to be wiped out from the face of the Earth.

Pakistan's AQ Khan, who ran the biggest nuke proliferation ring in the world has transferred technology to Iran too with the help of Pakistan's Establishment. So what do we have here? A nuclear armed Pakistan and Iran having delivery systems to hit Israel, dangling the proverbial Damocles sword over their heads as nuclear blackmail.

Now what do you expect Israel to do? Twiddle its thumbs? No! It needs a viable nuclear deterrent to ensure its safety. Nuke asymmetry would be a disaster!

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

This thread has digressed BIG TIME. Claims that all Muslim countries are calling for the extermination of Jews and of Israel -- without any cited evidence. Comparisons between Israel and Pakistan. Etc.

The point is that Israel is a rogue nuclear state and its neighbors want international oversight of Its nuclear program -- just like Israel and the US want for nuclear-capable states unfriendly to Israel. If Mexico had nuclear program and was a rogue nuclear state, you could be sure that the US and Latin American countries would want inspections of Its nuclear sites. So no wonder the various Middle East nations are calling for the same for Israel.

Neither Israel, Pakistan or India have signed the NPT, yet the US gives military aid to Israel and Pakistan, and has been involved in talks with India of providing nuclear fuel and related materials/technology. The US has military cooperation at some level with all three of these rogue nuclear states. Yet it is Iran that the US is threatening militarily, and conducting nuclear espionage on and possibly involved in terrorism (assassination) against. The US has a clear double standard -- as does Israel. Since Israel hasn't signed onto the NPT, it has no legal or moral foundation to make any demands upon Iran.

Moreover, a number of posters here are claiming Islam as a religion of aggression. Maybe so, maybe not, but certainly no more than Christianity or Judaism. American "Christians" (I use the term very loosely) like to claim that the US is a Christian nation and/or a nation founded on Christian principles. Yet what country has conducted more wars and killed people in as many countries as the US? Israel also starts or escalates its share of wars with attendant war crimes -- like using human shields, white phosphorous, cluster munitions and attacking hospitals.

The US gets pissed off when some US hikers get arrested for illegally being in Iran, but has no problem when Israel crushes a US citizen with a bulldozer, i.e. Rachel Corrie, whose only crime was protesting illegal demolitions of Palestinian homes.

Defenders of Israel will do anything to deflect criticism of the country: make false equivalences and/or false claims, cry anti-semiticism, and simply ignoring the facts of the matter. And as for the supposed "hate" against the US and Israel at this site, it is not hate, but disgust at war crimes and other illegalities as well as plain bullying and thuggery on the parts of these two nations -- not to mention extreme hypocrisy. Yet the defenders of the actions of these two countries continue making unsubstantiated claims about the hatred and aggression of Muslims. Who's showing the hate? Looks like the pro-US/Israel people are, to me.

Iran and all the other Middle Eastern and/or Muslim countries are not killing people in multiple countries. It is the US that is doing so overtly with its military and the CIA, and Israel covertly, through assassinations or backing of foreign terrorist organizations such as the MLK.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by MrInquisitive
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Neither Israel, Pakistan or India have signed the NPT, yet the US gives military aid to Israel and Pakistan, and has been involved in talks with India of providing nuclear fuel and related materials/technology. The US has military cooperation at some level with all three of these rogue nuclear states.

What were you smoking when you wrote this clap trap? Since when have India and Israel become 'rogue states'?

Which world are you living in, my friend? India and Israel have an impeccable record on non proliferation. Compare that with the China-North Korea-Pakistan nexus. China and North Korea are the biggest rogue states as they are known proliferators of nuclear weapons and delivery systems which they have surreptitiously supplied to Pakistan. Pakistan has in turn supplied the blueprints of the bomb to North Korea, Libya, Iran, etc.

Where does India fit in here? On what grounds have you clubbed it with these rogue states? Jeeez!
Have Israel and India indulged in nuclear proliferation? No! They need these nukes as a deterrent as the Muslims of the ME want Israel to be wiped off the world map and Pakistani Muslims wants to see India disintegrate as they consider them 'Kafirs' or non-believers.

edit on 31-8-2012 by OrionHunterX because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 01:23 AM
Ha ha ha, I just have to laugh to see Romano Prodi crying anti-semitism - he comes off sounding like Homer Simpson being the "retarded" jerk who can do whatever he wants "cuz I am retarded".

Here is Israel in the Retarded Homer role:
"We can run over you with a bulldozer 'cuz there are anti-semites out there"

"We disregard human rights and cause terrible human suffering because there are anti-semites out there"

"Palestinians are sub-human because there are anti-semites in Europe"

"We can have a huge nuclear weapons stockpile and not sign the international agreements on non-proliferation because there are anti-semites out there"

"I don't even have to ADMIT to having nuclear weapons 'cuz I am retarded" [oops, "a victim of anti-semitism"]

- okay, you get it.

The distinction between "Jewish people" and the Zionist leadership was made here. If it isn't the leadership that the Jewish people put into power, then perhaps Israel is not a democracy? As in America where the elections are flawed, the candidates carefully screened so that the choice is between one of two of the same thing... [or like Canada where election fraud was evident in 2011, and the candidates of the two major parties are carefully screened etc...]

Hey, Eh - add Canada in there too - I for one see Israel as 2nd only to America as the biggest threat to world peace, certainly ahead of Afghanistan, Iran, or North Korea. I wonder if others here do too.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by OrionHunterX

Originally posted by MrInquisitive
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Neither Israel, Pakistan or India have signed the NPT, yet the US gives military aid to Israel and Pakistan, and has been involved in talks with India of providing nuclear fuel and related materials/technology. The US has military cooperation at some level with all three of these rogue nuclear states.

What were you smoking when you wrote this clap trap? Since when have India and Israel become 'rogue states'?

Which world are you living in, my friend? India and Israel have an impeccable record on non proliferation. Compare that with the China-North Korea-Pakistan nexus. China and North Korea are the biggest rogue states as they are known proliferators of nuclear weapons and delivery systems which they have surreptitiously supplied to Pakistan. Pakistan has in turn supplied the blueprints of the bomb to North Korea, Libya, Iran, etc.

Where does India fit in here? On what grounds have you clubbed it with these rogue states? Jeeez! Have Israel and India indulged in nuclear proliferation? No! They need these nukes as a deterrent as the Muslims of the ME want Israel to be wiped off the world map and Pakistani Muslims wants to see India disintegrate as they consider them 'Kafirs' or non-believers.

They are all rogue nuclear states by definition in that they all have nuclear arsenals, in contravention of the NPT. Have they signed the NPT? No, but the fact that they have refused to sign it and go along with the rest of the nations of the world that have signed it, make them de facto rogue nations. They have proliferated these weapons by making them for themselves. Apparently you were doing the smoking when you learned this vocabulary world.

And as for Israel, it is well documented that France and the US both helped Israel's nuclear weapons program directly or by turning a blind eye to it. For that matter, Mr. Cheney's company, Hallurburton, was involved in work for Iran's nuclear program at one point, so the US is definitely a nuclear proliferator -- of Its own enemies!

Please tell me of one specific case of China exporting nuclear weapons technology. I know Pakistan has furthered proliferation worldwide (as has N. Korea), yet the US gives it billions in foreign aid each year, so the US is supporting this nuclear proliferator. The US has also given Israel cruise missile technology to make their nuclear arsenal that much more dangerous. Thus the US is proliferating nuclear delivery systems which is every bit as destabilizing and providing the nuclear technology.

Furthermore, Israel is a rogue state in that it commits war crimes, continues an illegal occupation of a foreign land and its people, and supports terrorism (the MLK in Iran as well as helping to found Hamas as an attempt to undercut the PLO) and commits assassinations in other countries. A state that violates international laws is a rogue nation. Of course you'll just say that Israel does these things to protect itself -- much like Nazi Germany once said of all of Its actions, no doubt. In addition, it is documented that Israel helped Apartheid South Africa and Its nuclear weapons program in exchange for uranium for its own program. So you are either lying or completely ignorant when you claim Israel has an impeccable non-proliferation record (never mind that it developed atomic weapons for itself, so it is a nuclear proliferator).

As for India, it is a larger and more powerful country than Pakistan, and beat Pakistan in several conventional wars, and hence doesn't need them as protection against Pakistan; it developed atomic bombs as a deterrent to China, which has attacked India on at least one occasion. And it was India's development of atomic weapons that spurred Pakistan to develop the same.

Additionally your arguments excusing Israel and India for their nuclear programs, but pointing the fingers at others smacks of bigotry -- ethnic and/or religious. These two countries need nuclear weapons to protect themselves, but the other countries in question -- Iran and Pakistan in particular -- want them for nefarious reasons. On what do you base this? Can't these countries also want nuclear weapons for defensive purposes?

But rather than deal with facts you want to attack me by asking what I am smoking, and what planet I am on. Typical pro-Zionist rhetorical tactic: smear the bearer of facts, don't deal in facts yourself because then you will lose the argument.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by OrionHunterX

Now what do you expect Israel to do? Twiddle its thumbs? No! It needs a viable nuclear deterrent to ensure its safety. Nuke asymmetry would be a disaster!

First of, Israel has had nuclear weapons since the 1970's, if not earlier. This was when it was already winning all of its wars with its Arab neighbors and had the backing of the US. Since then Israel has made peace with Egypt, and Israel's other major adversaries, Iraq and Syria, have lost most of the military support they used to get from the USSR; in addition, the Iraqi military was destroyed by the US in case you hadn't noticed. So why does Israel continue to need nuclear weapons? And it is because of Israel's military nuclear program that Iraq began a nuclear program, and it is in part the reason why Iran may wish to develop them as well (that and the fact that Iran is surrounded by countries occupied by the US armed forces).

And I agree: nuclear asymmetry is a disaster. There needs to be a counterbalancing nuclear deterrent in another Middle Eastern country -- such as Iran -- to keep Israeli in check.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by libertytoall

It's quite simple actually.. Anyone with half a brain would realize the difference. The muslim world has been trying to exterminate Jews for thousands of years. Leaders in Muslim countries openly call for the extermination of Israel followed by exterminating Jews. The Koran teaches this and their blessed Mohammed prophet made it his final order. Israel uses it's nuclear arsenal as a deterrent from being exterminated. Never has Israel or it's leaders called for the extermination of Muslims or any of it's neighbors.

Please cite sources in these unfounded claims. Please tell us precisely which Muslim countries' leaders are calling for this extermination of Jews. Please provide something besides the mis-translated quote from Iran's prime minister. And where exactly in the Koran does it call for this extermination? Could you please provide the passage # and even the quote if you have it?

Furthermore, if the Muslim world has been trying to exterminate Jews for thousands of years, they've done a horrible job of it. Not to mention that Islam is only about 1500 years old, so it is an impossibility for Muslims to have been trying to exterminate Jews for thousands of years; this just shows your ignorance of history. And if you actually knew any history, you'd know that Jews lived amongst the Muslims in the Middle East quite peacefully for most of the time -- until an artificial Jewish state was created in 1948 and the preceding years of the 1930's when the Jews in Palestine were agitating, i.e. committing acts of terrorism, for a Jewish homeland. And after that, in order to increase the immigration of Jews to Israel, Jewish communities in many Muslim countries were forced by their own community leaders to emigrate from their homes in the Muslim countries were they were living.

Additionally -- although no one ever expects it -- the Spanish Inquisition comes into the picture too: it was Christians who were exterminating/torturing Jews or forcing them to convert in the late 1400's and eary 1500's. This was CATHOLIC ON JEW VIOLENCE, note Muslim on Jew. Then there was the little episode of WWII and the Holocaust; this was not perpetrated by Muslims either, but by Catholic and Protestant Europeans.

All your claims about Muslims wanting to kill Jews are unfounded and reek of religious bigotry and possibly racism. You are a purveyor of ignorant hatred.
edit on 31-8-2012 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by CJStallion
There is so much America and Israel hatred on ATS you cannot see how 1 sided that article is. Israel is the only nation in the mid east that has nukes? Someone oughta tell Pakistan.

Pakistan is not in the Middle East; it is in SW Asia. There is so much ignorance on ATS -- not to mention Islamophobia and crypto racism. And actually the US forces have nuclear weapons there -- at least on aircraft carriers and likely at some military bases -- so it is the only other country besides Israel with nuclear weapons in the Middle East. In fact it was the first country to have nuclear weapons in the Middle East when it had intermediate range nuclear missiles in Turkey in the late 1950's/early 1960's, which precipitated the Cuban missile crisis (The USSR wanted to have tit for tat with the US).

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Hongkongphooey

And yet Israel has given more land that they won fairly in war back to Egypt and the Palestinians than any other nation in modern history (bar the break up of the Soviet Union).

If the Israeli's were such land grabbers why did they give the Sinai back to Egypt with completely built up holiday resorts like Sharm el-Sheik? Why did they give the West Bank & Gaza Strip to the Palestinians, they did not have too, did they? They did it for peace andwhat did they get in return??? Not peace!

To be fair The West Bank is thriving and there is not much problem with Israel however, Gaza is a whole different problem of Hamas's making!

As for trusting Israel with Nukes, they have had much provocation and haven't used one yet and I doubt that they will unless they are attacked first with chemical or nuclear weapons, which is why there is so much effort to stop Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, because they have threatened and intend to wipe Israel off the map! Please do not give me the mis-translation nonsense. the Iranian leadershipand most Arab nations are quite clear as to what they want - the annilation of Israel! However,in doing so they will be wiping out the very same people they supposedly support - the Palestinians! ironic, wouldn't you say?

Actually Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan both gave up a lot more land than the former USSR or Israel -- unless you don't consider WWII modern history, which would be very strange indeed. And how exactly does one win land fairly in war? Please explain. By your reasoning, if some country more powerful than Israel kicked Israel's butt it would then be okay to take over all of Israel. Somehow, however, I doubt that you and other pro-ZIonists would call that fair.

The land Israel gave back to Egypt was part of the peace deal brokered by Jimmy Carter. Part of the deal was that Egypt would remain at peace with Israel, thereby leaving Israel to deal with just one military front to deal with, and another was that the US would give Israel $3 billion a year in military aid (which effectively became a way of subsidizing AIPAC) and give Egypt half as much and the US would support an Egyptian dictator who was in effect an Israeli lap dog.

Everything is not hunky dory in the West Bank. Water rights fights and the dwindling Dead Sea are major problems. Yeah, things are a lot better there than in Gaza, but then things were a lot better in the Warsaw Ghetto than in Auschwitz back during WWII. And as far as everything being Hamas's fault, Hamas was started up with the support of Israel in order to undermine the PLO/PA.

Most Arab countries are clear in that they want the annihilation of Israel huh? Please document these unsubstantiated claims. And you claim the Achmedijad (sp?) mis-translation is nonsense, so please provide me the direct translation from Farsi that backs up your claim.

No, the Israelis haven't used their nukes yet (we should be grateful and appreciative of this fact?!?!?!?) and have no reason to do so. They have one of the most powerful conventional military forces as well and certainly dominate militarily all their neighbors and rivals. But they do use their conventional weapons in illegal manners, including using bulldozers to crush US peace activists and assault rifles to shoot US, British and Turkish peace activists in the head at point-blank range. They also drop 2000 lb bombs on apartment complexes full of families and children in order to kill Palestinian militants who they could just as easily arrest. They also shell UN relief facilities and Lebanese hospitals. They also assassinate scientists and other political enemies in foreign countries, using counterfeited US, UK and Australian passports in these operations. They also continue to illegally occupy land and oppress the inhabitants for nearly 50 years now and are in essence committing ethnic cleansing by stealing the land from these people. They also use white phosphorous, cluster munitions and other munitions in manners proscribed by international law. They also use human shields. What a swell people and country, why shouldn't they be allowed to have nuclear weapons?

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by MrInquisitive

First of all, I am not 'pro-zionist' otherwise I would live in Israel and not Asia! Secondly, i have lived among the Palestinian's and know what is happening in the West Bank. Palestinians are getting screwed over, but not so much Israel these days, its more their own greedy government. Not unlike the governments in countries like Philippines, Thailand and Syria. The rich just keep getting richer and the povety is disgraceful.

Water will be the reason for future wars rather than oil, so I don't disagree with you there, but you obviously have a lot of hatred for Israel stating that they are rogue and we should all be grateful that they haven't used nukes! Lets get something straight shall we, Israel has done nothing other intelligence agencies or countries haven't done, whether it is MI5, MI6,SAS, CIA, NSA, KGB, GRU, DGSE, BND, MAD, MSS etc., the only difference is that Israel got caught in using foreign passports and it is often assumed Israel is behind the assination of Iran's scientists, of which there is NO actual proof! Have you never read a spy book, memoirs or even watched a James Bond film???

now i don't agree with much of what Israel's current right wing government does however, I do think the Palestinians screwed themselves when Ehud Barak as Prime Minister offered them everything they demanded and Yasser Arafat refused to sign the deal because it would make him redundant and end the hundred of millions of dollars that the PLO was receiving in aid that he and others were pilfering!

When Israel is wrong, I agree thay deserve to be critised, but every day here on ATS their are people like 'Corruption Exposed' whose only goal in life is to watch and critisise Israel for so much breathing air!

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Because when you are the Bible-proclaimed "God's chosen people," you have moral authority over the whole planet. And of course this grants you rights to an unaccountable, secret nuclear weapons stockpile, too.

If you take what you put in quotes and use it as a search term in a Bible data-base, you will see it come up four times, all in the New Testament, describing those who follow Jesus.
"God's chosen people" is something the Jews created as a description of themselves, and does not come from the Bible.
The Bible does point out three individuals called God's chosen, who are Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, of whom Paul says, it was for their sake that Jesus was revealed to the Jewish people first, but we all know how that turned out.
edit on 31-8-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

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