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Originally posted by Ben81
one mistake she did .. underestimating the IDF
when she was standing there in her mind she though the driver would never step on the gas
knowing she was there
the lesson learned here .. dont underestimate evil
because they dont care if you die if you stand in their way of destruction
supporting the palestinian side made her a terrorist in the IDF view
they probably put some bad ass bulldozer driver that dont care
to be sure to finish his job and kill anyone who try to stop him
some IDF soldier would have never do that .. yes i believe some IDF soldier still have hearts
compare to the killer bulldozer driver
Focus on the critical sentence: "Yet, when a victim explodes or acts out in unacceptable ways, these same officials are shocked and indignant."
What exactly are these "unacceptable ways" of exploding or acting out? Who decided they were "unacceptable"? Why is it that "reluctant school officials" will not "take definitive action" against the bullies -- thus tacitly conceding that the bullying itself is not all that "unacceptable" -- while the same officials are "shocked and indignant" when the victim protests too strongly?
This pattern, and certain of its origins, will be found throughout history, in every culture around the world. The pattern is a simple and deadly one: the oppressor -- that is, those who are in the superior position, whether they are parents, school officials, or the government, or in a superior position merely by virtue of physical strength -- may inflict bodily harm and/or grievous, lifelong emotional and psychological injury, but the victim may only protest within the limits set by the oppressor himself. The oppressor will determine those forms of protest by the victim that are "acceptable."
You see this pattern with regard to many helpless, lonely children in addition to Billy Wolfe...
Think about this very carefully for a moment. The oppressor may inflict unimaginable cruelties on innocent victims -- but the victims may only protest in ways which the oppressor deems "acceptable." The profound injustice is obvious, but not in itself remarkable or unexpected: this is how oppression operates. But ask yourself about the deeper reason for the prohibition. This is of the greatest importance: the victims may only protest within a constricted range of "permissible" behavior because, when they exceed the prescribed limits, they make the oppressors too uncomfortable. They force the oppressors to confront the nature of what they, the oppressors, have done in ways that the oppressors do not choose to face.
Take some time to appreciate the unfathomable cruelty of this pattern. You may be grievously harmed and even permanently damaged by the actions of those who hold unanswerable power -- but you may only speak about this evil and its effects within the very narrow limits set by those who would destroy you. If you are killed, the identical prohibitions apply to those who still manage to survive and who would protest the unforgivable crime committed against you. In this manner, the complacency and comfort of those who possess immense power and wealth are underwritten by the silence forced upon their victims. The victims may speak and even protest, but only within severely circumscribed limits, and only so long as their rulers are not made to feel too uncomfortable, or too guilty. Anything which approaches too close to the truth is strictly forbidden.
This is the system of government carefully erected and fortified in the United States over the last century. In the last several decades, it has been made impregnable and unassailable. If you tell the full truth or even approach it, you are consigned to the void beyond the most distant borders of permissible debate.
Originally posted by dontreally
Look how massive those bulldozers are. You can only see so far ahead.
She was in a dangerous place - and arrogantly assumed - that to stand there to the end would be more praiseworthy than getting out of the way.
Reverend Bruce W. Klunder was a white Presbyterian minister and civil right activist, born in Oregon. He died at age 27 on April 7, 1964, when he was run over by a bulldozer while protesting the construction of a segregated school in Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by spoor
Originally posted by Ben81
This is so sad
sad for the parents, but when you become an apologist for palestinian terrorists, and play in front of heavy earthmoving machinery you are just silly
Originally posted by spoor
Originally posted by dontreally
Look how massive those bulldozers are. You can only see so far ahead.
She was in a dangerous place - and arrogantly assumed - that to stand there to the end would be more praiseworthy than getting out of the way.
Very true. A similiar thing happened in the USA,
Reverend Bruce W. Klunder was a white Presbyterian minister and civil right activist, born in Oregon. He died at age 27 on April 7, 1964, when he was run over by a bulldozer while protesting the construction of a segregated school in Cleveland, Ohio
Funny how people are not whining about that, probably because Israel was not involved.
Bulldozers are dangerous machines, more so when people do silly things in front of them.
Three of them flung themselves into the path of the steel treads. Klunder lay down behind the machine. The driver, John White, 33, stopped when he saw the three in front. He looked around but did not see Klunder, and he backed up. When he finally stopped, Klunder was dead.
Very true. A similiar thing happened in the USA,
It’s quite easy to understand why law enforcement, as a vital enforcement arm of government, uses its authority so recklessly and with little impunity. The state, as anarcho-capitalist philosopher Hans-Herman Hoppe defines it, acts as “the final arbiter and judge in every case of interpersonal conflict.” Whatever issue a citizen has with an enforcer of government law, it must be heard and dealt with by another state official; thereby making bias inevitable. Should a judge declare whatever claim you make against the police as void, the process comes to an end. There is no appeal to a competing authority. Law, instead of being concrete and based on moral principles, is bent and formed to fit whatever the enforcers in the state deem necessary. Instead of protecting person and property, law enforcement seeks to protect itself and the power it has accumulated. In other words, “protect and serve” does not apply to society but rather to their employer known as the state.
Questioning of monopolized, violent, and easily corruptible authority is not a radical stance by any means. Believing that society is incapable of functioning without living under a gun is not only a radical view but also one that hides a hatred of humanity. It is a view based on the ideal that only might makes right and that peace and liberty are impossible conditions for man to prosper in.
The state’s monopoly on violence ultimately acts as a hindrance to social cooperation and rising living standards. It is regressive in the sense that monopolies have no incentive to meet the needs of consumers. Government law enforcement is legalized force shielded by the threat of even more force. There is little accountability or repercussion for police brutality except in some extreme cases. If a victim is unable to illicit support from a media establishment intoxicated with its position as the government’s court reporter, misdeeds go unpunished. Perpetrators are then more emboldened to commit the same, and even worse, acts in the future.
In the end, law enforcement in its current form should not be looked to as a friend of peace but merely as another branch of the state’s institutionalized thuggery. There is little justice to be had if one group of individuals operates outside the rule of proper and moral law. Freedom comes not from a badge and gun but of a recognition that man has an absolute right to not be coerced against his wishes. Anything else amounts to repression of body and spirit with social degeneration as the final outcome.
I think it's absolutely shocking to hear some, as have recently said, suggest the Israeli Defense Force is worse than terrorist organizations whose entire purpose in life seems to be the murder of Jewish people and, whenever possible, unarmed and unprepared.
America is directly responsible for arming Israel with military equipment that has killed millions of innocent people so if they have that business why can people not oppose it.
I DO respect her depth of conviction for her beliefs, but Americans have NO business on either side of this, let alone trying to bodily intervene with the ugly policies between two combatants in an on going low-intensity war. (Intifada was the term at the time, as I recall)
Israel is committing a war crime by occupying Palestine and by destroying their homes so this is a war crime plain and simple.
It's a tragedy but it's one of HER own making and she never should have been there to begin with. Let the locals make peace or war and we can all fix OUR nation...not everyone else's, IMO.
Israel reaps what it sows.
Given the ferocity of the hate lately though,
Is that really the best you got?
Israeli Defense Forces are, by the name ( ) defensive in nature.
Wow, talk about hate.
If Israel ever chose to end the Palestinian problem they could do a weekend...and absolutely no one on the the Palestinian side, within the borders of greater Israel/Palestine area would survive it. It would start and be over before any Arab nation could do a thing to stop it or meaningfully intervene.
Palestinians and Arab nations have not tried kill every jew or whatever you are trying to claim. Israel is a terrorist war crime committing group and its understandable that people will retaliate to this just as the UK and US did to the Nazi's.
The Palestinians HAVE tried to do that very thing in assisting the multiple Arab nations that have attacked Israel, repeatedly. Always several nations at once and always overwhelming superiority in numbers. They've failed. Every attempt.
When this is the best argument you can come up with you must know you have a problem, they have gone 99% of the way and you are advertising how they haven't gone 100% of the way.
THAT is the difference in the end. One side COULD obliterate the other and CHOOSES not to. The OTHER side openly advocates the obliteration of the other and HAS TRIED repeatedly, yet failed.
Why do you oppose this but not Israel bombing Palestine's schools, residential areas, crucial infrastructure, roads and religious buildings? Palestine didn't start the war and so everything they do is in defense where as everything Israel is doing is an official war crime, you know the things we charged Nazis with???
bomb their buses, eateries and shopping malls? 2003 was before the Great Wall of Shame and bombings were still happening when the Palestinians could manage to pull it off.
Seems understandable, I recall Jews and Westerners celebrating when the Nazis fell and when we nuked Japan etc..
Oh...... and the Palestinians this American died to save the home of were dancing in the streets and living it up when news of 9/11 first broke.
Wow, imagine how much you would whinge if you were actually in the Palestinians positions.
It got so outrageously offensive
it has nothing to do with judaism or the jews
other than the zionists actively creating hatred, among the ignorant, and thus incapable of making the distinction,
if there are none, they create one as is the case of hamas, a mossad creation
and remind you that nationalism and state worship are IDOLATRY.
as you are backing the wrong horse so to speak
Although this globe filled with the contents of material existence is being hurled through space to ultimate destruction, the secret philosophy of the ancients taught that it was possible for the individual to free himself from the swirling mass and by right of his own divinity break through the shell of the world egg and thereby achieve individual liberation. Upon this hypothesis nearly all the mysteries of ancient antiquity were established, a notable exception being the Jewish which taught that there was no liberation for one apart from all. - Manly P Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, pg. 85, Tarcher/Penguin
Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Ben81
what concerned me in the aftermarth of this incident regarding this case, when Rachel Corrie's parents took receipt of their daughter's body they found some of her organs missing.